3. Question 3 of my "Gears of War 2" submitted quiz is: 'What came with the disc when purchased as a Future Shop pre-order?'
Why is this question unfair/invalid?
From Quiz Video Games Quizzes 201
Pre-orders vary based on store, and most people don't live near a Future Shop.
Although one player's scenario may have involved buying the latest game as a pre-ordered copy with tons of extra features, commentaries, nic-nacs, collectables, keychains, and what-have-you, asking a question about these has no bearing on the game itself. Pre-orders have been sold through many stores (Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Toys 'R Us, etc.) and nearly every place will sell something different, maybe avoiding the sale of the item altogether. Future Shop, for example, is a Canadian-based electronics retailer. Posing a question about a pre-order from a store that millions will never visit (even in large countries such as the U. S., Australia, Japan, China, all of Europe, Africa, and Asia) is somewhat unfair.