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Doctor Who  Series 5 Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
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Doctor Who - Series 5 Trivia Quizzes

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9 quizzes and 90 trivia questions.
  "Doctor Who" - "A Christmas Carol"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I am addicted to this epic program, and I couldn't believe how addicting "A Christmas Carol" was! Enjoy my quiz!
Average, 10 Qns, drwhomad, Oct 04 14
437 plays
  The Eleventh Hour   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Matt Smith hits our screens as the Eleventh Doctor in the first episode of the 2010 series, "The Eleventh Hour", penned by "Doctor Who" veteran and newly-appointed showrunner Steven Moffat. How much can you remember about this episode?
Average, 10 Qns, eburge, Oct 04 14
eburge gold member
856 plays
  "Doctor Who" - Series 5   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Matt Smith plays the Eleventh Doctor in this fifth series of "Doctor Who" which first aired in 2010. Watch his adventures with Amy and Rory unfold and see what you can remember. Good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Aug 06 15
kyleisalive editor
248 plays
  "Doctor Who": "Vincent and The Doctor"   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is my first quiz on one of my favorite episodes from season 5; "Vincent and The Doctor"! Have fun and good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, RoryWilliams, Oct 05 14
1054 plays
  'Doctor Who' 2010   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This a quiz containing questions from the first six episodes of the 2010 series.
Average, 10 Qns, 1madkittykat, Apr 20 16
1796 plays
  "Doctor Who" - "The Beast Below"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Hey quiz takers! Welcome to my second quiz, this quiz is about the second episode of season five of "Doctor Who" good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, Drwhovian123, Apr 14 15
269 plays
  Season 5: Name that Story! (2010)    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I will give you an event, and you will have to name the story. Two part episodes may be in the same options or different options.
Average, 10 Qns, DjangoMango27, Oct 05 14
331 plays
  "Doctor Who" - "Victory Of The Daleks"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Hello everyone, welcome to my third quiz. This quiz is about series five episode three of "Doctor Who". Have fun and good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, Drwhovian123, Apr 14 15
205 plays
  The Clock Strikes... 11!    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a quiz based on the episode 'The Eleventh Hour.'
Average, 10 Qns, themaster1, Oct 05 14
311 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What was the name of the young boy who was sent below?

From Quiz ""Doctor Who" - "The Beast Below""

Doctor Who - Series 5 Trivia Questions

1. "The Eleventh Hour" - How much time passes between when Amy first meets the Doctor and when she enters the TARDIS?

From Quiz
"Doctor Who" - Series 5

Answer: Fourteen years

The Doctor, hurtling through the atmosphere, ends up crash-landing the TARDIS in Leadworth, right into the backyard of young Amelia Pond who does her best to help the mysterious man since he might be able to figure out the mystery behind the crack in her wall. What they find is that the crack leads to another universe, and when they open it they find that a prison on the other side is missing an inmate-- 'Prisoner Zero'-- who they don't know yet, but has crossed to the other side. The Doctor has to return to the TARDIS as it begins to regenerate, promising he'll be back in five minutes, but he needs up leaving for twelve years, returning to solve the mystery when Amy, now a Kissogram dating local nurse Rory Williams, is older. They eventually do figure out that the prisoner is a malicious force and, after losing the use of the TARDIS and the Sonic Screwdriver, the Doctor is able to pull his wits together to stop the foe and send off his jailers, the Atraxi, using the rules of the Shadow Proclamation. Hipping back into the newly-reformed TARDIS and taking it for a spin, the Doctor heads back to invite Amy along, learning that another two years have passed. She accepts, but the Doctor doesn't know that her wedding is less than a day away.

2. Who called the Doctor to come and help him?

From Quiz "Doctor Who" - "Victory Of The Daleks"

Answer: Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill was the Doctor's old friend. He called him on what he said was "Urgent" and that he should come quickly.

3. What was the name of the young boy who was sent below?

From Quiz "Doctor Who" - "The Beast Below"

Answer: Timmy

Timmy was standing in line behind his friend Mandie waiting to see how he did in school for the day. Unfortunately he got a zero, which meant he had to walk home to London, but instead he tried to use a vator and was sent below.

4. Where was the monster in the painting?

From Quiz "Doctor Who": "Vincent and The Doctor"

Answer: The church window

Vincent painted the Krafayis in the window of the church in his painting "The Church of Auvers".

5. Bob is taken over by an alien and communicates with the Doctor.

From Quiz Season 5: Name that Story! (2010)

Answer: The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone

Angel Bob taunts the Doctor throughout the episode.

6. Who falls down the chimney?

From Quiz "Doctor Who" - "A Christmas Carol"

Answer: The Doctor

Matt Smith had a stunt double for this scene.

