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Art World Figures Trivia Quizzes

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Fun Trivia
In this category you will find quizzes on the artists as young men, old women and everywhere in between.
37 quizzes and 390 trivia questions.
  Quotable Art Quotes!    
Multiple Choice
 5 Qns
I have selected five interesting and thought-provoking quotes on or about art and artists. See you can't take a guess at these. Good luck!
Difficult, 5 Qns, thejazzkickazz, Aug 02 05
thejazzkickazz gold member
908 plays
Were in This Together
  We're in This Together   popular trivia quiz  
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
Famous Artists and Their Muses
I took this as an Author Challenge and decided to focus on some famous artists over time. Behind these individuals is a muse who sparks their creativity and inspiration for their works. Come learn a little more about these unique relationships.
Easier, 10 Qns, stephgm67, Dec 22 22
stephgm67 gold member
Dec 22 22
290 plays
How Do I Look
  How Do I Look? editor best quiz   best quiz  
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
You'd recognize these famous artists instantly from their most famous works, but all you get here are a few clues and their self portraits.
Average, 10 Qns, EnglishJedi, Jun 12 17
EnglishJedi gold member
2473 plays
They Created Food For the Soul
  They Created Food For the Soul   popular trivia quiz  
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
Many people consider art to be food for the soul. Here are ten artists who created art in different forms and at different times. One photo of a piece of their work will be added as a hint, but will probably not be their most famous work. Let's go feast!
Average, 10 Qns, dcpddc478, Nov 18 13
1528 plays
SelfPortrait Included  Name The Artist
  Self-Portrait Included: Name The Artist!   best quiz  
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
If the famous works of these artists were mentioned, they would be recognized in an instant. However, can you recognize who they are by their self-portraits and the clues about lesser-known pursuits?
Average, 10 Qns, ponycargirl, Jan 22 24
ponycargirl editor
Jan 22 24
901 plays
Ask the Expert
  Ask the Expert    
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
Here are questions about ten different art figures. They come from different countries and different eras. Each question contains an example of their work.
Average, 10 Qns, dcpddc478, Aug 22 17
800 plays
  A Tea Time Quiz - Ten Artistic 'T's   great trivia quiz  
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
For this latest tea break, take a few minutes to try and match up these famous artists with the correct description. (Whilst taking great care not to spill any tea on any paintings...)
Easier, 10 Qns, Fifiona81, Jan 22 17
Fifiona81 editor
687 plays
  Want to Model?   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Though are many quizzes about artists, the women who inspired their work are often neglected. Here's a quiz about ten of these fascinating, and often scandalous, ladies.
Easier, 10 Qns, LadyNym, Aug 10 24
LadyNym gold member
Aug 10 24
1234 plays
  Please, find the painter    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Match each set of three works of art to one painter.
Easier, 10 Qns, masfon, May 04 20
masfon gold member
May 04 20
586 plays
  The Personality Behind the Painting editor best quiz   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Ten well-known artists. The names are familiar, but can you pick the right man from the not-so-familiar clues?
Tough, 10 Qns, fringe, Sep 12 17
fringe gold member
4153 plays
trivia question Quick Question
Paul Gauguin was an eccentric painter who is known as a leader in which of the following artistic movements?

From Quiz "The Eccentric Artist"

