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5 quizzes and 50 trivia questions.
  Anatomy of a Song: "The Hippopotamus Song"   great trivia quiz  
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 10 Qns
Continuing my homage to FussBudget's great 'Anatomy of a Song' series, and for all the other Flanders & Swann fans out there, I present 'The Hippopotamus Song' (AKA 'Mud, Glorious Mud'). Enjoy!
Average, 10 Qns, Quiz_Beagle, Dec 08 07
Quiz_Beagle gold member
467 plays
  Anatomy of a Song: "The Gnu Song"   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
In homage to FussBudget's great 'Anatomy of a Song' series, I have put together a quiz on one of my favourite songs - the great Flanders & Swann 'The Gnu Song'. Enjoy!
Average, 10 Qns, Quiz_Beagle, Dec 08 07
Quiz_Beagle gold member
379 plays
  Anatomy of a Song: "Have Some Madeira M'dear?"   top quiz  
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 10 Qns
Another in the homage to FussBudget series, 'Anatomy of a Song'. This is on one of Flanders & Swann's cleverest compositions. Enjoy!
Average, 10 Qns, Quiz_Beagle, Mar 13 14
Quiz_Beagle gold member
325 plays
  Flanders and Swann    
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 10 Qns
Michael Flanders and Donald Swann were a British musical comedy team who performed their works in London and on Broadway, as well as recording several albums. Here are some questions about their songs and routines.
Average, 10 Qns, ertrum, May 16 24
ertrum gold member
May 16 24
608 plays
  Anatomy of a Song: "The Reluctant Cannibal"   popular trivia quiz  
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 10 Qns
Still in homage to FussBudget, by special request, my third Anatomy of Song is on "The Reluctant Cannibal" by the late, great Flanders & Swann. I hope you enjoy it.
Average, 10 Qns, Quiz_Beagle, Dec 09 07
Quiz_Beagle gold member
233 plays
trivia question Quick Question
According to the singer, who, if he 'had meant us not to eat people, he wouldn't have made us of meat.'?

From Quiz "Anatomy of a Song: "The Reluctant Cannibal""

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Flanders and Swann Trivia Questions

1. What was the description and age of our heroine?

From Quiz
Anatomy of a Song: "Have Some Madeira M'dear?"

Answer: Sweet seventeen

'She was young, she was pure, she was new, she was nice She was fair, she was sweet seventeen' No, she wasn't 'sweet sixteen and never been kissed', to use the cliche - neither was she prone to gallstones (female, fat, fair, forty, fertile and flatulent) - and I have no idea who on earth could be flippant and forty-seven.

2. Where was the singer seated at the beginning of the song?

From Quiz Anatomy of a Song: "The Reluctant Cannibal"

Answer: At the tom-tom

'Seated one day at the tom-tom'. A tom-tom is a type of drum without a snare.

3. Where was our hippopotamus hero standing as the song starts?

From Quiz Anatomy of a Song: "The Hippopotamus Song"

Answer: On the banks of the cool Shalimar

'A bold Hippopotamus was standing one day On the banks of the cool Shalimar' Interestingly, I could find no River Shalimar while Googling, and the only places I could find were in places like the Himalayas and India, which are noticeably hippo-free! As indeed, are the Liffey in Dublin and the Clyde in Glasgow. 'The great, grey-green greasy Limpopo river, all set about with fever trees' is the setting for the wonderful Kipling story 'How the Elephant got his trunk'.

4. 'A year ago, last Thursday I was strolling in the zoo when I met a man who though he knew the lot.' What animal's habits was this annoying man 'laying down the law about'?

From Quiz Anatomy of a Song: "The Gnu Song"

Answer: Baboons

'He was laying down the law about the habits of baboons'. I wonder if he mentioned that baboons live in groups of up to 50 animals, that the groups are known as troops and that they sleep in trees or cliffs? Or that the Arabian hamadryas female baboons pair for life with a single male (unlike the males!)

5. How had our villain enticed her into his flat (apartment)?

From Quiz Anatomy of a Song: "Have Some Madeira M'dear?"

Answer: To view his collection of stamps

'He had slyly inveigled her up to his flat To view his collection of stamps' Asking someone if they want to see your stamps or etchings or choose a puppy are all time-honoured (dishonoured?) ways of enticing people into your place. Discussions on post-modernist art is a more intellectual ploy.

6. What was the welcome shout from the kitchen?

From Quiz Anatomy of a Song: "The Reluctant Cannibal"

Answer: Come and get it!

'I heard a welcome shout from the kitchens: "Come and get it!"' I must admit, in my earlier life as a cook at a parachute centre, I did use this shout to get the diners in.

