What is the name of the man whom Holly visits every Thursday at Sing-Sing?
27What day is it when the movie opens?
Answer: Thursday
We find this out when Paul is about to make his phone call. He's talking about how he hopes the reason his "decorator" hasn't arrived yet isn't that he's gotten the day wrong. "This is...Thursday morning?" Holly replies, "Thursday?! Oh it simply can't be!"
"Poor old cat. Poor slob. Poor slob without a name. The way I look at it, I don't have the right to give him one. We don't belong to each other. We just took up by the river one day." Holly said this to Paul.
35How many Brazilian brats did Holly say she expected to raise with Jose?
Answer: 9
I can't imagine a woman who barely managed for herself and a cat could really spend her life raising nine Brazilian brats, but I suppose that was the point.
"Their own precious mother, precious woman, passed on July 4th, 1955, the year of the drought." He says this when he's explaining to Paul that the children in the picture aren't Lulamae's "natural-born chi'ren."
38Holly Golightly wished to marry a rich man named Rusty Trawler. How rich was he?
Answer: He was the 9th richest man in America under 50.
In the movie, Holly wanted to marry Rusty Trawler because he was the 9th richest man under 50 in the world. She ended up not marrying him because he married someone else.
39Just before she catches a taxi to Sing-Sing, we notice that Holly set up her mailbox for something other than mail. What did she keep in her mailbox?
Answer: perfume, lipstick, and a mirror
I always thought this was a very creative use of an apartment mailbox, at least if you don't get much mail.
45What color eyes does Holly say her Brazilian brats will have, presumably like her own?
Answer: bright green
She says this as she's explaining her future plans to Paul while they walk the streets of New York on what is supposed to be her last night in the country before heading to Rio. It seems as though she's trying to convince herself as much as Paul.
48Despite an incredible whistle, Holly doesn't actually have to hail a cab, because one comes up to deposit a friend of Paul's. He introduces the friend to Holly as "Mrs. ____".
Answer: Failenson
As for her first name, it's Louise. I had a hard time understanding her on the phone later when she refers to herself as what sounds like "Tooey". Turns out, according to the cast sheet, it's "2-E". I'm guessing that referenced is explained in the original novel by Truman Capote, but it's been awhile since I read it so I can't prove that!
Holly said that she found the cat, but she didn't have the right to name it until she found a place to settle and make her feel just like she does when she goes to Tiffany's.