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Quiz about Stanley Kubricks The Shining
Quiz about Stanley Kubricks The Shining

Stanley Kubrick's "The Shining" Quiz

Questions from Stanley Kubrick's masterpiece of horror.

A multiple-choice quiz by rieker01. Estimated time: 4 mins.
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4 mins
Multiple Choice
Quiz #
Dec 03 21
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6 / 10
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Question 1 of 10
1. What type of car does Jack own? Hint

Question 2 of 10
2. Who is the first person that tells Jack about Danny's ability? Hint

Question 3 of 10
3. How do we find out Mr. Ullman's first name? Hint

Question 4 of 10
4. What does Wendy say to Dick in the kitchen? Hint

Question 5 of 10
5. What food does Wendy pour into a bowl? Hint

Question 6 of 10
6. What Disney character's image appears in the movie? Hint

Question 7 of 10
7. Who lets Jack out of the pantry? Hint

Question 8 of 10
8. Wendy sees a dead hotel occupant in the movie. What does he say to her? Hint

Question 9 of 10
9. What does Wendy fix Jack for breakfast? Hint

Question 10 of 10
10. Where is Dick when he gets the cry for help from Danny? Hint

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Quiz Answer Key and Fun Facts
1. What type of car does Jack own?

Answer: Yellow Bug

In the beginning of the film, we see Jack driving his yellow Volkswagen Bug by a mountainside lake. Eerie music starts to play as we see the car proceed through the mountain roads. We see the car pass through several different background scenes. Jack drives by mountains that are and aren't snow covered. Jack passes only a few other cars on his way to The Overlook. We see a glimpse of the Overlook and it appears to blend in with the backdrop of the mountain. Jack arrives at his interview right on time. He goes into the hotel lobby and asks the receptionist where Mr. Ullman's office is. The receptionist directs him down the hall. Jack has his interview with Mr. Ullman. He calls Wendy to tell her he will be running late. She asks if he has got the job and he says that he has. We later see Jack with Wendy and Danny in the car. They are headed to the Overlook for the winter. As they drive through the mountains, Wendy asks Jack if this is where the Donner party got stranded. Jack says he believes they were snowed in further north. Danny asks Jack what the Donner party is and Jack tells him. He tells Danny they were settlers who had to resort to cannibalism to survive. Danny says, "You mean that ate each other up". Jack says that is exactly what it means. Wendy seems a bit concerned about Jack telling Danny this information. Danny tells his mom he knows all about cannibalism because he saw it on television. The family arrives at the hotel a short time later.

I believe that Stanley Kubrick is setting us up for the whole movie in the opening sequence. I think by showing us all the different backgrounds Jack has to pass through to get to the hotel, he is showing us the isolation the family is going to go through. He is showing us that they are totally separated from the whole world for the five months of Jack's tenure as caretaker.
2. Who is the first person that tells Jack about Danny's ability?

Answer: Grady

Jack returns to the bar. He and Wendy have just had a fight about Danny. Jack orders his drink from Lloyd, who once again seems to appear out of nowhere. There is a party going on around Jack. Jack attempts to pay for his drink and Lloyd tells him his money is no good here. Jack says he is the kind of man who likes to know who is buying his drinks. Lloyd tells him it is unimportant and to drink up. Jack takes his drink and gets up from the bar to join the party.

He is dancing around as he walks the ballroom. Delbert Grady, who is trying to avoid crashing into another guest, runs right into Jack.

He spills the drinks all over Jack's jacket and pant. Delbert apologizes and suggests they go into the bathroom to clean up. While they are in the bathroom, Delbert wets a towel to clean off the stains. Jack says, "What do they call you around here Jeevesie?" He tells Jack his name is Delbert Grady. Jack is taken back and asks if Grady was he ever the caretaker at the hotel. Grady tells him no, that Jack is and has always been the caretaker of the Overlook.

He tells Jack that his son has an incredible gift. He tells him he is using his gift to bring in an outside party. Jack tells Grady that he will take care of his son.
3. How do we find out Mr. Ullman's first name?

