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Angiosperms and Gymnosperms Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
Angiosperms and Gymnosperms Quizzes, Trivia

Angiosperms and Gymnosperms Trivia

Angiosperms and Gymnosperms Trivia Quizzes

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32 quizzes and 334 trivia questions.
Grass Glorious Grass
  Grass, Glorious Grass   best quiz  
Photo Match
 12 Qns
This quiz features twelve pictures of members of the diverse and abundant grass family, Poaceae. Best of luck in identifying all twelve.
Average, 12 Qns, jonnowales, Jun 15 24
jonnowales gold member
Jun 15 24
186 plays
Cosmopolitan Conifers
  Cosmopolitan Conifers   popular trivia quiz  
Label Quiz
 12 Qns
Conifers include some of the world's mightiest and most beautiful tree species. Found on most continents, they truly deserve the epithet of "cosmopolitan". The names and the hints should help you to place each tree in the correct spot on this world map.
Average, 12 Qns, LadyNym, Oct 13 24
Recommended for grades: 11,12
LadyNym gold member
Oct 13 24
67 plays
  Barking Up the White Tree    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
For Tolkien it was The White Tree of Gondor, for Martin the Weirwood, and we have our very own alabastrine arborous beauties! Can you match up the trees known for white bark or blooms? If you're stuck look for "easter eggs".
Average, 10 Qns, sally0malley, Oct 21 23
sally0malley gold member
Oct 21 23
219 plays
The Brassica Family
  The Brassica Family   great trivia quiz  
Photo Match
 10 Qns
The brassica family includes a large variety of edible plants in the cabbage and mustard families. Can you match these photos to the common name of the plant?
Average, 10 Qns, rossian, Jun 22 23
rossian editor
Jun 22 23
377 plays
We Tree Kings
  We Tree Kings   best quiz  
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
Tallest, broadest, oldest. Trees are record-breakers of the natural world. This quiz will explore some of the species that appear in the prestigious roster of superlative trees.
Easier, 10 Qns, LadyNym, Nov 02 22
Recommended for grades: 11,12
LadyNym gold member
Nov 02 22
293 plays
Tree and Leaf
  Tree and Leaf   top quiz  
Photo Match
 10 Qns
Titled after a book by nature-loving J.R.R. Tolkien, this quiz will test your knowledge of the foliage of some fairly common trees found in the temperate regions of the world. Can you match each tree to its leaves?
Average, 10 Qns, LadyNym, Aug 07 23
LadyNym gold member
Aug 07 23
199 plays
Magical Trilliums
  Magical Trilliums   great trivia quiz  
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
One Spring afternoon I took my family on a hike north of Toronto and we stumbled across a magical wonderland of fields of trilliums in full bloom. See what you know of this magical flower.
Average, 10 Qns, LeoDaVinci, Jul 13 20
LeoDaVinci editor
Jul 13 20
213 plays
The Forest was Petrified
  The Forest was Petrified   popular trivia quiz  
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
Forests of the world are many and varied. The forests of our world are vital to our survival as a species. Let's take a walk into the forest of knowledge and find out just how much you know about the forests of the world.
Average, 10 Qns, dcpddc478, Jan 31 25
Jan 31 25
760 plays
Forest Trees
  Forest Trees    
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
We find ourselves wandering in this beautiful forest that happens to house some amazing trees.
Average, 10 Qns, gme24, Feb 24 24
gme24 gold member
Feb 24 24
422 plays
  The Fascinating World of Carnivorous Plants   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I just got through writing a research paper on carnivorous plants for my English class. This quiz first covers specific plants' prey-catching and digestion methods and the last part is on various aspects of different plants.
Average, 10 Qns, sassy111, Oct 11 20
Oct 11 20
2194 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What is the science of dating through tree-ring growth called?

