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These books aim to provide readers with insight into life in a past place and time.
5 Historical Literature quizzes and 50 Historical Literature trivia questions.
  Pages from the Holocaust   top quiz  
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From anti-semitism in America, to life in the Warsaw Ghetto, to the horrors of the concentration camps, to the starving Jews after the war, this quiz takes you on a literary tour of writings by Jews and non-Jews on the perilous years of World War II.
Tough, 10 Qns, alliefarrell, Mar 07 15
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  Elaine Tyler May's "Homeward Bound"   popular trivia quiz  
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This historical text explores why Americans returned with such force to the home in the 1950s. My quiz will mostly focus on the broad ideas May brings up in her work. Enjoy!
Average, 10 Qns, rj211, May 15 14
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  Quiz Writing is Exhausting    
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But it's not nearly as exhausting as the work the mountain men and fur trappers of the Rocky Mountains did. Let's learn a little about them, and the books that highlight their exciting, arduous and dangerous lives, shall we?
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  "Tales, Trails and Tommyknockers"   great trivia quiz  
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A little trivia about Colorado's history as found in "Tales, Trails and Tommyknockers" by Myriam Friggens.
Average, 10 Qns, rayven80, May 03 15
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  "Sex With the Queen" by Eleanor Herman    
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This quiz is based on the book by Eleanor Herman recounting the sometimes unfortunate, sometimes lusty, sometimes outrageous lives of European queens, their spouses and lovers. Simply choose the correct answer from the clues in the questions.
Tough, 10 Qns, woboogie, Mar 20 08
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According to May, what became synonymous with patriotism in the Cold War Era?

From Quiz "Elaine Tyler May's "Homeward Bound""

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Historical Literature Trivia Questions

1. One of the best-known books written about mountain men and the fur trade was "A Life Wild and Perilous", published in 1997. Who was the famous historian author?

From Quiz
Quiz Writing is Exhausting

Answer: Robert M. Utley

Robert M. Utley, born in October, 1929, in Bauxite, Arkansas, is the former chief historian for the National Park Service. Mr. Utley has written at least 16 books on the American west. The Robert Utley Award is given out annually to the best book on military history and the western frontier of all of North America. He also became a board member of the Friends of the Big Horn Battlefield in 2001. "A Life Wild and Perilous" is a compendium of historical facts about a number of the mountain men, including John Coulter and the French/Shawnee George Drouillard who both accompanied Lewis and Clark. He also writes of Edward Robinson, John Hoback and Jacob Reznor who began trapping together with Manuel Lisa, and who died together while trapping on the Snake and Boise Rivers. They, along with others, were killed, scalped and dismembered by a group of militant Snake Indians. The three men will go down in history, not because of their trapping ability, but because they were most likely the fist white men to see the area that would soon be looked upon as the heart of the Rocky Mountain fur trade. Although they did not write books about what they saw, and the trails they took, they did share the information with a select few other men who made use of it, even to the point of knowing the easiest way for the later wagon trains to cross the Rockies, South Pass. Additionally, Utley writes of better known mountain men, such as Jedediah Smith, Jim Bridger, Kit Carson and many others. Add to the narrative many pages of additional information in the way of notes as well as a huge list of sources and an index, and this is the first book that anyone interested in the mountain men and the fur trade of the US Rockies should seek out. And you think "Quiz Writing is Exhausting". Try traversing more than a thousand miles of unknown land, mountains, rivers and deserts, while trying to keep your scalp. That's "Exhausting".

2. What was miner Rupe Sherwood's burro named?

From Quiz "Tales, Trails and Tommyknockers"

Answer: Prunes

Prunes was a very famous burro. He worked in every mine in the Fairplay and Alma area. He was put down at the age of 63. Prunes has a monument set up for him on a street in Fairplay. When Rupe died, he was cremated and buried beside Prunes.

3. Another compendium of some of the mountain men was written by a cautious historian, Robert Glass Cleland, who wrote of people unlike him. What is the name of this well-read book, admired even by other historians.

