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Bernard Cornwell Trivia Quizzes

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One of the hallmarks of Bernard Cornwall's historical novels is the end notes, which tell readers how he has modified historical facts to suit his story, and what the contemporary tourist will see when visiting the scenes of the featured battles. He is best known for the novels featuring Richard Sharpe, set in the Napoleonic Wars, but has also set series in different eras of British history, and one in the American Civil War.
11 Bernard Cornwell quizzes and 125 Bernard Cornwell trivia questions.
  Sharpe's History   top quiz  
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 10 Qns
The maverick soldier Richard Sharpe is the hero of a celebrated series of historical novels by Bernard Cornwell. This quiz looks at some of the real historical background to Sharpe's fictional career.
Average, 10 Qns, tartandisco, Feb 06 13
295 plays
  Medieval Melodramatics   popular trivia quiz  
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This is a quiz based on Bernard Cornwell's "The Last Kingdom," which is set in the Ninth Century, during the medieval period of European History. It is loaded with dramatic action. Have fun.
Average, 10 Qns, shvdotr, Dec 01 13
shvdotr gold member
229 plays
  The Sharpe Series   great trivia quiz  
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 10 Qns
The Sharpe series has become a very popular movie franchise in England - but have you read the books by Bernard Cornwell? This quiz is on the books, not the movies.
Average, 10 Qns, bigdaddypanda, Sep 06 08
857 plays
  The Who's Who of Sharpe's World    
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Risen from the grave after more than 200 years, characters from the hit novel series 'Sharpe' by Bernard Cornwell describe themselves. Can you identify them?
Average, 15 Qns, fadagaski, Mar 09 09
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  The Winter King   popular trivia quiz  
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This quiz is about 'The Winter King,' the first of Bernard Cornwell's 'Warlord Trilogy' which is his take on the Arthurian legends.
Average, 15 Qns, Zargo, Jan 21 07
509 plays
  Sharpe's Women   popular trivia quiz  
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How much do you know about the many women in Richard Sharpe's life? All questions are based on Bernard Cornwell's novels rather than the TV series. Contains spoilers.
Average, 15 Qns, ljpcj, Mar 19 18
352 plays
  "Enemy of God" Characters    
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 10 Qns
Cornwell's vision of the King Arthur stories differs from the traditional view, but hopefully you can still recognize these characters in his "Enemy of God," the second of "The Warlord Chronicles" series.
Average, 10 Qns, shvdotr, May 02 14
shvdotr gold member
159 plays
  The Arthur Books - I    
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 10 Qns
All questions in this quiz are based on Book One of Cornwell's amazing trilogy on Arthur - 'The Winter King'. Cornwell's take on the myth is slightly different from the medieval Arthurian romances, so it pays to have read the book. Enjoy.
Average, 10 Qns, the_prince_, Apr 17 11
197 plays
  Sharpe's Battles   popular trivia quiz  
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 10 Qns
How much do you remember of the battles fought by Richard Sharpe? Questions are based on Bernard Cornwell's novels, not the TV series.
Average, 10 Qns, ljpcj, Nov 28 08
406 plays
  "The Winter King" - Quiz II    
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 10 Qns
Second of a series of quizzes on Cornwell's amazing trilogy on Arthur. All questions here are on Book One: 'The Winter King'. Cornwell's take on the myth is slightly different from the medieval Arthurian romances, so it pays to have read the book. Enjoy.
Average, 10 Qns, the_prince_, Apr 24 11
158 plays
trivia question Quick Question
How many 'Treasures of Britain' are there?

From Quiz "The Winter King"

  Bernard Cornwell Novels    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Have fun, Bernard Cornwell is a great author and maybe this quiz will make you want to read his books, if you haven't already.
Tough, 10 Qns, JJJ212, Jan 21 07
716 plays
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Bernard Cornwell Trivia Questions

1. Who is the narrator of "Enemy of God," who also becomes Arthur's champion?

From Quiz
"Enemy of God" Characters

Answer: Derfel

Derfel was a Saxon child who was captured by Britons, Arthur's people. Saved from the death pit, Derfel became a favorite of the Druid Merlin, and eventually came into the service of Arthur. His full name was Derfel Cadarn. Cornwell probably drew the character of Derfel from an historic Welsh saint named Derfel Gadarn.

2. Who is the Danish warrior who spares Uhtred and raises him like a son?

From Quiz Medieval Melodramatics

Answer: Ragnar the Fearless

Although Ragnar has killed both Uhtred's brother and his father, he enjoys Uhtred's futile attempt at avenging their deaths and takes the child as a foster son and raises Uhtred as a Dane. Willibald is a Saxon priest, while Ivar is one of three Danish brothers who attempt to conquer Wessex. Historically, Ivar, Ubba, and Halfdan are sons of Ragnar Lodbrok. In "The Last Kingdom," the brothers attempt to conquer Wessex and bring all of England under Danish control. The Norse explorer Eric the Red is not in the book.