From Quiz "The Importance of Trees"

  Seedy Section of the Forest   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Seed plants are everywhere you look! All flowering plants are seed plants, as well as corn, wheat, and just about all trees. So see how much you know about them! This quiz is a bit intense on the biology, but you can do it!
Average, 10 Qns, CellarDoor, May 15 14
CellarDoor gold member
3449 plays
  Not Just For Decoration    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Being pretty isn't enough to save some poor plants from being mercilessly trampled on, eaten and used by humans and animals alike. Some plants took a decisive stand... these plants are not just for decoration.
Average, 10 Qns, malik24, Jan 11 19
Jan 11 19
530 plays
  The Universal Language of Plant Names   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Plants usually have two names - their common name and a Latin one. The Latin one tells you more about the plant than the common name and also provides a universal language for horticulturalists. So here's a quiz to help you understand them better.
Average, 10 Qns, greybrow, Jun 17 12
2890 plays
  All About Bamboo   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
All you ever needed to know about Bamboo, but were afraid to ask.
Tough, 10 Qns, ozzz2002, Feb 26 04
ozzz2002 gold member
1046 plays
  Fruits and Nuts    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Do you think you know your fruits and nuts? Match the fruit or nut tree with the appropriate Genus.
Easier, 10 Qns, bernie73, Dec 22 21
bernie73 gold member
Dec 22 21
350 plays
  Pulp Facts: Truly Tremendous Trees   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Trees enrich our lives in so many ways. They provide us with food, oxygen, shade and beautiful vistas. With this quiz, I honor some of our world's most noteworthy trees.
Average, 10 Qns, heinous_j, Mar 15 16
2074 plays
  Once Upon a Thyme    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
A botanical quiz about members of the Lamiaceae family.
Easier, 10 Qns, SBH, Mar 06 16
445 plays
  Artichokes - Globe or Jerusalem?    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Despite the similarity of their names, Cynara cardunculus and Heliolanthus tuberosus are in fact quite distinct members of the Asteraceae (daisy) family. Can you identify which of them is described by each statement?
Tough, 10 Qns, looney_tunes, Sep 24 16
looney_tunes editor
164 plays
  I Hate Blackberries!   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Does "blackberry" make you think of pies and jams? Well, meet the Himalayan blackberry. This noxious, invasive weed will quickly become the plant that you love to hate. You'll never look at one of those juicy berries the same way again.
Tough, 10 Qns, crisw, Apr 28 21
crisw gold member
Apr 28 21
820 plays
  Name That Fruit -- Botanically Speaking    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
We all know the names of many kinds of fruits, but what are their botanical names? Take this test of botanical knowledge.
Tough, 10 Qns, triviadoctor, Nov 24 11
975 plays
  Plant Taxonomy    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz focuses on plants.
Average, 10 Qns, tigress, Mar 01 16
2518 plays
  The Importance of Trees    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The following questions on trees cover, broadly, how they live, their importance to our Environment and some interesting facts.
Tough, 10 Qns, Dreamweave, Jul 22 21
Jul 22 21
1687 plays
  A Partridge in a Pear Tree    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
All of these trees I am going to write about have neither a partridge or a pear in/on them. Known as the "lungs of the world", trees play a very important part to us all in that they give us food, medicines, industrial goods and many other things.
Average, 10 Qns, playmate1111, Feb 24 24
Feb 24 24
392 plays
  Field Crops    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
A cold wet spring has given me some time to write this quiz.Here are some general questions on field crops in North America.
Average, 10 Qns, farmerjoe, Sep 04 21
Sep 04 21
1804 plays
  Wild Flowers, Who Am I    
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
I love all sorts of wildflowers and I hope you do too. I have enough for maybe a few other quizes like this one.
Tough, 20 Qns, AmandaLG, Sep 06 22
Sep 06 22
1519 plays
  British Flowers: Historical Culinary Uses    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
Third quiz of my three quiz set on the wild flowers of the British Isles. How much do you know about the historical culinary uses of our native flora?
Average, 15 Qns, Flapjack44, Feb 08 19
Feb 08 19
603 plays
  Herbal Terminology    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Herbs have been used in many ways since pre-historic times. They have been used as medicine, food, and dyes. This quiz will test your general botanical knowledge.
Average, 10 Qns, jtcarrot, Jul 03 16
1401 plays
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Leaves and their wonderful history. You may learn something.
Average, 10 Qns, dicentra, Jun 29 22
Jun 29 22
1180 plays
  Fun Fig Facts    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I love figs! Once you've taken this quiz maybe you'll be a fig fanatic too.
Tough, 10 Qns, aimlu, Sep 30 10
670 plays
  Name That Fruit!    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Most people think they know what a fruit is and may think they know what class to put each one in. But botanists (scientist who study plants) have their own system. Take this quiz and see how much you really know about fruits.
Difficult, 10 Qns, karpos, May 22 06
1525 plays
  Plants in the Family Ancardiaceae    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
A quiz about poison ivy and other plants in the family Ancardiaceae.
Average, 10 Qns, Akiko, Aug 25 20
Aug 25 20
666 plays
  Redwood Adaptations    
Multiple Choice
 5 Qns
This is all about those tall, majestic beauties, the redwood trees. May be a bit tough for the general public, but you be the judge.
Tough, 5 Qns, Joolz, Apr 12 18
574 plays

