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13 The Flash quizzes and 130 The Flash trivia questions.
  Super Villain Codenames: The Rogues   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Most super heroes have a "rogues gallery", but some of the Flash's enemies actually call themselves the "Rogues". Can you match the people behind the mask with their villainous alter-egos?
Average, 10 Qns, jcpetersen, Jun 29 21
Jun 29 21
607 plays
  Those Who Ride the Lightning    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
In honour of the current "Flash" series coming to an end, and because I am a certifiable "Flash" freak. After all, this is the coolest comic book character out there! Disagree? Take the quiz and learn to ride the lightning!
Average, 10 Qns, Vinodhan, Jun 29 21
Jun 29 21
422 plays
  The Rogues Gallery: The Flash's Deadliest Foes    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
It is said that the greatness of a hero is defined by the villains that he faces. Over the years the numerous men who laid claim to the Flash name have faced down everything from common street thugs to universe destroying despots.
Average, 10 Qns, darthdragon, Jun 29 21
Jun 29 21
495 plays
  Flash's Rogue Gallery    
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 10 Qns
The Flash, DC's biggest speedster, has a very colorful group of villains. How much do you know about them?
Average, 10 Qns, anthonyrappfan, Jun 29 21
Jun 29 21
603 plays
  The Best of Barry Allen    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The Silver Age Flash was Barry Allen, a forensic scientist who was struck by lightning! How much do you really know about this martyred hero?
Average, 10 Qns, anthonyrappfan, Jun 29 21
Jun 29 21
471 plays
  Wally's World    
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 10 Qns
Wally West is Barry Allen's nephew and the third person to adopt the mantle of the Flash. He was Kid Flash before taking up his uncle's mantle.
Average, 10 Qns, anthonyrappfan, Jun 29 21
Jun 29 21
497 plays
  "The Flash"    
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 10 Qns
Welcome to "The Flash" quiz.
Tough, 10 Qns, CupMatch, Jun 29 21
Jun 29 21
1443 plays
  Are You the Flash's Biggest Fan?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
If you can get over 50% on this quiz then you are one of the Flash's biggest fans.
Tough, 10 Qns, fraidan, Jun 29 21
Jun 29 21
374 plays
  The Secret of Barry Allen    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Wally West is the third person to be known as the Flash. In this trade paperback he learns the shocking secret his mentor kept.
Average, 10 Qns, anthonyrappfan, Jun 29 21
Jun 29 21
309 plays
  Bart Allen    
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 10 Qns
Bart Allen spent some time as Impulse before he matured and became Kid Flash. After the events of "Infinite Crisis", he has inherited the Flash mantle.
Average, 10 Qns, anthonyrappfan, Jun 29 21
Jun 29 21
302 plays
trivia question Quick Question
Before he was the Flash, Wally was Kid Flash, sidekick to Barry Allen's Flash. What were the primary colors of his costume?

From Quiz "Wally's World"

  The First Flash    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Jay Garrick debuted in the 1940's as the first person to have super-speed powers and to take the name of "Flash". How much do you know about Jay's adventures?
Average, 10 Qns, anthonyrappfan, Jun 29 21
Jun 29 21
325 plays
  The "Flash": Issue #190    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This issue is the Rogue Profile on the Pied Piper. He's one of my favorite characters. Enjoy!
Tough, 10 Qns, kingd126, Jun 29 21
Jun 29 21
292 plays
  Foes of the Fastest Man Alive    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
How much do you know about the Flash's Rogues Gallery? Please note that all of the questions are from the Pre-New 52 era, and many are from the Pre-Crisis era.
Tough, 10 Qns, longitudinal, Jun 29 21
Jun 29 21
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The Flash Trivia Questions

1. Hunter Zolomon was a criminal profiler. What is his codename?

From Quiz
Flash's Rogue Gallery

Answer: Zoom

Zolomon thought that Wally West didn't take superheroics seriously, and became jealous of his speed. He tried to use a cosmic treadmill, which backfired and turned him into Zoom. Zoom can change time that is relative to him, giving him the effects of super-speed. Zolomon first appeared in 2001 in "The Flash: Secret Files and Origins" #3. He became Zoom in 2003 in "The Flash" #197.

2. Bart suffered from an extremely high metabolism. When he was two years old, how old did he appear to be?

From Quiz Bart Allen

Answer: Twelve

A race with Wally West cured Bart of this condition, but not before it became obvious that Bart had no real-life experience.

3. Wally married his longtime girlfriend Linda Park. What was her occupation at the time?

From Quiz Wally's World

Answer: Reporter

Linda iinitially didn't like the Flash, but later ended up dating and marrying him. She gave birth to twins, after one miscarriage caused by Professor Zoom.

4. Barry served as best man at whose wedding?

From Quiz The Best of Barry Allen

Answer: Elongated Man's

Elongated Man and Barry both originally operated out of Central City, allowing them to team up a number of times. Elongated Man enjoyed a long marriage to his wife, Sue.