3. 'The Winter King' is the first part of a trilogy dealing with the Arthurian legend in post-Roman Britain. What is this trilogy called?

From Quiz The Arthur Books - I

Answer: The Warlord Trilogy

The story of Arthur continues in 'Enemy of God' and 'Excalibur', which, according to Cornwell, are his favorite books.

4. Richard Sharpe's mother is often mentioned in the novels, but how old was Sharpe when she left him at the orphanage?

From Quiz Sharpe's Women

Answer: We will never know for sure

In "Sharpe's Eagle", the first novel written, Sharpe reminisces about his mother, remembering that she called him a July baby. In some of the novels which come earlier in the chronology of Sharpe's life but were written later, he is described as having been left at the orphanage as a newborn.

5. In which novel did the battle of Talavera take place?

From Quiz Sharpe's Battles

Answer: Sharpe's Eagle

Sharpe famously took an Imperial eagle from the French at Talavera. Sharpe is, of course, a fictional character. In real life, no eagle was taken at Talavera.

6. Chronologically, this is the first book in the series.

From Quiz The Sharpe Series

Answer: Sharpe's Tiger

This trilogy is the lead-in to the series, while Sharpe was still in India. The India trilogy also includes "Sharpe's Triumph" and "Sharpe's Fortress". We also meet the evil Sgt. Hakeswell.

7. Derfel, the narrator of the story, tells his superior Bishop Samsun that he is not writing about Arthur, but something else entirely. What exactly?

From Quiz The Winter King

Answer: The Gospel

He's writing it in the tongue of the Saxons, which Samsun is unable to read, though he remains suspicious.

8. In 'Wildtrack', what is the name of Nick Sandman's boat?

From Quiz Bernard Cornwell Novels

Answer: Sycorax

Sycorax was a wicked witch, which would seem like bad luck, but the ship survived many hardships.

9. Which character, well-known to even casual acquaintances of the Arthur legend, does Cornwell portray as a high priestess of Isis in "Enemy of God"?

From Quiz "Enemy of God" Characters

Answer: Guinevere

Cornwell's portrayal of Guinevere, Arthur's wife, is of a strong-minded, willful, and powerful woman who uses her position as priestess of Isis and wife of the warlord Arthur to shape the events around her. Her role in the power struggle within the story of "Enemy of God" reaches a powerful and tragic climax in the book's final pages.

10. In "The Last Kingdom," Uhtred, using records kept by his father, lays claim to what Saxon kingdom?

From Quiz Medieval Melodramatics

Answer: Northumberland

At the age of ten, Uhtred sees his father, also named Uhtred, killed by Ragnar, who captures the boy. While under the control of the Danes, Uhtred then loses control of Bebbanburg and Northumbria to his uncle Ælfric.

11. At the beginning of 'The Winter King' Merlin, Lord of Avalon and the most feared and respected druid in all of Britain, has not been spied in the Kingdom for over five years. What does Nimue, his priestess, claim the reason for this absence is?

From Quiz "The Winter King" - Quiz II

Answer: He was on a quest to seek the Knowledge of Britain

Nimue goes on to explain that the Knowledge of Britain involves the Thirteen Treasures which, when gathered, will help to bring back the old Gods who would help them defeat the Saxons.

12. The narrator of 'The Winter King' is an old man living in a Christian monastery recounting past events. Name him.

From Quiz The Arthur Books - I

Answer: Derfel

Derfel writes Arthur's story in the language of the Saxons so that Saint Sansum, who runs the monastery, will not be able to decipher them.

13. Sharpe's first attempt at marriage happens in "Sharpe's Tiger". What is the name of the woman to whom he proposes but who later marries another?

From Quiz Sharpe's Women

Answer: Mary

Mary is the child of an Indian mother and British father who has grown up living with the British Army. Accompanying Sharpe on his undercover mission, she finds herself living with an Indian family, and, deciding she would like to return to her Indian heritage, marries one of the men she meets there.

14. 'Where are we going?' in Sharpe's Company?

From Quiz Sharpe's Battles

Answer: Badajoz

On the march to Badajoz, the men keep shouting 'Where are we going?' as they enjoy the shout 'Badajoz' with a spit at the finish.

15. Sharpe is promoted to Ensign in this novel.

From Quiz The Sharpe Series

Answer: Sharpe's Triumph

He saves Wellington's life and begins his rise from the ranks into an officer. When he is transfered to the Rifles, the rank is Lieutenant, which is equal to an Ensign. He finally attains the rank of Colonel.

16. What is the name of Dervel's sword?

From Quiz The Winter King

Answer: Hywelbane

Named after its former owner, Hywel. He was Merlin's steward, who had taught Dervel to fight.

17. In the Sharpe Series, what is the name of the horse given to Sharpe by Jane Gibbons?

From Quiz Bernard Cornwell Novels

Answer: Sycorax

The horse was beheaded by a cannonball, but Sharpe never liked horses anyway.

18. The story of which pair of illicit medieval lovers does Cornwell include in "Enemy of God," which puts Arthur on the horns of a dilemma and causes a major break between him and Derfel?