Angiosperms and Gymnosperms Trivia Questions

1. Nepeta is a genus of flowering plants within the family Lamiaceae that secretes a compound called nepetalactone. What does nepetalactone do? (Ask Sylvester if you're stumped!)

From Quiz
Once Upon a Thyme

Answer: Makes cats euphoric

Nepeta is the genus of over 250 catnip or catmint plants. Apart from its strange powers over cats, catnip is harmless to humans and other animals. It can be made into a relaxing tea. (By the way, "Sylvester" is a well known cartoon cat.)

2. Where would you find the oldest, officially dated, tree in the world?

From Quiz A Partridge in a Pear Tree

Answer: California

Its nickname is Methuselah and in 2012 was estimated to be 4843 years old. Pinus Longaeva, which is a bristlecone pine tree was estimated by experts to be the oldest tree in the world and is in the Californian Inyo National Forest. Its whereabouts are kept secret for fear of vandalism and disturbance of the ecosystem. Prior to Methuselah, another bristlecone pine tree named Prometheus, estimated to be in excess of 5000 years old, came to a tragic end in 1964 when a geography student named Donald Currey was given permission to cut down an old tree for his research. Unfortunately, he chose poor old Prometheus!

3. Sporting innocuous white flowers, a plant of the genus conium was once used to kill ancient Greek philosopher Socrates. Causing death by paralysis and cardiac arrest, what is this plant's name?

From Quiz Not Just For Decoration

Answer: Poison hemlock

Poison hemlock thrives in damp ground and thus can often be found near streams or near roads. Although it is native to Europe it has found its way all around the world, and every part of it is toxic to humans to some degree when ingested. It should not be mistaken for water hemlock (cicuta), which, although similarly named, has different toxic components. Poison hemlock's main chemical, coniine, causes paralysis by acting on the brain and blocking neural pathways which trigger muscular movements. This can eventually affect and block the respiratory system and cardiac systems and become fatal - if we cannot breathe or circulate blood, we will die. However, if caught reasonably quickly, it can be treated by flushing the gastrointestinal system and administering activated charcoal. Socrates' famous poisoning is a well-known story. It is said that he, as a moral and social critic, disagreed with the Athenian political system at the time. He believed he was wiser than the general Athenian populace because he knew he was ignorant, and claimed they did not, which inspired their ire. For this and his beliefs on religion, he was tried and sentenced to death by majority vote. Although it is believed he could have escaped death, as his comrades could have broken him free, it is said he embraced it, freely drinking the concoction of poison hemlock that gradually numbed his body and sent him to the grave.

4. What is the Latin name for the common fig?

From Quiz Fun Fig Facts

Answer: Ficus carica

There are over 800 species of figs.

5. Most of us enjoy eating corn on the cob in the summer. But what type of fruit is corn?

From Quiz Name That Fruit -- Botanically Speaking

Answer: caryopsis

A caryopsis is a dry fruit (a fruit with a hard texture) that is indehiscent (fruit does not open when it matures) and is composed of a single carpel (female reproductive organ of the flower) in which the pericarp (tissue surrounding the seed) sticks tightly to the seed. Wheat and rice are other plants that have caryopsis fruits.

6. The Himalayan blackberry has become a dreaded and despised weed across the world. Where have they not spread their spiky tendrils?

From Quiz I Hate Blackberries!

Answer: Mexico

Himalayan blackberry prefers wet soils, so the Pacific Northwest in the US has the most gigantic infestations. But many other areas and countries have been invaded as well, including New Zealand, Australia, South America, South Africa and parts of Asia.

7. Technically, bamboo is classified as what type of plant?

From Quiz All About Bamboo

Answer: A Grass

Bamboos belong to the taxonomic family Gramineae (grasses), sub-family Bambusoideae (bamboo). Just imagine, 40 metre-tall grass!

