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The self-proclaimed wizzard Rincewind, the Agatean tourist Twoflower, and the sapient Luggage undertake a journey, unaware that they are pawns in a board game being played by the Gods.
10 quizzes and 100 trivia questions.
  The Colour of Magic Quiz for Experts   great trivia quiz  
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A hapless wizard (if you can call him that) is asked to lead a tourist through the rounds as he navigates the sights and mysteries of Discworld in Terry Pratchett's first novel. Of course, magic and hijinx ensue. Good luck!
Tough, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Feb 05 15
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  Terry Pratchett: "The Colour of Magic"   great trivia quiz  
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This is the first book in Terry Pratchett's "Discworld" series. Haven't read it in a while? No problem. These are very basic questions about the story.
Average, 10 Qns, PDAZ, Feb 25 12
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  #1 'The Colour of Magic': Magical Things   popular trivia quiz  
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'The Colour of Magic' is the first book in the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett. It's full of magical characters and supernatural happenings.
Average, 10 Qns, AcrylicInk, Aug 19 18
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Aug 19 18
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  Colourful Characters in "The Colour of Magic"    
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Can you recognize these characters from Terry Pratchett's "The Colour of Magic" from their descriptions?
Average, 10 Qns, reedy, Apr 23 14
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  'The Colour of Magic' Random Questions    
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I have taken Terry Pratchett's 'The Colour of Magic', the first book in his Discworld series, and randomly opened it to ten different pages resulting in the following questions.
Average, 10 Qns, orlandodaddy, Jan 08 06
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  The Ultimate The Colour of Magic Quiz    
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This is a quiz on the very first of Terry Pratchett's "Discworld" series, "The Colour of Magic", and stars Rincewind the "Wizzard" and Twoflower the tourist.
Average, 10 Qns, JasonOgg, Jan 30 07
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  10 Questions about The Colour of Magic    
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This is Terry Pratchett's first book about Discworld.
Average, 10 Qns, nye1, Sep 24 16
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  "Colour of Magic" Names    
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This is the first book in the "Discworld" series by Terry Pratchett. I will give you a description, and you just need to guess the names. Simple as that!
Average, 10 Qns, sun211, May 24 22
May 24 22
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  Take this The Colour of Magic Quiz    
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'The Colour of Magic' by Terry Pratchett. The first book in the wonderful Discworld series...good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, SkateS, Jan 08 06
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  10 The Colour Of Magic Questions    
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This quiz is for all Terry Pratchett fans. It focuses on the book: "The Colour Of Magic". Enjoy...
Average, 10 Qns, Yismin, Jun 23 18
Jun 23 18
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trivia question Quick Question
Hrun the Barbarian had a magical item, called Kring, that fell into Rincewind's hands. What was Kring?

From Quiz "#1 'The Colour of Magic': Magical Things"

The Colour of Magic Trivia Questions

1. According to the narrator, which number in Discworld is considered sacred?

From Quiz
The Colour of Magic

Answer: Eight

As the story begins, a fire rages in the city-state of Ankh-Morpork. The fire, which began on the Morpork side, is easily spreading to Ankh via wind and other means. A short distance outside of the city, Bravd the Hublander and his magical sidekick, The Weasel, watch as the failed wizard Rincewind heads away from the destruction with a man named Twoflower in tow. When Twoflower arrived in Ankh-Morpork earlier (with his large treasure chest, moving on its own many legs) he did not know he would be the one to inadvertently set the blaze. The narrator takes the time to note the importance of the number eight in Discworld early on. There are eight seasons (marked by the turning of the disc) and a full rotation of the world takes eight hundred days. There are also eight colours in the rainbow, the eighth being the colour of magic.

2. What was the occupation of Rincewind?

From Quiz Terry Pratchett: "The Colour of Magic"

Answer: Wizard

He wasn't a particularly adept wizard; he had left Unseen University only knowing one spell, and he didn't actually know what it was. It had jumped into his head when he peeked into a restricted book, and try as he might, he wasn't able to use the spell. He did get the dryads to read the spell in his mind, which had a terrifying effect on them.

3. What is the name of the Discworld's first tourist?

From Quiz The Colour of Magic

Answer: Twoflower

Twoflower is the first Discworld tourist. He comes from the Counterweight Continent in the Ageaten Empire.

4. Who does Kring belong to?

From Quiz The Colour of Magic

Answer: Hrun

Kring was a magical talking sword that forced Rincewind to try and save Twoflower and Hrun the Barbarian.

5. To demonstrate that they are in a strong magical field, Rincewind tells Hrun to flip a coin. Rincewind calls it correctly in the air. What does he call?

From Quiz 'The Colour of Magic' Random Questions

Answer: Edge

He correctly calls it to land on its edge after Hrun gives him the options "Heads or [...] some sort of a fish with legs." He flips six more coins, the last of which vanishes.