  The Eccentric Artist   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Artists often walk that thin line between genius and insanity. Here are a few questions about some famous and some not-so-famous artists who were known for their skills as well as their eccentricities.
Average, 10 Qns, dcpddc478, Feb 01 12
1990 plays
  Pictures of People Taking Pictures   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Picture this: Ten descriptions of photographs of a photographer. Who are the ten that have moved from behind to in front of the lens?
Average, 10 Qns, Snowman, Nov 14 12
Snowman gold member
1603 plays
  Photo Finish   great trivia quiz  
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
They say that a picture speaks a thousand words. Although these photographers have finished their life's work, they have left behind an enduring legacy to be enjoyed. See if you can match the photographer to the description given.
Average, 10 Qns, KayceeKool, Apr 27 17
KayceeKool gold member
420 plays
  Art History Behind The Scenes   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
When you study Art History in college, your professors may not tell you about some of the more interesting events in the lives of artists. See how much you know about these tidbits that would liven up any Art History survey!
Difficult, 15 Qns, lanfranco, Jan 28 06
lanfranco gold member
1601 plays
  Masters and their Masterpieces: Part II   popular trivia quiz  
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
There have been Masters of art, sculpture, design and architecture throughout the years. Can you identify the famous master and their masterpiece?
Very Easy, 10 Qns, zambesi, Aug 30 17
Very Easy
725 plays
  Who Painted This?   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is about some well known paintings and their artists.
Average, 10 Qns, nadrak, Jul 17 07
4052 plays
  What Is the Painter's Name?   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Art and artist. That's it in brief. Explained is the life of an artist. You have to pick the correct name. All questions are multiple choice.
Easier, 10 Qns, greenstar, Feb 08 18
6651 plays
  Patrons of Art and Architecture   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
We usually know who created works of art, but the names of the people who commissioned or collected them may be obscure. This quiz asks you to identify several people whose aesthetic interests and generous funds have enriched both artists and art lovers!
Average, 10 Qns, lanfranco, Oct 31 21
lanfranco gold member
Oct 31 21
149 plays
  Interesting 'A' People of Art   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz will cover some of the well-known and lesser-known figures of the art world. Simple guess the artist from the clues presented. Oh yes, all names will begin with 'A'...good luck!
Tough, 10 Qns, thejazzkickazz, Feb 09 04
thejazzkickazz gold member
1811 plays
  One Hour Photo   popular trivia quiz  
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Can you match the British photographers to the brief description given? It shouldn't take you an hour, but read the clues carefully before deciding.
Tough, 10 Qns, rossian, Sep 04 18
rossian editor
Sep 04 18
270 plays
  Starving for Art: Is it Palatable?   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Ever wondered what famous artists did before they became established? Not all starved in a garret. See if you can work out how some tried to eke out a living outside of painting. Some broad brush stokes should point you along the way.
Average, 10 Qns, skumma, Mar 21 22
Mar 21 22
746 plays
  Artistic Couples   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz will present questions on famous artistic couples...who either married or at least carried on affairs or partnerships with other well-regarded they produced their art masterpieces. Please enjoy...
Tough, 10 Qns, thejazzkickazz, Jul 14 02
thejazzkickazz gold member
1405 plays
  Another Collage of Painters    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Do you like looking at paintings? Here is a quiz about some famous artists. Enjoy.
Average, 10 Qns, Serenesh, Jan 21 19
Serenesh gold member
Jan 21 19
275 plays
  Famous American Painters    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
See how much you know about well-known American artists.
Average, 10 Qns, debodun, Jun 02 18
Jun 02 18
616 plays
  A Collage of Painters    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I love to visit art galleries and look at the paintings. If you do too perhaps you would like to try this quiz on famous painters their lives and work.
Average, 10 Qns, Serenesh, Sep 01 19
Serenesh gold member
Sep 01 19
301 plays
  Famous Photographers of History    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
In the past 100 years we have had quite a number of fantastic photographic artists to admire. I will describe 10 of them below and you try to decipher which artist I'm referring to...good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, thejazzkickazz, Jan 18 25
thejazzkickazz gold member
Jan 18 25
1385 plays
  Sketches of Spain    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Spain has some of the most valued and prominent painters in the world, throughout the years they have left their artistic mark on our society and their works can be admired at most leading museums. See how many of these you recognize.
Average, 10 Qns, szabs, Jun 18 12
szabs gold member
294 plays
  National Artists of the Philippines    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz tests your knowledge on the National Artists of the Philippines.
Tough, 10 Qns, emir_vmen, Mar 21 11
654 plays
  Pre-Raphaelite Women    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is all about the women who made a contribution to the Pre-Raphaelite art movement of the 19th century.
Average, 10 Qns, clarey29, Aug 08 02
618 plays
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
This quiz is about artists and what they are famous for.
Tough, 20 Qns, saxyamy, Sep 05 16
1887 plays
  People In Art And Fashion    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
It's a world of people. People that rule ..people that fight to survive. But also people that create. This quiz is about creators in the worlds of Art and Fashion.
Average, 10 Qns, flem-ish, Oct 14 13
1955 plays
  Women In The Lives of Artists   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
"En toute chose cherchez la femme d'abord". - Always first look for "the woman behind the artist". This quiz is about the wives and the women in the lives of painters and musicians.
Tough, 10 Qns, flem-ish, Jan 26 24
Jan 26 24
747 plays
  Artist's Birthplaces    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
If you are interested in art, you might want to know where these people originated from. Enjoy.
Difficult, 10 Qns, thejazzkickazz, Apr 09 16
thejazzkickazz gold member
1015 plays
  Quotes from Artists    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
Some quotes from famous artists. The format is simple: I give you the quote, and you tell me who said it.
Tough, 15 Qns, SuperRo, Aug 02 05
481 plays
  About Art and Artists    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
A quiz about art and artists.
Difficult, 15 Qns, saxyamy, Feb 28 14
1200 plays
  Great Ballerinas of the Romantic Period    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
This quiz is about the great figures of the Romantic period in ballet.
Difficult, 15 Qns, snm, Jan 17 03
455 plays
  Provocative Quotes about Art    
Multiple Choice
 5 Qns
More random art quotes for you to ponder...
Difficult, 5 Qns, thejazzkickazz, Aug 03 05
thejazzkickazz gold member
922 plays
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Art World Figures Trivia Questions

