using Morton Salt (table salt)... each grain measures about 1/2 mm which gives about 20/cm 8000/cm**3 8x10**9/m**3 10**10/m**3. The box is a cylinder 5x10**-4 m**3 (8 cm d, 12 cm h), and masses 0.737 kg. So that is a density of about 1.2 kg/m**3 (1.2 g/cm**3). So 10 **-10 kg/grain, and 5x10**6 grains in the container.
Jan 04 2006, 9:45 AM
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Answer has 0 votes.
It's open season on salty responses peppered with innuendo on this weighty subject about which I could nacl down and write volumes. A salt container of 0.058mg contains 1 grain. An imperial 15.4 grains to the metric gram doesn't rub.
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