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Catherine Cookson Trivia Quizzes

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Dame Catherine Ann Cookson, DBE set many of her best-selling novels in South Tyneside, where she grew up. She also used the pen names Catherine Marchant and Katie McMullen.
12 Catherine Cookson quizzes and 130 Catherine Cookson trivia questions.
  'The Cinder Path'   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The cinder path was not only a landmark in the childhood home of Charlie MacFell, but also reflected the pains and trials of his life. Have you read this book?
Tough, 10 Qns, ArleneRimmer, Dec 14 03
288 plays
  The Gambling Man    
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 10 Qns
Written by Catherine Cookson - Rent collector Rory was fairly content with life - he had a good job, he was in love, and he could make money on the side playing cards. What more could one ask?
Tough, 10 Qns, ArleneRimmer, Mar 22 10
299 plays
  'The Glass Virgin'   popular trivia quiz  
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Annabella Lagrange was brought up to be a lady, so her entire world collapsed about her when she discovered that her parents were not the blood kin she had been led to believe.
Tough, 15 Qns, ArleneRimmer, Dec 17 03
339 plays
  'The Girl'    
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 10 Qns
The entire village of Elmholm was taken by the ears when Hannah Boyle arrived and this book tells how her life panned out after being left with her father.
Average, 10 Qns, ArleneRimmer, Dec 14 03
348 plays
  The Man who Cried    
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 10 Qns
When Abel Mason took his son away from his abusive wife, he was to create a whole new life for himself in the north. A charming book by Catherine Cookson, test yourself!
Average, 10 Qns, ArleneRimmer, Mar 22 10
198 plays
  Feathers in the Fire    
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 10 Qns
When Amos was born, his father ordered that he be drowned in the river. This book tells the story of how one man shaped the lives of the people in his family and employ. Catherine Cookson's book.
Average, 10 Qns, ArleneRimmer, Mar 22 10
212 plays
  The Thursday Friend    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
Set in the 1960s, 'The Thursday Friend' broke away from the usual genre of Catherine Cookson books - have you read it?
Average, 15 Qns, ArleneRimmer, Mar 22 10
220 plays
  The Mallen Girl   popular trivia quiz  
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 10 Qns
This book follows on from 'The Mallen Streak', and tells the story of Barbara, Thomas Mallen's daughter, as she makes her own mistakes in life. What do you know of this book by Catherine Cookson?
Average, 10 Qns, ArleneRimmer, Mar 22 10
208 plays
  The Tinker's Girl    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
From drudgery in a workhouse, to that on a small holding, Jinnie Howlett stood firm to her ideals, until a fateful day... Test yourself on your knowledge of the book by Catherine Cookson.
Average, 10 Qns, ArleneRimmer, Mar 22 10
188 plays
  The Mallen Streak    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The Mallens were the main family in the area, until bankruptcy overtook them and they were forced to accept a poorer lifestyle. Quiz yourself on this book by Catherine Cookson.
Average, 10 Qns, ArleneRimmer, Mar 22 10
277 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What was the name of the house in which Thomas Mallen was living at the start of the book?

From Quiz "The Mallen Streak"

  'The Mallen Litter'    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The 'litter' refers to Barbara's triplets, and this book brings the turbulent story of the Mallen family to its conclusion.
Average, 10 Qns, ArleneRimmer, Dec 14 03
222 plays
  Colour Blind    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The news that Bridget was married was great - until she came home with her husband, a negro. This was not acceptable behaviour in the Fifteen Streets. What do YOU know of this book by Catherine Cookson?
Tough, 10 Qns, ArleneRimmer, Mar 22 10
224 plays
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Catherine Cookson Trivia Questions

1. What was Bridget Patterson's maiden name?

From Quiz
Colour Blind

Answer: McQueen

The book begins as the McQueen family learn that Bridget is coming home a married woman. But when she arrives on the doorstep they are horrified to find that her husband, James Patterson, is a black man. It makes no difference that he is educated and has a good job as a sailor - Bridget has overstepped the acceptable boundaries.

2. Davey was blamed for Molly's pregnancy, but who was the man responsible?

From Quiz Feathers in the Fire

Answer: Angus McBain

Angus BcBain owned the farm on which Davey an Molly worked; he tried to force Davey into marrying Molly as he was the likeliest 'culprit' where her pregnancy was concerned, but Davey was not to be bullied. McBain then asked Will Curran, who agreed, although Molly was not happy with the master's choice and remained unmarried.

3. Who was Rory Connor's mother?

From Quiz The Gambling Man

Answer: Lizzie O'Dowd

Nellie was Rory's sister, and Ruth was married to Rory's father. Lizzie was Paddy's cousin, who came over from Ireland, and was forced into a relationship with Paddy - Rory being the result. Unwilling to leave her son, she remained with the family, but Rory had great difficulty coming to terms with the fact that she was his mother and blamed her for the sexual relationship which had taken place.

