11. Long before Europeans arrived in this country, indigenous Australians lived off the land, collecting foods wherever they roved. What is this food commonly referred to today?
From Quiz Aussie Food and Drink
Bush Tucker
Hunting for big game such as kangaroo, wallaby, or emu was done by the men in hunting parties. They were exceptionally skilled at tracking and reading all the signs in the bush as to which animals were present and where they were. However, like all hunting parties, a catch wasn't bought home every day, and so it was left up to the women to keep the tribe fed on a regular basis. This they did by gathering bush berries, fruits, nuts, yams, bogong moths, witchetty grubs in some areas, small animals trapped up trees such as possums, and many other food sources. It was a drought stricken Garden of Eden really. Bush tucker, alas, is a dying art in this country, and unless it is taught regularly at schools, or in field excursions, most of us today would starve to death if lost in the bush. Yet, the indigenous Australians survived happily and comfortably on it for over 50,000 years.