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Australian Military Trivia

Australian Military Trivia Quizzes

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Embark on an adventure through the valor and victories of the Aussie armed forces. This category will test your knowledge of heroic battles, legendary figures, and significant moments that define Australia's military history. From the ANZAC spirit to modern-day missions, each question will challenge your wits and deepen your appreciation for the brave men and women in uniform.
11 Australian Military quizzes and 105 Australian Military trivia questions.
  Australia in World War II    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This will test your knowledge of what happened to Australia during World War Two.
Average, 10 Qns, JayJay22, Aug 01 19
Aug 01 19
1240 plays
  Royal Australian Navy Nicknames    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The Royal Australian Navy has some common nicknames for sailors with specific surnames. Some are common and in use outside of the Navy but some are particular to the service. Which do you know?
Tough, 10 Qns, skilburn, Mar 01 09
574 plays
  Join the Australian Army!    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Ever thought about joining the Australian Army? Here's your chance to see how you would shape up. Get ready soldier!
Easier, 10 Qns, Lympathy, Dec 02 22
Dec 02 22
1246 plays
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
If you have been apart of the AAFC for only a few weeks, or know some Air Force backround, this will be an easy quiz. The AAFC are related to the Australian Air Force but are also an organisation of its own.
Average, 10 Qns, benny_boi_99, Nov 26 22
Nov 26 22
504 plays
  Australian Military (General)    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is on Australian Military history and will be challenging for most people because Australia is a small country and its military input has been very under-reported.
Tough, 10 Qns, mountaingoat, Mar 22 21
Mar 22 21
889 plays
  Australian Navy 1    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is some fun and interesting facts about life in the Royal Australian Navy. I hope you enjoy and mayby learn somthing new. RAN 2 is comming soon.
Average, 10 Qns, adzparadox, Oct 20 22
Oct 20 22
1036 plays
  Australian Victoria Cross Recipients    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
A brief overview of the events, places, and Australian V.C. recipients.
Tough, 10 Qns, munnis, Oct 02 21
Oct 02 21
583 plays
  Royal Australian Navy in WWII    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The RAN served in many theatres in WWII. This quiz looks at some notable RAN events during the war.
Tough, 10 Qns, oznavyguy, Oct 14 21
Oct 14 21
169 plays
  The Australian Special Air Service    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The is the first in what I hope to be a series of the world's best fighting infantry! This is on the SASR (Australian SAS), alot of it is on/about their role in Vietnam
Tough, 10 Qns, YoungSmart, Jul 19 24
Jul 19 24
788 plays
  Australian Navy 2    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The second of my quizzes on the Royal Australian Navy. Some more tricky answers (the questions are easy). I hope you enjoy this one as much as the last one. Good luck and have fun.
Tough, 10 Qns, adzparadox, Feb 12 14
782 plays
trivia question Quick Question
How many Australian soldiers lost their lives in Vietnam?

From Quiz "Australian Military"

  Australian Military    
Multiple Choice
 5 Qns
One for the military buffs.
Average, 5 Qns, MUDLARK, Dec 02 22
Dec 02 22
1467 plays
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Australian Military Trivia Questions

1. Which light cruiser was lost off Western Australia in 1941l

From Quiz
Royal Australian Navy in WWII

Answer: Sydney

HMAS Sydney served in the Mediterranean and was famous for sinking the Italian Cruiser Bartolomeo Colleoni. She returned to Australia in 1941 and on 19 November 1941 was engaged in battle with the German raider Kormoran which resulted in both vessels sinking. None of the crew from the Sydney survived.