1. In which city was Frans Hals born?

From Quiz
Brushing Up on Frans Hals: Art & Life Quiz

Answer: Antwerp

Frans Hals was born in Antwerp. His parents fled the city during the Fall of Antwerp and moved to Haarlem, a picturesque city in the Netherlands that would become integral to his life and artistry. Haarlem's rich cultural heritage and artistic community played a significant role in shaping Hals as a painter. Born around 1582, he would later become one of the most celebrated artists of the Dutch Golden Age, with his hometown serving as the backdrop for many of his remarkable works.

2. What was the style of painting which was introduced by the artists Seurat and Signac?

From Quiz Another Collage of Painters

Answer: Pointillism

Pointillist painting is made up of tiny dots of colour which look rather strange from close up, but from a distance the eye joins them and there is a shimmering effect. George Seurat and Paul Signac broke away from the impressionists and developed this technique in 1886. The name pointillism was first used by a critic in mockery of the style, but it is used today without any thought of irony.

3. Vincent van Gogh had a very supportive brother. Do you know his name?

From Quiz A Collage of Painters

Answer: Theo

Theo was Vincent's youngest brother and Vincent corresponded with Theo until the end of his life. Theo, though not a rich man himself, was always generous with both emotional and financial support.

4. Leonardo Da Vinci's portrait of "Mona Lisa" - probably the most famous painting in the world - is known in Italy by a different name, which refers to the sitter's family name.

From Quiz Want to Model?

Answer: La Gioconda

Monna (a shortened form of Madonna, "my lady") Lisa Gherardini, wife of Florentine silk merchant Francesco del Giocondo, has been confirmed as the subject of the portrait, probably commissioned by her husband to celebrate the birth of their second son. "Gioconda" (feminine form of the adjective "giocondo") means "happy", "joyful". Leonardo started work on the painting when he was still living in Florence, and took it with him when he moved to France in 1516. "Gioiosa" would be a synonym of "gioconda", while "Gironda" is the Italian form of Gironde, the estuary of the Dordogne and Garonne in southwestern France, and "Giovanna" is the Italian form of the English name Joan.

5. Can you name the Spanish painter from Valencia, who specialized in beach scenes and landscapes, and painted "Sad Inheritance" and "Walk on the Beach"?

From Quiz Sketches of Spain

Answer: Joaquin Sorolla

Joaquin Sorolla was born in Valencia, Spain in 1863. He attended his first art school from 1878 to 1881, where he was formally trained as an artist and developed his incredibly talented drawing skills. From the early stages of his development he loved painting outdoors, which later reflected in his art work. Sorolla's most typical paintings are characterized by his incredible ability to illustrate the effects of sunlight on people and landscapes. His passion was to paint typical beach scenes from his beloved Valencia. Although Sorolla's work is represented in museums all over the world, and many famous private collectors own his works, he is still not widely known outside Spain.