From Quiz Quiz Writing is Exhausting

Answer: This Reckless Breed of Men

Robert Glass Cleland, born in 1885, was an historian who taught for over 30 years at Occidental College, in the Los Angeles area. He is the author of a great number of books, most of which have to do with the history of California, or of things Californian, and of Mexico. "This Reckless Breed of Men" was originally published in 1950 and republished in 1976. This book fills in a niche that many historians writing of this period ignored, that of the Southwest fur trade. He writes of Jedediah Strong Smith, James Ohio Pattie and Joseph Rutherford Walker (although he, along with many historians of that time spelled Walker's middle name "Reddeford" which is incorrect), as well drawing maps showing the various southwestern trails the trappers and traders used. Dr. Cleland also gives an amazing bibliography as well as an index. There have been a great number of historical finds in the ensuing 64 years since this book was written, but for the most part Dr. Cleland's words hold up to be true, which shows how well he researched his subjects. If you think "Quiz Writing is Exhausting", try traversing any of the trails from Santa Fe, New Mexico, to California, as Pattie did. That's "Exhausting".

4. When this future queen first entered her new home city she was met with rousing cheers, thunderous applause and was told by a city official: "Madame, you have here one hundred thousand lovers." Who was this beautiful future queen?

From Quiz "Sex With the Queen" by Eleanor Herman

Answer: Marie Antoinette

Funny how times and opinions change. Of course Marie Antoinette (1755-1793), suffered an ignoble end at the guillotine after serving as wife to a sexually inept dauphin (later King Louis XVI). The people of London loved Henry VIII's (1491-1547) first wife Catherine of Aragon (1485-1536) and hated her 'usurper' Anne Boleyn (c.1500-36). Katharine of Braganza (1638-1705) was the long-suffering queen of the over-sexed 'Merry Monarch", Charles II.

5. Who blew up Bent's Fort?

From Quiz "Tales, Trails and Tommyknockers"

Answer: William Bent

Bent's Old Fort was a major trading spot on the Old Santa Fe Trail. Indians and trappers would stop there to trade goods and exchange news. Charles Bent was murdered in Taos after becoming Governor of New Mexico. After cholera hit the Cheyenne tribes, trade stopped at the fort. Ceran St. Vrain left for Missouri. William Bent had his people take everything valuable out of the fort and he blew it up on his way out.

6. One of May's most fully explored theories has to do with what she calls "containment". According to this, where were the lives of Americans being contained?

From Quiz Elaine Tyler May's "Homeward Bound"

Answer: the home

May argues that during the Cold War Era, all aspects of American lives were being contained in the home, just as America was trying to contain communism. Women were particularly affected as they did not even leave the home for work.

7. "The Avenging Fury of the Plains" is a book published in 2008 about a man who allegedly ate a specific part of a particular tribe of Indians. There was even a movie furthering this myth. Who was this mountain man?

From Quiz Quiz Writing is Exhausting

Answer: John Garrison Johnston

The book "The Avenging Fury of the Plains" was written by Dr. Dennis McLelland in part to correct the many errors about John Johnston that were in the book "The Crow Killer: The Saga of Liver-Eating Johnson". He has done a great deal of research and the book not only gives a lineal rebuttal to errors in the other book, but also tells about Garrison, who was from Little York, New Jersey, and how he became to be called Johnston. (Note the "t". Most authors omit it.) Dr. McLelland also includes photos of Johnston as well as some of his friends, a timeline of his known activities, an index and a bibliography. As a spoiler I will say that although Johnston fought a number of different Indian tribes, he never did fight the Crow tribe. Also, unlike many of the mountain men, whether well-known or not, he did not die in the mountains or on the trail. He died in the Los Angeles Veteran's Hospital in 1900. But, even with these spoilers, the book is well worth reading, if for nothing else but to see the pictures. Further, if you have read the earlier book this one will open your eyes to the truth. If you think "Quiz Writing is Exhausting", try being a "woodhawk" at Fort Hawley, Montana Territory, during a battle with the Sioux. That's "Exhausting".

