23. Who said, "So what? I also paint fakes too"?
From Quiz Famous Quotes
Pablo Picasso
Pablo Picasso was born on 25 October 1881 in Malaga, Spain, and died on 8 April 1973. Pablo Picasso was a Spanish artist who made France his home for much of his adult life. He created paintings, sculptures, prints, ceramics, and theatrical designs. He is renowned for having contributed to the development and exploration of a vast range of styles, including co-founding the Cubist movement.
"Is this a genuine Picasso?" Picasso was asked to look at a painting that had been bought by a friend. Picasso examined it and said, "No, it's a fake." His pal looked distraught and said, "Oh, well, I have another genuine Picasso." Upon seeing the other picture, the artist said, "That's a fake, too." "But that's not possible", the bewildered companion retorted. "You painted it yourself; I saw you paint it." "So what?" Picasso shrugged. "I also paint fakes too," was the reply.
Ten years later, in 1967, Leonard Lyons, an American newspaper columnist and well renowned for his "The Lyons Den" column in the "New York Post", recalled the encounter, and identified Picasso's art dealer Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler as the owner of the painting.