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Quiz about  Hey Four Is Id Like a Word With You Part 3
Quiz about  Hey Four Is Id Like a Word With You Part 3

Hey Four I's! I'd Like a Word With You (Part 3) Quiz

This quiz takes a look at words that have the letter "I" four times in that word. It will involve identifying the correct definitions, synonyms, antonyms, etymologies, etc.

A multiple-choice quiz by Billkozy. Estimated time: 3 mins.
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3 mins
Multiple Choice
Quiz #
Sep 08 24
# Qns
Avg Score
8 / 10
Last 3 plays: Iva9Brain (7/10), SatchelPooch (8/10), Guest 130 (3/10).
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Question 1 of 10
1. In which work did author E. M. Forster use the 4-I'd word "civilities" when he wrote, "...the thousand little civilities that create tenderness in time..."? Hint

Question 2 of 10
2. Atlantic International University has estimated that in 2024, over 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created every day, by what 4-I'd process? Hint

Question 3 of 10
3. In his "12 Rules for Life" psychologist and author Jordan Peterson said that doing what to a child was not "revenge for a misdeed" but rather an "act of responsibility"? Hint

Question 4 of 10
4. What does the 4-I'd word "Illegibility" mean? Hint

Question 5 of 10
5. What is the definition of the 4-I's word "Imitability"? Hint

Question 6 of 10
6. Which 4-I'd word was first used in the 1940s, referring to a reward system of encouraging harder work, during the economy surrounding the United States war effort? Hint

Question 7 of 10
7. Which of the following words would NOT be a synonym for the 4-I'd word, "Insatiability"? Hint

Question 8 of 10
8. When italicization was first used in 1500 by the Italian printer Aldus Manutius, his intention was to create emphasis, an emphatic expression.

Question 9 of 10
9. These philosophers had a somewhat "Militaristic" outlook, EXCEPT for which one, who had quite the opposite philosophy of that 4-I'd word? Hint

Question 10 of 10
10. The 4-I'd word Variabilities is a crucial concept in scientific and mathematical statistics that help in understanding risk-assessment, and making predictions. Which of the following is NOT one of the measures that statisticians use in understanding variability? Hint

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Quiz Answer Key and Fun Facts
1. In which work did author E. M. Forster use the 4-I'd word "civilities" when he wrote, "...the thousand little civilities that create tenderness in time..."?

Answer: A Room With a View

"Brideshead Revisited: The Sacred and Profane Memories of Captain Charles Ryder" is by Evelyn Waugh, "The House of Mirth" is by Edith Wharton, and "The Wings of the Dove" is by Henry James.

The full sentence is "He did not realize that Lucy had consecrated her environment by the thousand little civilities that create tenderness in time, and that though her eyes saw its defects, her heart refused to despise it entirely." This narration sprang from a conversation between the heroine Miss Lucy Honeychurch and a friend Cecil Vyse, with whom she is spending time in Italy. He has proposed to her twice and both times she refused. The idea is that "civilities", or small acts of kindness, build over time to create affection between people or in this case Lucy's feelings about Italy.
2. Atlantic International University has estimated that in 2024, over 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created every day, by what 4-I'd process?

Answer: Digitizing

The technology of digitizing or digitization (to use another 4-I'd word) has changed our lives almost immeasurably; as Bill Gates himself once stated "One of the wonderful things about the information highway is that virtual equity is far easier to achieve than real-world equity."

In a nutshell digitization is converting information from analog or physical formats into digital formats, making it computer-readable, leading to such things as video streaming which has now become the dominant way people watch television and see movies. There seems not to be a single aspect of our lives that hasn't been revolutionized by the internet/computer/digitization Age, even health care, as well as business, entertainment, space exploration, education, etc.
3. In his "12 Rules for Life" psychologist and author Jordan Peterson said that doing what to a child was not "revenge for a misdeed" but rather an "act of responsibility"?

Answer: Disciplining

Discipline, he wrote, should not be based in anger, but rather be based in mercy and proper judgment. It is instead a careful combination of mercy and long-term judgment.

Discipline's Latin root "disciplina" meaning "instruct, educate, or train" would indicate that effort is involved in disciplining, and Mr. Peterson supports that notion - good disciplining requires effort, because it's necessary to pay attention to children in order to fully ascertain the what and why of the right and wrong. And how often do we see parents out there in public with their heads stuck staring at their smart phones. Strategizing the correct and compassionate discipline can be work, and it is the lazy parent who succumbs to the notion held by some that "all constraints placed on children are damaging."
4. What does the 4-I'd word "Illegibility" mean?

Answer: The quality of being unreadable

Illegibility refers to writing that is difficult or impossible to read or decipher, due to factors including bad handwriting, faded or blotted ink, damaged printed documents, or other reasons. Now, as it happens, another 4-I'd word may have come to the rescue in such cases: digitization. Via the technology of scanning and optical character recognition (OCR), sometimes previously illegible texts can be deciphered, but the accuracy isn't always a guarantee.
5. What is the definition of the 4-I's word "Imitability"?

