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What is the most reproduced image in the world?

Question #65067. Asked by smt8446.
Last updated Jun 12 2021.

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Answer has 15 votes
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Answer has 15 votes.

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This is impossible to answer because such data simply isn't available. The top conjectured "most reproduced" though goes something like:

Jesus Christ
Queen Elizabeth II
Mickey Mouse

Jesus Christ or Queen Elizabeth
The Queen is 80 and one can confidently say she has reached a most unusual landmark. Her face is the most reproduced image of any human being since Jesus Christ. Even Queen Victoria would find it hard to compete with her ubiquity.

Mickey Mouse
The most reproduced image in the world is Mickey Mouse, which can be found on over 7,500 different items.

Soon after the mouse, which is now the world's most reproduced image ahead of both Jesus and Elvis, came a series of feature length film animations.


[heavily edited by terry to add data from lower posts]

Response last updated by Terry on Oct 05 2016.
Apr 26 2006, 12:49 PM
Answer has 4 votes
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Answer has 4 votes.
It's debatable and I can’t find a web link that absolutely 100% nails it down, but I'd have to say that the image of Jesus Christ has been reproduced far and above anything else. They have been turning them out for over 2,000 years!

The average Boston College student is apt to recognize Edvard Munch’s work, if not the twentieth century Norwegian expressionist. Munch’s most famous work, “The Scream,” popularized on posters, mouse pads and mugs, has become the most often reproduced image in the world, with Leonardo DaVinci’s “Mona Lisa” following in second place. no longer exists

Guerrillero Heroico," Alberto Korda’s 1960 photograph of Che Guevara, is claimed to be the most widely reproduced image in the history of photography. The portrait has remained remarkably durable as a symbol of revolution and youthful rebellion, even as it has been endlessly reproduced on posters, t-shirts, and mass-produced objects. Examining the extraordinary power of this image and the history of its circulation, "Che! Revolution and Commerce" will be on view at the International Center of Photography (1133 Avenue of the Americas at 43rd Street) from December 9, 2005 through February 26, 2006.


Mickey Mouse’s image is the most reproduced in the world. Over 7,500 items bear his likeness. Jesus is number two, and Elvis is number three.


Response last updated by gtho4 on Jun 12 2021.
Apr 26 2006, 1:17 PM
Answer has 1 vote
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Answer has 1 vote.
Don't forget Frances Stewart, Duchess of Richmond, one of the mistresses of King Charles II. She modelled for the figure of Britannia which appeared (sometimes slightly adapted) on farthings and halfpennies from Charles's reign down to the 1960s, and on pennies from the reign of George III.

Apr 26 2006, 4:05 PM
Answer has 2 votes
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Answer has 2 votes.

Apr 26 2006, 7:21 PM
Answer has 1 vote
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Answer has 1 vote.
I agree with all the people above who say it wouldn't be easy to nail down. I was thinking of Abraham Lincoln's profile on all U.S. pennies, George Washington on all U.S $1s, and countless business logos that are reproduced on every letterhead, memo, and product. What counts as an "image" anyhow? Everything? Mickey Mouse might be the most often reproduced logo, Mona Lisa the most often reproduced painting, and some likeness of Jesus the most often reproduced religious image. Stick them all under "image" and there's no telling, especially since it's almost impossible to keep track.

Apr 26 2006, 9:32 PM
Answer has 2 votes
18 year member
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Answer has 2 votes.
According the BBC, the most reproduced image in history is the Head of Queen Elizabeth II, whose image has appeared on every single coin, bank note, postal order and postage stamp in the UK for the last 50 years. It is also worth noting that her image appears on the stamps and money of other Commonwealth countries, such as Canada. Yet does her Head count as one image? In the UK, three different images of her head appear, reflecting her change in profile as she ages. A different portrait appears on bank notes. It is therefore questionnable as to whether this counts as one image. Even bearing this in mind, the current image of the Queen that appears on British stamps was first issued on 5 June 1967, and has remained unchanged through four decades (despite the Monarch's ageing). Since that date some 150 billion stamps bearing that exact singlular image have been produced, making this alone enough for the Queen to claim that her Head is the most reproduced singular image in the world, ever.

May 05 2007, 9:04 AM
Answer has 1 vote

Answer has 1 vote.
An artist has created the most reproduced image, a letter E, ever with a program that continually fills up servers with copies of the same image. The artwork is perpetual and will continue for as long as it can.

But what is an image? Could the letter 'E' be considered an image? A period?

Response last updated by Terry on Oct 05 2016.
May 03 2010, 4:57 PM
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