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Periodic Table Trivia Quizzes

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11 Periodic Table quizzes and 141 Periodic Table trivia questions.
  Element Symbols That Are US Postal Abbreviations editor best quiz   great trivia quiz  
Collection Quiz
 17 Qns
The states in the USA all have two-letter codes used to address mail etc. The 118 named elements also have abbreviations and 17 of them are shared with the codes used by the states. You have to pick out the elements with symbols matching the states below
Tough, 17 Qns, TonyTheDad, Dec 13 24
Recommended for grades: 12
TonyTheDad gold member
Dec 13 24
304 plays
  Scientists Honoured   best quiz  
Collection Quiz
 14 Qns
Elements Named for Scientists
Of the many elements on the Periodic Table, several of them are named for scientists. Though many of these great names have contributed to chemistry, not all of them have been honoured. Can you identify the ones who have?
Average, 14 Qns, LeoDaVinci, Feb 04 24
LeoDaVinci editor
Feb 04 24
418 plays
  The Elements   top quiz  
Mystery Sort
 16 Qns
No - not Euclid's "Elements", Dmitri Mendeleev's! In 1869 he proposed a way of organizing the pure substances that are found on earth. The periodic table was born!
Easier, 16 Qns, ponycargirl, Nov 28 23
ponycargirl editor
Nov 28 23
469 plays
  Triple Digit Elements   popular trivia quiz  
Collection Quiz
 19 Qns
When I was a chemistry student in the 1980s, there were only 101 confirmed and named elements. In 2016, the 118th was named. Can you identify those numbered 100 or above?
Average, 19 Qns, MariaVerde, Nov 17 24
MariaVerde gold member
Nov 17 24
156 plays
  Misleading Names   best quiz  
Collection Quiz
 10 Qns
Most elements can be readily identified by their chemical symbols, but there are a few that are misleading. You need to identify them in this quiz.
Very Easy, 10 Qns, ozzz2002, Oct 06 23
Very Easy
ozzz2002 gold member
Oct 06 23
544 plays
  The Periodic Table    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
An unusual quiz on the elements! Light refers to lower atomic number, heavy to higher.
Difficult, 15 Qns, TonyTheDad, Feb 06 22
TonyTheDad gold member
Feb 06 22
25367 plays
  Germanium and Friends   best quiz  
Classification Quiz
 10 Qns
Distributed down the columns of the periodic table are a diverse collection of elements discovered in Deutschland. Ten are listed below, you just need to determine whereabouts on the table they can be detected - in its 'd-block' (groups 3-12) or not.
Average, 10 Qns, Fifiona81, Dec 14 22
Fifiona81 editor
Dec 14 22
134 plays
  A Category of One's Own   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Chemists group elements into categories so that members of each group have similar chemical, and often physical, properties. Can you identify the common names for the chemical family of these elements from their descriptions of themselves?
Average, 10 Qns, looney_tunes, Mar 03 13
Recommended for grades: 11,12
looney_tunes editor
2511 plays
  Novice Periodic Table of the Elements Quiz    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
These are questions on element symbols, atomic numbers, and more! This quiz is also on elements that do not go beyond argon, element 18. I hope you enjoy it.
Average, 10 Qns, CouthSKYRIM555, Aug 13 20
Recommended for grades: 9,10,11
Aug 13 20
2594 plays
  A History of the Periodic Table?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The Periodic Table of Elements was on the wall in many science classrooms. What do you remember about this strange looking chart, its development, and the valuable tool it is?
Difficult, 10 Qns, PALSC, May 10 15
3008 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What element is the most electronegative and reactive of all elements?

From Quiz "The Periodic Table"

  Periodic Trends in Chemical & Physical Properties    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Welcome to my first quiz, which is concerned with trends of elements in groups and periods of the Periodic Table.
Tough, 10 Qns, pokho, Jul 05 19
Jul 05 19
270 plays

Periodic Table Trivia Questions

1. What is oxygen's chemical symbol?

From Quiz
Novice Periodic Table of the Elements Quiz

Answer: O

None of the incorrect answers were real chemical symbols when this quiz was written. They may exist in the future if used as the final names of new elements. Oxygen is the gas required for us to live; we breathe it. If it is in a liquid state, though, you should probably avoid it. Also, it is part of the water molecule, H2O.

2. An initial step in the development of the periodic table was the identification of elements. The first scientific discovery of an element was the discovery of phosphorus by an alchemist in 1649. What was the name of this alchemist?

From Quiz A History of the Periodic Table?

Answer: Hennig Brand

Hennig Brand was an alchemist looking for the philosopher's stone when he discovered phosphorus. Robert Boyle discovered it independently in 1860. Lavoisier separated metals and non-metals. Jons Jakob Berzelius used letters to signify elements.

