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  7. Brent-Dyer, Elinor

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Although Elinor Brent-Dyer is best known for writing about the girls of the Chalet School, these quizzes look at some of her other writing.
10 Non-Chalet Books quizzes and 110 Non-Chalet Books trivia questions.
  Judy, The Guide    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
"Judy, The Guide" is a school story written by Elinor Brent-Dyer, the author of the "Chalet School" series.
Tough, 10 Qns, Bethannieh, Jun 06 12
117 plays
  A Girl Called Geraldine    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Elinor M Brent-Dyer's first book, 'Gerry Goes to School', is about Geraldine 'Gerry' Challoner, raised Victorian-style by her elderly aunts, who struggles to fit in with modern society, although she eventually learns.
Average, 10 Qns, Kankurette, Nov 04 22
Kankurette gold member
Nov 04 22
44 plays
  Meet the Gellibrands: 'The Lost Staircase'    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
'The Lost Staircase' is one of Elinor M Brent-Dyer's non-'Chalet School' books and tells the story of Jesanne Gellibrand, who moves across the world to begin a new life with her eccentric old cousin Sir Ambrose, and discovers the secrets of his house.
Average, 10 Qns, Kankurette, Nov 20 19
Kankurette gold member
Nov 20 19
147 plays
  Meet the Willoughbys: 'Seven Scamps'    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
'Seven Scamps' is one of the books in the 'La Rochelle' series by Elinor M Brent-Dyer. It focuses on the Willoughby children, some of whom go on to appear in the 'Chalet School' series.
Average, 10 Qns, Kankurette, Nov 30 18
Kankurette gold member
Nov 30 18
134 plays
  The "La Rochelle" Books   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Elinor M. Brent-Dyer is best known for her "Chalet School" series. This quiz is about another shorter set of stories by her.
Average, 10 Qns, Lottie1001, Sep 26 07
Lottie1001 gold member
292 plays
  Lorna at Wynyards   great trivia quiz  
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 15 Qns
This quiz is about the first of Elinor M. Brent-Dyer's books about Lorna.
Average, 15 Qns, Lottie1001, Oct 12 07
Lottie1001 gold member
214 plays
  Elinor Brent-Dyer's non Chalet School books   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
There are lots of Chalet School quizzes on line, but Elinor Brent-Dyer wrote many other books in her lifetime. Have you heard of any of her other titles?
Average, 10 Qns, beckyel, Feb 06 06
464 plays
  Stepsisters for Lorna   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
This quiz is about the second book which Elinor M. Brent-Dyer wrote about Lorna.
Average, 15 Qns, Lottie1001, Jun 06 22
Lottie1001 gold member
Jun 06 22
222 plays
  Chalet School Connections    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
As well as the "Chalet" series, Elinor Brent-Dyer wrote other stories. Some of these other books have links to the "Chalet" series. Try this quiz to see how much you know about books connected to the "Chalet School" series.
Average, 10 Qns, Bethannieh, Mar 20 11
184 plays
  "Jean of Storms" by Elinor Brent-Dyer    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Elinor Brent-Dyer is mostly known for her children's books, especially the "Chalet School" series. However, she did write one book that deals with more adult themes, "Jean of Storms", which is about a young woman in 1930s England.
Average, 10 Qns, LauraMcC, Apr 26 15
LauraMcC gold member
125 plays

Non-Chalet Books Trivia Questions

1. Gerry's great-aunts, Charlotte and Alicia, ask their friend, the Reverend Arthur Trevennor, to take Gerry in while they travel to Madeira for Alicia's health. How many children are in the Trevennor family?

From Quiz
A Girl Called Geraldine

Answer: 10

From youngest to oldest, the Trevennor children are Elizabeth (aka Betty), Geoffrey, Sheila, Cecil, twins Bernard and Jill, Larry, Helen (aka Nell), Margaret (aka Peggy) and Paul. Sheila, Jill and Nell are all pupils at St Peter's School, while Peggy has recently left. Charlotte Challenor is a cousin of Reverend Trevennor's father, and she and her sister Alicia have been looking after their great-niece Geraldine after her parents were killed in a tornado (she is named after her father Gerald). Because Geraldine is twelve, Charlotte and Alicia do not want to take her to Madeira with them, but there are no other relatives to take her in, so Charlotte writes to the Reverend to ask him to look after Geraldine while they are away. The Trevennor children later shorten Geraldine's name to Gerry, hence the title of the book.