7. Who plays the 11th incarnation of The Doctor?

From Quiz The Clock Strikes... 11!

Answer: Matt Smith

Matt Smith was cast as The Doctor before the episode 'The Next Doctor' was broadcast! He was unveiled to the public in a special edition of 'Doctor Who Confidential' on the 4th of January, 2009, 362 days before he would be seen on screen as The Doctor.

8. What is Amy Pond's full name?

From Quiz 'Doctor Who' 2010

Answer: Amelia Jessica Pond

Amy's full name is revealed in the episode "The Beast Below" where the voting booth computer correctly identifies her full name.

9. Where in the TARDIS does the Doctor say the swimming pool is?

From Quiz The Eleventh Hour

Answer: Library

When the TARDIS crash lands in Amelia's garden, the Doctor hauls himself out, dripping wet. Amelia asks why he is wet. His reply is that he fell in the swimming pool in the library. Amelia doesn't believe him.

10. When the Doctor and Amy arrived, what did they open the doors to see?

From Quiz "Doctor Who" - "Victory Of The Daleks"

Answer: Guns pointed at them

When they opened the doors, they saw men with guns pointed at them. It was at that time Winston came out from behind and greeted them, attempting once again to take the TARDIS key.

11. What were the people in the boxes called?

From Quiz "Doctor Who" - "The Beast Below"

Answer: Smilers

Smileys were things or people that were in boxes. They could grade kids in school and say how they did, or be watch men. They were all around the ship, keeping things in order.

12. What color does Vincent say Amy's hair is?

From Quiz "Doctor Who": "Vincent and The Doctor"

Answer: Orange

When sitting in the cafe over a drink that Amy bought for him, Vincent comments that Amy's hair is very orange, and Amy answers that his is too. The two continue to flirt until the Doctor interrupts and asks about the church.

13. Amy is put on a dissection table by a scientist.

From Quiz Season 5: Name that Story! (2010)

Answer: The Hungry Earth

The most gruesome fact is that the Silurians do dissection without anesthetic - not pleasant.

14. What is the Doctor's message to the ship?

From Quiz "Doctor Who" - "A Christmas Carol"

Answer: "Come along, Pond."

"Come along, Pond" was first said in "Victory of the Daleks".

15. What is the name of the first episode of the 11th incarnation of The Doctor's first series?

From Quiz The Clock Strikes... 11!

Answer: The Eleventh Hour

The title is a pun of the fact that this is the 11th incarnation's first episode. It's opening sequence even sees The Doctor crashing into Big Ben! Something a Slitheen spaceship did in 'Aliens Of London'.

16. In the "Eleventh Hour" what is the name of the creatures who came to Earth looking for Prisoner Zero?

From Quiz 'Doctor Who' 2010

Answer: Atraxi

Prisoner Zero escaped from an Atraxi prison and took refuge on Earth.

17. What food does the Doctor end up eating (and enjoying)?

From Quiz The Eleventh Hour

Answer: Fish fingers and custard

Hungry from his recent regeneration, the Doctor asks Amelia for food. After going through apples (they're disgusting), yogurt (just stuff with bits in it), bacon (he thinks Amelia is trying to poison him), beans (they're evil...bad, bad beans), bread and butter (which he hurls out the front door), and carrots (to which his reply is "Are you insane?!"), he finally settles on fish fingers and custard, and happily munches away on it at the table.

18. "Victory of the Daleks" - Which former UK Prime Minister calls the Doctor back in time?

From Quiz "Doctor Who" - Series 5

Answer: Winston Churchill

Receiving a call from Winston Churchill, the Doctor and Amy head through time, back to the London Blitz in World War II, to discover that the British are using a Dalek to win the battle. Referred to as an Ironside, the Dalek proves to be a menace when the Doctor reveals his identity and alerts an orbiting Dalek ship to his presence. The Daleks make an attempt to unleash a bomb on the British forces and alert the Germans to their whereabouts, but the Doctor is able to stop both of these from being fatal. What he can't stop, however, is a fleet of newer, stronger Daleks-- created from Davros' DNA-- from emerging from the Progenitor device, the only ship to survive the destruction of the Crucible.

19. In order, what were the names of the new Dalek paradigms?

From Quiz "Doctor Who" - "Victory Of The Daleks"

Answer: Scientist, Strategist, Drone, Eternal and the Supreme

Amy and Churchill were waiting for the Doctor to return, they picked up a transmission and Dalek Supreme told all the new paradigms' names.