Answer: He has a nameplate on his desk.

Jack knocks on the door to Mr. Ullman's office. Mr. Ullman is in his office with his secretary, Susie. Jack introduces himself and Mr. Ullman invites him to have a seat. Mr. Ullman asks Jack if he would like some coffee. Jack replies that if Mr. Ullman is going to have one, then he wouldn't mind a cup too. Susie goes and gets them both a cup. Mr. Ullman sits down behind his desk and we see his nameplate. The nameplate reads Stuart Ullman. This is the only reference to his first name in the entire movie. The interview with Jack is going well and Mr. Ullman decides to tell Jack about the previous caretaker. He tells Jack the man's name was Delbert Grady. Delbert was hired by Stuart's predecessor, also General Manager of The Overlook. Delbert was hired in the winter of 1970. Stuart tells Jack that Delbert had good references and a solid work background. Stuart says Delbert had a wife and two daughters that he brought with him. He is not sure what brought on the incident, but said it is what the old timers called cabin fever. Delbert killed his children and wife with an axe. He then piled their bodies up neatly in the west wing of the hotel. He then killed himself with a double barrel shotgun. Stuart says it may have been the total isolation from civilization that brought it on. Jack says not to worry he is looking for peace and quiet to finish his writing project. He says Wendy will be thrilled when he tells her the story because she is a horror fanatic.

Barry Nelson plays the role of Stuart Ullman. One interesting fact I learned about Barry is that he was the first actor to play James Bond. Barry was nominated for a Tony Award for "The Act", but did not win. Barry passed away in April of 2007.
4. What does Wendy say to Dick in the kitchen?

Answer: "I am going to have to leave a trail of breadcrumbs to find my way out."

Stuart is going to give Jack a tour of the hotel. He asks Dick, the head chef to give Wendy a tour of the kitchen. Dick takes Danny and Wendy to the kitchen. Wendy is amazed at how big the kitchen is. She tells Dick she will have to leave a trail of breadcrumbs to find her way out. Dick tells her not to worry that it is big, but it is still just a kitchen.

He tells her most of this stuff she will never have to touch. She says that is good because she wouldn't know what to do with it anyways. He takes them into the dry pantry and shows them all the food stored. Dick asks Danny if he would like some ice cream, but he does it through shining.

Then they go to the freezer so he can show them the food in there. Dick escorts them out as Jack and Stuart come down the hall towards them.

He then asks Danny what his favorite ice cream is. Danny says, "Chocolate". He asks Danny's parents if he can give him some ice cream and they say yes. Danny and Dick sit at a table while Danny eats his chocolate ice cream. Dick tries to talk to Danny about his ability, but Danny doesn't want to talk about it.

He tells Dick he isn't allowed to talk about it.
5. What food does Wendy pour into a bowl?

Answer: fruit cocktail

Wendy is in the kitchen preparing a meal for the family. She is also watching the news on television. She opens a giant can of Libby's Fruit Cocktail as the news talks about a missing skier. The news says the search has been called off due to the storm that is coming. Wendy pours the contents of the can into the bowl. Wendy at first is happy at the hotel, but starts to realize something is wrong there. One day she is checking the boiler and hears Jack start to scream. She runs to Jack who has fallen on the floor. Jack tells her he has had a terrible nightmare. He dreamt he killed Wendy and Danny, he tells her he cut them up into little pieces. Wendy looks worried, but tells Jack it is just a dream. Danny starts to walk into the lobby and Wendy tells him to go to his room. Danny keeps walking toward her and she leaves Jack to take Danny upstairs. She sees Danny has been attacked and accuses Jack of doing it. Later on Wendy finds Jack sitting in the bar and tells him there is someone else in the hotel. Jack tells her she is crazy, but Wendy says Danny was attacked in a room by a woman. Jack goes to the room and finds the woman. He later goes back to Wendy and says there is nobody there.