Answer: The ability to be replicated

Imitability refers to the quality of being imitable, that is, the ability to be imitated or copied, usually in reference to behavioral traits or characteristics such as sound or artistic style in writing or performing, or even athletics. It derives from the Latin "imitabilis" meaning "that which may be imitated," from imitari "to copy, to portray."
6. Which 4-I'd word was first used in the 1940s, referring to a reward system of encouraging harder work, during the economy surrounding the United States war effort?

Answer: Incentivizing

An extension of the word incentive, which is rooted in the Late Latin "incentivum", meaning "stimulating", incentivize was "first attested 1943 in jargon of the U.S. war economy" according to the Online Etymology Dictionary.

The word incentive came to mean "to kindle" as in to incite, and in the 1940s phrases like "incentive payment" were used to describe payment systems that would spur extra work effort from the populace. War bonds were one form of incentivizing U.S. citizens to contribute financially to the war effort in exchange for a return on their investment. Incentivizing has grown to relate to many more areas of business and the economy.
7. Which of the following words would NOT be a synonym for the 4-I'd word, "Insatiability"?

Answer: Ataraxia

Insatiability the state of being persistently unable or incapable of fulfilling an appetite or desire for something, whether it be a psychological need or a material one.

Voracity, like insatiability, is an extreme hunger for something. Desideration, from the Latin "desideratum" which relates to "desire" indicates a profound unfulfilled longing or need. Appetency also reflects a strong desire, with the implication that it is an inclination of an insatiable nature.

While those three words would be apt synonyms for insatiability, the word Ataraxia would be at the other end of the satiation spectrum. The word comes from an ancient Greek philosophy that indicates "calmness, impassivity"; it is a mental state of lucid equanimity, or calmness.
8. When italicization was first used in 1500 by the Italian printer Aldus Manutius, his intention was to create emphasis, an emphatic expression.

Answer: False

The 4-I'd word "italicization" is the font type style of printing in which lines slope or tilt to the right. It is rooted in the Latin italicus meaning "Italian" or "of Italy," because it was introduced in 1501 by Aldus Manutius, a printer in Venice. He created the typeface for his edition of poetry by the Roman poet Virgil.

His intention was not emphasis, but instead was to replicate the way cursive handwriting slopes to the right (by right-handed people). He would continue to use this italicization for more of his pocket-size books of poetry.
9. These philosophers had a somewhat "Militaristic" outlook, EXCEPT for which one, who had quite the opposite philosophy of that 4-I'd word?

Answer: Mozi

The Chinese philosopher Mozi (470-391 B.C.) founded the school of thought called Mohism, a school of thought similar to Confucianism and Daoism. He espoused a doctrine of universal love that should be extended to all people, regardless of their status or relationship. Mozi was vehemently critical of warfare for its harm to society, causing suffering and loss, when a resolution to differences via peaceful methods would be much less detrimental than violence.

Niccolò Machiavelli's treatises "The Art of War", and "The Prince" expound on military strategy and the value of a well-organized military to political power, and achieving objectives of the state.

Carl von Clausewitz was a Prussian general and military theorist, whose seminal work, "On War" ("Vom Kriege") focused on the essential role of war in political affairs; that war is a tool of government policy and serving political purpose.

"The Art of War" is the military strategy that the ancient Chinese military theorist Sun Tzu is famous for. His tactical guide lays a foundation for military exploits-the preparation, strategy, business, discipline, and psychology, all with the end goal of achieving political objectives.
10. The 4-I'd word Variabilities is a crucial concept in scientific and mathematical statistics that help in understanding risk-assessment, and making predictions. Which of the following is NOT one of the measures that statisticians use in understanding variability?

Answer: Intraduality Limitation (IDL)

Variability refers to how much data points in a set of collected data differ from each other and the average value of all those data points. It is an analysis of how spread out the values are relative to the mean (which in statistics is used interchangeably with average).

The range is one measure that statisticians use, and that is the difference between the highest and lowest values in the dataset.
The variance is the average of the squared deviations from the mean, giving a sense of the degree of spread in the data. A little more simply put, it's the spread between all the data numbers in a data set; how far each number is from the overall average and from every other number in the set.
A standard deviation measures how dispersed the numbers are relative to the average. A small standard deviation tells you that the data numbers are pretty much grouped more closely around the average, whereas a large one would suggest the data is much more widely spread out.

There is another useful measurement called the Interquartile Range (IQR), which only focuses on the middle 50% of all the data points, which can useful in that it devalues the numbers that lie way outside the core set of numbers in case those extreme data numbers were flukes in some cases.
Source: Author Billkozy

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