28. The Ewes trace their ancestors back to whom?
From Quiz Getting To Know Ewes
Noah's second son, Ham, settled in the Mesopotamian area (now Iraq) after the great flood. Ham is believed to be the ancestor of the Egyptians, Canaanites and Cushites as well. According to Ewe tradition, their ancestors at some point had their languages confused by God before they left Babel (a suburb of Sumeria or Mesopotamia). When the people followed Gu, their leader, they settled in Egypt where they were joined by many other peoples, including the Jews. There was a severe drought and famine in that time that lasted seven years. The Ewe adopted the rite of circumcision from the Jews. They named their God Yewe, from Jehovah.
They also adopted the rite of pouring libation, which is done usually by chiefs; the libation is poured three times a day in honor of life, ancestors and the one who pours. The Ewe and others migrated through many areas of northern Africa, including the Sahara Desert, and between 500 and 1200 AD they also lived in Abyssinia (now Ethiopia). Arab invaders drove the Ewe further west where they eventually settled.