5. Wally is married to reporter Linda Park. What does her note reveal?

From Quiz The Secret of Barry Allen

Answer: She has left Wally.

Wally had previously asked Hal Jordan to remove knowledge of his secret identity from everyone's minds. Unknowingly this also meant himself and his wife! The shock was too much for Linda, who left for a month to sort her thoughts out. She returns and all is well again.

6. In what year did Jay Garrick first appear?

From Quiz The First Flash

Answer: 1940

Jay Garrick first appeared in "Flash Comics" #1 in 1940. He was not a character used by DC Comics at that point, but was instead used by All-American Publications, which would merge with two other companies to form DC Comics.

7. At the beginning of the issue, Piper is in Agent James Jesse's office. What villain did James Jesse used to be?

From Quiz The "Flash": Issue #190

Answer: Trickster

James Jesse is the first person Piper goes to for help because he doesn't trust the "Flash" anymore. Jesse doesn't give him any help.

8. Which Marvel character did Flash merge with in the "DC vs. Marvel" crossover?

From Quiz "The Flash"

Answer: Flash and Ghost Rider to become Speed Demon

Flash and Ghost Rider were merged to become Speed Demon in the crossover event that shook the foundations of comicdom.

9. In "Flash Comics" #1 Jay Garrick became the first Flash. He was not the only super hero to appear in the issue. Who was the other?

From Quiz Are You the Flash's Biggest Fan?

Answer: Hawkman

Hawkman was in this comic with the Flash. Johnny Thunder was in it too.

10. Girder's body is made of which metal?

From Quiz Flash's Rogue Gallery

Answer: Iron

Girder's body begins to rust when exposed to oxygen, making this super-strong brute easy to defeat. He often acts lewdly and makes unwarranted advances on female allies, which lands him in hot water many times. He first appeared in "Flash: Iron Heights" in 2001.

11. Barry's longtime girlfriend was Iris West. What century is she from?

From Quiz The Best of Barry Allen

Answer: 30th

Iris was sent back in time as a child and was adopted. She later appeared to die at the hands of the villainous Professor Zoom, but her soul was transported into the 30th century as her body was destroyed.

12. What was Jay's occupation when we first met him?

From Quiz The First Flash

Answer: College Student

Jay gained his powers through the use of heavy water vapors, which he inhaled when he fell asleep in his laboratory. Upon waking, he found he could move at superhuman speed!

13. Picking up speed to a brisk walk: Who was the Silver Age Flash's arch-nemesis?

From Quiz Those Who Ride the Lightning

Answer: The Reverse Flash

The Mirror Master was indeed Barry's first foe (in the very first Silver Age comic Book, "The Flash" #105); Captain Cold has also repeatedly come up against both Barry and his successor, Wally, while 'leading' the Flash's Rogue's Gallery on many occasions; The Turtle's 'powers' seem to make him the perfect antithesis to the Flash; but it is definitely Professor Zoom who is officially Barry's arch-foe. After all he did 'kill' Barry's fiance, and get himself killed by Barry as well when trying to repeat the deed! As for those high speed duels of red vs. yellow? Sheer Flash wonder.

14. Agent James Jesse puts a tracking device on Piper's leg when he jumps out the window. It's in the form of a letter. What letter is it?

From Quiz The "Flash": Issue #190

Answer: T

This is an old "toy" that Trickster had.

15. Why was Barry Allen Flash on trial shortly before his death in "Crisis"?

From Quiz "The Flash"

Answer: Murder

The Flash was on trial for murdering The Reverse Flash. The Reverse Flash had already killed Barrys first wife Iris, and he was about to kill his second wife on the day of their wedding when Barry zoomed to her rescue to stop Reverse Flash.

16. How many Rogues have younger sisters up until the New 52 Era?

From Quiz Foes of the Fastest Man Alive

Answer: Two

Captain Cold's younger sister, Lisa Snart, is a Rogue herself and goes by the name of Golden Glider. She debuted in "Flash" #150 in 1977. The Pied Piper is the other Rogue to have a younger sister. Her name is Geraldine "Jerrie" Rathaway, and she only appeared once: in "Flash vol. 2" #32, in 1989.

17. In the comic crisis "Flashpoint", Barry Allen changed time so that his mother was still alive but other things changed that were not so good. One of the things listed below did not happen. Which was it?

From Quiz Are You the Flash's Biggest Fan?

Answer: The Reverse Flash blew up the Central City Police Station

Barry even lost his super speed but in the end, by creating a new Justice League, everything got sorted out.

18. The Flash seems to attract time travelers like flies to honey. What is the name of the evil "magician" of the 64th century who first waltzed on stage in "Flash" v.1 #128 (1962)?