6. An easy one to begin with. What is the name of the tourist?

From Quiz "Colour of Magic" Names

Answer: twoflower & Twoflower

He came to see real barfights and such things. With him he had solid gold coins, and a chest made out of Sapient-Pearwood which walked on hundreds of tiny legs.

7. What is happening at the beginning of the book (after the prologue)?

From Quiz The Colour Of Magic

Answer: there is a fire

With lots of pretty colours!

8. What or who is Withel?

From Quiz The Colour of Magic

Answer: Second greatest thief in Ankh-Morpork

He did once try to become Greatest thief, but lost an eye to one of Ymor's pet ravens. Not his life however, Ymor never grudged a man his ambitions.

9. Twoflower brought a magical trunk with him on his travels. Why didn't he need to carry it?

From Quiz #1 'The Colour of Magic': Magical Things

Answer: It had dozens of legs and followed him around wherever he went.

The Luggage was made of sapient pearwood, a very rare material that only grew on sites of ancient magic. It had a way of looking at you, even though it had no eyes. But it had feet. Lots of them. The Luggage would follow its owner wherever it went, even off the edge of the Disc.

10. What is the currency of the Agatean Empire?

From Quiz The Colour of Magic

Answer: Rhinu

Rincewind first spotted Twoflower in the Broken Drum, a small tavern and inn in Ankh-Morpork. That is to say he spotted his walking treasure box, crafted from the magical wood of sapient pear trees. Seizing the opportunity, he offered to speak to the man who, upon recognizing the Trob language, decided to hire him on as a tour guide for the healthy price of one and a half rhinu per day. Rincewind found this astonishing as any denomination of rhinu is pure gold. This didn't escape the innkeeper either. Rincewind was called to the chambers of the Patrician who, discovering Rincewind's role in all of this, convinced him to keep up the charade as a tour guide in order to prolong good relations with the kingdom of the Agatean Empire on the Counterbalance Continent from which Twoflower hailed. Rincewind had no real choice. When he returned to the Broken Drum, a fight had broken out and he had to head upstairs to find Twoflower sleeping through it. When the tourist awakened he was disappointed that he'd missed the action; he wanted to see everything authentic the city had to offer. As such they headed out with his iconograph to take pictures and enjoy the day.

11. "There was no mistaking that shape... The wide chest, the neck like a tree trunk, the surprisingly small head under its wild thatch of black hair looking like a tomato on a coffin." Whose description is this?

From Quiz Colourful Characters in "The Colour of Magic"

Answer: Hrun the Barbarian

Hrun the Barbarian is a hero from the land of Chimeria, a direct parodying reference to Robert E. Howard's character Conan the Barbarian, from the land of Cimmeria. In "The Colour of Magic", Hrun follows the sapient pearwood luggage (and its wealth of gold within), with the intent of taking it for himself. He finally catches up to our two main characters at the Temple of Bel-Shamharoth, from which point he agrees to accompany them onward. He ends up staying with them as far as Wyrmberg.

12. What particular skill did Rincewind have that was useful to the tourist, Twoflower?

From Quiz Terry Pratchett: "The Colour of Magic"

Answer: He spoke Trob

Twoflower had a phrase book, which helped him communicate in the language of Ankh-Morpork, but his use of the language was awkward. Rincewind was particularly skilled in languages, and after trying a number of them to communicate with Twoflower, he was finally successful with Trob. Twoflower didn't come from Trob, but he had picked up the language from Trobi sailors who visited his native land of Bes Pelargic.

13. Who starts the fire that burns down most of Ankh-Morpork?

From Quiz The Colour of Magic

Answer: the barman

The barman does this because Twoflower gives him insurance for his tavern, The Broken Drum.

14. When Rincewind suddenly found himself on a plane, he found he was Swedish, his name was "Dr. Rjinswand" and he was raised in New Jersey, but how old was he?

From Quiz The Colour of Magic

Answer: Thirty-three

He was also a "specialist in breakaway oxidation phenomena of certain nuclear reactors". Twoflower was known as "Jack Zweiblumen".

15. What level spell is Turning To Animals?

From Quiz 'The Colour of Magic' Random Questions

Answer: Eighth

We learn this from Rincewind when the picturebox imp says he could turn everyone into worms. Rincewind admits he never finished his training and in fact only knows one spell. That spell is one of the Eight Spells of the Octavo which Rincewind read on a dare and subsequently kicked all other spells out of his head.

16. Who was the wizard that was put in charge of the tourist?

From Quiz "Colour of Magic" Names

Answer: Rincewind

He dropped out of his training at level one. Rincewind also has one of the eight basic spells lodged in his head.

17. What are the citizens of Ankh doing, while the events at the beginning of the book are happening to Morpohk?

From Quiz The Colour Of Magic

Answer: Demolishing the bridges

But it didn't really work as the boats caught fire and floated across!

