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93 Chocolat Trivia Questions & Answers

This category is for trivia questions and answers related to Chocolat, as asked by users of

There are 93 questions on this topic. Last updated Mar 31 2025.
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1 As the movie opens, we see the townsfolk of Lansquenet-sous-Tannes on their way to church. Who is greeting them at the entrance?
Answer: The mayor, Le Comte Reynaud

Le Comte (masterfully brought to life by Alfred Molina) is going to be the main antagonist of the film, so it is fitting that we get an early impression of how he feels that he is the personification of the town. (In the original book, it was the parish priest who led the opposition to the opening of a chocolate shop, but in the film Pere Henri is shown as being, at least initially, under the control of Le Comte.) In this opening scene we learn that we are at the start of the season of Lent, a time when Christians traditionally engage in some form of abstinence. As the wind blows the church door open, the imminent arrival of Vianne Rocher (the protagonist of the film, played by Juliette Binoche) and her daughter Anouk, and the subsequent disturbance of the town's vaunted tranquility (from which Le Comte obtains much satisfaction), is presaged. We then see the two of them, dressed in vivid red cloaks, struggling up the hill towards the town.
trivia question Quick Question
Who was very gifted at drawing?

2 Where did the Count say the Countess had gone?
Answer: Venice

Near the beginning of the movie, Caroline asked the Count how the Countess was. He said she was fine and was enjoying her holiday. He was rather subdued when he said this, and later on we realise that the Countess was indeed not on holiday. The Count did not want anyone to know the Countess had left him, as he felt too ashamed. He was a proud person, and disliked anything out of the ordinary, so he hated the thought of the village hearing the news about his wife.
3 Which type of chocolate is the first thing bought by one of the villagers?
Answer: Pepper Triangle

When Vianne (Juliette Binoche) arrives in the village, she rents a patisserie, and turns it into a chocolaterie. Her chocolates entrance and corrupt the once sleepy village. Vianne has a knack for guessing people's favourites, and when the customer looks into the wheel, Vianne asks her to try the pepper triangle. The woman asks Vianne to put a ribbon on the box of chocolates she buys so that she can pretend they are from her husband. In response, Vianne gives her some cocoa pips to 'awaken the passion'.
Question Reference: Quiz: Chocolat.
4 What colour are the cloaks Vianne and Anouk wear?
Answer: Red

They are a beautiful red colour, symbolising how they are different, and also Vianne's Maya heritage on her mother's side. They only wear their cloaks when they travel.
Question Reference: Quiz: Le "Chocolat".
5 What did the little town have that the mayor wished to preserve?
Answer: Tranquility

There's a voiceover throughout the movie--I assumed that it was supposed to be Vianne, until it turned out at the end that it was Anouk.
Question Reference: Quiz: Chocolat.
6 In which country does 'Chocolat' take place?
Answer: France

They live in a perfect little village in France called Lansquenet.
Question Reference: Quiz: Chocolat.
7 When the little boys are peeking into her shop, what does the one say Vianne is?
Answer: an atheist

They didn't know what an atheist was.
Question Reference: Quiz: 'Chocolat' III.
8 From what direction was the wind blowing?
Answer: North

Vianne and Anouk came when the North wind was blowing.
Question Reference: Quiz: Chocolat II.
9 What type of animal was Anouk's imaginary friend?
Answer: Kangaroo

His name was Pantoufle and he had a bad leg.
Question Reference: Quiz: Chocolat.
10 Vianne arranges to rent an empty patisserie, along with the rooms above it, from Armande Voizin. What word does Anouk write in the dust on the shop front window?
Answer: Anouk

The fact that she can do this is ironic in view of the words we have just heard from Armande (a performance for which Judi Dench received an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actress), "I expect you to keep it in good condition." The shop is derelict, and Vianne will put in a great deal of effort to turn it into the welcoming place it is to become. Slowly she fills it with an array of tempting goodies, and the townspeople find it difficult to resist the temptation offered by Chocolaterie Maya, despite their concern that it is rather decadent, and possibly sinful, to indulge in chocolate, especially during Lent. Vianne displays her knack for guessing what chocolate will be the favorite of each customer (and even for their loved ones, as witnessed by the success of the little packets she sends home).
11 Who was very gifted at drawing?
Answer: Luc