7. What time of day is the song set?

From Quiz Anatomy of a Song: "The Hippopotamus Song"

Answer: Evening

'He gazed at the bottom as it peacefully lay By the light of the evening star' The evening star is in fact, the planet Venus. Venus is also, appropriately, the Roman Goddess of Love.

8. The annoying man was also telling people 'how many spines a _________ has got'. What animal was he talking about?

From Quiz Anatomy of a Song: "The Gnu Song"

Answer: Porcupine

Porcupine spines (or quills) can be over 12 inches (30 cm) long, and they have backward facing barbs that make them very difficult to pull out. Porcupines can have over 30,000 of them as well!

9. What do Flanders and Swann have in common with the Beatles?

From Quiz Flanders and Swann

Answer: They had the same record producer, George Martin.

George Martin recorded "At the Drop of a Hat" in 1959, several years before he started recording the Beatles.

10. What did the villain not put out?

From Quiz Anatomy of a Song: "Have Some Madeira M'dear?"

Answer: The fire

'And he said as he hastened to put out the cat The wine, his cigar and the lamps' This is an example of 'Zeugma' - a Greek expression meaning 'yoking' or 'bonding', which means using one verb to refer to two different objects, or using an adjective to refer to two different nouns, even though the adjective would normally only be appropriate for one of the two. If the resulting construction changes the verb's initial meaning, it is called a syllepsis.

11. The cannibals were about to tuck in to the roast leg of which unpopular profession?

From Quiz Anatomy of a Song: "The Reluctant Cannibal"

Answer: Insurance salesman

Although I'm sure there are many fine, upstanding people in all these professions, you must admit their images are not good (and I, as a Civil Servant, should know!) My personal choice would be for politician, if I wasn't afraid of poisoning.

12. What is our hippopotamus heroine doing when we meet her?

From Quiz Anatomy of a Song: "The Hippopotamus Song"

Answer: Combing her hair

'Away on the hilltop sat combing her hair His fair Hippopotamine maid' Actually, hippos are almost hairless, but they do secrete a pink fluid, which may protect them from sunburn. She should really have been grazing, as hippos eat up to 40 kg of grass a night!

13. With such a know-all around, the singer asks him about 'that creature there', and the man responds with what?

From Quiz Anatomy of a Song: "The Gnu Song"

Answer: A h'Elk

Some people (strangely enough, quite often the ones who drop their aitches from words like hotel and hospital) put unnecessary aitches on the front of words (like elk, eland and elephant). A Heffalump was what Pooh and Piglet found (or rather didn't!)

14. Flanders and Swann wrote "Ill Wind", about the narrator's attempts to learn to play the french horn. What music did they use to set the words?

From Quiz Flanders and Swann

Answer: Mozart's fourth horn concerto

They used the rondo, including cadenzas. The song begins "I once had a whim, and I had to obey it, to buy a french horn in a second hand shop". It's on the "At the Drop of Another Hat" album.

15. What drink does our villain assert that Madeira is much nicer than?

From Quiz Anatomy of a Song: "Have Some Madeira M'dear?"

Answer: Beer

'Have some Madeira, m'dear It's really much nicer than beer' There's a tradition of selling yourself for Madeira - Falstaff was accused by Poins of exchanging his soul for a leg of chicken and a goblet of Madeira in Shakespeare's Henry IV (Part 1, Act 1, Scene 2).

16. Who 'pushed away his shell, got up from his log, and said, "I don't want any part of it."'

From Quiz Anatomy of a Song: "The Reluctant Cannibal"

Answer: Junior

'A chorus of yums ran round the table. Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum.... Except for Junior, who pushed away his shell, got up from his log, and said, "I don't want any part of it."' Junior is the reluctant cannibal of the song, and the singer's son.

17. Who told the singer what the animal really was?

From Quiz Anatomy of a Song: "The Gnu Song"

Answer: The animal in question

'I might have gone on thinking that was true If the animal in question hadn't put that chap to shame' and of course, identified himself as a Gnu. If you haven't heard this song, a lot of the comedy comes from the way the animal pronounces words - with every silent 'g' sounded 'I'm a Guh-nu', and adds 'Guh' on to all the other words that start with 'n'. He also sounds out the silent 'k' and 'w' on 'know' and 'who' - as in 'You really ought to kuh-now wuh-ho's wuh-ho'.

18. Who is the nicest work of nature in the zoo?

From Quiz Flanders and Swann

Answer: The Gnu

"I'm a gnu, spelled g n u. The (g)nicest work of (g)nature in the zoo." From "At the Drop of a Hat".

