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The books by Michael A. Stackpole focus on the Rogue Squadron, while those from Aaron Allston concentrate on the Wraith Squadron. These stories are set roughly five to fifteen years after the Battle of Yavin.
4 quizzes and 45 trivia questions.
  Order of the "Star Wars: X-wing" Novels    
Ordering Quiz
 10 Qns
"Star Wars: X-wing" was a ten-novel series written by Michael A. Stackpole and Aaron Allston. Most were written between 1996 and 1999. Can you remember the order of these novels?
Easier, 10 Qns, qrayx, Apr 26 22
Apr 26 22
84 plays
  Which "X-wing" Novel Was It?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The tenth "X-wing" novel was published 2012. Each novel in this excellent series was written by Michael A. Stackpole or Aaron Allston. Do you remember what happened in each book? Warning: spoilers for the entire series follow.
Average, 10 Qns, qrayx, May 25 13
182 plays
  Star Wars "X-Wing" Series    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a quiz on the Star Wars "X-Wing" books, not comics!
Average, 10 Qns, jagsgurl15, Jan 02 05
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  Star Wars: X-Wing Series Trivia    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
Welcome to my X-Wing series quiz. Most of these questions are quite easy, but some are more challenging.
Average, 15 Qns, jgoldschlager, Mar 13 22
Mar 13 22
639 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What was the name of the shuttle Elegos A'Kla flew on Dantooine?

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X - Wing Trivia Questions

1. In which "X-wing" novel did Wraith Squadron pretend to be the crew of the frigate Night Caller?

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Which "X-wing" Novel Was It?

Answer: Wraith Squadron

The fifth novel in the "X-wing" series, "Wraith Squadron", was written by Aaron Allston. The Wraiths were in the middle of a hyperspace navigation training exercise when they came across a hyperspace mine. The mine was laid by Admiral Trigit's forces, and was designed to pull vessels out of hyperspace and disable them. The Wraiths acted quickly to repair their fighters and a planned a counter attack for when their enemy arrived. The frigate Night Crawler arrived to capture whatever was disabled, but the Wraiths launched their own ambush and took control of the frigate. The Wraiths captured most of the crew and had it replaced by New Republic personnel, and the frigate became the Wraith's new mobile base. They continued the Night Caller's original mission in order to get closer to Trigit. Even before they were done training, the Wraiths' unconventional approach was bearing fruit.

2. What rank is Wedge Antilles in the beginning of the series?

From Quiz Star Wars "X-Wing" Series

Answer: Commander

Wedge was considered a Commander at the beginning of the series. He was given command of Rogue Squadron after Luke Skywalker left.

3. What is Lara Notsil's real name?

From Quiz Star Wars: X-Wing Series Trivia

Answer: Gara Petothel

This name was given to her at birth, but she discarded it when she chose to join Wraith Squadron. She believed that this was the name of an Imperial agent and that it no longer belonged to her.

4. In which "X-wing" novel did Rogue Squadron take the Imperial world Borleias?

From Quiz Which "X-wing" Novel Was It?

Answer: Rogue Squadron

The first novel in the "X-wing" series, "Rogue Squadron", was written by Michael A. Stackpole. The Rebel Alliance had plans to take Imperial Center (Coruscant) from the Empire, but they needed a base closer to the core worlds. Borleias, codenamed "Blackmoon", was the Rebel's first target. It was known for having a research facility and not much else. Regardless, it was heavily defended, and the Rebel Alliance had to make two attempts before capturing it. Two Rogues, Peshk Vri'syk and Andoorni Hui, died in the first battle of Borleias.

5. Which two famed authors created the "X-Wing" books?

From Quiz Star Wars "X-Wing" Series

Answer: Michael Stackpole and Aaron Allston

Michael Stackpole and Aaron Allston wrote this series together, Stackpole about the Rogues, and Allston about the Wraiths.

6. What is the name of Lara Notsil's R2 unit?

From Quiz Star Wars: X-Wing Series Trivia

Answer: Tonin

Vape is Face's R2 and was fitted with a special command, "cold one". This command dispensed a beer. Whistler is Corran Horn's R2 unit and is fitted with special code slicing circuitry because of Corran's work with CorSec. Gate is Wedge's R5 unit. Gate was originally named "Mynock" but Wedge decided to change it. Tonin was instrumental in the sadbotage of Iron Fist's hyperdrives, leading to the escape of Lara and many of Zsinj's alien test subjects.

7. In which "X-wing" novel was the Super Star Destroyer Razor's Kiss destroyed?

From Quiz Which "X-wing" Novel Was It?

Answer: Iron Fist

The sixth novel in the "X-wing" series, "Iron Fist", was written by Aaron Allston. "Iron Fist" continued the story of the Wraiths trying to bring down Warlord Zsinj's regime. They disguised themselves as a mercenary group, the Hawkbats, and got themselves hired by Zsinj. The Wraiths found out that Zsinj was looking to steal a Super Star Destroyer from the Imperials to augment his own fleet. The Hawkbats were hired to assist in this operation, and the Wraiths set about sabotaging it; they knew how bad their situation would become if Zsinj had two Super Star Destroyers. The Wraiths helped steal the new Super Star Destroyer, Razor's Kiss, but sabotaged its shields and tracked it to the rendezvous. There they had the New Republic ambush the understaffed warship. Razor's Kiss was destroyed and the Iron Fist was severely damaged. Zsinj fled in disgrace and the Wraiths celebrated yet another victory.

