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Smokey and the Bandit Trivia Questions

Smokey and the Bandit There are 91 questions on this topic. Last updated Mar 25 2025.
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26 Who says "Bandit honey, you'd better not come this way. There's been a little fender bender here on 64"?
Answer: Good Witch of the North

After escaping the Alabama cops, an old woman by the name of Good Witch of the North calls "Bandit Honey, this is the Good Witch of the North speaking. You'd better not come this way. There's been a little fender bender here on 64." She has flipped her car after colliding with a flatbed. Bandit asks if the Snowman copied that and Snowman says he did. Snowman says he is going to get some groceries down his neck and some go-go juice." Bandit and Frog decide to get out at a nearby park to stretch their legs a bit.
trivia question Quick Question
Where did Snowman do his imitation of Joe Palooka?

27 Who says "Can this thing move?"
Answer: Frog

As Bandit and Snowman are making their way back from Texarkana, Bandit sees a bride in a wedding dress standing in the middle of the road, flagging him down. He looks at her and says "Sorry, I'm not getting' married." She remarks "That makes two of us. Can you unzip me?" After Bandit unzips her dress, she asks him "Can this thing move?" He says, Oh yeah!" and burns rubber down the road.
28 What was Snowman's dog's name?
Answer: Fred

Snowman had to fish Fred out of the water after he jumped in.
29 When Snowman is in the 'eat 'em up joint' he places a collect call; the operator asks if he is who's brother?
Answer: Hank Snow

'No, I am not Hank Snow's brother... No.'
30 What type of car did the Bandit drive?
Answer: Trans Am

The 6.6 Liter or 400 cubic inch engine Trans Am with the 'Chicken' on top has become a collector's item for fans of the movie.
31 What is the name of the Sheriff who chases Bandit, together with his son Junior?
Answer: Buford T. Justice

The name of the Sheriff is Buford T. Justice. In the second movie, he works together with his brothers.
32 At the eat 'em up joint what's the line spoken by Billy after Snowman runs over the motorcycles?
Answer: "Far out."

Snowman gets even for the fight with the bikers by driving over their motorcycles.
After witnessing this, Billy mutters, "Far out."
33 Who says "Looks like ol' Fred there is gettin' fat"?
Answer: Sugar Bear

When Cletis pulls into the truck stop called "Lamar's Soul Food", he goes in and gives Lamar his order which he claims is "the same thing; just cook the onions this time." As he sits at the bar and places a collect call to his wife, he strikes up a conversation with fellow truck driver, Sugar Bear. Sugar Bear comments on Fred by saying "Looks like ol' Fred there is getting' fat." Cletis says "Yeah, and it sure ain't from eating food at this joint!" One of the rough looking bikers states that Fred bit him. Cletis says he doesn't think Fred bit him because Fred definitely don't like grease. A fight ensues and Cletis is literally thrown out of Lamar's. Cletis gets even and flattens all of the biker gang's Harleys. Way to go. Stunned, Lamar uses John Denver's old line of "Far out!"
34 "Who says "You can think about it, but don't do it"?
Answer: Sheriff Justice

After Bandit and Frog take off down the road, a gang of car vandals swarms upon Frog's disabled Impala. Sheriff Justice comes up to them and kicks one of them and says "Now, that's an attention getter." He proceeds to get as much information about the Bandit's car as he can. Afterwards, he tells the guys "Don't go home. And don't go to eat... It wouldn't look right on my highway." He then takes off in pursuit of the Bandit. As he leaves, one of the guys says "Hey man, let's get outta here." The other guy is scared to death and says "You do what you want. I'm stayin' right here."
35 Who played Sheriff Buford T. Justice of Texas?
Answer: Jackie Gleason

Sheriff Buford T. Justice of Texas (I'm not sure what county) was the father of the man that Frog was going to marry before she met the Bandit.
36 Snowman is pulled over by 'Mr. Evel Knievel' for going 96 miles per hour. What actor plays the motorcycle policeman?
Answer: Sonny Shroyer

As if Big and Little Enos Burdett weren't enough, we also get to see Deputy Enos Straight from 'The Dukes of Hazard'.
37 When Jerry Reed is hungry, what does he tell Burt he's going to go do?
Answer: Stuff some groceries down my neck

Jerry Reed drops by a restaurant during the trip and does his 'imitation of Joe Palooka'.
38 Which actor plays Bandit in the third movie?
Answer: Jerry Reed

In the first two movies Bandit is played by Burt Reynolds. However in the third movie Jerry Reed, a.k.a. Snowman, plays the role of Bandit. Snowman wears the same clothes as Bandit, e.g. cowboy boots, jeans, a red blouse and a cowboy hat. The 'real' Bandit and Snowman both make the life of Sheriff Buford T. Justice very difficult.
39 After arriving in Texarakana, Bandit and Snowman are approaching the warehouse to load the beer into the truck while observing the small town. Bandit asks "Wonder what they do around here for excitement." Which quip is Snowman's repsonse?
Answer: "Probably sit around and watch the cars rust."

