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Other Astronomical Bodies Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
Other Astronomical Bodies Quizzes, Trivia

Other Astronomical Bodies Trivia

Other Astronomical Bodies Trivia Quizzes

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Fun Trivia
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? It might not even be Superman, but if it's in the sky and isn't a planet, it could well be in this sub category.
24 quizzes and 251 trivia questions.
  Sort these Astronomical Bodies    
Mystery Sort
 16 Qns
Sort these astronomical objects into common boxes.
Easier, 16 Qns, SixShutouts66, Nov 02 24
SixShutouts66 gold member
Nov 02 24
148 plays
Twinkle Twinkle Not a Star
  Twinkle, Twinkle, Not a Star...   best quiz  
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
Not all the heavenly bodies that you can see in the night sky are stars. Nebulae are the graveyards of stars, but also the birthplace of other stars. Take a look at a few nebulae and see if you can identify them by the clues.
Easier, 10 Qns, LeoDaVinci, Jun 08 21
LeoDaVinci editor
Jun 08 21
486 plays
  Oh No, I'm Trapped in a Black Hole   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Loved by science fiction writers for the possibilities they offer in the exploration of space and even time travel, black holes have long captured the interest of mankind. But what exactly are they?
Average, 10 Qns, skunkee, Dec 30 22
skunkee gold member
Dec 30 22
7139 plays
All About Nebulae
  All About Nebulae   top quiz  
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
Nebulae, one of the more beautiful objects in the galaxy, are very fascinating objects too. Test your knowledge of what makes a nebula what it is, and when you stare into the night sky, you can wonder: is it a nebula?
Average, 10 Qns, LeoDaVinci, Dec 09 23
LeoDaVinci editor
Dec 09 23
306 plays
  Twenty Questions About Asteroids   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
Here is the next installment on my twenty question quizzes. What do you know about those pesky asteroids?
Tough, 20 Qns, almach, May 17 21
May 17 21
2861 plays
  A Trip to a Black Hole   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The idea of black holes was first presented in the 18th century and the theories were further expanded by Albert Einstein in the early 1900s. Follow Steven's trip to a black hole to see how much you know about the theories and speculations.
Tough, 10 Qns, dijonmustard, Mar 17 21
Mar 17 21
4583 plays
  What Astronomical Object Doesn't Fit 1   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Here is a relatively easy quiz on various astronomical objects. I will list four objects, you pick the one that doesn't fit the group.
Average, 10 Qns, almach, Apr 25 19
Apr 25 19
6904 plays
  Space Tour: An Exoplanetary Expedition   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Welcome space travelers to our exoplanetary expedition. We'll visit ten unusual planets up close. Let's blast off!
Average, 10 Qns, trident, Sep 01 16
trident editor
345 plays
  Extra Solar Worlds   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
With advances in our technology, we can now detect worlds around other stars. This is a very difficult quiz, unless you are up on what's "new up there".
Difficult, 10 Qns, Almach, Jan 31 07
2084 plays
  Deep Sky Objects One   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Here is a very easy quiz for Astronomers on some popular names for clusters and nebulae. I will give you the name and you determine the Constellation it is in.
Tough, 10 Qns, almach, Feb 22 14
1534 plays
trivia question Quick Question
On May 31, 2011 a type II supernova was detected in the Whirlpool Galaxy. What was the magnitude of the supernova?

From Quiz "Whirlpool, It's Not Just an Appliance!"