20. What was the name of the ship the Tardis arrived on?

From Quiz "Doctor Who" - "The Beast Below"

Answer: Starship UK

Starship UK was made over a thousand years in Amy's future. It was developed so that the people who lived in the UK would be safe from any harm.

21. Why does the Doctor think Vincent is having some sort of fit?

From Quiz "Doctor Who": "Vincent and The Doctor"

Answer: Because he's fighting a monster only he can see

Vincent and the Doctor are having coffee when they hear Amy scream from outside, they rush out only to find Amy is alone. Vincent then sees the Krafayis and tells Amy and the Doctor to run, but the Doctor stays, thinking at first he is having some sort of fit, then realizes that they are fighting a monster only Vincent can see.

22. A woman wearing a mask is surrounded by still drinking glasses.

From Quiz Season 5: Name that Story! (2010)

Answer: The Beast Below

Liz Ten surrounds herself because she reminds herself that her ship's engines are still.

23. What was Amy's response to the Doctor's message to the ship?

From Quiz "Doctor Who" - "A Christmas Carol"

Answer: "It's Christmas."

"Okay kid. This is were it gets complicated" is from "The Big Bang".

24. Within the opening sequence of this first episode, there are two continuity errors. What are they?

From Quiz The Clock Strikes... 11!

Answer: The 10th incarnation's brown pinstripe suit magically disappears & The T.A.R.D.I.S. windows are magically repaired.

During the closing minute of 'The End Of Time', The Doctor is wearing a brown pinstriped suit and the T.A.R.D.I.S. windows are smashed by the explosion. For those of you who picked another answer because 'T.A.R.D.I.S.' has dots in it... Good luck with the next question.

25. The Doctor craved many types of food as he underwent regeneration. He craved apples, yoghourt, bread and butter and beans. Which other type of food did he crave?

From Quiz 'Doctor Who' 2010

Answer: Bacon

After rejecting all his craved foods, he finally settled for fish fingers and custard.

26. What four-word phrase does the Atraxi keep repeating?

From Quiz The Eleventh Hour

Answer: Prisoner Zero has escaped.

The Doctor examines the crack in Amelia's wall, and hears noise on the other side. Listening carefully, he hears the words, "Prisoner Zero has escaped". When he opens the crack to repair it, the Atraxi guard sends the message to the Doctor's psychic paper.

27. "The Time of Angels"/"Flesh and Stone" - Amy becomes infected when a Weeping Angel imprints on her mind. How is she cured?

From Quiz "Doctor Who" - Series 5

Answer: The Weeping Angels are erased from time

Receiving a message from River Song, the Doctor and Amy have to head to the planet Alfava Metraxis to find her and the recently-crashed Byzantium spacecraft. As it turns out, a Weeping Angel has been stored in the cargo bay, and the leaking radiation will only make it stronger. In fact, its strength is enough to allow the Weeping Angel to emerge from a video loop, without a physical form, and when Amy looks into its eyes it imprints on her brain. Things only worsen when the Doctor, River Song, and Amy head into a labyrinth to find it populated almost entirely by Weeping Angels; it takes inverting gravity and heading into the Byzantium through an exit hole to get any distance, and even then they find themselves trapped. In the control room, after opening a path into a forested oxygen factory, the Doctor finds that Amy is infected with the image of a Weeping Angel and must keep her eyes closed, and a crack in the wall-- identical to the one from Amy's bedroom-- is leaking time energy. All of this proves troubling, and the Doctor can only save Amy and River using teleportation and shifts in gravity, forcing the Angels to fall into the time crack and get erased from time. This, fortunately, seals the crack...for now. After the adventure, Amy and the Doctor go back to Amy's present day and she reveals that she plans to get married in the morning. The Doctor, however, finds that her wedding date is also the date of a major time explosion.

28. Who was the head scientist in the cabinet war rooms?

From Quiz "Doctor Who" - "Victory Of The Daleks"

Answer: Prof. Edwin Bracewell

Professor Edwin Bracewell was a scientist. He made designs for the weapons they used to fight. The Daleks said that they made him, that he was a robot, then shot his hand, confirming that he was.

29. Why did the Doctor place a glass of water on the ground?

From Quiz "Doctor Who" - "The Beast Below"

Answer: To see if the water would move

The starship was traveling in space. Usually ships like it would have a engine or motor that would make the ground shake. Though when he placed the water on the ground, it stayed still.

30. What two animals did the mirror-machine think the Krafayis is?

From Quiz "Doctor Who": "Vincent and The Doctor"

Answer: A parrot and a polar bear

After rummaging through lots of junk, the Doctor finds the mirror-machine and tests it by making a goofy face into it. Then he scans the picture that Vincent painted of the monster and at first it said it was a parrot, then it switched to a polar bear.

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