8. What part of the Lincoln Memorial came from Colorado?

From Quiz "Tales, Trails and Tommyknockers"

Answer: The columns

The 36 columns that support the Lincoln Memorial are made from Colorado marble. It was judged to be the purest and hardest of all the marble samples sent from all over the world. The statue of Lincoln is carved from Georgia marble. The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is also carved from Colorado marble. It was the largest single block ever quarried in the world. When it was first cut, it weighed 124 tons.

9. The author of "Sex With the Queen", Eleanor Herman, says she is named after her grandmother 28 times removed, another famous Eleanor. But which one?

From Quiz "Sex With the Queen" by Eleanor Herman

Answer: Eleanor of Aquitaine

Eleanor of Aquitaine (1122-1204), one of medieval Europe's most famous women for many reasons, was both Queen of France and of England. She was the mother of two additional Kings, King Richard I and King John of England. Her 10 total (9 living into adulthood) children easily made her 'the Grandmother of Europe' long before Queen Victoria. Eleanor of Provence (c.1233-1291), married England's Henry III (1207-1272) at age 12. They had five children, including the future King Edward I (1239-1307). King Edward I, in turn, married Eleanor of Castile (1241-1290). Contrary to most arranged marriages, Edward was devoted to Eleanor and fathered no known children out of wedlock. Following her death in 1291, Edward ordered the construction of 12 stone crosses marking spots where her funeral cortege stopped between Lincoln and London. Known as the "Eleanor Crosses", only three survive). The daughter of King Peter IV of Aragon (1319-1387), Eleanor of Aragon (1358-1382) became Queen of Castile by marrying King John I (1358-1390) in 1375.

10. In the hierarchy of women, who was the worst or most dangerous?

From Quiz Elaine Tyler May's "Homeward Bound"

Answer: Single Women

May argues that single women were villainized after WWII. She even cites some commentators who refer to single women as "threats to stable family life and to the moral fiber of the nation."

11. There was a manumitted African-American who made quite a name for himself as a mountain man, as the book's subtitle reads, "Black Mountain Man and War Chief of the Crows". What was this man's name, which is also the start of the title of the book?

From Quiz Quiz Writing is Exhausting

Answer: Jim Beckwourth

"Jim Beckwourth: Black Mountain Man and War Chief of the Crows" is a book written by Elinor Wilson and published in 1972. Ms. Wilson was born in 1914 and was raised in Trinidad, Colorado. At the time of the writing of this book, she was a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley, and was a professional writer. She undertook a very hard task in trying to prove that James Pierson Beckwourth (ne Beckwith, the story being the author changed the spelling of his name) was not the greatest liar the world, or at least the Rocky Mountains, had ever seen. Jim Beckwourth, born in 1798 in Virginia, was the son of Sir Jennings Beckwith and a mulatto slave held by him. The family moved to St. Louis when Jim was about 11. He was educated there, and then he apprenticed to a blacksmith from whom he ran away. He eventually signed up with Ashley and headed west to begin his adventurous life, including living with the Crows for a number of years. He also ended up dying amongst them. Whether he was ever looked upon as a "chief" of the Crow Nation is up for discussion amongst historians. He was, though, a trapper, trader, scout, explorer, hotel keeper, dispatch carrier, storekeeper and prospector at one time or another during his life. Dale Morgan, a historian with an encyclopedic knowledge of that area and time rather liked Beckwourth, since he felt that being a gifted liar in those days, over the evening campfire, was far better, and much more appreciated, then being dull and boring. In 1856, Beckwourth dictated his life and adventures to T. D. Bonner, a man who wanted to be a journalist. In those days, books and pamphlets about the people living out of the "civilized" areas, were in big demand. Since Bonner was really in the project for the money, it is more than possible that discrepancies and exaggerations, if not out-right lies by Bonner, crept into the book, even more than those Beckwourth, the braggart, may have told Bonner, if any. Beckwourth's life is well worth reading about, whether or not all that any of the books say is true. He was a leading member of the mountain men and fur trappers group. We know that for certain. This book has the usual notes and bibliography and even more pictures than most have. Incidentally, please understand, most of the mountain men seemed to tell stories; Beckkwourth seemed to tell bigger ones more often. If you think "Quiz Writing is Exhausting", try being an Army scout during the Seminole campaign. That's "Exhausting".