8. What does the term N.P.K. mean to a farmer?

From Quiz Field Crops

Answer: Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium

Nitrogen,Phosphorus, Potassium are the three main elements in fertilizer and in the soil required for plant growth. When buying fertilizer a farmer will order based on his N.P.K. requirements.

9. The flowers of the red variety of this plant family were made into a potent wine.

From Quiz British Flowers: Historical Culinary Uses

Answer: Clover

They were also used to formulate a syrup to relieve whooping cough.

10. The leaves of this amazingly fast growing weed are edible.

From Quiz Leaves

Answer: kudzu

It is also used for cattle food and compost.

11. What is the scientific name of the coastal redwood?

From Quiz Redwood Adaptations

Answer: Sequoia sempervirens

The Metasequoia glyptostroboides is the scientific name for the Dawn redwood, the Sequoiadendron giganteum is the scientific name for the Giant sequoia, and Giganteus sequoius is something I made up to be obnoxious. Ain't I a stinker?

12. Believe it or not, the development of seeds was a major step in the evolution of plants. First to develop were 'naked' seeds (not surrounded by fruit), which can be found among the conifers and other plants of what taxonomic division?

From Quiz Seedy Section of the Forest

Answer: gymnosperms

The word 'gymnosperm' is derived from the Greek: 'gymno,' naked, and 'sperm,' seed.

13. Which African tree is known as the "upside down tree"?

From Quiz A Partridge in a Pear Tree

Answer: Baobab

The Baobab tree, Latin name Adansonia digitata, which is widely grown throughout many countries in Africa, is known as the "upside down tree" because of its strange way of growing. It is deciduous and when it is bare of leaves, the branches look like roots growing up in the air. The baobab produces fruits which contain an edible pulp known as monkey bread. The height of the Baobab ranges from 5 metres to 20 metres and the hollow trunks have been known to have been used as prisons, housing, storage barns, bus shelters and even "Loos with Views".

14. A beautiful yet toxic bush of the Nerium genus prefers to live in warm subtropical regions but has found its way all around the world. With tubular five-leaved flowers to look out for, which plant is this?

From Quiz Not Just For Decoration

Answer: Oleander

Despite its toxicity, this plant was, perhaps surprisingly, reported to be the cause of 'only' three human deaths between 1985 and 2005. Nonetheless, it can cause unpleasant symptoms such as vomiting, circulatory problems and irregular heartbeat. Plus, it is reported to have an acrid, unappealing taste, so it is not a gastronomic pleasure to consume. However, it's not all bad news - the plant has been considered for use in treating certain cardiac conditions such as atrial fibrillation, and it has been used as a folk medicine for many years. In addition, oleander can make an aesthetically appealing ornamental shrub, as long as it is handled with care.

15. Some people think that fig trees smell like

From Quiz Fun Fig Facts

Answer: cat urine

This smell helps to attract fig eating bats and birds.

16. It's the middle of summer and my passion flower is in full bloom with wonderful blue flowers (it is the variety known as "Constance Elliot"). This means that its Latin name is Passiflora...

From Quiz The Universal Language of Plant Names

Answer: caerulea

The other options are: aurea - yellow, e.g. golden bamboo (Phyllostachis aurea); phoenicea - purple or scarlet, e.g. scarlet gum (Eucalyptus phoenicea) and viridis - green, e.g. green hellebore (Helleborus viridis)

17. No one likes having those pesky dandelions growing in their lawn. What type of fruit do they have?

From Quiz Name That Fruit -- Botanically Speaking

Answer: achene

An achene, like a caryopsis, is a dry fruit that is indehiscent and composed of a single carpel. Unlike a caryopsis, the pericarp does not stick to the seed. Sunflowers also have achene fruits.

18. What area has the dubious honor of being the original home of the Himalayan blackberry?

From Quiz I Hate Blackberries!

Answer: Armenia

One of several scientific names that has been given to the Himalayan blackberry is Rubus armeniacus, due to its origins. It's more often referred to as Rubus discolor, and occasionally Rubus procerus.

19. Toxicodendron radicans, also known as Eastern poison ivy, mainly is not found further west than western Texas. Which state, west of Texas, does this poison ivy also occur in?

From Quiz Plants in the Family Ancardiaceae

Answer: Arizona

Although Arizona is typically thought of as a desert, there are lots of areas where poison ivy can flourish that are not desert.

20. What kind of fruit is an orange?

From Quiz Name That Fruit!