2. What nickname is given to a sailor with the surname 'Williams' in the Australian military?

From Quiz Royal Australian Navy Nicknames

Answer: Bungy

'Bungy' is the nickname given to a sailor with the surname Williams. The true origin of this nickname is obscure and no one seems to know for sure however it has been in recorded use for a very long time. However there is one interesting story that originates from the time of the death of Admiral Nelson. Two Able Seamen named Williams and Edwards were tasked to obtain the brandy cask that Nelson's body was to be transported back to England in and upon discovering it was to be filled with brandy, (as well as Nelson's body,) Williams decided to ensure the barrel had a 'bung' in it so that he and Edwards could siphon off the brandy during the voyage. When the barrel was opened, Nelson's head was above the level of the brandy and had not pickled due to the quantity of brandy consumed. Williams and Edwards were flogged for their crime and Williams became synonymous for the 'Bung.' Another possibility is that it was named after a sailor having a 'Full Bung.' This relates to a type of purse sailors stowed their money in the days before wallets. There is obscure speculation there was a 'Williams' who was generous with his money.

3. The main rifle used by Australian troops in Vietnam was the SLR. What does SLR mean?

From Quiz Australian Military (General)

Answer: Self Loading Rifle

Much heavier rifle than the M16 used by the US troops but this was an advantage in close quarter combat using the heavy butt as a battering weapon.

4. What does AAFC stand for?

From Quiz AAFC

Answer: Australian Air Force Cadets

The AAFC (Australian Air Force Cadets) have more squadrons in Australia then real Air Force bases.

5. Welcome, Recruit. Time for your first lesson. Your (male) Platoon Commander asks if you are ready for training. You reply with the appropriate compliment, "Yes..." what?

From Quiz Join the Australian Army!

Answer: Sir

It is polite to refer to anyone as "Sir", however any Officer in the Australian Army should be respectfully referred to as "Sir". If your Commander is female, the correct response would be "Ma'am".

6. When did Australia declare itself in World War II after Britain's declaration of war on September 3, 1939?

From Quiz Australia in World War II

Answer: Several hours later

Australia was part of the British Empire and felt a duty of loyalty to the "Mother Country", so some hours after Britain declared war on Germany, Australia followed suit.

7. In the Royal Australian Navy, what does HMAS stand for?

From Quiz Australian Navy 1

Answer: His/Her Majesty's Australian Ship

As Australia is a part of the Commonwealth, we serve the British Monarch. Ergo, His or Her Majesty's Australian Ship (depending on whether the monarch is male or female).

8. Private John William Alexander Jackson is currently recognised as the youngest Australian V.C. recipient. How old was he at the time he won the Victoria Cross?

From Quiz Australian Victoria Cross Recipients

Answer: 18 yrs 9 mths

He won his V.C on the night of 25-26 June 1916 France, whilst out gathering wounded soldiers under fire he nearly had his arm blown off, having returned to his lines to gain assistance. He then returned to find those who he had been helping when he was injured, he found one and on return he was treated for his own injuries which resulted in his arm being amputated.

9. The Australian SASR roots go back to the British SAS in WW2. How many years after the end of WW2 (1945) was the Australian SAS created?

From Quiz The Australian Special Air Service

Answer: 12, the Aus SASR was created in 1957

The Australian Special Air Service Regiment was raised in Western Australia, 1957 with 53 servicemen!

10. The last bayonet charge by the Australians was in in which conflict?

From Quiz Australian Military

Answer: Vietnam

11. The Germans gave a group of Australian destroyers which included HMAS Voyager, a name to indicate how useless they were. What was the name?

From Quiz Royal Australian Navy in WWII

Answer: Scrap Iron Flotilla

The Scrap Iron Flotilla was a name given to the five RAN destroyers, HMA Ships Stuart, Voyager, Vendetta, Vampire and Waterhen when they were serving in the Mediterranean. The ships were V&W class destroyers built during WWI and given to the RAN by the RN in the 1930s.