6. Picture this: A man stands in fashionable attire with a mountain vista behind him. To his left just wandering into the shot is one of his sister-in-law's corgis. Who is this photographer?

From Quiz Pictures of People Taking Pictures

Answer: Snowdon

The corgis belong to Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain, who first kept the Welsh dogs as a teenager. Her sister, Princess Margaret, was married to Anthony Armstrong-Jones, 1st Earl of Snowdon from 1960 until their divorce in 1978. The Earldom was created for him upon his marriage and is named for the highest peak in Wales, Armstrong-Jones ancestral home. Professionally, Armstrong-Jones is simply known as Snowdon. His career has seen him work in fashion photography and photo-journalism but he is most noted for his portraiture, not least of members of the royal family.

7. In December 1961 Grandma Moses, the famous American primitive painter, died at the age of 101. In what U.S. state did she reside?

From Quiz Famous American Painters

Answer: New York

Anna Mary Robertson Moses (a.k.a. "Grandma" Moses), started painting in her later years when arthritis made it too difficult for her to sew, embroider and knit. She painted mainly scenes of country life and before her fame, would charge $2 to $3 for one. It is alleged that the famous popular composer Cole Porter saw her paintings while vacationing in upstate, bought several, and gave them away as Christmas cards to his friends that year. Mrs. Moses lived her entire life in east-central New York.

8. Little is known about the early life of Elmyr de Hory, as most details have only been made public in the biography "Fake!" by Clifford Irving. Why do many doubt the reliability of this information?

From Quiz Copycat

Answer: Irving was later involved in a hoax autobiography of Howard Hughes

In 1970, Clifford Irving contacted a publisher claiming that, based on Irving's 1969 biography of Elmyr de Hory, Howard Hughes had agreed to interviews that would lead to an authorized autobiography of the famous recluse. He produced forged letters agreeing to the arrangement, and wangled an advance of $750,000. The hoax was eventually exposed; Irving spent 17 months in prison for the fraud. Given that both the author and the subject of the book "Fake!" are known for their prowess in deception, its information must be taken with a large grain of salt. For what it's worth, based on that book and other unauthoritative sources, he was apparently born in 1905 or 1906 in Hungary, and studied art in Budapest, Munich and Paris. A friendship with a suspected spy landed him in a Transylvanian jail, from which he was released during World War II, only to be sent to a concentration camp from which he escaped. He eventually returned to Paris, where he attempted to make a living as an artist.

9. Napoleon Veloso Abueva became the National Artist of the Philippines for Visual Arts in 1976. At what age did he receive this award?

From Quiz National Artists of the Philippines

Answer: 46 years old

Napoleon Abueva became the youngest recipient of the National Artist award with his win. He was accorded this citation by President Ferdinand Marcos.

10. Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) was exasperated by a person called Salai. Who was he?

From Quiz Art History Behind The Scenes

Answer: His wayward assistant

The young Salai (real name: Gian Giacomo Caprotti), began working for Leonardo as a 10-year-old apprentice. He turned out to be larcenous, gluttonous, and an all-around irritation. But he must have had something going for him (some people think they know what), because Leonardo eventually bequeathed him a vineyard and several important paintings. Salai evidently annoyed at least one other person: he was murdered in 1525.

11. This French artist of the Dada movement spent much of his art life with his wife Sophie, whom he loved dearly. He was most famous for his work as a sculptor, and found himself associated with the Surrealists as well. What was his name?

From Quiz Interesting 'A' People of Art

Answer: Arp

Jean (or Hans) Arp was married to Saphie Taeuber in 1922 (the two met in 1915). Arp was a founding member of the Dadaist movement and also participated in the 1925 Surrealist exhibition, the first of that movement.

12. Who was the first ballerina to dance the role of "Giselle"?

From Quiz Great Ballerinas of the Romantic Period

Answer: Carlotta Grisi

Grisi premiered the role in both Paris and London.