Luc was the son of Caroline, and Caroline hardly ever let him out of her sight, as she had been extremely protective of him ever since her husband died. However, he was alone in this scene. Vianne approached Luc while he was sketching and asked him to visit her chocolate shop. He did so, even though he had been forbidden, and met his grandmother, Armande. Caroline thought Armande was a bad influence on her son, and had stopped them communicating. Luc drew a portrait of his grandmother and presented it to her on her birthday.
12 Who is the statue of in the square?
Answer: Reynaud

Reynaud was Comte's ancestor, whose family has run the town for generations. La Comte is not an evil person, as he first comes across, but just wants to keep the peace in the village.
Question Reference: Quiz: Chocolat.
13 What is Anouk's favourite story?
Answer: "Grand-Mere and Grand-Pere"

Her favourite story, which is always told in the same words. It's a story about how her grandfather met her grandmother. As the story goes on, we find that like Vianne and her mother, Anouk is destined to keep travelling, bringing chocolate to different places. This is an important moment in the film.
Question Reference: Quiz: Le "Chocolat".
14 The Count was surprised that Vianne would be opening a patisserie during this religious time.
Answer: Lent

Vianne replies that it isn't going to be a patisserie; it will be a surprise.
Question Reference: Quiz: Chocolat.
15 Why can't Pantoufle hop?
Answer: He has a bad leg

Pantoufle is Anouk's imaginary kangaroo friend.
Question Reference: Quiz: Chocolat.
16 What was Vianne's father drinking when he fell in love with her mother?
Answer: cacao

The Mayan people used this in their most sarced rituals.
Question Reference: Quiz: 'Chocolat' III.
17 During what season did Vianne open up her chocolaterie?
Answer: Lent

That's why Reynaud was so upset - people were supposed to give up sweets for Lent.
Question Reference: Quiz: Chocolat II.
18 What type of shop had the space been?
Answer: Patisserie

Question Reference: Quiz: Chocolat.
19 Caroline, Armande's daughter and secretary to Le Comte, has a son, Luc. What is wrong with him when she enters his bedroom to discuss his homework?
Answer: He has a nosebleed

Caroline is amazingly overprotective of Luc, and is appalled by this minor event. Her overly protective concern has led her to keep Luc from associating with his grandmother, whom she considers a bad influence. (This is not surprising, as in a subsequent scene we see Armande tell Luc not to worry about "supposed to", but to have some chocolate cake.) It has also kept him from a range of normal childhood experiences, and may be part of the reason why he seems to be obsessed with death, which is the subject of several of the drawings we see on the wall of his room. This dysfunctional family seems to be typical of the town, where tranquility has been maintained by ignoring, as much as possible, the existence of anything unpleasant.
20 What was the name of Josephine's husband?
Answer: Serge

Serge was a nasty man with a foul temper, he did not care at all for his wife. He would beat up Josephine, until one night she decided to leave him. She went straight to Vianne, the only friend she had, and described how Serge had woken up and tried to come after her, but she had already tied his feet together with his belt! She was hysterical with Vianne, and Vianne saw the nasty wound on her head from Serge.
21 Where does Josephine sleep?
Answer: In the bathtub

Josephine leaves her husband Serge, who runs the cafe, as he beats her. She moves in with the sympathetic Vianne and her daughter, Anouk, to help in the shop. At first, Josephine is treated like a criminal, but Vianne shows La Comte de Reynaud the bruises that Serge gave her, and La Comte goes on a personal crusade to reform Serge into a good man.
Question Reference: Quiz: Chocolat.
22 What is the problem with Vianne's door?
Answer: It squeaks

The door squeaks after Roux, (the male romantic lead) mends it. At the end he uses it as an excuse to come back to Vianne.
Question Reference: Quiz: Le "Chocolat".
23 Josephine, had she lived now, would probably have been called a kleptomaniac. What did she do?
Answer: Steal

We actually see her stealing something during the opening of the movie in the church, a mirror which she later gives to Vianne.
Question Reference: Quiz: Chocolat.
24 How old is the recipe that Vianne uses for hot chocolate?
Answer: 2000 years

Vianne says,'I bet you've never had hot chocolate from a 2000 year old recipe'.
Question Reference: Quiz: Chocolat.
25 What instrument did Roux play?
Answer: guitar

You see him playing a guitar several times.
Question Reference: Quiz: 'Chocolat' III.