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36 Tangled Trivia Questions & Answers

This category is for trivia questions and answers related to Tangled, as asked by users of

There are 36 questions on this topic. Last updated Mar 10 2025.
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1 At the beginning of the film, we see an elderly Mother Gothel coming to the golden flower to use its magic. She tries to keep the location secret, but someone else searches for it and finds it. Who finds the flower?
Answer: A palace guard

Thousands of guards are searching for it for the pregnant, sick queen. One guard finds it and pulls it out of the ground and brings it back to the castle for the queen.
Question Reference: Quiz: Tangled .
trivia question Quick Question
Pascal, Rapunzel's pet, stays with her at all times. What kind of animal is Pascal?

2 At the beginning of the movie, we are introduced to the story by a narrator. Whose character in the movie narrates the story?
Answer: Flynn Rider

Flynn Rider introduces the story with "This is the story of how I died. Don't worry, this is actually a very fun story and the truth is, it isn't even mine. This is the story of a girl named Rapunzel." We get this impression when we see Flynn's wanted picture on the tree during the introduction scene.
3 Rapunzel tells Flynn Rider, "Something brought you here, Flynn Rider. Call it what you will... fate... destiny..." While talking, he interrupts her with the answer of what really brought him there, what was it?
Answer: A horse.

Flynn Rider stole the princess's crown with the help of the two Stabbington Brothers. Later, he ditches the brothers when being chased by the palace horses. With a slick movement, he knocks a guard off his palace horse and starts riding it himself. The horse realizes it is not a palace guard riding him, and tries to stop Flynn. We later learn the horse's name was Maximus. While escaping from Maximus, he finds Rapunzel's tower.
4 What happened when Mother Gothel cut a section of Rapunzel's hair?
Answer: It turned brown and lost its magic

Mother Gothel cut off some of Rapunzel's hair, hoping to steal it to have its powers. Instead, it lost its power, so she kidnapped Rapunzel.
5 The magic of the golden flower heals the queen and a baby girl is born. Shortly afterward she is kidnapped. Who kidnaps her?
Answer: Mother Gothel

The magic of the golden flower was passed on to the princess, Rapunzel. Mother Gothel wants to keep the magic of the power to herself, so she kidnaps Rapunzel to use her for her power. Mother Gothel, centuries old, is determined to keep herself alive forever.
Question Reference: Quiz: Tangled .
6 The royal guards were chasing Flynn and two other men. Who were the other two men?
Answer: The Stabbington Brothers

Flynn stole the crown from the palace while the Stabbington Brothers hoisted him down but he was caught by a guard and fled with the brothers.
7 Why did Mother Gothel want Rapunzel's hair and the powers it possessed?
Answer: To keep her young

Mother Gother was hundreds of years old, and needed the hair's powers to keep her alive and young.
8 Gothel began to lose control of Rapunzel when she wanted to leave the tower to fulfil a dream of seeing the beautiful floating lights in person. What were the floating lights really?
Answer: Lanterns

One of the big 'Tangled' hits was 'I See the Light', where Rapunzel really did get to see the lights in person with love interest Flynn Rider on her 18th birthday. The song signified Rapunzel's maturing and coming-of-age as well as the growing romantic attraction between her and Flynn. These floating lanterns were a memorial from the king and queen who were missing their beloved daughter.

As in the Grimms' tales, Rapunzel would let Gothel back into the tower by dropping down her long hair. However, Rapunzel was never allowed to leave the tower herself. Gothel could not risk her reuniting with her parents, finding out the truth about her abduction or in discovering why she really valued Rapunzel.
Question Reference: Quiz: Gothel.
9 Shortly after, we see Flynn Rider and the Stabbington brothers on the roof of the castle. What prized treasure are they trying to steal?
Answer: The princess's crown

Flynn is seen descending from the rooftop and stealing the crown. He and the Stabbington brothers are thieves planning to sell the crown.
Question Reference: Quiz: Tangled .
10 What is Rapunzel's pet's name?
Answer: Pascal

Pascal is a chameleon. He is Rapunzel's only friend while living in the tower.
11 One song encapsulated Gothel's attempts to manipulate Rapunzel into staying in the tower. In it, Gothel mocked Rapunzel's appearance and immaturity whilst telling of imaginary worldly dangers of things like cannibals and snakes. What was its name?
Answer: Mother Knows Best

Throughout the song, Mother Gothel stroked and crooned over Rapunzel's hair, showing where her real priorities lay. Gothel even said that she was 'as fragile as a flower' at the beginning of the song, a nod to her source of immortality. Gothel belittled Rapunzel and struck fear into her to as to keep her isolated and under her thumb. By the end of the song, Gothel implored Rapunzel to never ask to leave the tower again, a request she reluctantly abided by. For a little while, at least.

'Poor Unfortunate Souls' was sung by Ursula in 'The Little Mermaid'; 'Be Prepared' was from Scar in 'The Lion King; and the titularly sung 'Cruella De Vil' was from '101 Dalmatians'.
Question Reference: Quiz: Gothel.
12 Pascal, Rapunzel's pet, stays with her at all times. What kind of animal is Pascal?
Answer: Chameleon

When we first see Pascal, Rapunzel's chameleon, they play hide and seek and chess amongst other things. He consistently changes colors, depending on the situation. Flynn refers to him as a frog multiple times, and Rapunzel corrects him by telling him that he is a chameleon.
Question Reference: Quiz: Tangled .
13 Flynn Rider makes many complaints about his Wanted posters posted throughout the kingdom. He complains about one key feature. What is it?
Answer: His nose.