  What Astronomical Object Doesn't Fit 2    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I will list four names, you determine the one that doesn't fit the group. For instance, if I list Mercury, Venus, Earth and Jupiter, which one is different? Jupiter, it is a gas giant the other three are terrestrial worlds. Have fun.
Difficult, 10 Qns, almach, Oct 27 11
3241 plays
  The New Earth - Gliese 581c   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
An earth-like planet was discovered. How much do you know about it?
Tough, 10 Qns, Boneseh, Jan 31 25
Jan 31 25
1221 plays
  Exoplanets   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a tough quiz on the strange new worlds being discovered around other stars - the exoplanets.
Tough, 10 Qns, SpudKiwi, Sep 19 23
Sep 19 23
1010 plays
  M1: The Crab Nebula   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Welcome to FunTrivia's very own Messier Marathon! A Messier Marathon, named after French astronomer Charles Messier, is an telescopic journey to try and locate all 110 Messier objects. Our first port of call is M1, also known as the Crab Nebula.
Average, 10 Qns, PolskaMan, Apr 28 16
1216 plays
  Deep Sky Objects Two   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is another, fairly easy quiz on deep sky objects. I will give you the nebula or cluster and you determine the Constellation it is in.
Tough, 10 Qns, almach, Aug 07 08
1229 plays
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Many times in the past, life on Earth has been severely affected by impacts of asteroids. It can, and it will, happen again. The only question is when.
Difficult, 10 Qns, arcturiusx, Jun 15 22
Jun 15 22
1468 plays
  M's of the Messier Marathon   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Hi, The famous astronomer Charles Messier compiled a list of objects in the night sky. Today astronomers attempt to locate and identify those objects Messier observed. This annual event is known as the Messier Marathon.
Average, 10 Qns, beterave, Jun 28 10
899 plays
  Mad About Meteors    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Meteors fly through the sky, but how much do we know about them here on Earth?
Tough, 10 Qns, bigdaddypanda, Nov 20 14
913 plays
  Galaxy Names   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Astronomy buffs should like this quiz. I will name a galaxy and you determine the Constellation. I will start this one off with an easy one.
Tough, 10 Qns, almach, Mar 15 10
1620 plays
  Messier Marathon Madness   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Hi,these questions all pertain to the Messier Marathon. The Messier Marathon is an annual event held in the early spring.It is an attempt to identify all of the objects the French astronomer Messier viewed. Enjoy it, Beterave
Average, 10 Qns, beterave, Jul 01 12
570 plays
  Whirlpool, It's Not Just an Appliance!    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is centered on the Whirlpool Galaxy. So please keep your hands and feet inside the washing machine...I mean spaceship as we fly through the Whirlpool!
Average, 10 Qns, Nammage, Jun 25 18
Nammage gold member
Jun 25 18
228 plays
  Deep Sky Objects Three   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a little harder quiz on Astronomy. I will give you the popular name of the object and you determine the Constellation.
Tough, 10 Qns, almach, Jun 11 03
945 plays
  Around our local cluster of galaxies    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Hello! You and your crew are on a mission outside this galaxy! You go around but the space gods don't allow you to go from galaxy to galaxy unless you know its name or a fact about it.
Average, 10 Qns, Pokeman2001, Aug 12 13
324 plays
  Deep Sky Objects Four    
Multiple Choice
 5 Qns
Here is one more test on deep sky objects. I name the object and you determine which Constellation it is in.
Difficult, 5 Qns, almach, May 10 06
1188 plays

Other Astronomical Bodies Trivia Questions

1. M1 is 6500 light years away in the constellation Taurus. It is also known as?

From Quiz
M's of the Messier Marathon

Answer: the Crab Nebula

The Crab Nebula is the first object in the Messier Marathon. When Messier first observed M1, it was considerably much brighter. Now a 12" catadioptric is needed to view it.

2. How many objects are in the Messier Marathon?

From Quiz Messier Marathon Madness

Answer: 110

Charles Messier's catalog contains 110 objects. How many you find in the Marathon is the real challenge.

3. In what constellation does M1 appear to be located?

From Quiz M1: The Crab Nebula

Answer: Taurus the Bull

The constellation Taurus is a winter constellation, which means that it is not visible in the summer. Within the stellar bull, M1 lies northwest of the star Zeta (æ) Tauri.

4. What is the name of the star that Gliese 581c orbits?

From Quiz The New Earth - Gliese 581c

Answer: Gliese 581

The planets orbiting Gliese 581 are Gliese 581b, Gliese 581c, and Gliese 581d. There is no Gliese 581a so there is no confusion with the star itself.