12. Who planned to rob the midnight stage going over Raton Pass?

From Quiz "Tales, Trails and Tommyknockers"

Answer: The Ross gang

Uncle Dick Wootton built a toll road over Raton Pass in 1865. The stage stop, hotel and toll road were busy places with Indians, trappers, lawmen and Army troops heading for New Mexico. The Ross gang it seems had planned to rob the midnight stage. They were robbing the hotel when Dick woke up, told them he knew who they were and what they were up to, and offered a little "trigger happy hospitality".

13. There was a mountain man who the Indians called "Broken Hand" and that's the name of the book by the eminent Western historian Leroy R. Hafen. Who was this fellow?

From Quiz Quiz Writing is Exhausting

Answer: Thomas Fitzpatrick

Leroy R. Hafen was born in Nevada in 1893, and for thirty of his working years he was the Colorado State historian. He also taught at Brigham Young University in Utah, among others. He is looked upon as a preeminent historian of the mountain men and the fur trade. He has written over 40 books about the area and that time in history. He published "Broken Hand" in 1931. Thomas Fitzpatrick was born in 1799 in Ireland where he was given a good education, as compared to three-quarters or more of the mountain men who were illiterate, or close to it. Nevertheless, at 17 he ran away, and by 23 had ended up in St. Louis where he joined the Ashley expedition to follow the Missouri River to its source. Others who signed on also were Jedediah Smith, Jim Bridger, Jim Clyman and more of the later important names in the fur trade. And that began the interesting and full life of Tom Fitzpatrick. Fitzpatrick was a leader of men as well as, later, the first two wagon trains to the Oregon Territory, via South Pass which Hoback, Reznor and Robinson, and in later years, Stuart had seen. He was also a sometime guide to both Fremont and Kearney. He also negotiated the Fort Laramie Treaty, which was the largest council of Plains Indians ever brought together with white men. His nickname was caused when a musket exploded in his hand and took off two of his fingers. The Indians then began calling him "Broken Hand, Chief of all the Mountain Men". Fitzpatrick had more than his fair share of scrapes and Indian battles. Along with Jim Bridger and some others, he bought what had been Ashley's company and named it the Rocky Mountain Fur Company. That lasted for about four years. The man was witness to a number of the important events in the history of the mountain men and the fur trade, and some of the reason for that is that he was more honest and honorable than many of his colleagues. No more spoilers. Do read the book to see how one mountain man made good and is even buried in the Congressional Cemetery in Washington, DC, albeit in an unmarked grave. If you think "Quiz Writing is Exhausting", try outrunning, by horse and foot, thirty Blackfoot Indians who are out to kill you. That's "Exhausting".

14. What was Horace Tabor's profession before he became rich?

From Quiz "Tales, Trails and Tommyknockers"

Answer: He owned a grocery store

Horace Tabor, husband of "Baby Doe" Tabor, owned a grocery store in Leadville. He "grubstaked", that is provided food and supplies to two poor miners who happened to hit a good vein of silver. Because he had set them up, they gave him a third share of the mine. Unfortunantly, when the U.S. decided to stop backing money with silver, the price of silver dropped. The Tabors never recovered and Horace died in 1899, flat broke. He told Baby Doe to hold on the one mine, the Matchless. He said that some day it would make her rich again. It didn't. She held on to it though and died there in 1935, poor as a church mouse.