3. What is the heaviest of the naturally-occurring Noble gases?

From Quiz The Periodic Table

Answer: Radon

Element 118 has been produced artificially and would fall under the Noble gas column.

4. What is hydrogen's atomic number?

From Quiz Novice Periodic Table of the Elements Quiz

Answer: 1

Hydrogen's atomic number is 1. Helium's atomic number is 2, lithium's atomic number is 3, and beryllium's atomic number is 4. Hydrogen is the lightest and most abundant element in the entire universe, and makes up almost all of a nebula's mass. Hydrogen is also used as a fuel in stars. The energy released in hydrogen fusion keeps the star from collapsing by gravity.

5. What is boron's atomic number?

From Quiz Novice Periodic Table of the Elements Quiz

Answer: 5

Carbon's atomic number is 6, nitrogen's is 7, and oxygen's is 8. Boron is the fifth element, and it is reactive, but not at a critical condition. This element is interesting, because it is very rare to find it in a state in which it is pure boron. You usually find it in boronic crystals like borax or kernite. Borax is used in fiberglass, which is a substance that will likely give anyone who touches it a rash. Fiberglass is an insulator for houses, so you will find it in attics or crawlspaces. Boron is about as toxic as table salt, and it is actually more toxic to arthropods!

6. Another attempt to classify and present elements was based on characteristics shown by elements separated by seven steps when elements are listed by relative weights. Because it was similar to musical keys on a piano this classification was called:

From Quiz A History of the Periodic Table?

Answer: The Law of Octaves

John Newland's Law of Octaves could not be applied to all elements separated by 7 periods on the list of elements, but it recognized many strong similarities. In addition Newman moved some elements from their positions to make them fit the pattern.

7. The heaviest element with a one letter atomic symbol is:

From Quiz The Periodic Table

Answer: Uranium & U

8. Nickel has an average atomic mass of 58.71, which is less than that of cobalt with 58.93. Why is nickel still after cobalt in the periodic table?

From Quiz Periodic Trends in Chemical & Physical Properties

Answer: Higher atomic number

Initially, classification of elements used to be done on the basis of the atomic weight. But given that the number of electrons is more significant in the determination of chemical and physical properties than the number of neutrons, the modern periodic law is used. The modern periodic law states that the physical and chemical properties of elements are a periodic function of their atomic numbers. An English physicist, Moseley, determined from his experiments in 1912 that the square root of frequencies of X-rays emitted by an element was directly proportional to its atomic number - forming the basis of the law. Lustrousness, oxidation states and non-metallic character don't form the basis of the classification of elements - although they still exhibit certain trends in the periodic table. Nickel and Cobalt are transition metals with atomic numbers 28 and 27 respectively. They show variable oxidation states, since for transition metals, the difference between successive ionization energies are low

9. Dmitry Mendeleev was a teacher of chemistry who began work on the periodic table in the 1860's. What nationality was he?

From Quiz A History of the Periodic Table?

Answer: Russian

Mendeleev was born and grew up un Siberia, the youngest of a large family.

10. What is sodium's chemical symbol?

From Quiz Novice Periodic Table of the Elements Quiz

Answer: Na

Sodium's chemical symbol is Na, which came from the Latin word 'natrium'. So is not an chemical symbol that currently exists. S is sulfur's chemical symbol and Sm is samarium's chemical symbol.

11. What is the lightest element, by atomic mass, with an atomic symbol not related to its English name?

From Quiz The Periodic Table

Answer: Sodium (Na)

Hydrogen, at 1.0079, is the lightest of all the elements. Sodium is 22.9897, potassium is 39.0983, iron is 55.845 and tungsten is 183.84.

12. What group is argon (Ar) found in?

From Quiz Novice Periodic Table of the Elements Quiz

Answer: 18

Argon is a very stable and nonreactive element, like the rest of the elements found in group 18. Did you know argon is the most abundant noble gas in Earth's air? All elements in group 1 are extremely reactive. Group 4 elements are reactive, but not at a high level. Group 9 elements are similar.

13. What was the first element to be produced artificially?

From Quiz The Periodic Table

Answer: Technetium

At only atomic number of 43, it is far lighter than all other artifically made elements.

14. An Al3+ cation has a smaller __ compared to the neutral Al atom.

From Quiz Periodic Trends in Chemical & Physical Properties

Answer: atomic/ionic radius

Cations have smaller sizes than the parent atoms. This is because the effective nuclear charge increases due to the loss of electrons, resulting in the outer electrons being pulled further in. This effect, along with the already existing positive charge, increases the ionization energy. As one goes across the periodic table is that, the atomic sizes reduce and the first ionization energies usually increase. The cation has 10 electrons, while the atom has 13. Both have 13 protons and, for the stable variant, 14 neutrons.