2. In which country is Jesanne Gellibrand living when Sir Ambrose requests that she come and live with him?

From Quiz Meet the Gellibrands: 'The Lost Staircase'

Answer: New Zealand

Jesanne's parents died when she was young; her mother Jessica died in childbirth and her father, Sir Nicholas, is a distant cousin of Sir Ambrose, and died intestate six months before the story takes place. Her aunt Anne Mortimer is her sole carer; her name, which Sir Ambrose dislikes, is a portmanteau of 'Jessica' and 'Anne'. Miss Mortimer does not want to send Jesanne to Britain, but Sir Ambrose threatens legal action, as all the heirs to the Dragon House are dead and Jesanne is the next in line to the inheritance.

3. What is the correct age order of the Willoughby children, from oldest to youngest?

From Quiz Meet the Willoughbys: 'Seven Scamps'

Answer: Maidie, Rex, Marjolaine, Peter, David, Dina, Tim

Maidie - real name Madeleine - is 17, the oldest of the children and in charge of the house while their father, Sir Piers Willoughby, is away. Rex is 16, and has heart trouble. Marjolaine, the next of the girls, is 14. Peter is 13, and likes to read. David is 11, and has no brain-to-mouth filter. Dina - real name Bernadine - also has health problems, and is the most conscientious of the children. Finally, Tim is 5, and the baby. None of the children go to school; the boys all have home tuition from Mr Eltringham, the curate, who they dislike. 'Chalet School' fans may recall that later in the 'La Rochelle' series, David marries Nan Blakeney, a friend of Janie Lucy, Maidie marries Rex's uni friend Cuthbert Clitheroe, and Rex marries Con Atherton.

4. In which part of England is the book set?

From Quiz "Jean of Storms" by Elinor Brent-Dyer

Answer: Northeast

"Jean of Storms" is set in the fictional town of Hasnett, which is situated near Newcastle upon Tyne, in the northeast of England. Hasnett is believed to be based on the small village of Cullercoats, while the larger town of Aulmbermouth, which is also mentioned in the novel, is based on Tynemouth. Elinor Brent-Dyer herself came from South Shields, also near Newcastle, and this book is the only one of hers to be set near her home town.

5. At the start of the story, Judy is at home in Canada. Who suggests that Judy should go to school in England?

From Quiz Judy, The Guide

Answer: Mr Bolland

Mr Bolland is Judy's godfather. He offers to send Judy to a good school in England. The other answers are all characters from the book. Mollie Carey is Judy's sister; Mrs Corrie is the woman who accompanies Judy on the ship crossing to England; Sylvia Burton is the sister of Mr Bolland and she looks after Judy when she arrives in England.

6. We'll begin with a series of books that has very strong connections to the Chalet School. Can you name the series that introduces us to a number of future Chalet girls - including the Lucy, Willoughby and Chester families?

From Quiz Chalet School Connections

Answer: "La Rochelle" series

The others are all series of books, but not by Brent-Dyer and not linked to the "Chalet" series. They are all written by D F Bruce.

7. How was Lorna told that she was about to acquire two stepsisters?

From Quiz Stepsisters for Lorna

Answer: In a letter from one of the new stepsisters.

Lorna is summoned to the Headmistress, and asked why she has been sent a letter at school. Rosemary has written a letter to welcome Lorna to the family, but only knew the school address, so couldn't send it to her home.

8. Most of the books in the series are set on an island. Which one is it?

From Quiz The "La Rochelle" Books

Answer: Guernsey.

It is believed that Elinor spent a summer holiday in Guernsey in 1923. She was also close friends with a fellow teacher at Western House, who was from Guernsey.

9. What is Wynyards the name of?

From Quiz Lorna at Wynyards

Answer: Both.

Wynyards School is named for the small Cotswolds town in which it is situated. The town of Wynyards appears to be based on Chipping Campden - many of the features mentioned in the books can still be seen in the town today.

10. The Chalet School series is Elinor Brent-Dyer's longest series of stories. Some of the characters that appear in the Chalet School also appear in her second longest series of books. What is this series known as?

From Quiz Elinor Brent-Dyer's non Chalet School books

Answer: La Rochelle

The first book in this series is 'Gerry Goes To School', which was the first book Elinor Brent-Dyer wrote. The stories are set on Guernsey, where the Chalet School moves to when Austria is occupied by the Germans. They tell the story of the Temple sisters, who eventually send their daughters to the Chalet School. Chalet readers will be familiar with the Lucy/Chester/Ozanne families.

11. What is Gerry doing when she first appears in the book?

From Quiz A Girl Called Geraldine

Answer: Playing the piano

Climbing a tree would be extremely unusual for the sheltered Gerry! Her old-fashioned great-aunts have raised her like a little Victorian girl, with her usual leisure activities being things like sewing, going for boring walks and playing the piano, at which she is genuinely talented. She is also expected to only speak when spoken to, and wears old-fashioned dresses with her hair in ringlets. When we first meet her, she is practising the piano and thinking about how much she wants to play with other girls like her, as there are very few children locally, and the local children don't come from the same background as her. Gerry falls asleep on her trip to the Rectory. When she wakes up, she meets Margaret, who she initially thinks is a fairy princess.