15. Which author of the book "Night" once wrote that "to remain silent and indifferent is the greatest sin of all"?

From Quiz Pages from the Holocaust

Answer: Elie Wiesel

Elie Wiesel's "Night", published in 1958, recounts his experiences in Auschwitz. Born in Romania in 1928, Wiesel has written over 40 books, mainly non-fiction, and has spent his life ensuring that no one ever forget what happened to the Jews in the concentration camps. In 1986 Elie Wiesel was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for speaking out against violence, repression, and racism.

16. What film character type became prominent during the Cold War?

From Quiz Elaine Tyler May's "Homeward Bound"

Answer: Femme Fatale

The 1950s was the era of the film noir. May sees Hollywood's product as proof that American society feared the single woman.

17. King George III (1738-1820) and Queen Charlotte (1744-1818) of Britain fiercely guarded the chastity of their daughters and never wanted them to marry. Still, one of them, Sophie, gave birth to a baby boy. How was this crisis resolved?

From Quiz "Sex With the Queen" by Eleanor Herman

Answer: He was given to the wife of a tailor who had just had a baby

Not a well thought-out plan. Sophie's baby came to the tailor's wrapped in a blanket emblazoned with the royal seal. Word got out and crowds began bringing in their tailoring to "see the boy and his regal blanket." When crowds grew too large, the baby's supposed father, General Thomas Garth, took him and raised the child as his own. Is it any wonder the pretty 25-year-old Sophie and her sisters, kept under constant heavy guard, chose General Garth as her lover even though he was much older than Sophie and disfigured by a large red birthmark over half his face?

18. Who was Colorado's unsinkable lady?

From Quiz "Tales, Trails and Tommyknockers"

Answer: Molly Brown

Many people snubbed Molly Brown because she'd come from meager beginnings. She proved her mettle though, after the Titanic sank. She had the women handle the oars after the men had given up. After they were rescued by the Carpathia, Molly continued to help the sick and the dying. She even raised money to help the poor women whose men had died. After the story got out, Molly was famous and was invited everywhere. Isabella Bird was an English lady who wrote many books about adventures she had in Colorado and other places. Silver Dollar Tabor was the daughter of Horace and Baby Doe Tabor. Susan Anderson was a doctor in Fraser. She treated the men on the railroad and at the lumber camps. You can read all about her in a book titled "Doc Susie".

19. One of the reasons May gives for America's domesticity in the 1950s was a backlash against domestic disorder during what earlier era?

From Quiz Elaine Tyler May's "Homeward Bound"

Answer: Depression

During the Depression of the 1930s, women were often forced to leave the house to help support the family. At the same time, many men found themselves out of work and unable to perform their breadwinner role. According to May, the kids who grew up in the disruption of the Depression saw non-traditional gender roles as a factor in unhappiness, so embraced traditional gender roles all the more enthusiastically.

20. One of the most recognized names in the fur trade and Rocky Mountains is written about by Barton H. Barbour in a book subtitled "No Ordinary Mountain Man". Who was this extraordinary mountain man with the ordinary name?

From Quiz Quiz Writing is Exhausting

Answer: Jedediah Smith

Barton H. Barbour was born in 1951 and received his PhD in 1993 from the University of New Mexico. He has worked as an historian for the National Park Service, as well as various universities both in the US and in Canada. He has written five books about the fur trade and how it affected the country. Barbour has received numerous honors for his articles and books about the west. Jedediah Strong Smith was born in the Susquehanna River Valley in western New York state in 1799. He was killed in the spring of 1831, at all of 32 years of age. In those 32 years he became one of the biggest names in the fur trade and mountaineer society, as well as with the general public. The historians haven't found out a lot about his earlier life, but his later life is well documented. He left home at 23, nine years before his death. What he did, and where he went, and what he went through in those nine years is worth two books. And, that's what I'm recommending to you. Dale Morgan, probably my favorite historian of the era, wrote "Jedediah Smith and the Opening of the West" which was published in 1953. I didn't think it could ever be topped, but in the years since then more research has been done and more papers about and by Smith have been found, as they have with many of the mountain men. (Something which I hope will continue for the next 60 years, too.) Because of that, Mr. Barbour had access to data and information that Mr. Morgan did not have which puts a different take on parts of Jed Smith's life, and events that occurred. First, read Dale Morgan's book. Then, for dessert, read Barton Barbour's book. By then you will know as much as can presently be known about Jedediah Smith and all the events of his short, but amazing, life. Enough spoilers, few as they are, have been given already. You'll even find out why he wore his hair longer on one side of his head than he did the other. You must find the rest out for yourself. If you think "Quiz Writing is Exhausting", try traveling from the Rendezvous at Bear Lake, across the Great Basin and the Sierra Nevada mountains into California and return. That's "Exhausting".