The first time he sees a Wanted poster, he just escaped the kingdom castle with the lost princess's crown. He looks at it and states, "No, no, no, this is bad, this is very very bad. This is really bad... They just can't get my nose right!"
14 What is Flynn Rider's real name?
Answer: Eugene Fitzherbert

He changed it to Flynn Rider, after a character from a book he loved while growing up.
15 Rapunzel was soon emboldened to ask Gothel to leave the tower once again, having grown in confidence after smacking a thief unconscious with which kitchen implement?
Answer: Frying pan

Flynn Rider was an 'on the run thief' who was a wanted criminal. After seeking to hide in the tower, he met his match in Rapunzel who knocked him out cold with her frying pan. The frying pan became a bit of a running joke in the movie, with Flynn legitimately using it as a weapon on several occasions. The kingdom's army eventually adopted the pan as a national weapon themselves.

Before Rapunzel could tell Gothel about her captured intruder, she was silenced and abruptly told she would never leave the tower after yet another plea to that end. She softened when Rapunzel encouraged her to buy some white seashell paint for her birthday gift, a task which would take Gothel three days to complete.
Question Reference: Quiz: Gothel.
16 Running away from a palace horse, Flynn Rider climbs the tower that Rapunzel resides in. She immediately knocks him unconscious. What does she use to do so?
Answer: A frying pan

Rapunzel hits Flynn with a frying pan to protect herself. She is very frightened by the situation, given she has not seen another person, besides Mother Gothel, since she was a baby.
Question Reference: Quiz: Tangled .
17 Which character from the movie wants to make a love connection?
Answer: Big nose thug

During the song "I Have a Dream" at the Snuggly Duckling, we learn about the bad thugs and their dreams.
18 After Rapunzel announces that her birthday was today, who responds with, "No no no, can't be. I distinctly remember, your birthday was last year"?
Answer: Mother Gothel

Rapunzel tells this to Mother Gothel while still stuck inside her tower, before her adventure with Flynn Rider. She starts the conversation with, "So mother, earlier I was saying tomorrow is a really big day, and you didn't really respond, so I'm just gonna tell you: IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! Tada!" When Mother Gothel tells Rapunzel that her birthday was last year, Rapunzel tells her, "That's the funny thing about birthdays, they're kind of an annual thing."
19 Why does Flynn/Eugene go into Rapunzel's tower?
Answer: To hide

He was hiding from the horse, Maximus, because he stole from the castle.
20 After Rapunzel finally departed the tower, Gothel became more overtly devious. Which unscrupulous character(s) did she do a deal with outside of the tavern's hidden tunnel to try to get Rapunzel back under her control?
Answer: Stabbington Brothers

The Stabbington Brothers were thugs in search of Flynn Rider, the thief who Gothel knew had something to do with her disappearance from the tower. Gothel told them that they could get their revenge on Flynn and could also get an even greater treasure still via Rapunzel's magical hair. Ultimately, she betrayed them once they had planned on abducting Rapunzel for their own purposes. They had some legitimate grievances: Flynn Rider had engaged in a heist with them and taken the spoils for himself.
Question Reference: Quiz: Gothel.
21 When Rapunzel reaches the Kingdom, her hair is everywhere. How does Flynn help her get it tied up?
Answer: He called out to four little girls to help

Rapunzel's hair was being trampled on and Flynn saw four girls plaiting each other's hair and whistled to them to plait Rapunzel's hair.
22 What was the deal Rapunzel made with Flynn?
Answer: If he took her to see the floating lights and returned her home safely, she would give him back his satchel

Rapunzel had been wanting to see the floating lights in person for as long as she could remember. She felt that they were somehow meant for her. She hid Flynn's satchel and told him he could have it back when she was safely home.
23 Rapunzel had developed feelings for Flynn, but Gothel was able to sow seeds of doubt as to his true intentions after giving her which stolen item?
Answer: The royal crown

Rapunzel initially left the tower with Flynn Rider so as to see the 'floating lights' in person for her birthday. She would then give him back his satchel, which she obtained after knocking him out with the frying pan, and he would take her home. Gothel popped up one evening when Flynn was getting firewood; she thrust the crown into Rapunzel's hands during the reprise of 'Mother Knows Best' and told her she was naïve to think he wanted anything other than that crown. Flynn hadn't realised it had fallen out of the satchel when Rapunzel struck him with the pan.

The glass slipper was a nod to 'Cinderella', the emerald stone referred to the Heart of Te Fiti in 'Moana', and the poisoned apple was from 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarves'.
Question Reference: Quiz: Gothel.
24 While on their journey, which power of her hair does Rapunzel not use?
Answer: Make Flynn younger

Rapunzel uses the glow of her hair when they are stuck in pitch black water. She rescues Flynn shortly after by throwing a large strand of her hair for him to grab onto. After they are safely alone, she heals Flynn's injured hand. Of the powers, she does not make him any younger. Obviously, this comes as a shock to Flynn, where on those occasions she tells him "Please don't freak out!"
Question Reference: Quiz: Tangled .
25 After the lost princess was found and the Kingdom celebrated, how long did the party last?
Answer: An entire week

Flynn narrated this at the end of the movie.