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Harold and Kumar Movie Trivia Quizzes

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Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle (2004)
Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay (2008)

6 quizzes and 60 trivia questions.
  Harold and Kumar   great trivia quiz  
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This is a quiz based on the comedy "Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle". Harold (John Cho) and Kumar (Kal Penn) are roomates looking for the "perfect food" for their craving. They decide it is going to be White Castle, but they have a hard time getting
Average, 10 Qns, myrab51, Oct 10 16
3113 plays
  More "Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle"   great trivia quiz  
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Following on from my previous quiz, here are some more questions about the very funny movie.
Average, 10 Qns, ClarkyB, Oct 19 16
211 plays
  More "Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay"   popular trivia quiz  
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Following on from my previous quiz, here is another dose of questions from the 2008 comedy movie "Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay".
Average, 10 Qns, ClarkyB, Mar 04 18
145 plays
  Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle   popular trivia quiz  
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Some hopefully not too difficult questions about this very funny movie!
Average, 10 Qns, ClarkyB, Oct 10 16
218 plays
  Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay   popular trivia quiz  
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 10 Qns
In this 2008 sequel to the original 2004 comedy "Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle", the boys' escape from the maximum security prison is just the start of their adventures!
Average, 10 Qns, ClarkyB, Feb 15 18
147 plays
  A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas    
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I hope you enjoy this quiz on the third in the series of Harold & Kumar movies, the 2011 "A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas".
Average, 10 Qns, ClarkyB, Mar 14 18
126 plays
trivia question Quick Question
As Kumar exits the airplane toilet, what do the other passengers think he says he is holding?

From Quiz "Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay"

Harold and Kumar Trivia Questions

1. The movie starts with Kumar sitting on Santa's lap and telling him what he wants for Christmas this year. How has Kumar's appearance changed since we saw him in the second movie?

From Quiz
A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas

Answer: He has grown a full beard

As we find out a little later in the movie, life hasn't treated Kumar well since the second movie left off, and he has somewhat let himself go. It appears that shaving is not high on his list of priorities!

2. With respect to the plot of the two movies, how much time has elapsed between the end of the original movie "Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle" and the start of the sequel "Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay"?

From Quiz Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay

Answer: Hardly any (it's the same day)

"Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay" starts where the previous movie left off, and we see Harold blissfully thinking about his new-found love with Maria as he takes a refreshing shower immediately after the boys' adventure-filled journey to find "the perfect food". His romanticism is soon shattered, however, by his somewhat inconsiderate room mate. You'll have to watch the movie for yourself to see what I mean!

3. What drink does Freakshow's wife Liane offer to get Harold and Kumar whilst they wait for Freakshow to fix their car tire?

From Quiz More "Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle"

Answer: Pink lemonade

After being picked up by the less than aesthetically pleasing Freakshow, the boys are pleasantly surprised to see how attractive Liane is. Apparently it was Freakshow's "amazing voice" that won Liane over!

4. What does J.D. threaten to do to the photo of Billy and his ex-girlfriend right at the start of the movie?

From Quiz Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle

Answer: Set it alight

Billy is still pining over his ex-girlfriend even though they split up six months ago. J.D. offers to help him get over the hurt by taking him out for some drinks and women chasing (successfully, as we find out at the end of the movie!).

5. When Harold was trying to park his car, the Extreme Punks stole his spot. What did they yell out the window at him?

From Quiz Harold and Kumar

Answer: Better luck tomorrow!

Harold had already had a really bad day at work. The Extreme Punks just seemed to keep showing up at the worst times to torment him. He was trying to get a spot right in front of the apartments when they pulled up and stole it. He had to park a few blocks away and walk. Sidenote: "Better Luck Tomorrow" was a movie John Cho had been in before filming "Harold and Kumar". It was an inside joke on the set. They talked about it in the commentary as well.

6. Whilst at the home of the Alabaman farmer and his wife, where do Harold and Kumar hide when there is a knock on the door?

From Quiz More "Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay"

Answer: Basement

Harold and Kumar are enjoying supper with the farmer Raymus and his wife Raylene when there is a knock at the door. Fearing that the Feds have found them, Harold and Kumar give a swift recap of their predicament to their hosts, who, to the boys' surprise, believe them. Raymus advises the boys to hide in the basement whilst he "handles this". As it turns out, it was only the neighbours at the door.

7. The boys don't have long to get freshened up and packed as they need to get to the airport to fly to which European city?

From Quiz Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay

Answer: Amsterdam

At the end of the first movie, as Harold finally plucks up the courage to tell Maria how he feels about her, she advises him that she is going to Amsterdam for ten days. Kumar manages to persuade his friend that they should fly to Amsterdam and find Maria, however as we soon find out, their journey to the capital of the Netherlands is not going to be as straightforward and direct as they thought.

8. What is Neil Patrick Harris doing when we first see him?

From Quiz More "Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle"

Answer: Hitchhiking

Having fled from Freakshow's house, Kumar admits that they are well and truly lost. They spot a hitchhiker at the side of the road and, against Harold's wishes, Kumar stops to pick him up, saying "He might know how to get back on the highway". The hitchhiker turns out to be none other than Neil Patrick Harris!