12. What nickname is given to a sailor with the surname 'Kelly'?

From Quiz Royal Australian Navy Nicknames

Answer: Ned

'Ned' is the nickname given to a sailor with the surname Kelly and it is named after the famous Irish/Australian bushranger, Ned Kelly. Ned Kelly was born in Victoria, Australia in 1854. His father, Red Kelly was a former convict born in Ireland and his mother was the daughter of a Victorian farmer. In 1869 at the age of 14, Ned Kelly was arrested for the alleged assault on a Chinese immigrant. The charge was later dropped but this was the start of Ned's trouble with the law. A string of minor offences, some proven and others not, culminated in Ned Kelly (along with other gang members,) being responsible for the deaths of three policemen at Stringybark Creek. Kelly and his gang, now outlaws and on the run, committed two bank robberies before being tracked down at Glenrowan where Police laid siege to the Glenrowan Inn where the Kelly gang were hiding. At dawn, Kelly confronted the police wearing the armour he is now famous for before being wounded and captured. The remainder of the Kelly gang died at the inn. Ned Kelly was hanged at the Melbourne Gaol on 11 November 1880 and was immortalised with his final words which were, 'Such is life.' Ned Kelly is an important part of Australia's culture and to some, is considered an anti-establishment hero.

13. In a suburb of which city is the SAS headquarters located in Australia?

From Quiz Australian Military (General)

Answer: Perth

Two Blackhawk Helicopters collided on a training flight several years ago and about a dozen SAS soldiers died.

14. Ok Recruit, it's time to collect your equipment. Which item would you most need to survive in the field?

From Quiz Join the Australian Army!

Answer: Canteen

While the other options may be useful, a canteen full of water is vital to ensure you are well hydrated at all times.

15. Which British naval base fell to the Japanese in February 1942?

From Quiz Australia in World War II

Answer: Singapore

Singapore, which had been modernized at great expense in 1937-39, was Britain's "guarantee" to Australia. If war came close to the continent, then British navy would defend its "daughter" country. The fall of Singapore was significant as it left Australia dangerously exposed to attack from Japan.

16. What is the lowest rank of any commissioned officer in the R.A.N.?

From Quiz Australian Navy 2

Answer: Sub Lieutenant

The "Midi" or Midshipman is where all the new seat polishers start out. However not a commissioned officer yet. A "Subi" or Sub Lieutenant is one rank up from a Midi and is commissioned. And the Lieutenant is one more rank up from that. The Petty Officer is a non commissioned officer, so he works for a living and is addressed as P.O. and not sir.

17. Up to the end of the twentieth century, how many Victoria Crosses had been awarded to Australians (by birth or by service with the armed forces)?

From Quiz Australian Victoria Cross Recipients

Answer: 96

6 were won in the Boer War (South Africa 1899-1902), 64 in WW1 (1914-1918), 2 in North Russia(1919), 20 in WW2 (1939-1945), and 4 in Viet Nam (1962-1972).

18. HMAS Yarra was sunk fighting naval forces from which country?

From Quiz Royal Australian Navy in WWII

Answer: Japan

HMAS Yarra was sunk in March 1942 when the convoy she was escorting was attacked by a Japanese force of Cruisers and Destroyers. Only 13 of the 151 onboard were rescued.

19. What nickname is given to a sailor with the surname 'Smith'?

From Quiz Royal Australian Navy Nicknames

Answer: Smouch or Smudge

'Smouch or Smudge' is a nickname given to a sailor with the surname Smith. 'Smudge' originated in the British armed forces and was used often in both the Australian and British navies. 'Smouch' is now used predominantly in the RAN. The word 'Smouch' is derived from the word 'Smutch,' which is a dark soil or stain such as on the face, hence a 'Smudge.' In the days of steam and coal powered vessels, ship's stokers, and also blacksmiths, who worked with coal would most likely suffer from facial smudges. 'Smouch' could also be related to counterfeit tea that was made in England in the seventeenth century as imported tea was very expensive. This locally produced tea was known as 'Smouch.' Although the link between Smouch and Smith is tenuous, it could be that the first two letters, 'SM,' were used as a link between the two words.