Shelley Duvall plays the part of Wendy Torrance. If you go by the description of Wendy in the book, then Shelley physically is all wrong. Wendy, in the book, is a blond and very attractive. I'm not quite sure why Stanley chose Shelley for the role, but glad he did. She is a wonderful actor and you can really feel the horror she is portraying in the movie. Shelley also plays the role of Olive Oyl in "Popeye".
6. What Disney character's image appears in the movie?

Answer: Dopey

We see Danny in the bathroom standing on a stool talking to Tony. On his bedroom wall there are several cartoon character decals. The decals are of Snoopy, Dopey, and Minnie Mouse. Danny is asking Tony why he doesn't want to go to the Overlook. Tony says he doesn't want to tell Danny why. Danny persists with the question and finally Tony relents. We see Danny's reflection in the mirror and he gets a terrified look on his face. Tony shows Danny an elevator shaft that has a river of blood coming from it. Tony also shows Danny two young girls who are identical in appearance. Tony then shows Danny screaming and Danny blacks out. When we next see Danny he is lying in his bed and and being examined by a doctor. In his room are several games and toys. There is also a puppet of Goofy. The doctor is asking Danny if he smelled anything funny or saw any lights before he passed out. Danny tells the doctor no, he tells her the last thing he was doing was talking to Tony. Wendy tells the doctor, Tony is Danny's imaginary friend. The doctor asks Danny where Tony is and Danny says he lives in his mouth. The doctor asks Danny if he opens his mouth can she see Tony. Danny says that Tony hides in his stomach so she won't be able to see him. The doctor then asks Danny if Tony ever tells Danny to do things. Danny ponders this question for a moment and then tells the doctor he doesn't want to talk about Tony anymore. The doctor then tells Danny to spend the rest of the day lying in bed quietly.

Dopey is, of course, from the feature film "Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs". Dopey is the only one among the seven who doesn't speak and has no beard. The film won an honorary Oscar in 1939. The award was extremely unique because it was one full sized Oscar and seven smaller ones. The award was presented to Walt Disney by Shirley Temple. Donald and Pluto are considered among Disney's fabulous five. Horace is a character from the Silly Symphony series.
7. Who lets Jack out of the pantry?

Answer: Grady

Jack is chasing Wendy up the steps and is going to try to kill her. Wendy has a bat and keeps swinging it to protect herself from Jack. Wendy lands a blow to Jack which causes him to fall down the steps backwards. Jack is knocked unconscious by the fall. Wendy, who is afraid for her and Danny, drags Jack through the kitchen. She is going to lock Jack into the kitchen pantry. Jack is starting to come to and asks Wendy what she is doing. Wendy gets to the pantry door and in her panic can't get the door open. She struggles with the door for a few seconds and then realizes the pin is still in the door. She removes the pin and drags Jack into the pantry. Wendy closes the door and locks it. Jack tries to play on Wendy's love for him. He tells her his head hurts real bad from the fall. Wendy tells Jack she is going to take Danny into town and will bring back a doctor. Jack calls to Wendy and she answers sobbingly. Jack tells her she isn't going anywhere. Wendy discovers Jack has damaged the CB radio and snow mobile. Jack meanwhile falls asleep in the pantry. Jack is woken up by Delbert Grady. Delbert tells Jack that his wife has gotten the best of him. He says that he and some of the others don't think Jack's heart is in what needs to be done. Jack assures Grady that it is. Grady tells Jack that he will have to resort to harsher methods to get the job done. Jacks says that nothing would give him more pleasure then to take care of his family. Delbert then opens the door to the pantry and releases Jack.

Philip Stone plays the role of the former caretaker. He is the one who, as he puts it, had to correct his family. He tells Jack that when his daughters tried to burn down the Overlook, he corrected them. He says when his wife tried to prevent him from doing his duty, he corrected her too. Grady idea of correcting his family is extreme - he killed them. Philip Stone also did "A Clockwork Orange" with Stanley Kubrick. He played the role of Malcolm McDowell's dad. Philip passed away in 2003. Joe Turkel plays the role of Lloyd, the bartender. Tony Burton is Larry Durkin, the garage owner. Barry Nelson plays the role of Stuart Ullman, the hotel manager.
8. Wendy sees a dead hotel occupant in the movie. What does he say to her?