9. What was the name of the elevator girl?

From Quiz Harold and Kumar

Answer: Maria

Harold had a thing for Maria. They lived in the same set of apartments. They would often be on the elevator at the same time. Harold would have a smooth conversation all planned out. When he actually got on the elevator with her, he would freeze up and forget to even push the button.

10. As Harold leaves the office he is spotted by a group who are protesting against what they see as the ridiculously high wages earned by people working on Wall Street. What do the angry mob throw at Harold?

From Quiz A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas

Answer: Eggs

Harold's faithful assistant steps in to protect his boss, and takes hit after hit of exploding egg, finally falling to the ground as the mob run past him and continue their assault on Harold. Luckily Harold's friend Todd is there to pick him up in his car, although the mob make sure that it leaves the scene in a somewhat less clean state than when it arrived.

11. What activity do the Extreme Sports Punks participate in at the gas station?

From Quiz More "Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle"

Answer: Extreme kayaking

Harold and Kumar only go into the gas station to ask for directions, but are forced to witness the latest episode of chaos and destruction caused by these punks.

12. What are Harold and Kumar's surnames?

From Quiz Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle

Answer: Lee and Patel

Harold Lee and Kumar Patel are played by John Cho and Kal Penn respectively.

13. What animal had escaped from the zoo?

From Quiz Harold and Kumar

Answer: Cheetah

We heard in a news announcement that a cheetah escaped. After their car was stolen, they ran across the cheetah. The cheetah came up to Harold because of the beef jerkey in his pocket. They got the cheetah calmed down and decided to ride him. It would have worked if the cheetah hadn't taken them a few miles in the wrong direction.

14. Harold goes to Kumar's house to drop off a package addressed to Harold that has been sent to Kumar's flat. Whilst he is there, the Christmas tree Maria's family have brought with them is destroyed. How?

From Quiz A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas

Answer: It is set on fire

We saw in an earlier scene just how important the Christmas tree is to Maria's family. Now that it has been burned to a crisp, Harold realises that he must find a convincing replacement before Maria's family get home from their trip into town. Feeling guilty for causing Harold's predicament, Kumar embarks on a similar mission, and so the race to acquire a replacement twelve foot fir begins!

15. What does Officer Palumbo initially stop the boys for?

From Quiz More "Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle"

Answer: Jaywalking

Harold decides to call the police to report that Neil Patrick Harris has stolen his car, but doesn't want to go back into the gas station to face the Extreme Sports Punks again. Kumar points out that there is a payphone across the street, but despite repeatedly pressing the crossing button, the lights do not change for Harold and he eventually decides to cross. Out of nowhere Officer Palumbo appears in his cop car and gives Harold a ticket for jaywalking.

16. In Harold's elevator fantasy near the beginning of the movie, what brand of ice cream does Maria say she is going to eat a "whole pint" of?

From Quiz Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle

Answer: Haagen-Dazs

Poor Harold just can't muster up the courage to talk to Maria. His elevator fantasy sees a much more confident Harold woo Maria with witty chat and repartee, something the real Harold just can't do!

17. Why did Kumar have to take Harold to the hospital?

From Quiz Harold and Kumar

Answer: He got a raccoon bite.

Kumar had to pull over for a restroom break and left the car door open. A raccoon slipped into the back seat. Later on it went up front and bit Harold in the neck. Harold started flipping out and insisted he had rabies. Kumar had to take him to the emergency room to be checked out.

18. What game do Harold and Kumar play whilst at Mary's house?

From Quiz A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas

Answer: Beer pong

Harold and Kumar make a deal with Mary's obnoxious little brother that if they can beat him at beer pong they can take the beautiful Christmas tree that sits proudly in Mary's house; however, if they lose, they have to part with all their cash and go home empty handed. The kid sinks a shot, putting the pressure on Harold and Kumar, but Harold pulls out the old "Roldy Roll", and completes a miracle shot, much to the admiration of the watching crowd. However events take a turn for the worse, and the boys have to make a hasty treeless retreat.

19. As Kumar exits the airplane toilet, what do the other passengers think he says he is holding?

From Quiz Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay

Answer: Bomb

Kumar burst into the airplane toilet whilst Harold was relieving himself as he wanted to show him his invention, the smokeless bong. Harold leaves the toilet in disbelief that Kumar would bring drugs onto an airplane when they were soon going to be in "the weed capital of the world", leaving Kumar to "take the inaugural hit". However as Harold leaves, the airplane is hit by a bit of turbulence, causing the toilet door to come open, thereby revealing to the cabin Kumar's attempts to light his bong. One lady passenger yells, "Terrorist!" Harold states that "this is just a bong", which the passengers mishear as "bomb", unleashing panic, and causing the boys to be arrested by the air marshals that were on the plane.

20. After they escape from the police station and end up in the woods, the boys come face-to-face with the escaped cheetah. What does the cheetah eat out of Harold's pocket, thereby saving the boys from being its next meal?