19. What French phrase does our villain mispronounce when explaining that he can't drink port?

From Quiz Anatomy of a Song: "Have Some Madeira M'dear?"

Answer: Chacun a son gout

'And port is a wine I can well do without It's simply a case of chacun a son gout' Port is supposed to give you gout (a very painful complaint) so he pronounces 'gout' (which should have an 'oo' sound) as the disease (with an 'out' sound). I told you this was a clever song. 'Honi soit qui mal y pense' is the motto of the order of the Garter and means 'Shame upon him who thinks evil of it' in Old French, 'Repondez s'il vous plait' is the RSVP at the bottom of an invitation and 'Je suis un petit champignon avec un mitrailleuse' means 'I am a little mushroom with a machine gun' which I made up to amuse myself during O-Level French (and yes, I did pass, with a B).

20. What did our hippopotamus heroine adjust as she joined him in song?

From Quiz Anatomy of a Song: "The Hippopotamus Song"

Answer: Her garter

'His inamorata adjusted her garter And lifted her voice in duet' The hussy! She was probably wearing lipstick too - see what happens when mother isn't around.

21. How does the gnu describe himself?

From Quiz Anatomy of a Song: "The Gnu Song"

Answer: The guh-nicest work of guh-nature in the zoo

He has decided he is the guh-nicest. Gnu is actually another name for the wildebeest (an antelope of the genus Connochaetes).

22. Who was "Tried by the Centre Court"?

From Quiz Flanders and Swann

Answer: A tennis umpire

"The British Umpire, on whom the sun never sets."

23. What was not something our heroine raised?

From Quiz Anatomy of a Song: "Have Some Madeira M'dear?"

Answer: Her standards

'She lowered her standards by raising her glass Her courage, her eyes and his hopes' Another zeugma or syllepsis here. The sheer lechery Michael Flanders delivers this song with has to be heard to be believed.

24. According to the singer, who, if he 'had meant us not to eat people, he wouldn't have made us of meat.'?

From Quiz Anatomy of a Song: "The Reluctant Cannibal"

Answer: The juju

'But people have always eaten people, what else is there to eat? If the juju had meant us not to eat people, he wouldn't have made us of meat.' Not an advocate of vegetarianism, then..

25. What is there nothing quite like for cooling the blood?

From Quiz Anatomy of a Song: "The Hippopotamus Song"

Answer: Mud

'Mud! Mud! Glorious mud! Nothing quite like it for cooling the blood' Though, I must admit, a chilled vodka and tonic does it for me everytime...

26. What two creatures did the gnu announce to the singer that he is guh-neither?

From Quiz Anatomy of a Song: "The Gnu Song"

Answer: Man or moose

'I'm guh-not a Camel or a Kangaroo So let me introduce I'm guh-neither man or moose Oh guh-no guh-no guh-no I'm a Gnu'. In the Terry Pratchett book "Truckers", the Nomes consider hijacking a lorry (truck) by pointing a loaded gnu at the driver.

27. In "Sounding Brass", what is "more fun than playing polo with the Duke?"

From Quiz Flanders and Swann

Answer: Playing on the status symbols

"The object is to Gunga-Din your neighbor. 'I'm a better man than you's the acid test. So man the good ship one-up Let's do a social ton-up And bang our status symbols with the best." From "At the Drop of Another Hat"

28. What does our villain carve his notches on?

From Quiz Anatomy of a Song: "Have Some Madeira M'dear?"

Answer: The butt of his gold-handled cane

'And he said as he secretly carved one more notch On the butt of his gold-handled cane' The cad! Some people are said to keep notches on their bedstead, and gunfighters purportedly carved notches on their revolvers, to indicate people they'd shot. The small totem pole I made up - that's just silly.

29. What position in the tribe does the singer hold?

From Quiz Anatomy of a Song: "The Reluctant Cannibal"

Answer: Chief assistant to the assistant chief

'To think that a son of mine should grow up to be a sissy... Me, chief assistant to the assistant chief'. I don't think there were many CEOs around at that time - or blackboards for that matter.

30. Where are they going to get this wonderful cooling substance?

From Quiz Anatomy of a Song: "The Hippopotamus Song"

Answer: The hollow

'So, follow me, follow, down to the hollow, And there let us wallow in glorious mud' Hippos live in the water by day, and come out to eat at night. They also congregate in wallows between these two places. Never get between a hippo and the water - they are very dangerous. The male spreads his dung around by twirling his tail.

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Last Updated Mar 15 2025 5:50 AM
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