Answer: hesperidium

A hesperidium is a specialized or modified berry with an oily, leathery skin.

21. Which continent is home to most of the world's bamboo?

From Quiz All About Bamboo

Answer: Asia

Bamboo grows on all the world's continents with the exception of Antarctica, and will flourish in areas with as little as 750 or as great as 6000 millimetres of annual rainfall. They also seem unconcerned by altitude, with some species being found 4000 metres above sea level, in the Andes and Himalayas.

22. When speaking of "the apex" of a leaf, what is being referred to?

From Quiz Herbal Terminology

Answer: the tip

Plants dry best in the shade and in stable temperatures. While many people hang their plants upside down to dry (with the apex pointing down), it is not necessary.

23. Manure is a good source of fertilizer but what is another benefit of manure?

From Quiz Field Crops

Answer: Organic Matter

A soil with good organic matter is more fertile. As organic matter breaks down it releases nutrients for the plants. Also a soil with good organic matter content will have lots of worms that help to break down the organic matter.

24. What pink flower (multiple flowers are carried on the stem in a spike formation), was given as a reviving drink to nursing mothers in the 17th Century?

From Quiz British Flowers: Historical Culinary Uses

Answer: Sainfoin

Culpeper particularly recommended the drink, as Sainfoin was said to increase the milk yield in cattle that had eaten it! The name Sainfoin comes from the French, sain meaning 'wholesome' and foin meaning 'hay'.

25. Dolmatas are made from these leaves

From Quiz Leaves

Answer: grape

Stuffed grape leaves with rice, pine nuts, raisins, onions, herbs and meat (but not in my house) Yummy!

26. The redwood tree can reproduce by sprouting new growth from its roots and bark. The fledgling trees are known by which (singular) name?

From Quiz Redwood Adaptations

Answer: Fairy ring

Pretty cool, huh? When a redwood dies, (of natural or not so natural causes) the roots grow into new trees, creating what is dubbed a fairy ring around the site of the original tree. Visit a redwood forest sometime and check out these beautiful natural cathedrals. Redwoods also reproduce in other ways. They have seed-bearing cones like other coniferous trees. (hence the name CONiferous) Also, they can reproduce through burl. Burl is a growth on the side of a redwood tree that holds all of the 'blueprints', if you will, for a new tree. Tourist shops will sell burl that need only be placed in water to sprout. So you can have your own little redwood tree. These trees won't last very long in the wrong climate, though, so buyer beware.

27. What two main substances do trees absorb from the atmosphere?

From Quiz The Importance of Trees

Answer: trees absorb carbon dioxide and water

Through the process of photosynthesis, trees absorb carbon dioxide and water and emit oxygen.

28. Can you name the tallest known tree in the world? It is also the name of one of the 12 Titans of Greek mythology.

From Quiz A Partridge in a Pear Tree

Answer: Hyperion

The Hyperion is a coast redwood and was discovered in 2006 by Chris Atkins and Michael Taylor in the Redwood National Park in California. The measurement on record is that the Hyperion stands at 115.61 m and has a diameter of 4.84 m.

29. Castor oil has been utilised as a food preservative, additive and laxative, and has many other uses. However, it comes from a dangerous source. What is the name of the highly toxic protein present in the castor oil plant and its seeds?

From Quiz Not Just For Decoration

Answer: Ricin

The seeds of the castor oil plant contain most of its poison; however, it is also this seed which contains its highly useful oil. Unfortunately, compounds on the plant's surface can cause permanent nerve damage to the workers who handle these plants. One means of extracting the oil involves hulling (removing the outer covering) of the seeds, cooking them (which denatures the ricin) and then crushing and pressing them under high pressure and often low temperature. After this process, it can be utilised commercially. Ricin is highly toxic, but most humans will not chew their way into consuming the majority of the ricin, because the shells of the seeds are hard and indigestible, and it is those seeds which contain most of the poison. Ricin's toxicity comes from the fact that it inhibits protein synthesis. As proteins are involved in cell growth and repair, such inhibition kills cells. Whilst, for the above reasons, ricin is rarely fatal when ingested as a castor oil seed, it can still cause damage to the stomach and intestines, and can cause permanent damage to these and other organs. No antidote was found for ricin in the 20th century, meaning that simply avoiding it was the best treatment. After all, prevention is often better than the cure.

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Last Updated Mar 22 2025 5:47 AM
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