From Quiz More "Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle"

Answer: Beef jerky

Despite being told to "put that back, no eating until we get to White Castle" when Harold picks up the beef jerky in Rosenberg and Goldstein's apartment at the beginning of the movie, Harold sneaks it anyway. It looks like this was a wise decision in the end!

21. What movie does Harold describe as "a very beautiful story about someone who feels unnoticed, unappreciated, unloved"?

From Quiz Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle

Answer: Sixteen Candles

Harold makes this statement whilst the duo are flicking through the TV guide to see what's on. Later on in the movie we see Maria, the object of Harold's desire, outside a movie theater that is showing "Sixteen Candles", at which Kumar declares "See! You said you two had nothing in common, but you both have the same lame taste in movies!".

22. Who stole Harold's car?

From Quiz Harold and Kumar

Answer: Neil Patrick Harris

They picked up Neil Patrick Harris off the side of the road. He had been dumped off after partying a little too hard. After getting lost, they stopped at a convenience store for directions. When they came back out, Neil Patrick Harris was peeling out of the parking lot in their car.

23. During the somewhat surreal claymation scene, what chases the claymation Harold and Kumar?

From Quiz A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas

Answer: A giant claymation snowman

Claymation Kumar reassures Claymation Harold that "nothing bad ever happens in claymation"; however, they are ruthlessly pursued by a very vicious looking giant claymation snowman. Of course, it's all in their heads, and we see them come back down to reality whilst hugging a tree in terror as their old friends Rosenberg and Goldstein, who are out doing some last-minute Christmas shopping, shout out "Roldy, Kumar, what the hell's the matter? What are you doing?".

24. Having been arrested on the airplane as suspected terrorists, the boys are locked up in Guantanamo Bay. Their stay in the maximum security prison is somewhat brief, however, but how do they manage to escape?

From Quiz Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay

Answer: Climb over another inmate who has been electrocuted on the perimeter fence

You will need to watch the movie yourself for the details (as they are a little too "risque" to be mentioned here), but two other prisoners "incapacitate" the two guards that were "inspecting" the cells at the time, causing those two prisoners and Harold and Kumar to escape through their unlocked cell doors. One of the other prisoners tries to escape by using a tall sign that says "Danger - High Voltage - Keep Away" as a crude ramp to run up and over the electrified perimeter fence, however the fence does its job and promptly electrocutes him, also resulting in power loss to the site. Seeing their opportunity to escape, the boys unceremoniously run up the "ramp", clamber over the newly electrocuted convict, and make their dash for freedom!

25. In which establishment do Harold and Kumar see Rosenberg and Goldstein enjoying a meal?

From Quiz More "Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle"

Answer: Hot Dog Heaven

Rosenberg and Goldstein "got the munchies, so we decided we'd go to Hot Dog Heaven". This vision reinvigorates the somewhat downhearted Harold and he declares "I want that feeling. The feeling that comes over a man when he gets exactly what he desires. We gotta go to White Castle".

26. What is the cost of the toll that Harold and Kumar drive through?

From Quiz Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle

Answer: 35 cents

Although they pay the correct amount, the money does not register. They have no more change, and Kumar ends up driving through without making a registered payment, thereby causing the alarms to go off.

27. After the cheetah ride, Harold was knocked out. What did Kumar do to wake him up?

From Quiz Harold and Kumar

Answer: He licked Harold's face.

Harold was knocked out and woke to Kumar licking his face. He was pretty grossed out. Kumar explained that he had been trying to wake him for a while and was running out of options. Sidenote: John Cho thought it would be funny so he sprayed his entire face with bug repellant. Kal Penn was unaware of this until they filmed the scene and he licked John's face. You can see him a few seconds later spitting on the ground.

28. What song does Agent Fox listen to on the plane that is taking Harold and Kumar back to Guantanamo Bay?

From Quiz More "Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay"

Answer: Danger Zone

Having "sorted everything out", Colton drives the boys to Hewitt Regional Airport so they can use one of his private jets to get home. However as Agent Fox and his team appear, we realise that Colton has double-crossed them, and he declares, "The last thing I was going to let you guys do was ruin my wedding." Once on the plane, thinking he has finally beaten the boys, Agent Fox puts on his headphones and listens to the iconic song from the 1986 movie "Top Gun".

29. Having escaped from Guantanamo Bay, Harold and Kumar manage to "hitch a ride" to Miami aboard a Cuban refugee boat. Once in Miami, they head to the mansion of their friend Raza Syed. What type of party is Raza throwing?

From Quiz Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay

Answer: Bottomless

Harold and Kumar are surprised to see that none of the party guests (who all appear to be women) are wearing bottoms. Raza justifies his party by declaring, "I'm sick of all the hype over topless... I'm starting the bottomless trend, hence the bottomless party."

30. What fictional burger chain bought the New Brunswick White Castle location four years ago?

From Quiz Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle

Answer: Burger Shack

The Burger Shack employee informs the hungry pair that "there's a White Castle that's open 24 hours up in Cherry Hill". Watch out for the movie mistake in this scene ... the Burger Shack has no back wall!

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