5. What constellation was the first extra solar planet found in?

From Quiz Extra Solar Worlds

Answer: Coma Berenices

The star HD 114762 has the first confirmed planet. Coma Berenices is a rather small constellation in the northern hemisphere. The planet was discovered in 1989. Having 11 times the mass of Jupiter, it is just under the brown dwarf limit (which is around 13 Jupiter masses). The planet, HD 114762 b, orbits in about 84 days.

6. In 1992, astronomers Aleksander Wolszczan and Dale Frail found the first exoplanets around what unusual object?

From Quiz Exoplanets

Answer: A pulsar

The stylishly named pulsar PSR 1257+12 is believed to be a supernova remnant, meaning that the four planets discovered either survived a huge stellar cataclysm or were formed from supernova debris.

7. The first asteroid, 1 Ceres, was discovered on Jan 1, 1801. Who discovered it?

From Quiz Twenty Questions About Asteroids

Answer: Giuseppe Piazzi

1 Ceres was not only the first asteroid discovered, it is also the largest known asteroid being some 933 kilometers long. It is sometimes referred to as a dwarf planet. The planet Uranus was only discovered 20 years earlier. Giuseppe Piazzi was born at in Valtellina, on July 16, 1746. He died at Naples, on July 22, 1826.

8. The Andromeda Galaxy is in what Constellation?

From Quiz Galaxy Names

Answer: Andromeda

A no brainer! This galaxy is larger than the Milky Way (our Galaxy) and can be seen with the unaided eye at a dark sky site.

9. The Keyhole Nebula is in what Constellation?

From Quiz Deep Sky Objects Four

Answer: Carina

The Keyhole Nebula is part of the Eta Carinae Nebula.

10. The Wild Duck Cluster is in what constellation?

From Quiz Deep Sky Objects Three

Answer: Scutum

This is a very rich open star cluster, easily visible in binoculars but stunning in a scope. It is also known as M11 and NGC 6705.

11. The North American Nebula is in what constellation?

From Quiz Deep Sky Objects Two

Answer: Cygnus

This one does resemble the North American continent. It is best seen in a dark sky site with large binoculars. It is also known as NGC 7000.

12. The Crab Nebula is in what constellation?

From Quiz Deep Sky Objects One

Answer: Taurus

The Crab Nebula, also known as M1 and NGC 1952. This is the remains of a supernova explosion that was witnessed by the Chinese on July 4, 1054.

13. What type of galaxy is the Whirlpool?

From Quiz Whirlpool, It's Not Just an Appliance!

Answer: Spiral

There are three main components to a Spiral Galaxy: the bulge, which is a spherical formation found in the center of the galaxy. The halo is located encircling the bulge. Then there's the disk which encompasses some of the halo, around the edges. The bulge has older stars while the halo is filled with globular clusters. The disk has younger stars and is also made up of dust and gas. Lenticular galaxies are a rarer subtype; they are in the middle between elliptical and spiral in shape.

14. M13 is easily found in the constellation Hercules.It is classified as a ...

From Quiz M's of the Messier Marathon

Answer: globular cluster

M13 is probably the most interesting globular cluster seen in the northern hemisphere.

15. Astronomers from which nation are noted for observing the supernova in 1054 and then recording it?

From Quiz M1: The Crab Nebula

Answer: China

The supernova explosion (which occurs only once per century per galaxy) was bright enough to be seen in the daytime. 1731 was the year the nebula itself was first observed, by English astronomer John Bevis.

16. Within just a few miles, Steven will be crossing the "boundary of no return". What is another name for this outer boundary of the black hole?

From Quiz A Trip to a Black Hole

Answer: event horizon

The event horizon is in the shape of a sphere, and, to an observer, would appear black. The event horizon is not a physically solid feature of the black hole, but it does hide all that goes on inside because light cannot escape from within.