18. What is the Talking sword called?

From Quiz The Colour of Magic

Answer: Kring

Hrun being the barbarian who once owned it, Liessa the dragonlady and Krullian the language spoken in Krull.

19. After a tavern brawl, Twoflower wanted a picture of the scene. He pulled out a device that was similar to a camera. How did the black box make pictures?

From Quiz #1 'The Colour of Magic': Magical Things

Answer: There was an imp inside who could paint quickly.

When Twoflower arrived in Ankh-Morpork, most people had never seen an iconograph before. The tourist was able to persuade the people he met to be in the pictures by offering them gold for their time. Later in the story, the barbarian Hrun agreed to protect Rincewind and Twoflower in exchange for heroic pictures of himself. Hrun had to protect them because, as Rincewind pointed out, the iconograph needed someone to operate it.

20. What was Twoflower's occupation?

From Quiz Terry Pratchett: "The Colour of Magic"

Answer: Insurance clerk

The concept of insurance was apparently unknown in Ankh-Morpork; the natives refer to it as "inn-sewer-ants", mimicking Twoflower's pronounciation. Things went awry in Ankh-Morpork after Twoflower sold a policy to the publican, Broadman, at The Broken Drum tavern.

21. After The Broken Drum burns down it is given a new name. What is it?

From Quiz The Colour of Magic

Answer: The Mended Drum

With the new bar come even more tavern brawls and more excessive drinking - you'd think they'd have a bit of consideration for the new tavern.

22. When Rincewind is falling after the dragon on which they are escaping the Wyrmberg disappears, where he is first transported?

From Quiz 'The Colour of Magic' Random Questions

Answer: A TWA airplane

For a brief period of time, Rincewind and Twoflower change places with Dr. Rjinswand and Jack Zweiblumen and he inexplicably disrupts a hijacking attempt. From here they are transported to their fall into the sea. Rincewind doesn't go to Death's house until 'The Light Fantastic', and XXXX is just a myth until Rincewind ends up there in 'The Last Continent'.

23. A tricky one. Who is president of the Assassins' Guild?

From Quiz "Colour of Magic" Names

Answer: Zlorf Flannelfoot

He goes to visit Ymor, in the hope to find Twoflower so he can be killed.

24. What is the name of the smaller figure watching from a nearby hilltop?

From Quiz The Colour Of Magic

Answer: Weasel

25. Who is the REAL ruler of the Wyrmberg?

From Quiz The Colour of Magic

Answer: Greicha

Vowing not to die until one of his three children is the overall leader of the Wyrmberg, Death takes him away after Liessa gets Hrun to knock the other two out.

26. Rincewind was a wizard. In 'The Colour of Magic', how many spells did he know?

From Quiz #1 'The Colour of Magic': Magical Things

Answer: One

While at Unseen University - a school for wizards - Rincewind opened a spell book for a bet. This particular spell book was known as the Octavo. It contained a number of extremely powerful spells that were first used by the Creator. The book was chained to a lectern in a secure room at the university so that the spells couldn't escape. Rincewind only looked at the book for a second when one of the spells jumped off the page and into his mind. Since then, he was unable to remember any other spells. He was convinced that they were too scared to share his head with the Octavo spell.

27. Which character, who speaks in ALL CAPS, encounters the protagonist multiple times? "No-one else went around with empty eye sockets and, of course, the scythe over one shoulder was another clue."

From Quiz Colourful Characters in "The Colour of Magic"

Answer: Death

In the Discworld, wizards can only be claimed by Death himself, so must wait on him if they receive a mortal wound. In the case of our main character, Death seems keen on collecting his soul, and waits with anticipation for Rincewind to die on multiple occasions during the story. The only reason it does not actually happen is because of the manipulations (the game being played) by the Discworld gods. At one point, while Death is busy attending to an outbreak of the White Plague in Pseudopolis, a stand-in (Scrofula) for the grim reaper attempts to make a name for himself by collecting Rincewind's soul, which of course cannot happen (see my first sentence above).

28. What followed Twoflower around on many little legs?

From Quiz Terry Pratchett: "The Colour of Magic"

Answer: His luggage

This was no ordinary luggage. Besides being mobile, it had a strong devotion to its owner and a ferocious temper. Rincewind's main interest in the luggage was that it was made from sapient pearwood, which, because of its magical properties, made excellent wizards' staffs.

29. What is the name of the wizard who turns into an orangutan?

From Quiz The Colour of Magic

Answer: Horace Worblehat

He becomes an orangutan due to an unfortunate accident with the octavo. He's also the Unseen University's librarian.

30. Who was the Guestmaster in Krull?

From Quiz The Colour of Magic

Answer: Garhartra

Marchesa is a Krullian, though she is not the Guestmaster, the Great Nef isn't a person, and Tethis is a sea troll.

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