The pair are making fun of the rural town and its apparent lack of entertainment.
40 What type of car was Carrie's car?
Answer: Chevrolet Impala/Caprice

Carrie's car was a Chevy Impala/Caprice. This particular model was a 2-door sedan and was brown in color. It also had a black colored roof. Justice spotted a bunch of guys taking the tires off this car and proceeded to give one of them an "attention getter".
41 Who says "I'm gearjammin' this rolling refinery. Have you got another Smokey on the rubber"?
Answer: Mr. B

This is an opening for another one of my favorite scenes. As Bandit is being chased along I-85 by Car 4, he sees a convoy of trucks up ahead. He calls on the CB and says "I see a portable gas station up ahead. Do you copy?" The trucker answers him by saying "This is Mr. B and I'm gearjammin' this rolling refinery. Do you have another Smokey on the rubber?" Bandit puts in his request to slide into the convoy. Mr. B says "Come on in, Bandit, we'll slip you into the rockin' chair." Anyone with any Citizen Band radio jargon would know the lingo and could translate. Frog is concerned that the cops will find the truck as they pass by in the passing lane. What she doesn't know is there is an Allied Moving Van Lines truck in the rear and it slides over and forces the cop onto the shoulder of the road. This scene is excellently done.
42 Who says "What she wearin' now? Come back"?
Answer: Snowman

While Bandit and Frog are tooling down the road, Frog is in the process of wriggling out of her wedding dress and getting into jeans and a T-shirt. Snowman sees this from behind Bandit and asks "Is she wearing a wedding dress?" At that precise moment, Frog throws her dress out the T-top. Bandit says "She was!" Snowman answers "What she wearin' now? Come back!" Bandit laughs at the implication as Snowman calls back "You got peanut butter or somethin' in your ears? Tell me what that woman's got on. Her mind?" and then laughs and says, "10-4!"
43 Where did Snowman do his imitation of Joe Palooka?
Answer: in the "eat 'em up joint"

The name of the eat 'em up joint was Lamar's Soul Food Cafe.
44 What is the prize money for the winner of the Truck Rodeo?
Answer: $5,000

Big Enos's comment about the purse is quite funny... but won't be detailed here. Watch the movie again.
45 What type of car does Big Enos give to Burt, Jerry, and Sally Fields when the arrive at the Fairgrounds as a getaway car?
Answer: Cadillac

'You can take my Cadillac -- that'll leave me with an even dozen'.
46 Who directed 'Smokey and the Bandit'?
Answer: Hal Needham

Hal Needham was also a story writer of the movie, together with Robert L. Levy.
47 After Snowman is pulled over by "Mr. Evel Knievel", what does Cledus say when the officer asks, "You know you was going 96 miles an hour?"
Answer: "I didn't know this truck could go 96 miles an hour."

This is an attempt to keep the officer enganged in meaninlgless conversation until Bandit and Frog arrive and give the officer an obscene gesture prompting him to leave Snowman and pursue the offenders.
48 What was the handle of the lady who was involved in an accident?
Answer: Good Witch of the North

As Bandit and Snowman were speeding along, an elderly lady's voice crackled over the radio. "Bandit, honey, this is the Good Witch of the North speaking, you'd better not come this way. There's been a little fender-bender here on 64." It was apparent that her lack of using a turn signal caused her wreck on 64 because after she was done talking to the Bandit, a cop walked up to her and said, "Lady, don't you know you're supposed to signal?" She responded with saying, "Oh, really?"
49 Who says "Hold onto Fred, son, here comes the cavalry"?
Answer: Bandit

After escaping police through Alabama, Snowman is rolling along minding his own business, when he hears a whining siren in the distance. He looks in his mirror and sees there is trouble. He calls on the radio to Bandit saying "Hey Bandit. Listen to this." Bandit hears the siren and starts to think of a plan to get Snowman out of trouble. Snowman says "You know who that is? That's Mr. Eval Knevel. He musta snuck in my back door when I wasn't lookin'. You better flip flop back here and give me a hand or we'll both be in a heap of trouble. Please Roger that transmission." Bandit says "Hold onto Fred, son, here comes the Cavalry." He does a U-turn through the median and heads back towards Snowman's position. As a cop is writing Snowman his speeding ticket, Bandit shows up and Frog whistles. The cop turns in time to be told "He is number one."
50 Who says "What's a Texas county mounty doin' in Arkansas?"
Answer: Bandit

Because Bandit gets diverted because of a county mounty in Arkansas, he is now about four miles behind Snowman. As he is making ground up, Sheriff justice approaches him from behind and says "Breaker, breaker to the Bandit." Bandit answers the break and says "You got the Bandit. Who have I got at that end?" Justice says "You got trouble comin'!" Bandit answers, "What's your handle and what's your 20?" Justice answers back with "My name is Smokey Bear and I'm tailin' you right now!" Bandit turns and looks out the window in shock. "Gosh darn, what's a Texas county mounty doin' in Arkansas?" Frog is unsure. Bandit says they will have to see what is under the sheriff's hood. He throws it in high gear and takes off saying "Bye, Bye, Baby."