21. What famous divide does the Moffat Tunnel run under?

From Quiz "Tales, Trails and Tommyknockers"

Answer: The Continental Divide

Before and during the construction of the Moffat Tunnel, trains carrying supplies and people to the towns of Fraser, Tabernash and Arrow had to go over the pass. The "Hell Hill Line", as it was called, went over the Divide and was often stopped in winter by snow and avalanches. The passengers in this tale had to walk out and down to Tolland after their train was stuck and they ran out of water for the steam engines. One guy, deciding he didn't want to walk, jumped on a shovel and rode it on the tracks down. Burnt the seat of his pants right through. The other eight men arrived safely in Tolland and the stalled train was pulled into the lumber camp at Arrowhead the next day to deliver the supplies.

22. According to May, what became synonymous with patriotism in the Cold War Era?

From Quiz Elaine Tyler May's "Homeward Bound"

Answer: Procreation

Americans were encouraged to have children so as to populate the world with a democratic society. The Baby Boom was also caused by couples marrying younger and women seeking self-fulfillment. Just as men in the Cold War were told they would find satisfaction in their ability to provide, women were promised satisfaction in motherhood.

23. Another compendium type of book I absolutely have to recommend is the one that won the Pulitzer prize for History for Bernard De Voto in 1948. What is the name of this well-known, wonderful, read?

From Quiz Quiz Writing is Exhausting

Answer: Across the Wide Missouri

Bernard Augustine de Voto, born in 1897 in Ogden, Utah. He interrupted his education because of World War I, but returned and graduated in 1920 from Harvard. In the late 1920s he returned to Harvard to teach part time while he began to seriously write. "Across the Wide Missouri" was the second book of a trilogy. In addition to the Pulitzer, it won the Bancroft prize. As an historian, he became, first off, an expert on Mark Twain, curating and editing his papers. In later years he gravitated to writing about the West, including editing "The Journals of Lewis and Clark" in 1953. This book tells the story of the end of the Rocky Mountain fur trade and, therefore, of the mountain men. The book begins in the early 1830s and finishes at the end of that decade. He writes something about most everyone who was anyone during those years and before. There are copious notes to be read which truly add to the book, as well as wonderful maps and a large appendix. Although De Voto wrote about the end of an era, he makes it seem not an ending but a ongoing piece of the history of the United States. I'd say if you were to read only one of these, this would be it, but I can't. It's an excellent book, but so are the others. They're all different, with the newer ones having the benefit of archival discoveries and papers found in attics that were given to universities and museums, during the years since the earlier ones were written. Further, because this is about the end of the era, it would be best to read one of the earlier mentioned compendiums first.

24. Who was the Civil War major who explored the Colorado River?

From Quiz "Tales, Trails and Tommyknockers"

Answer: John Wesley Powell

Major Powell was a geologist, teacher and explorer, among other things. He'd heard that there were places where the river went underground and that it had falls as high as Niagara. It doesn't but he had to see. So he took a party of nine men and started down the river. Three months later, Powell and six of his men came out. Three men had deserted after they had seen the serious rapids at the end of the Grand Canyon. They were killed by Indians. The Major found out that sometimes, rivers are formed before mountains and when the land rises, the river cuts through. He also found the place in Utah where the Green River and the Grand River joined to form the Colorado.

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