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One of the oldest religions in the world will certainly give you some very rooted traditions. Whether it be the laws of what to eat or what not to eat or the traditions that govern what you're going to wear, these traditions make Judaism the unique and resilient religion that it is.

What do you know of Jewish traditions?

11 Traditions quizzes and 110 Traditions trivia questions.
  A Jew's Survival Guide to Christmas editor best quiz   best quiz  
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Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year -- that is, if you're Christian. If not, then take this quiz to learn how to get through the holiday and understand how it connects to Judaism. And if you're not Jewish, you might learn something!
Average, 10 Qns, adams627, Jan 25 23
Jan 25 23
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  Kashruth 101   top quiz  
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The laws of "kashruth", or fitness of food, are central to Jewish belief and a Jewish life. See if you know enough to maintain a kosher kitchen!
Average, 10 Qns, janetgool, Apr 26 22
Apr 26 22
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  Death and Mourning in Judaism   top quiz  
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Rituals and traditions are often an important source of comfort following the death of a loved one. This quiz will teach you something about Jewish traditions surrounding death and mourning.
Average, 10 Qns, janetgool, Jan 26 24
Jan 26 24
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  And Then We Eat! A Gastronomic Jewish Calendar   top quiz  
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The Jewish calendar is full of holidays and celebrations - each accompanied by a typical dish! See if you can match the holiday with the appropriate food, and learn something about the Jewish holidays in the bargain!
Average, 10 Qns, janetgool, Jun 13 24
Jun 13 24
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  My Big, Happy Jewish Wedding   great trivia quiz  
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Mazal tov, mazal tov! Come and be my guest at the happiest of events, the Jewish wedding!
Average, 10 Qns, janetgool, Sep 15 19
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  Jewish Folk-Customs and Superstitions   top quiz  
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This is my thirty-sixth quiz - so Jewish Folk-Customs and Superstitions seemed like the most appropriate topic. What is the connection to the number thirty-six? Take the quiz and find out!
Tough, 10 Qns, janetgool, Jan 07 15
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  Jewish Life Cycle Traditions   great trivia quiz  
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This quiz will test your knowledge of the Jewish life cycle from birth to death.
Average, 10 Qns, janetgool, Nov 05 17
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  The Priests of Solomon's Temple   popular trivia quiz  
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The Cohanim served as priests in the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem. This quiz is about the Cohanim in ancient times, and their modern descendants.
Average, 10 Qns, janetgool, Feb 19 16
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  How Well Do You Know Jews?    
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How well do you know the laws and the customs of the Jewish people? Do you think you can take on this quiz? Well...let's see how you go.
Average, 10 Qns, shmaya, Apr 18 18
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  Why Do They Do That?    
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I have wondered, as a Gentile, about some of the traditions of Judaism and I thought I would answer some of the questions I had with a researched quiz.
Easier, 10 Qns, einsteinII, Jun 20 14
793 plays
trivia question Quick Question
A young Jewish person looks for their "one and only" or their "match made in heaven". What is the Yiddish term for that special person?

From Quiz "My Big, Happy Jewish Wedding"

  My Momma Told Me    
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My Momma told me that when I got married I should keep a traditional Jewish household. Among our wedding gifts I found a pile of different candles and other unfamiliar objects and had to figure out what to do with them. Do you know?
Average, 10 Qns, gable, Nov 20 12
gable gold member
459 plays

Traditions Trivia Questions

1. Why does a rabbi wear a large black hat?

From Quiz
Why Do They Do That?

Answer: it is a tradition

Wearing a large black hat over a kippah or yarmulke is a tradition for Orthodox or Hasidic Jewish rabbis and may come in different types, some that are like stetsons or fedoras and some like a short top hat. ("")

2. At what age is a Jewish person when he or she first receives a blessing asking for a good marriage?

From Quiz My Big, Happy Jewish Wedding

Answer: As a tiny infant

In Jewish tradition, a baby boy is circumcised when he is eight days old, assuming he is healthy. After the procedure, the guests say, "Just as he has entered into the Covenant, so may he enter into Torah, marriage and good deeds". Similarly, at the baby-naming of an infant girl, which is usually within the first week or so following her birth, the parents are told, "May your merit bring her up into Torah, marriage and good deeds". In other words, even before the tiny infant can turn over, the family is thinking about a future spouse!

3. Two "guards" stay with the deceased immediately following death, until the time of burial. What are these guards called?

From Quiz Death and Mourning in Judaism

Answer: Shomrim

Judaism places a great emphasis on "respect for the dead", (kavod hamet). The deceased is not left alone, but is guarded by two people called "shomrim" (from the Hebrew word to guard). In addition, candles are placed by the head and feet of the deceased.

4. In my introduction, I stated that there is a connection between the number thirty-six and Jewish customs and superstitions. What is the connection?

