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National Lampoon's Vacation Trivia Questions

Vacation . There are 58 questions on this topic. Last updated Mar 31 2025.
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26 Where were the Griswold's hometown?
Answer: Chicago

Their home is only shown at the beginning of this movie.
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The Aunt they take with them on their roadtrip is played by who?

27 What did Rusty offer Clark after he had his breakdown?
Answer: aspirin

The Griswolds had just left the dead body of Aunt Edna tied to a lawn chair in the pouring rain. They did leave her with an umbrella and her purse. Clark told Ellen he thought Edna's son, Normie, would understand. Ellen said, "Sure, Clark. You left his dead mother tied to a lawn chair in the pouring rain with a note." Audrey broke down and started to cry; she wanted to go home. Clark stopped the car in the middle of the street and went off on the family. He told them they were 10 hours from the amusement park and they wanted to bail. Clark told them this was now a quest, not a vacation. Rusty asked Clark if he wanted an aspirin. Clark told Rusty not to touch him.

Rusty was always trying to help his dad out. When Clark got caught in the swimming pool naked with a girl, Rusty went to him and talked it out. Rusty was played by Anthony Michael Hall.
28 Who says, "You were the ones who sent me the fruitcake for made me so sick!"?
Answer: Aunt Edna

After Clark and Ellen arrive at Eddie's house in Kansas, they discover that Ellen's Aunt Edna is not only still alive, but she needs a ride back to Phoenix, which Clark is extremely unhappy about. When Aunt Edna comes outside to eat with the family, Clark and Ellen say hello to her, and she tries to remember who they are. She finally remembers, and tells them all about the horrible fruitcake they sent her.
29 What did Aunt Edna say to Eddie when she left with the Griswolds?
Answer: Not to worry, she made arrangements for the checks to be sent

Question Reference: Quiz: Vacation.
30 Why did the army cut Cousin Eddie's disability pension?
Answer: The plate in his head wasn't big enough

He was laid off in the asbestos factory and the army cut his disability pension because the plate in his head wasn't big enough.
31 What does Cousin Eddie give Clark before they leave for their vacation?
Answer: White shoes

Clark wears the white 'buck' shoes when he tries to pick up Christie Brinkley.
32 The mascot for Wally World is?
Answer: Marty Moose

Marty Moose gets punched in the nose when Clark finds out Wally World is closed for repairs.
33 What did Aunt Edna do after she found out Dinky had gone to the bathroom on the picnic basket?
Answer: She shrugged her shoulders and kept eating the sandwich.

The family stopped at a rest stop to have some lunch. Catherine had made them sandwiches for the road. Ellen was handing out the sandwiches to the family and called to Clark. Ellen told Clark it was his favorite - a bologna sandwich. There was a definite sarcastic tone in Ellen's voice when she said this to Clark. Clark and Edna both started to eat their sandwich. Ellen noticed the sandwich smelled funny and told everyone that the dog went to the bathroom on the picnic basket. Clark immediately spat out the bite of sandwich he had taken from his mouth. Aunt Edna simply shrugged her shoulders and continued to eat the sandwich.

Aunt Edna was played by the late great Imogene Coca. She played the part of the mean and crazy old Aunt perfectly. She thought Eddie was wonderful and Clark was a moron. Edna was excited because Clark was driving her home to her son in Phoenix. Clark had no knowledge of this until Edna told him at the dinner table. Clark had just taken a bite of the Hamburger Helper that Eddie had prepared for them on the grill. Just as Edna blurted out the news, Clark spat out the bite of sandwich in surprise.
34 How much money did Cousin Eddie ask Clark for?
Answer: $52,000

Cousin Eddie asked if Clark could spare a little, then asked for fifty-two thousand dollars.
35 What are the names of the two kids?
Answer: Russ and Audrey

Clark always remembers Rusty's name but forgets Audreys'.
36 Who is the famous model Clark runs into in the red Ferrari?
Answer: Christie Brinkley

Christie Brinkley comes back in the Vegas Vacation and makes an appearance.
37 What was the girl in the red Ferrari doing when Clark saw her?
Answer: She was drinking a beer and dancing around her car.

Christie Brinkley is credited as the girl in the Ferrari. As the family was at the rest stop eating lunch, she was over with some truckers drinking a beer. Clark noticed her and walked away from his family so they wouldn't see him flirting with her. Christie was dancing around and Clark started to dance as well.