4. Alice had a daughter of twelve who shared a name with one of the women he was to come across later in the book. What was this name?

From Quiz The Man who Cried

Answer: Florrie

Alice was murdered by her husband because Abel's wife wrote and told him about the affair she was having. This was the final straw for Abel, and he took Dick away from her abuse.

5. Where did the cinder path lead?

From Quiz 'The Cinder Path'

Answer: to the burn

William MacFell instigated the path, and soon showed that he intended to use it as a punishment area for those under the age of 15 on his farm - to be whipped was punishment enough, but kneeling on the cinders of the path whilst being whipped would make it even more painful.

6. Where is this book set?

From Quiz The Thursday Friend

Answer: London

This was a big change for Catherine Cookson; she and her husband went to London on their honeymoon, and in her telling of an episode in Hannah's life visited many different places in the nation's capital.

7. Who was Miss Caplin?

From Quiz The Tinker's Girl

Answer: a seamstress at the workhouse

Miss Caplin is to appear throughout the book; she is seen as a mother-figure in Jinnie's eyes, and is never known by her given name, Jane. Max also grew up in the workhouse, and was to play an important part in Jinnie's life as a father-figure.

8. What was Hannah's mother's name?

From Quiz 'The Girl'

Answer: Nancy

The book starts with Nancy bringing her daughter to Elmholm to her father, Matthew Thorndale. On the way they meet Ned and his grandfather, and rest for a short while in their home; Nancy is in the last hours of her life, dying from consumption.

9. What was Anna's nickname within the Bensham family?

From Quiz 'The Mallen Litter'

Answer: Brigie

This was short for 'Brigadier', the 'behind-her-back' nickname the Bensham children and Barbara used for their governess when they were growing up. It was based on her maiden surname of 'Brigmore' and the fact that she liked things to be done just-so.

10. What was the name of the maid who came from High Banks Hall with Anna Brigmore and remained in the cottage until the end of her life?

From Quiz The Mallen Girl

Answer: Mary Peel & Mary Peal & Peel & Peal & Mary

Mary Peel was a common woman who added a touch of reality into the lives of firstly the sisters Barbara and Constance, and then to Barbara's daughter Barbara.

11. What was the name of the house in which Thomas Mallen was living at the start of the book?

From Quiz The Mallen Streak

Answer: High Banks

High Banks was later sold to cover debts while Thomas Mallen, his son and his two nieces went to live in the cottage which had been left to the two girls.

12. Manuel Mendoza admitted to Annabella that he changed his name when a young adult. What was his name before?

From Quiz 'The Glass Virgin'

Answer: Tommy McLaughlin

Annabella was feeling very low because of her roots, and Manuel told her about himself to assure her that she was not alone in being 'shaken up in the breeding bag'.

13. What was Kathie's reaction to the news that Bridget was pregnant?

From Quiz Colour Blind

Answer: she wanted to have the baby killed at birth

James had gone back to sea, and Bridget arranged for the doctor to see to her confinement. Her mother tried to get the 'fixer', Nellie Milligan, to arrange to have the child stillborn. It was the doctor who scuppered their plans and the baby was born safely.

14. Walking was hard for Dick, but he kept up with his father bravely. Only twice on their way north did they gain ease from walking, once in a car, and the other time they spent some time on another mode of transport. What was it?

From Quiz The Man who Cried

Answer: a barge

Daphne and her mother (who was never named) employed Abel for their two week holiday to handle the barge, but after three days the mother made advances towards Abel, and they left the next morning. They were to see Daphne later in the story.

15. To whom did Charlie first propose marriage?

From Quiz 'The Cinder Path'

Answer: Nellie

They were both drunk at the time, and when Nellie's father found them he was angry as the plan was for Charlie to marry Nellie's older sister, Victoria. By the end of the book, Charlie and Nellie were together.

16. What was Hannah's sister's address?

From Quiz The Thursday Friend

Answer: 23 Buttermere Close

The book opens when Hannah visits her sister to unburden herself about the terrible state of her marriage; her husband slept in a different room, went out every Thursday night without fail, and disappeared to visit his elderly relatives every weekend.

17. What did Max give Jinnie just before she arrived at Tollet's Ridge?

From Quiz The Tinker's Girl

Answer: a cutlery set

The cutlery set had belonged to Jinnie's father, and Max had saved it by hiding it behind some loose bricks in the boiler house. Later Jinnie was to defend herself with the knife, and the wound had to be burnt as the blade was rusty near the handle.

18. What did Ann Thornton do to Hannah when she found her with her jewellery?

From Quiz 'The Girl'

Answer: she whipped her

The whipping was so intense that Hannah was bedridden for days, and showed the marks on her back and legs for years afterwards. When her father discovered what happened, he whipped Ann in turn, and forced her to accept Hannah into the household as his child. Ann was to do this, but she was never to speak to her, and always referred to her as 'the Girl'.