From Quiz Jewish Folk-Customs and Superstitions

Answer: Both answers are correct

In the Jewish system of numerology, called "gematreia", every letter of the Hebrew alphabet corresponds to a number - "aleph" equals one, "bet" equals two, etc. Using this systems, the number eighteen corresponds to the word for "life". The number eighteen has thus become a lucky number in Jewish tradition, and many people give monetary gifts or donations in multiples of eighteen. Additionally, there is an old Jewish legend of thirty-six righteous men (lamed-vav in Hebrew) who are unknown to the general public, but whose good deeds preserve the world from destruction. So, as you can see, there are two good reasons for my thirty-sixth quiz to deal with Jewish customs and superstitions!

5. The ancient Cohanim who served as priests in the Temples, as well as their modern descendants, all trace their lineage back to one important Biblical figure. Which Biblical person was the father of the Cohanim?

From Quiz The Priests of Solomon's Temple

Answer: Aaron

Aaron was Moses' older brother, and came from the tribe of Levi. In Exodus 28:1 we are told "Bring close Aaron your brothers and his sons with him from among he children of Israel to become Cohanim (priests) to Me." According to Jewish tradition, only male descendants of Aaron are considered Cohanim.

6. What is the person responsible for the kashruth of a restaurant or of a food plant called?

From Quiz Kashruth 101

Answer: Mashgiach

"Mashgiah" means "supervisor". In some establishments, particularly large ones, the mashgiach is only concerned with supervising kashruth. In smaller operations, he might also be responsible for some of the preparation or cooking.

7. The person who performs the bris (ritual circumcision) of a Jewish boy is called:

From Quiz Jewish Life Cycle Traditions

Answer: mohel

A"mohel" peforms ritual circumcison. A "sandak" is the child's godfather, while a chazan is a cantor and a "macher" is Yiddish for "bigshot".

8. What exactly is Tzitzis?

From Quiz How Well Do You Know Jews?

Answer: the fringes on a four cornered garment

Some people wear these four cornered garments (called a tallit) all day, even when they're sleeping.

9. Why do Orthodox Jewish men wear sidelocks of hair, beside their ears, either twisted or loose?

From Quiz Why Do They Do That?

Answer: the Torah commands it

"You shall not round off the peyos of your head" (Leviticus 19:27). Peyos are the areas of hair in front of the ears reaching to the cheekbones on level with the nose on the side of the head. Strict definition of the Torah then leads to long side curls. (Rabbi Shraga Simmons)

10. A young Jewish person looks for their "one and only" or their "match made in heaven". What is the Yiddish term for that special person?

From Quiz My Big, Happy Jewish Wedding

Answer: Bashert

"Bashert" is a Yiddish word meaning "fate", but it is often used to mean that "one and only", or "a match made in Heaven". The business of finding the right match, or one's "bashert", is taken quite seriously in Jewish tradition. The Midrash tells of a woman who came to a rabbi , and asked "If G-d made the heavens and earth in six days, then what has He been doing since then?" The rabbi replied, "Making matches!". The wrong answers: "shadchan" is a matchmaker, "chatan" is a bridegroom, and "kala" is a bride.

11. Ten days after Rosh Hashanah is Yom Kippur, which, of course, is a fast day! But right on its heels is the holiday of Succoth. What is special about meals eaten on Succoth?

From Quiz And Then We Eat! A Gastronomic Jewish Calendar

Answer: They are eaten in a succah, or temporary booth.

Succoth, the harvest holiday, is characterized by the building of a succah, a temporary shelter with a leaf-covered roof, constructed in the garden or on a balcony or roof. One of the commandments of this lovely holiday is to eat all meals in the succah.

12. What is the meaning of the term "parve"?

From Quiz Kashruth 101

Answer: A food that contains neither meat nor milk.

"Parve" means something that is neither meat nor milk, such as fruit, vegetables, or grains. These foods may be eaten with either meat or milk foods.

13. A baby girl's name is traditionally given...

From Quiz Jewish Life Cycle Traditions

Answer: during the Torah reading service in the synagogue

The father of the baby girl is called to the Torah, the baby and the mother are given a blessing, and the child's name is announced.

14. Why are Jewish boys circumcised?

From Quiz Why Do They Do That?

Answer: God commanded it

The Brit milah or "Covenant of Circumcision" arose from a tradition reaching back to Abraham who was told by God to circumcise himself and his son and his men as a devotion to God and that all boys would be circumcised in the future at age eight days. (Ariela Pelaia)

15. One gift box had some small aluminum cups made out of the same material as a caterer's roasting pan but about an inch deep with a three-inch flared edge. What do I do with these?

From Quiz My Momma Told Me

Answer: Use them to line Shabbat candlesticks

Tradition dictates that Shabbat candles are not moved after they are lit and are allowed to burn down until they self-extinguish. These liners protect the inside of your silver candlesticks and also make it easier to remove any wax which may remain. They can also protect your tablecloth from dripping candle wax.

16. The lucky couple have finally found one another! In many cases, an engagement party will precede the wedding. What do the mothers of the bride and groom customarily do at the engagement party?

From Quiz My Big, Happy Jewish Wedding

Answer: Break a plate together

Breaking a plate symbolizes the seriousness of the couples' intentions towards one another. A smashed plate cannot easily be made whole again; just so, an engaged couple cannot easily renege on their promise to be married. In recent times, friends of relatives of the bride will often decorate a plate for this ceremony, knowing full well it will soon be broken into little pieces. The shards are distributed to the bride's single friends as good-luck pieces.