15. What does the atomic mass of an element indicate?

From Quiz Novice Periodic Table of the Elements Quiz

Answer: The number of protons and neutrons.

The atomic number tells you how many protons and electrons there are in a neutral atom of the element, and once you have the protons, then you subtract that from the atomic mass and that will tell you the AVERAGE number of neutrons there are in the element. Protons and neutrons each have one atomic mass unit, so the number of protons and neutrons will add up to the atomic mass. Electrons have 0.0005 of an atomic mass unit, so you don't usually need to worry about those.

16. Lothar Meyer produced a similar periodic table independent of Mendeleev. Why did Meyer not get the credit for the periodic table?

From Quiz A History of the Periodic Table?

Answer: Mendeleev published his periodic table in 1869.

Meyer did not predict the existence of unknown elements which Mendeleev included with his periodic table. Meyer and Mendeleev shared the Davy Medal in 1882.

17. What is the trend of electronegativity in the Halogens' group?

From Quiz Periodic Trends in Chemical & Physical Properties

Answer: Decreases as you go down

Electronegativity is the ability of atoms to attract electrons in a covalent bond. It decreases down any group, as bonding electrons are furthest from the nucleus and the nuclear attraction is reduced. Fluorine has the highest electronegativity on the Pauling Scale at 4.0

18. What is phosphorus's chemical symbol?

From Quiz Novice Periodic Table of the Elements Quiz

Answer: P

Phosphorus is very reactive, so reactive that it is not naturally found on Earth as pure phosphorus. It is usually in a white or red color, and is used in detergents, which I thought was weird when I first found out about that. If you want to collect phosphorus for some reason, buy some matches! You will find it on their heads. Another thing: it is actually part of your body itself! It is in the form of phospholipids, which is what forms cell membranes!

19. Mendeleev was recognized and popular for his work as a scientist and he was a very popular lecturer. Why did he feel it was necessary to resign his position as a professor?

From Quiz A History of the Periodic Table?

Answer: He carried a student petition to the ministry of education that was not acknowledged.

Mendeleev was very popular with the public because he was very good at teaching. He would ride third class on trains and talk to the other passengers about their farms and work and teach them relevant scientific information.

20. What element is the most electronegative and reactive of all elements?

From Quiz The Periodic Table

Answer: Fluorine

It is a pale yellow, corrosive gas, which reacts with most organic and inorganic substances. Finely divided metals, glass, ceramics, carbon, and even water burn in fluorine with a bright flame.

21. In the late 19th century the noble gasses were discovered and another column was added to the periodic table. Who is credited with discovering the Noble gasses and received the 1904 Nobel Prize?

From Quiz A History of the Periodic Table?

Answer: William Ramsey

Henry Moseley worked on determining the atomic number of each element resulting in reordering some elements. Rutherford discovered the half-life of radioactive elements. Buchanan was Ramsey's father-in law.

22. What element's three isotopes have different names?

From Quiz The Periodic Table

Answer: Hydrogen

The ordinary isotope of hydrogen, H, is known as Protium, the other two isotopes are Deuterium (a proton and a neutron) and Tritium (a protron and two neutrons). Deuterium and Tritium are both used as fuel in nuclear fusion reactors. One atom of Deuterium is found in about 6000 ordinary hydrogen atoms.

23. What element is found in diamonds?

From Quiz Novice Periodic Table of the Elements Quiz

Answer: Carbon

Diamonds are actually the strongest of many different carbon crystal forms. The carbon atoms in diamonds are built in a firm structure so it doesn't break or get damaged.

24. What element is named after Copenhagen, Denmark?

From Quiz The Periodic Table

Answer: Hafnium

Hafinia, Latin name for Copenhagen

25. Which element has close to 10,000,000 known compounds?

From Quiz The Periodic Table

Answer: Carbon

Carbon is unique among the elements in the vast number and variety of compounds it can form. With hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and other elements, it forms a very large number of compounds, carbon atom often being linked to carbon atom. There are close to ten million known carbon compounds, many thousands of which are vital to organic and life processes.

26. It was not a good idea to invest in this gas in the early 20th century. Its price went from $2500 per cu. ft. (1915) to 1.5 cents per cu. ft. (1940)

From Quiz The Periodic Table

Answer: Helium

The U.S. Bureau of Mines has set the price of Grade A helium at $37.50 per 1000 cu ft in 1986.

27. What is one of the two most abundant elements in the universe?

From Quiz The Periodic Table

Answer: hydrogen & helium & h & he

Top of the chart. 8-)

28. Mendeleev's version of the periodic table was first published in which century?

From Quiz The Periodic Table

Answer: Nineteenth

This is category 6843
Last Updated Mar 22 2025 5:46 AM
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