From Quiz The Rogues Gallery: The Flash's Deadliest Foes

Answer: Abra Kadabra

In the future he was a man who dreamed of a career as a stage magician but technology had become so advanced as to make magic tricks obsolete. He therefore traveled back in time to find an audience before settling down to a life of crime. Mumbo Jumbo was the name of an Abra Kadabra like character created solely for the "Teen Titans" cartoon series.

19. Which job did Mick Rory have when he worked with the circus?

From Quiz Flash's Rogue Gallery

Answer: He was a fire eater

Mick Rory doesn't suffer from pyromania-he enjoys every minute of it! He burned down his own house, his friend's house (after locking his friend inside), and the circus at which he worked. Rory later went straight, but even later reformed and killed Bart Allen, along with other Rogues. He first appeared in "Flash" #140, debuting in November 1963.

20. Which super-speedster raised Bart and moved him to Alabama?

From Quiz Bart Allen

Answer: Max Mercury

Max Mercury was given charge of the hyperactive Bart when he proved to be too much for Wally West, the Flash at the time. Mercury is a time-hopping superhero who has lived in several decades.

21. For a time after Barry Allen's death during "Crises on Infinite Earths", Wally had a limit on his speed powers. What was it?

From Quiz Wally's World

Answer: He could only run as fast as the speed of sound.

Wally was afraid of replacing his uncle, whom he admired greatly. This mental block kept him from reaching his full potential and only matching the speed of sound when using his powers.

22. In "JLA: Year One", Barry kisses which superheroine?

From Quiz The Best of Barry Allen

Answer: Black Canary

Although both characters acknowledge their attraction to one another, they decline to explore it any further than that kiss. Barry feels that Iris was his one true love.

23. A handful of Rogues attack the parade honoring the Flash. Which other two speedsters help Flash?

From Quiz The Secret of Barry Allen

Answer: Jay Garrick and Kid Flash

Jay Garrick was the first Flash; he's been fighting crime since the 1940's, using several methods to keep himself in shape! Kid Flash is Bart Allen, Barry Allen's grandson from the 30th century.

24. How did Jay protect his identity when fighting crime?

From Quiz The First Flash

Answer: Vibrating so nobody could see his face

While in the public eye, Jay vibrates his body so that nobody can get a clear look at his face. This also foils people who try to take photographs.

25. When Piper is a baby, his nanny says to his parents that "Hartley's been home for a ___________ and they have gone out every night." How long had Hartley been home?

From Quiz The "Flash": Issue #190

Answer: One month

Mr. Rathaway replies, "For heaven's sake, he'll be there when we get home."

26. Who was one of the jurors during the Flash's trial?

From Quiz "The Flash"

Answer: Iris Allen

Iris Allen was juror while he was on trial. As it turned out when Reverse Flash had killed her, her soul was retrieved in the future by her real parents. They then sent her "Quantum Leaping" back through time into the body of Barry's Lawyer.

27. How many of the Rogues have had children (until the New 52 Era)?

From Quiz Foes of the Fastest Man Alive

Answer: Three

Three of the Rogues have had children (in the main timeline, at least). The original Captain Boomerang, George "Digger" Harkness, had a son named Owen Mercer. Owen inherited his father's skill with the boomerang...and low-level super-speed from the family of his mother, Meloni Thawne. This also makes Owen the half-brother of the hero Bart Allen (a.k.a. Impulse/Kid Flash). The Weather Wizard had a one-night stand with a cop named Julie Jackam, which produced a son (Josh Jackam). The child had innate weather-controlling powers and was tragically killed by Inertia during Rogues' Revenge. Finally, the original Trickster, James Jesse, had a son named Billy Hong. He was the product of James' relationship with a woman named Mindy Hong, and he also had control of his own personal angel. Sadly, he only showed up once, in 1999's The Rogues: New Year's Evil.

28. Who was the first Kidflash?

From Quiz Are You the Flash's Biggest Fan?

Answer: Wally West

Wally was the first Kidflash. Barry Allen was never a Kidflash but Bart and Iris were.

29. Mark Mardon used a wand to control the weather, until the villain Inertia destroyed the wand. He now controls the weather directly. Who is he?

From Quiz Super Villain Codenames: The Rogues

Answer: Weather Wizard

Mardon ("The Flash" #110, 1959) had sired a son, Josh, who demonstrated weather controlling power. Josh was killed by Inertia in "Final Crisis: Rogues' Revenge", 2008.

30. One of the Flash's greatest foes is an anthropomorphic beast who might not seem nearly as deadly as he is. His given name is Grodd, but many often attach his species to his name. What animal species is Grodd a member of?

From Quiz The Rogues Gallery: The Flash's Deadliest Foes

Answer: Gorilla

Originally Grodd and the other inhabitants of Gorilla City were mere apes. They then found an alien spacecraft that empowered all the gorillas with super intelligence and Grodd with telekinesis and mind control powers in "Flash" v.1 #106 (1959). During times when Grodd's powers wane or he becomes extremely agitated his more animalistic side comes out .

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