19. Where were Dan and Barbara living at the start of the book when Katie went to visit them?

From Quiz 'The Mallen Litter'

Answer: France

Barbara went happily to France with her new husband, because she wanted to get away from her childhood home and all the misery she left there - Sarah's loss of a leg due to her jealous rage and the hatred she felt for Anna.

20. While the world saw Barbara and Michael as aunt and nephew, what was their real blood relationship?

From Quiz The Mallen Girl

Answer: first cousins

Michael's real father was Matthew Radlet, not his mother's husband, Donald. This meant that Michael was not Thomas Mallen's grandson. Barbara was Thomas Mallen's daughter by his wife's niece, Barbara, who was Michael's mother's sister. This made Michael and Barbara first cousins. While this relationship is too close for marriage in some parts of the USA, it is perfectly permissible in the UK.

21. How much did Cook ask the poor people to pay her for the scraps which would have gone into the pig bucket?

From Quiz 'The Glass Virgin'

Answer: a penny

It was when Annabella asked her Mama for pennies for the poor children that Rosina realised what was going on and she was very angry with Cook as a result.

22. Who was the means of Bridget taking solace in the bottle as a means of coping with James' absence?

From Quiz Colour Blind

Answer: Matt

Matt was pathologically devoted to Bridget, to the extent that he wanted no one to have any hold on her at all. That included James - and would have included any man in her life, whatever his colour - and her daughter Rose Angela.

23. What did Molly call her daughter?

From Quiz Feathers in the Fire

Answer: Biddy

Biddy was only a little younger than her half-brother, Amos, who grew up in the attic rooms in the farmhouse, because his parents could not bear to look at him. He would look out at Biddy running around the farm yard and yearn to be free.

24. How much did Rory 'borrow' to play his game with the Pittie brothers?

From Quiz The Gambling Man

Answer: five pounds

John George was in the habit of 'borrowing' ten shillings on a Saturday and replacing it on the Monday morning after pawning his suit. This was so he could travel to see his girlfriend each weekend. When the £5 was not replaced because Rory was in hospital, John George was accused of stealing all the money and was consequently jailed.

25. Apart from the fact that the madwoman Tilda chained Abel up, what else was unusual about her reaction to father and son?

From Quiz The Man who Cried

Answer: she ignored Dick

Abel worked for an entire day in the pouring rain for one ration of food and drink - this he shared with his son. Tilda never even appeared to notice that Dick was there at all. She saw Abel as an answer to prayer for her farm, which was badly run down, even though the house was pristine. In escaping from the chains, Dick and Abel hurt her, and reported the incident to a doctor as soon as they were able. This doctor was a relative of hers, and soon assured them, on returning to the farm, that she would be well. They were to meet the doctor later in the story.

26. How old was Arthur when he accidently killed Edward?

From Quiz 'The Cinder Path'

Answer: 15

Edward had been bedding Arthur's mother, big Polly, for some years, and she had permitted it as to refuse would have meant the entire family would have been turned out of their cottage as her husband was an invalid and the children were not old enough to warrant a tied cottage anywhere. When Edward decided that young Polly was to provide his son Charlie with a similar service, her brother Arthur misunderstood and believed that Polly was to replace his mother; incensed, he lay in wait to teach Edward a lesson, but the fall from his horse caused his death. Charlie witnessed the event, as did Ginger Slater, who was to blackmail the boys for the rest of his life.

27. Hannah took her children's story to Mr Gillyman in the hope that it may be published, and while she was there she met David, who was to become her 'Thursday Friend'. She met one other person that day - who was this?

From Quiz The Thursday Friend

Answer: Natasha Gillyman

Natasha was Gilly's wife, while Janie was Hannah's elder sister, and George was Humphrey's uncle. Peter was David's manservant/friend whose support throughout the story was invaluable to both David and Hannah, especially to the last when their lives were in danger.

28. Jinnie was determined that no man should have his way with her - what expression did she use with regard to this?

From Quiz The Tinker's Girl

Answer: she would not be handled

This expression was repeated throughout the book - her reaction to Pug and Hal warned Bruce away from approaching her, until it was almost too late.

29. Hannah's father has four children already, John, Robert, Margaret and - what was the name of the fourth?

From Quiz 'The Girl'

Answer: Betsy

Hannah was hated with intensity by her father's wife, and Betsy (short for Beatrice), a miniature of her mother, imitated Anne in her dislike. A spiteful girl, she was to add to Hannah's unhappiness in the house, almost cancelling out the love and companionship between Hannah and the other three children.

30. What was special about 'the big fellow' - the largest of the Bensham triplets born to Dan and Barbara?

From Quiz 'The Mallen Litter'

Answer: he had a white streak in his hair

Ben Bensham carried the 'mark' which had shown on generations of Mallen males, including Donald Radlet, Thomas Mallen and Dick Mallen (all three characters from the first book in the Trilogy, 'The Mallen Streak'). The fact that her son had this pigment in his hair was a source of great distress to Barbara who preferred to forget that Thomas Mallen raped her mother.

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