13. What did Elizabeth Siddal do before becoming an artist's model?

From Quiz Pre-Raphaelite Women

Answer: She worked in a milliners shop.

In Victorian times the areas in which a young lady could get a job were very limited. Elizabeth Siddal came from a tradesman family and worked as an assistant in a milliners shop (a very poorly paid job), where she was "discovered". By the time she met D.G. Rossetti in 1849 she was already an up and coming artist model.

14. "Abstraction allows man to see with his mind what he cannot see physically with his eyes."

From Quiz Quotes from Artists

Answer: Arshile Gorky

Gorky was the link between European Modern Art and American Amstract Expression. Gorky served to liberate modern art in America, and his works led to abstract art becoming accepted in the United States.

15. Which artist makes miniature environments out of paper and card which, when photographed, look like actual places?

From Quiz About Art and Artists

Answer: Thomas Demand

Thomas Demand's work is of impeccable quality - At first you think they are just photographs of offices, photocopiers etc etc. The photographs (which he enlarges to scale with actual rooms) look as if you could walk right into them and you have no idea they are paper models until you are told.

16. Who is famous for painting swimming pools?

From Quiz Artists

Answer: David Hockney

Andy Warhol is famous for his Iconic paintings, Fiona Rae for her frenetic abstract paintings and Mark Rothko for his colour field painting.

17. Which French artist sculpted a 'Kiss' that caused a national scandal in France in 1886?

From Quiz People In Art And Fashion

Answer: Auguste Rodin

Canova (1757-1822)was an Italian sculptor and great admirer of Napoleon whose bust he made. C.Claudel (1864-1943) Sister of Catholic top author and French diplomat Paul Claudel, Mistress and Muse of Auguste Rodin. Committed by force to an asylum on March 10, 1913. Bourdelle (1861-1929)studied under Rodin at Paris. Auguste R. Rodin ,1840-1917. French sculptor. 'The Thinker' and ' The Burghers of Calais ' are among his best-known works.

18. This famous Flemish painter (1577-1640). He's one of most important European painters in the baroque period. He lived in Antwerp with his wife Isabella Brant.

From Quiz What Is the Painter's Name?

Answer: Peter Paul Rubens

19. 'Good painters imitate nature, bad ones spew it up.' What writer of classic literature made this statement?

From Quiz Provocative Quotes about Art

Answer: Cervantes

Cervantes was a Spanish writer who just missed viewing the works of the greatest Spanish painter, Velazquez. I'm sure the quote above would not have been directed towards our friend Diego!

20. Carl Jung said, 'The master of the monstrous... the discoverer of the unconscious.' about which artist?

From Quiz Quotable Art Quotes!

Answer: Bosch

Hieronymous Bosch was known for his monstrous and fantastical paintings long before it became fashionable in art to depict such creatures and scenes. The Surrealists sometimes credited Bosch with being the originator of their genre. (See my quiz on Bosch for more info about this great painter!)

21. In what country was Noam Gabo born?

From Quiz Artist's Birthplaces

Answer: Russia

Gabo was born in Russia in 1890...his birth name was Naum Neemia Pevsner. He emigrated to Germany, the U.K. and finally the U.S.

22. Which U.S. photographer worked for Harper's Bazaar magazine in New York in the mid-1940s before becoming one of the highest-paid commercial photographers?

From Quiz Famous Photographers of History

Answer: Richard Avedon

Though he is best known for his fashion photographs, Avedon has also explored the art of photography in more subtle ways as well...for example with his explorations of aging.

23. For which style of painting is Frans Hals known?

From Quiz Brushing Up on Frans Hals: Art & Life Quiz

Answer: Baroque

Frans Hals is renowned for his association with the Baroque style of painting. His distinctive Baroque approach is characterized by loose, bold brushwork, vibrant colors, and an emphasis on capturing the vitality and individuality of his subjects. Hals' ability to infuse his portraits with energy and lifelike expressions set him apart as a master of Baroque portraiture during the Dutch Golden Age.