From Quiz "Enemy of God" Characters

Answer: Tristan and Iseult

The story of Tristan and Iseult is a medieval Welsh tale predating the Arthurian legend. Tristan is the son of the Cornish King Mark and Iseult is Mark's young bride, brought to Kernow from Ireland. Cornwell weaves a magnetic episode into the story in "Enemy of God." Culhwch and Olwen is an even earlier story from the Welsh Mabinogion. Abelard was a 12th-Century philosopher and theologian who shared a love affair with Eloise, who was a French nun, scholar, and abbess. Paris and Helen were the mythological Greek lovers, whose affair led to the Trojan War.

19. Toward the end of the novel, what does Uhtred reveal in his mind to be the most important qualification for one to be a "proper man"?

From Quiz Medieval Melodramatics

Answer: fighting in a great shield wall

As a hostage of Guthrum the Unlucky, Uhtred once again meets up with Brida, a former companion and lover. Enjoying the news that Uhtred is going to become a father, she tells him that when his son is born, Uhtred will be a "proper man." But in reaction to that comment, Uhtred reveals to himself his inner conviction that becoming a father would still leave "one thing lacking," which is being in a great shield wall. He had "never endured the long bloodletting, the terrible fights when thirst and weariness weaken a man and the enemy, no matter how many you kill, keeps on coming. Only when I had done that, I thought, could I call myself a proper man."

20. After defeating the scant Silurian army outside Caer Cadarn, Arthur thanks a fifteen year old Derfel for risking his life to protect the Edling Mordred and promises him a reward. What is Derfel's reply?

From Quiz "The Winter King" - Quiz II

Answer: That he wanted to become a warrior

Pleased with the reply, Arthur hands Derfel over to Owain, the Dumnonian champion, to teach him the soldier's trade.

21. Who is the queen, wife of King Brochvael of Powys, at whose behest the narrator jots down his memories of Arthur? (Hint: She shares her name with Arthur's mother.)

From Quiz The Arthur Books - I

Answer: Igraine

At Igraine's request, Derfel begins to write the story of Arthur, while maintaining to Saint Sansum that he is translating the Gospels to the Saxon language for the Queen.

22. Who was the first woman, as far as we know(!), to bear Sharpe a child?

From Quiz Sharpe's Women

Answer: Grace

Sharpe met Grace on his voyage home from India. She was the wife of Lord William Hale whom she shot during the Battle of Trafalgar, in which their ship became involved, leaving her free to live with Sharpe whose baby she was already carrying. Sadly, she and the baby, a son, died in childbirth, leaving Sharpe a broken man.

23. Sharpe plays a vital role in the seige of Gawilghur in which novel?

From Quiz Sharpe's Battles

Answer: Sharpe's Fortress

Sharpe spots a possible route into the formidable fort and leads a successful attack. Bernard Cornwell took his inspriration from the 94th Light Company who led the actual attack in 1803.

24. In "Sharpe's Trafalgar", Sharpe was aboard the HMS Pucelle and which other ship?

From Quiz The Sharpe Series

Answer: HMS Calliope

This is the only novel that takes place at sea. The other ships are from the Hornblower series. He is on his way to join the 95th Rifles in England. This was a huge defeat for Napoleon.

25. Mordred was born with which part of his body twisted?

From Quiz The Winter King

Answer: Foot

Considered a bad omen.

26. In the Sharpe Series, who taught Sharpe how to read?

From Quiz Bernard Cornwell Novels

Answer: William Lawford

They were both imprisoned in the dungeons of the Tippoo Sultan, and Lawford taught Sharpe from a single page of the Bile.

27. Perhaps portrayed as the most villainous main character in "Enemy of God," who was the Prince of Benoic who became King of Siluria as well as King of the Belgae?

From Quiz "Enemy of God" Characters

Answer: Lancelot

Cornwell's portrayal of Lancelot is certainly at odds with the traditional view of Sir Lancelot from the "Morte d'Arthur." The cowardly Lancelot of "Enemy of God" gets even more despicable as the story continues. Cuneglas is Prince, and later, King of Powys.

28. How does Alfred finally secure Uhtred's commitment as his subject, thus ensuring that he rejects ever being a Dane again?

From Quiz Medieval Melodramatics

Answer: his marriage to a land-holding Wessex woman

Once Uhtred marries Mildrith he becomes a landholder in Wessex as well as acquiring a huge debt to the Church attached to the land he gains from the marriage. This assures his role as a subject of Alfred and as a warrior for Wessex against the Danes in the rest of Cornwell's Saxon Series.

29. Who was Sharpe's Danish love?

From Quiz Sharpe's Women

Answer: Astrid Skovgaard

We know, but Sharpe does not, that Astrid and her father were assassinated on the order of Lord Pumphrey, an agent of the British Government.

30. During the seige of which city did Sharpe kill the Tipoo Sultan?

From Quiz Sharpe's Battles

Answer: Seringapatem

Chronologically the first of Sharpe's adventures.

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