12. The Gellibrands have always been dog and horse people, and Sir Ambrose is no exception. What kind of dog does he breed?

From Quiz Meet the Gellibrands: 'The Lost Staircase'

Answer: German shepherds

Sir Ambrose is pleased to discover that Jesanne also loves dogs - she has a German shepherd puppy called Sanchia - as he considers loving dogs to be the mark of a true Gellibrand, and the family have bred dogs for generations. He himself breeds German shepherds and has two of his own called Storm and Donna, and Sanchia soon becomes part of the pack. He also has a faithful old mastiff called Beowulf. There is also a mother cat called Gipsy with kittens, who lives in the kitchen. (In real life, Elinor M Brent-Dyer was a big dog person and had German shepherds of her own, and wrote another book involving one called 'They Both Liked Dogs').

13. At the very start of the book, Jean learns that her widowed sister-in-law has died, and she has been named as the guardian for her small niece, Allison. In which country has Allison been living up until this time?

From Quiz "Jean of Storms" by Elinor Brent-Dyer

Answer: India

Jean's elder brother, Alastair, was serving in the army in India, when he met and married a young widow, Doris, who had a small child, Kirsty. Shortly after Allison's birth Alastair died of cholera. Now that Doris, too, is dead, her two daughters must travel to England to live with relatives. They are put on a ship, and arrive in Southampton almost before Jean has received the letter that tells of their coming.

14. Into which dormitory is Judy placed?

From Quiz Judy, The Guide

Answer: Bird

All the choices are the names of dormitories at St Ronan's School. The Charles II room would appear to be Senior School dormitory, occupied by Fifth Form girls. Bird, Butterfly and Tree are Middle School dormitories. Bird is accepted as the prettiest room.

15. In which "Chalet" book do two of EBD's favourite characters from different series - Janie Lucy and Joey Maynard - meet and become friends?

From Quiz Chalet School Connections

Answer: The Chalet School In Exile

The threat of war means that the Chalet School has to leave Austria and move to Guernsey. Here they meet the people from the "La Rochelle" series and almost immediately, Joey and Janie become firm friends.

16. Why isn't Kit at home when Mrs. Arnold arrives with Rosemary and Marigold?

From Quiz Stepsisters for Lorna

Answer: She is studying at Oxford.

Kit left school at the end of the summer term, and is in her first year reading for a degree at Oxford.

17. In "Gerry Goes to School", why does Gerry leave her existing home to go to school?

From Quiz The "La Rochelle" Books

Answer: Her great aunts have to go to Madeira.

Gerry has been brought up by her great aunts since she was tiny, and has led a very old fashioned existence. One of her dreams is to go to school and make lots of friends, who will call her 'Gerry' and not 'Geraldine'.

18. One story is about a girl who has the same name as a flower. What is this book called?

From Quiz Elinor Brent-Dyer's non Chalet School books

Answer: Carnation of the Upper Fourth

This story has the usual new girl, who has problems settling into school, makes an enemy of an old girl and, fortunately, everything turns out well in the end.

19. What does Paul Trevennor call Gerry throughout the book?

From Quiz A Girl Called Geraldine

Answer: Pal

Gerry gradually meets the other Trevennor children and Paul teases her, asking her to give him a kiss in return for carrying her into the house, which frightens Gerry. Paul apologises and asks Gerry to be pals (Gerry has no idea what 'pal' means, but agrees). Throughout the book, he calls her his 'pal'. The other Trevennors generally get on with Gerry, even if they find her a bit weird (such as her horror at Cecil wanting to be an actor, a profession her great-aunts see as immoral), with one exception - Jill, who is jealous of Gerry's friendship with Paul. Paul plays the organ at church and is a talented violinist. All the Trevennor boys except Geoffrey play string instruments (Cecil plays the viola, Bernard plays the cello and Larry plays the double bass). Paul also later bonds with Gerry over music when she accompanies the boys' playing as a string quartet. Sheila plays the piano, but badly, while Margaret is a very average piano player and Nell and Jill are not musical at all; Nell is a sports enthusiast and Jill is very academic, hoping to become a doctor.

20. Sir Piers returns home with a shocking surprise for his children - a new stepmother, Sigrid, and stepsister, Britta. What country are they from?