24. Pablo Picasso had a period of painting which has been called his blue period. What other colour describes a period of his painting?

From Quiz Another Collage of Painters

Answer: Rose

From 1904-1906 Picasso painted in more cheerful colours using a lot of orange and pink. It was a marked contrast with his previous work which used sombre tones of blue. At this time he was happy with his partner Fernande Olivier and it has been suggested that this may have prompted his change of colour palette.

25. Which very successful artist, who painted Judith Beheading Holofernes and Supper at Emmaus, was a murderer?

From Quiz A Collage of Painters

Answer: Caravaggio

Caravaggio was seems to have had a penchant for violence and was frequently in trouble over his bad behaviour. Eventually he killed someone in a street brawl and had to flee Rome.

26. The beautiful, red-haired Elizabeth Siddal posed for many artists of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood before her untimely death at the age of 33. Who was her husband, who was also one of the movement's founders?

From Quiz Want to Model?

Answer: Dante Gabriel Rossetti

The son of an Italian émigré, Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828-1882) founded the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood in 1848, together with John Everett Millais and William Holman Hunt. Two years later, he met Elizabeth Siddal, who was one of the movement's favourite models, and married her in 1860. Though deeply in love with Elizabeth, Rossetti cheated on her with other women - only to fall into a deep depression when, in 1862, she died of an overdose of laudanum shortly after having given birth to a stillborn baby. Elizabeth was the model for Everett Millais' "Ophelia" and Rossetti's "Beata Beatrix", both at London's Tate Britain. Edward Burne-Jones was not part of the original group, though he was associated with the movement's later phase.

27. Which painter is considered by most historians to be the third greatest cubist painter after Picasso and Braque?

From Quiz Sketches of Spain

Answer: Juan Gris

Jose Victoriano Gonzalez-Perez was better known as Juan Gris; he was born in Madrid in 1887, and studied mechanical drawing in Madrid. During his studies he sold his drawings to local periodicals. Juan Gris although he was Spanish, lived and painted in France all his life. Unlike Picasso´s cubist paintings, his were full of colour and in general more cheerful and entertaining. Some of his more famous paintings are "Violon et guitare" and his 1912 portrait of Pablo Picasso.

28. Picture this: A solarised photograph by Man Ray of his muse turned photographer standing in the rubble of the blitz. To her left is an ornate bathtub and to her right the statue of a poet. Who is this model turned photographer?

From Quiz Pictures of People Taking Pictures

Answer: Lee Miller

Elizabeth Lee Miller's first exposure to photography came from her father, Theodore, a keen amateur who frequently used his daughter as a model. She became a professional model after a chance encounter with magazine publisher Condé Nast, who saved her from being run over in New York. Miller moved to Paris in the late 1920s with the intention of working with Man Ray, a leading name in the Surrealist movement. Though initially reluctant, Ray took her on as his assistant and she was soon running his fashion photography studio. At this time, the two developed the technique of solarisation, where the dark and light tones developed from a photographic negative are reversed. During her time in Paris she also appeared in Jean Cocteau's 1930 film, "The Blood of a Poet" in which she played a living statue. After leaving Ray in the 1930s, Miller withdrew from the professional side of photography and twice married. Now living in the UK, Miller returned to the profession as a photojournalist with the outbreak of World War II in Europe. She became war correspondent for "Vogue" and published numerous pieces in "Life" magazine. One of the most famous photographs of this period was of, not by, Miller. It showed her reclining in Hitler's bathtub in Munich following the end of the war.

29. A well-known painting depicts a stern looking man and woman standing in front of a farmhouse. The man is holding a pitchfork. What American artist painted this iconic picture of rural life?

From Quiz Famous American Painters

Answer: Grant Wood

Grant Wood was born and raised in Iowa in 1891. As a youth, he took an interest in art and in the 1920s, made several trips to Europe to study. In the 30s, he taught art at the University of Iowa. He used his sister, Nan, as the model for the woman in his 1930 painting "American Gothic". Grant passed away a day before his 51st birthday in 1942.

This is category 257
Last Updated Mar 08 2025 5:44 AM
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