9. This is a zombie that sprints towards you at sight, without any warning, has a fast melee attack, and is very fast, while also being very durable. What is it?
From Quiz "Dead Frontier" MMO 2
Spider Zombie
A Spider Zombie will sprint at you if you walk too close to it, if it sees you, if you fire a gun near one, or if you hit it with anything. It is the fastest non boss zombie in the game, with a very fast melee strike, and needing three shots with an M82A2 (gun with the highest DBP in the game) to kill it. A Tendril Zombie, being introduced in Precinct 13 along with the Spider Zombie, is a Zombie with tentacles with an EXTREMELY FAST melee attack, faster than that of a Spider, but it is not nearly as fast as the Spider (Be warned, it is fast enough to easily catch up to you, where it's fast strike WILL connect if you are not sprinting and have an agility skill of 50+). It takes two shots from an M82A2 to take one down (1 shot if critical hit). The Wretcher Zombie, introduced on the outskirts of Nastya's Holdout, is a zombie with decent speed but EXTREMELY slow attack, where it actually has to stop dead to shoot it's projectile acid onto you (if you are moving at a steady pace you should easily be able to dodge this).