20. What is the highest non-commissioned rank in the Australian Army?

From Quiz Australian Military (General)

Answer: Sergeant

The rank of Warrant officer is sometimes wrongly described as the highest "non-commissioned rank". He is designated an Officer by Warrant (hence the name), rather than by Commission or by virtue of seniority (in the case of NCOs), so actually he is neither "Commissioned" nor "Non-Commissioned". The Sergeant is the Senior Non Commissioned Officer in the Army (hence the abbreviated term SNCO) and included Staff Sergeants before this rank disappeared.

21. What rank do you start out as during your first six months a part of the AAFC?

From Quiz AAFC

Answer: Air Cadet

Air Cadet is the lowest rank anyone can start out as. After 6 months or maybe a year, you will be promoted to LAC (Leading Air Cadet).

22. After which major event did Australia change its favour for Britain to the United States?

From Quiz Australia in World War II

Answer: A combination of these

The fall of Singapore left Australia vulnerable to the Japanese. The attack on Pearl Harbour by the Japanese brought the USA into WWII, and so Australia saw them as a "fresh" source of help. The bombing of Darwin brought the Second World War to the Australian homeland, so they looked to America.

23. Under normal sailing conditions aboard your favorite Australian Navy frigate, what engine noise are you most likely to hear?

From Quiz Australian Navy 2

Answer: A high pitched whistle

The big bald guy with whip in hand went out of fashion some time ago. The high pitched whistle is made from a couple of aeroplane style engines. After a year or so you start to get used to the noise.

24. Where was the first Australian Navy's guided missile frigate (FFG) built?

From Quiz Australian Navy 1

Answer: U.S.A.

The Australian guided missile frigate (or as it is simply called- FFG) is an Oliver Hazzard Perry class frigate. The normal interpretation of FFG from a sailor's point of view was always "(flipping) fast gunboat".

25. What rank did the highest ranking Australian V.C. recipient hold?

From Quiz Australian Victoria Cross Recipients

Answer: Lieutenant-Colonel

Lt-Col C.G.W Anderson was not only the highest ranking V.C winner, but also the oldest, earning his award at 44 yrs 11 mths. He won his V.C whilst leading a Brigade in a fighting withdrawal against the Japanese in Malaya in WW2.

26. What does NATO stand for?

From Quiz Australian Military

Answer: North Atlantic Treaty Organisation

27. HMAS Australia II was which type of ship?

From Quiz Royal Australian Navy in WWII

Answer: Heavy Cruiser

HMAS Australia II was a County class heavy cruiser and was commissioned in 1928. She served throughout World War II in the Atlantic and Pacific theatres. In 1944 and 1945 she was hit several times by kamikazes which caused suffered damage and casualties including the death of her Captain. She survived WWII and was scrapped in the 1950s.

28. What nickname is given to a sailor with the surname 'Jones'?

From Quiz Royal Australian Navy Nicknames

Answer: Spike

'Spike' is a very common nickname for Jones's, not just in the Royal Australian Navy and other navies of the world. The nickname most likely originates as a reference to Lindley Armstrong Jones who was a musician and band leader in the middle of the twentieth century. Jones was known for his satire and parodies of popular music of the time. He was nicknamed 'Spike,' because he was likened to 'being as thin as a railroad spike'. His father worked for the Southern Pacific Railroad and this is where the reference probably originated.

29. What was the name of the aircraft carrier in the Australian Navy that was commissioned in 1955 and decommissioned in 1982.

From Quiz Australian Military (General)

Answer: Melbourne

All of the names in the question are actual towns or cities in Australia. The Melbourne sank 2 of its escort destroyers in its career. One was the USS Evans. It was cynically called the Australian Submarine Launcher after these 2 unfortunate incidents. The Australian navy has not had a new carrier since the Melbourne was decommissioned. It now concentrates on missile frigates and submarines.

This is category 16425
Last Updated Mar 22 2025 5:50 AM
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