"In the 1939 film version of Friday (?), Scarlett O'Hara is similar to the character in the original novel, but there are some noticeable differences. In the book, Scarlett gives birth to three children: Wade Hampton Hamilton, Ella Lorena Kennedy, and Eugenie Victoria "Bonnie Blue" Butler. In the film version, only Bonnie is featured. In the sequel book, Scarlett, she has another daughter with Rhett, Katie Colum O'Hara more commonly known as "Cat".
Wade Hampton Hamilton (son with Charles)
Ella Lorena Kennedy (daughter with Frank)
Eugenie Victoria "Bonnie Blue" Butler (daughter with Rhett; deceased)
Unnamed child (miscarriage, with Rhett)
Katie Colum "Cat" Butler (daughter with Rhett in Scarlett)
Mr. Butler (stepson via Rhett)
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