Why is the skin around our finger knuckles wrinkled when the skin covering our knees is not?
Question #58229. Asked by barker111.
Last updated May 29 2021.
Answer has 1 vote
Answer has 1 vote.
your fingers are much smaller than your knee, so the difference of the skin appears is greater and you get wrinkles. Since your knees are bigger, the skin has a bigger surface area where it can spread and so no wrinkles form.
# The wrinkles on the back of the finger knuckles are actually dimples, and mark areas where the skin is attached to the tendon beneath the skin.
# Finger joints only have wrinkles and creases if the joint moves. If a finger joint stops moving, the creases eventually flatten out.
The knees have folds...just like the fingers, though they may not be as obvious.
"The elbows and knees of the human body are covered by an uneven layer of skin. The multiple folds allow the joints to bend and flex without tearing the skin in the process."
If, when wearing shorts, you extend your leg fully and feel on your knee, you will notice extra skin, just not as much as on the fingers. The other two places where this occures to varying degrees are on the elbows and on the toes. Why do the fingers have the greatest wrinkle, because their range of flexing is more than the others.
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