Answer: "Great party, isn't it ?".

Jack has just been released from the pantry. He goes to the apartment where he and his family reside. Jack breaks down the door with an axe. Wendy and Danny run into the bathroom to hide. Wendy slides Danny outside the bathroom window which has a snow drift right up to it. Wendy tries to get out but won't fit because the window is to small.

She tells Danny to run and hide. Jack uses the axe to break into the bathroom. When the axe hits the door, Wendy starts to scream. She screams with every blow that the axe hits the door. Jack breaks the panel of the door open and looks in to see Wendy. Jack says, "Here's Johnny".

He sticks his hand in the door to open it. Wendy cuts his hand with a kitchen knife. She got the knife when she locked Jack in the pantry. Jack screams as the knife cuts him. Suddenly they both hear the snowmobile, driven by Dick, coming to the hotel. Jack runs away to meet Dick. Wendy leaves the bathroom to find Danny.

As she is looking for Danny she sees many strange things.

She sees a man dressed in a black tuxedo. The man raises his glass to toast Wendy. He has blood running down the center of his face. Wendy turns around and runs the opposite way. Wendy turns the corner and sees the elevator. A river of blood explodes from the elevator shaft.
9. What does Wendy fix Jack for breakfast?

Answer: sunnyside up eggs

Wendy is pushing a food cart through the lobby of the hotel. She takes the cart up to their apartment. Wendy wakes up Jack so he can eat his breakfast. Jack sits up and we see him wearing a faded blue Stovington t-shirt. Wendy gives Jack his breakfast of sunnyside up eggs, bacon, and juice. Jack starts to eat his breakfast and Wendy sits down on the bed to talk to him. They both start to talk about the hotel and how much they like it there. Jack says he experienced a sense of deja vu that was almost ridiculous. Wendy tells Jack it is a nice day outside and asks him to take her for a walk. Jack says he should really get some work done. Jack at this point has yet to fall under the influence of the hotel. A few days later we see Jack staring at a model of the hotel's maze. He can see miniature versions of Wendy and Danny going through the maze. It is all down hill from here as Jack slips into what can only be described as madness.

It is never mentioned where Jack worked in the movie. The only reference we see to his old job is the t-shirt. In the book, Jack was fired from the teaching position for beating up a student. The student was caught by Jack slashing his tires. This is a key point in the book as it leads to Jack being offered the job at the Overlook.
10. Where is Dick when he gets the cry for help from Danny?

Answer: Florida

Dick is lying on his bed in Miami watching the evening news. The newscaster is talking about the current weather condition in Florida. Then the newscaster switches to the weather in Colorado. He says Colorado is being hit by a major snow storm. Dick starts to shake as he gets the image of Danny in trouble. Dick is concerned about the family. Dick calls the Colorado Park Rangers to try to get them to contact the Overlook. The rangers tell Dick the phone lines are down because of the storm. The ranger tells Dick he will try to contact them via CB. The ranger tells Dick to call back in 20 minutes. Dick calls back and the ranger says he wasn't able to get in touch with the family. Dick immediately catches a flight to Colorado. He calls his friend Durkin to get a snowmobile. Durkin tells him the weather is bad. Dick tells Durkin he has to get to the hotel to check on the Torrances. We see Dick driving the snowmobile through the woods to the hotel. When he arrives he goes to the hotel to find the family. He calls out for them several times, but nobody answers. Dick continues his search when Jack appears out from behind a column. Jack drives his axe into Dick's stomach and kills him. Danny has seen what has happened and starts screaming. Jack follows the screams and chases Danny.

Florida is known as the Sunshine State. It is probably one of the most visited states in the United States because of its tourist attractions and theme parks. Florida is home to Magic Kingdom and Epcot among others. Florida is also known for its produce. It is a leader in the citrus industry especially the growth of oranges. Florida was the 29th state admitted to the United States of America.
Source: Author rieker01

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