Clark had one final meeting with Christie at the hotel he and the family were staying at. Clark told her he owned the hotel and was incognito with his brother's family. Christie and Clark then walked out by the pool where Christie got undressed. She jumped in the pool and then asked Clark to join her. Clark did join her, but as he jumped in he realized the pool was freezing. He screamed so loud he woke up the entire motel, including his wife and children.
38 Who says, "You've been exceeding the speed limit for thousands of miles"?
Answer: Aunt Edna

After Clark gets pulled over in Colorado, the police officer asks him to get out of the car, and shows him Dinky's (Aunt Edna's dog) leash tied to the rear bumper of the car. Apparently, Clark had forgotten to untie the dog from the bumper before they left the campground earlier that morning. Dinky was dragged along behind the car, causing him to die. When Clark gets back in the car, he is trying his best to lie about the reason the policeman pulled him over, so Aunt Edna won't have a fit. Clark and Ellen try to convince everyone that Clark got pulled over because he was speeding, and that's when Aunt Edna pipes up and makes her comment about Clark exceeding the speed limit for thousands of miles.
39 What is Aunt Edna's dog named?
Answer: Dinky

Dinky also dies. Clark kills him by keeping him tied to the back of the car.
40 When the Griswold's get lost downtown, what do the guys write on the side of the station wagon?
Answer: Honky Lips

When they sprayed honky lips on the car, they took all the hub caps too.
41 What is name of the cousin in the movie that always seems to borrow money and cause trouble?
Answer: Cousin Eddie

The cousin was played by Randy Quaid. He makes appearances in the other Vacation movies as well.
42 What kind of dog did Clark almost hit when he fell asleep at the wheel?
Answer: Poodle

Clark told Ellen he could drive another 100 miles. In the back of the car, we saw Audrey and Rusty dead asleep. In the front, we saw Ellen and the Clark asleep behind the wheel. The song "Mr. Blue" was playing on the radio. The car sped down in front of a restaurant and almost hit a man. Then we saw the car speeding down a residential street. A man was walking his dog and had to pull the dog up quickly by the leash so it wouldn't get hit. Ellen then told Clark to turn off the television and come to bed. Clark woke up and suddenly realized he was behind the wheel of the car. He screamed and woke the whole family up. The car was in a motel parking lot and spun around and wound up in a parking spot.
43 How many tents does Clark buy at Kamp Komfort?
Answer: 3

He gets one for himself and Ellen, one for Rusty and Audrey, and one for Aunt Edna, who gets the smelly tent.
44 How much did it cost for the vibrating bed in the hotel room?
Answer: 25 Cents

Question Reference: Quiz: Vacation.
45 After the Griswolds drove off a short cliff, how far did Rusty say they flew?
Answer: 50 yards

Clark walked for miles and miles before finally finding a gas station, where he lost all his money when the mechanics forced them to give them all his money.
46 Aunt Edna's dog dies before she does on the trip. How did it die?
Answer: Got dragged behind car

Clark forgot and tied him to the back bumper when he loaded up the car.
47 Who plays the security guard at Wally World that Clark takes hostage?
Answer: John Candy

John Candy's character got sick on the big rollercoaster in the movie.
48 How did Ellen describe Clark when she was on the telephone?
Answer: Ellen said Clark was a genuis.

Clark had driven the car off the dead end road. He told Ellen he was going to walk to the nearest gas station and get a tow. While Clark was walking, two men on horses saw him. One of the men made a crude comment about Clark. The men called a tow truck to go and get the family and the car. Ellen was on a pay phone at the gas station. She was talking to someone who I can only assume to be the police. The person on the other end was asking Ellen for Clark's height and weight. Ellen was not sure, but said he was a genuis with food additives. She was also telling the person on the other end how great a father he was, when Clark walked by. Clark was surprised to see Ellen and his children there. Ellen explained to Clark that a tow truck had come 20 minutes after he left.
49 Who says, "She breathed on me! A dead person breathed on me!"?
Answer: Audrey

After Ellen discovers that Aunt Edna is dead, Clark stops the car immediately, and everyone jumps out. Audrey runs around screaming "She breathed on me! A dead person breathed on me!", which of course, is not true, since dead people can't breathe. Everyone is really disgusted with the idea of riding with Aunt Edna's corpse in the car, so Clark covers her up and ties her to the roof of the car, so they can get her to her son's house in Phoenix.
50 Who does Clark share a beer with, after their car is stuck in the sand?
Answer: Rusty

He wanted to have a "man-to-man" talk. Rusty ended up drinking almost the whole beer.