17. The closest star that has a known planet is 10.5 light years away. Which star is it?

From Quiz Extra Solar Worlds

Answer: Epsilon Eridani

It takes this planet almost seven of our years to make one revolution around its parent star. The planet is about 1.5 times the mass of Jupiter. Epsilon Eridani is the 10th closest star system to Earth. Proxima Centauri is the nearest star to our Sun, 16 Cygni is about 55 light years away and 51 Pegasi is about 50 light years away.

18. The most famous meteor shower is the Perseids. What is its other name?

From Quiz Mad About Meteors

Answer: Tears of Saint Lawrence

This spectacular shower is named after a martyr in early Rome. He was burned on an open stove in 258 AD. Another famous meteor shower, the Leonids, inspired this section of "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner", by Samuel Taylor Coleridge: The upper air burst into life! And a hundred fire-flags sheen, To and fro they were hurried about! And to and fro, and in and out, The wan stars danced between And the coming wind did roar more loud, And the sails did sigh like sedge; And the rain poured down from one black cloud; The Moon was at its edge

19. 51 Pegasi b is the first exoplanet discovered around a sun-like star. It has an orbital period of only 4 earth days and is thus known as the prototype of what kind of planet?

From Quiz Exoplanets

Answer: Hot Jupiter

Hot Jupiters, or 'roasters' are so close to their parent stars that they are literally boiling. 51 Pegasi b is similar in size to Jupiter, with a star-skimming planetary temperature estimated at 1000 degrees Celsius.

20. The Black Eye Galaxy is in what Constellation?

From Quiz Galaxy Names

Answer: Coma Berenices

The spiral galaxy is also known as M64.

21. The Flame Nebula is in what Constellation?

From Quiz Deep Sky Objects Four

Answer: Orion

The Flame Nebula (unlike it's name) is not that bright. It is near the Horsehead Nebula and it is also known as NGC 2024.

22. The Bubble Nebula is in what constellation?

From Quiz Deep Sky Objects Three

Answer: Cassiopeia

The Bubble Nebula is also known as NGC 7635.

23. The Owl Nebula is in what constellation?

From Quiz Deep Sky Objects Two

Answer: Ursa Major

This is faint, but one of the largest planetary nebulae known. It is also known as M97 and NGC 3587.

24. The Swan Nebula is in what constellation?

From Quiz Deep Sky Objects One

Answer: Sagittarius

This bright diffuse nebula is also known as the Omega Nebula, the Horseshoe Nebula as well as M17 and NGC 6618.

25. What do astronomers believe is at the heart of the Whirlpool Galaxy?

From Quiz Whirlpool, It's Not Just an Appliance!

Answer: A black hole

This conjecture has been made by NASA in 1992 based on an image taken of the Whirlpool Galaxy that the center is a black hole. The image has been famous as "X marks the spot". The "x" is a silhouette that appears across the galaxy's nucleus and results from the redistribution of gas, dust and stars caused by the black hole's gravity.

26. The Dark Planet: The exoplanet TrES-2b is the darkest planet discovered so far, darker than coal. Mercury, the darkest planet in our solar system, reflects 10% of light. How much light does TrES-2b reflect?

From Quiz Space Tour: An Exoplanetary Expedition

Answer: 1%

Scientists have proposed that gaseous sodium and titanium oxide are responsible for the darkness of this planet, but there is no way to know for sure at this point. Some other explanation is possible. The planet is believed to be a gas giant similar to Jupiter, but hotter.

27. Orion's Nebula is designated as what in Messier's catalog?

From Quiz M's of the Messier Marathon

Answer: M42

M42, Orion's Nebula can easily be seen with the unaided eye.

28. The Messier Marathon for those living in the northern hemisphere takes place when?

From Quiz Messier Marathon Madness

Answer: late March to early April

The earliest or latest window for this event is late March till early April. All 110 Messier objects should appear in the night sky between dusk till dawn.

29. What type of star is Gliese 581c's sun?

From Quiz The New Earth - Gliese 581c

Answer: Red dwarf

Red dwarfs are much cooler and smaller than other stars. They also burn their hydrogen at a slow rate, meaning they can last for billions, and even trillions of years!

This is category 5969
Last Updated Mar 29 2025 5:46 AM
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