From Quiz Meet the Willoughbys: 'Seven Scamps'

Answer: Norway

Sir Piers meets Sigrid Lundgren and Britta in Algeria, where he falls in love with her. Britta stays with Sigrid's old nanny while Sigrid and Sir Piers go on honeymoon, and then they sail to England. Sigrid is young and nervous, and tries her hardest to get on with the Willoughby children, but they reject her. Britta immediately makes herself unpopular with the Willoughbys when she accuses Maidie of being rude to her mother, and constantly cries and tells tales. The Willoughbys exclude her from their games in return. Britta also angers Maidie by accidentally breaking a china ornament that Maidie's dead mother gave her, and Maidie is furious and locks her out of the playroom. The Willoughbys also drive the point home by removing all their things from the playroom.

21. Allison's half sister, Kirsty, does not live with Jean at first. Which relative looks after her?

From Quiz "Jean of Storms" by Elinor Brent-Dyer

Answer: Gladys Page, her aunt

As Kirsty is not related to Jean by blood (she being only the step daughter of Alastair, Jean's brother), she does not go to live with her. Instead, she is sent to her aunt Gladys, who lives in Fareham, Hampshire, on the south coast of England. Jean meets Kirsty briefly in Southampton, and her first impressions are not favourable, as the child appears very spoilt. Mollie, Charles and Mrs Taylor (no first name given) are all other characters in the book.

22. What accident happens on Judy's first night at school?

From Quiz Judy, The Guide

Answer: She breaks a vase

The vase is a valuable piece of Sevres china. It is one of a pair that Muriel Wilcox has brought to school. Judy has carried them upstairs for Muriel during unpacking, but one of them slips and falls onto the hard dormitory floor. This causes Muriel to be angry with Judy for most of the book.

23. After their tests, in which forms are Rosemary and Marigold placed?

From Quiz Stepsisters for Lorna

Answer: Rosemary in Upper Third and Marigold in Lower Second.

Although Rosemary is a little older than Lorna, she has learnt very little mathematics, so she is placed in a lower form than Lorna, who is in Lower Fourth. Marigold at thirteen is younger than both the other girls, but appears to have learnt very little from her succession of governesses, so she is placed in a class of ten year olds.

24. In "A Head Girl's Difficulties", who is the Head Girl with the difficulties?

From Quiz The "La Rochelle" Books

Answer: Rosamund Atherton.

Some of Rosamund's difficulties include the Headmistress being absent due to a train accident, an outbreak of diphtheria, an episode of sentimentality amongst the juniors, a cat siege and a fire which destroys her essay competition entry.

25. Who meets Lorna when she arrives at Wynyards, and where does that meeting take place?

From Quiz Lorna at Wynyards

Answer: Her cousin Kit at the station.

Despite having mixed feelings about Lorna coming to live with them, Kit cycles to the station to meet her cousin. However Lorna falls off her bicycle on the very steep road up from the station, and they have to leave it to be mended and walk the rest of the way home.

26. Monica Marilliar joined the Chalet School when it was in Wales. One of Elinor Brent-Dyer's books tells of her life before the Chalet School. What is its title?

From Quiz Elinor Brent-Dyer's non Chalet School books

Answer: Monica Turns Up Trumps

Monica had had poor school reports, so her father sent her to a local school where they did not do the games and gym that she so loved. In addition to this, she had to have her cousins come to live with them. By the end of the story Monica has pulled up her school work and gets on well with her cousins. She joins the Chalet School a couple of years later.

27. After her enrollment, which Patrol does Judy join?

From Quiz Judy, The Guide

Answer: Daffodil

There are vacancies in the Wren and Daffodil patrols. Judy is thrilled to join Daffodil because her friends are in this patrol.

28. Lorna at Wynyards has a very tenuous link to the "Chalet" series. What is this connection?

From Quiz Chalet School Connections

Answer: Lorna's cousin has met a Chalet girl

Lorna's cousin Kit has met Joey Bettany/Maynard. She also has the books Joey wrote, including a signed copy. The other options never happened - I just made them up!

29. On their first morning at Wynyards, where do Mrs. Arnold and Lorna take Rosemary and Marigold for coffee?

From Quiz Stepsisters for Lorna

Answer: The Golden Cockerel.

Rosemary and Marigold arrive at half-term, and coffee at the Golden Cockerel is one of Lorna's usual half-term treats. The rest of half-term is spent in obtaining uniforms at Evesham, buying bicycles in Oxford, and a trip to Stratford-upon-Avon.

30. In "The Maids of La Rochelle" why do Elizabeth, Anne and Janie Temple move to the island?

From Quiz The "La Rochelle" Books

Answer: Their father has died, and they have very little money.

Captain Temple's first wife died when Anne was a baby and the second Mrs. Temple died some years later. Their father's death leaves the three girls practically destitute, since he had been unable to save. Fortunately there is a cottage available to rent quite cheaply in Guernsey.

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