17. In a traditional Jewish funeral, how is the deceased buried?

From Quiz Death and Mourning in Judaism

Answer: In a plain wooden coffin or without a coffin

Jews, both rich and poor, are buried wearing plain, white shrouds and in simple wooden coffins. The coffins contain no metal so that they can deteriorate over time, allowing ash to return to ash, and dust to dust. In Israel, most civilians are buried without coffins at all; the shroud-wrapped body is simply lowered into the grave. Mourners take turns shoveling small amounts of earth onto the fresh grave, as a way of taking an active part in laying their loved one to rest. Flowers are not traditionally used in Jewish funerals, although they are sometimes used in military funerals in Israel, or if the deceased held an important public office.

18. Hanukkah is our next holiday, celebrated in winter-time, in the month of Kislev. What special foods are eaten on Hanukkah?

From Quiz And Then We Eat! A Gastronomic Jewish Calendar

Answer: Foods fried in oil.

Hanukkah celebrates the miracle of a small jar of oil, which was able to provide light in the reconsecrated temple for eight days. In order to remember and publicize this miracle, Jews light the Hanukkah candelabra for eight days and put it in the window for all to see. In addition, fried foods, such as latkes (potato pancakes) or sufganiot (a jelly doughtnut) are eaten.

19. How must eggs be handled in a kosher kitchen?

From Quiz Kashruth 101

Answer: They must be inspected for blood spots before use.

Eggs are indeed "parve", and may be eaten with either meat or milk products. However, they must be inspected before use to assure they do not contain any blood. This is usually done by breaking them into a glass first.

20. A Jewish boy has a Bar Mitzvah ceremony at which age?

From Quiz Jewish Life Cycle Traditions

Answer: 13

A girl has her Bat Mitzvah at 12. The ages of 18 and 21 have no particular significance in Jewish tradition.

21. What is a menorah?

From Quiz Why Do They Do That?

Answer: candelabrum

A menorah is a seven-branched candelabrum found in the original Jewish Temple and is a common symbol of the Jewish faith. (Jewish Virtual Library)

22. What is the name for the cute circular crystal disks that each have a 7/8-inch cutout in the middle?

From Quiz My Momma Told Me

Answer: Bobeches

A bobeche is another kind of candle drip catcher. It can be slid down over a standard candle so that it sits at the base (where the candle starts going down into the holder) and catches the melting wax before it hits your table cloth. Fancier bobeches may have holes along the edges from which prisms can be dangled.

23. A committee of volunteers assist with washing and caring for the body. What is this committee called?

From Quiz Death and Mourning in Judaism

Answer: Chevra Kadisha

"Chevra Kadisha" is Aramaic for "holy society". The "Chevra Kadisha" washes and prepares the body before the funeral, and transports the body to the cemetery. Sometimes these societies are attached to a synagogue, or to a specific community. In the United States, for example, immigrants who came from the same small town in eastern Europe would often form a Chevra Kadisha to care for the deceased of their community.

24. Tu B'shvat, or the fifteenth of the month of Shvat, often falls in February, and is a little-known holiday. What food is eaten on Tu B'shvat?

From Quiz And Then We Eat! A Gastronomic Jewish Calendar

Answer: Dried fruits.

Tu B'shvat is actually the Jewish Arbor Day, or the birthday of trees! It is celebrated in Israel by the planting of trees. It is traditional to eat dried fruits on Tu B'shvat. In recent years, some families have introduced a Tu B'shvat seder, emphasizing fruits grown in Israel.

25. At a traditional Jewish wedding,

From Quiz Jewish Life Cycle Traditions

Answer: the couple stand under a canopy called a "chuppah"

The "chuppah" can be a prayer shawl or "tallis", or can be made of flowers, a velvet cloth, or other material. In Israel, when a little child gets a small scratch or cut, the mother consoles him by saying, "It will pass by the time you get to the chuppah".

26. When is it all right to use a traffic light on Shabbat (Sabbath)?

From Quiz How Well Do You Know Jews?

Answer: If it is on a timer and will change without any action on your part

Using electronics is only forbidden if you are causing the traffic light to change. If it is going to change anyway you can use the light.

27. What is a dreidel?

From Quiz Why Do They Do That?

Answer: a child's toy

A dreidel is a child's spinning top, traditionally played with at Hanukkah. Each side has a Hebrew letter and children wager which letter will face them after the top stops spinning. The winner gets chocolate! (Ariela Pelaia)

28. What would a traditional, Orthodox couple do the week before the wedding?

From Quiz My Big, Happy Jewish Wedding

Answer: Refrain from seeing one another

While there is no law actually prohibiting the couple from seeing one another during the week prior to the wedding, there is a very strong tradition of not doing so. In some cases, the young people do not talk on the phone or use SMS or the computer to communicate. This tradition is actually quite wise; it prevents a lot of the pre-wedding jitters and tensions that plague some couples right before the wedding. Often, the couple will exchange little gifts during this week, using the good offices of friends or relatives.

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Last Updated Mar 01 2025 5:49 AM
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