8. In which book did Mirax Terrik and Corran Horn wed?

From Quiz Star Wars "X-Wing" Series

Answer: #4 The Bacta War

Though their fathers hated each other, these two managed to see past that. They were wed in a quiet ceremony by Wedge Antilles, towards the end of the book.

9. Which planet was Warlord Zsinj from?

From Quiz Star Wars: X-Wing Series Trivia

Answer: Fondor

Kuat was the homeworld of General Melvar, Zsinj's second in command. Chandrila was the homeworld of Ran Kether who now flies as Rogue Seven in Rogue Squadron. Commenor is the homeworld of Todra Mayn, who flies as Polearm one.(Polearm squadron is an A-Wing squadron.)

10. In which "X-wing" novel was Tycho Celchu on trial for treason and murder?

From Quiz Which "X-wing" Novel Was It?

Answer: The Krytos Trap

The third novel in the "X-wing" series, "The Krytos Trap", was written by Michael A. Stackpole. Isard's plan to cripple the New Republic was to let them take Coruscant after she had infected the non-human population with the deadly Krytos Virus. The Rogues were focused mostly on relief efforts and navigating political ploys while Corran was missing (presumed dead), and Tycho was on trial for his murder. Tycho was a former prisoner of Lusankya, Isard's personal prison and laboratory. She was known for brainwashing her prisoners and turning them loose to cause havoc. Tycho escaped Lusankya, and had been under suspicion ever since returning, despite Wedge's conviction that Tycho was fine. Tycho was eventually cleared of all charges when Corran showed up with new evidence, having recently escaped from Lusankya himself.

11. In which book did Kell Tainer and Tyria Sarkin meet, and become romantically involved?

From Quiz Star Wars "X-Wing" Series

Answer: #5 Wraith Squadron

The first time Kell claimed that he loved Tyria, he was asked several questions by her, and it was determined that at that time he was not in love with her true self. Later on in the book though, they do make out on the couch and admit to being in love with each other.

12. What is the name of General Han Solo's flagship while hunting for Zsinj?

From Quiz Star Wars: X-Wing Series Trivia

Answer: Mon Remonda

The Mon Karren and Mon Delindo were both Mon Calamari cruisers in Solo's taskforce, however, neither of them matched the weapons, shields or hull armor of Mon Remonda. The Millenium Falcon is Han Solo's ship, but he does not use it while hunting for Zsinj.

13. In which "X-wing" novel did Rogue Squadron liberate Thyferra from Imperial rule?

From Quiz Which "X-wing" Novel Was It?

Answer: The Bacta War

The fourth novel in the "X-wing" series, "The Bacta War", was written by Michael A. Stackpole. Isard escaped Coruscant and took control of the planet Thyferra. Thyferra was where a vast majority of the galaxy's bacta was produced. Bacta was a miracle agent that could be used to treat almost any medical condition, including recovering from trauma and fighting diseases. The New Republic was still fragile, having just taken the capitol world and establishing a new government. It was also dealing with the Krytos plague that Isard had unleashed just before she left. And then there was Warlord Zsinj harassing their borders. The New Republic wanted Rogue Squadron to fight Zsinj, but the pilots refused, and they and their support staff resigned. Tycho had been given a large sum in credits by Isard to make his trial more difficult, which he used to help purchase new starfighters for the Rogues. The Rogues set up their own base of operations and hatched their own plans, calling in favors and calling on friends to help. They were able to oust Isard from Thyferra and get the bacta flowing smoothly and relatively cheaply again.

14. In which book was revenge plotted on Wes Janson?

From Quiz Star Wars "X-Wing" Series

Answer: #7 Solo Command

In "Solo Command", there was a stuffed ewok floating around base by the name of Lt. Kettch. Wedge put a tracking device into the ewok and figured out that it was Wes Janson's doing. He then plotted out evil revenge with the Rogues and the Wraiths, that ended up with Wes naked, rubbed down with "ewok food", chasing a fictional ewok.

15. Warlord Zsinj's first ship was also named the Iron Fist. What class of ship was this?

From Quiz Star Wars: X-Wing Series Trivia

Answer: Victory Class Star Destroyer

The Victory Class Star Destroyer is the smallest of the Star Destroyers as it is manned by a crew of 5200. The Interdictor Class Cruiser prevents ships from entering hyperspace. The Imperial Star Destroyer Mark 2 is the second largest class of Star Destroyer, with 47000 crewers and troops. The Dreadnaught was a pre-clone wars ship which required a large number of crewers for its size (more than 16000) and because of its versitility, it is still widely used.

16. In which "X-wing" novel did Rogue Squadron ally themselves with Isard?

From Quiz Which "X-wing" Novel Was It?

Answer: Isard's Revenge

The eighth novel in the "X-wing" series, "Isard's Revenge", was written by Michael A. Stackpole. "Isard's Revenge" took place in 9 ABY, two years after the liberation of Thyferra. The Rogues thought that they had killed Isard during the liberation of Thyferra, but it turned out that she had managed to escape. Twice. Isard was so busy coordinating the Empire and her schemes that she needed help. She was also so paranoid that she only trusted one person: herself. She had a clone made of herself to oversee portions of her operations. She used a clever trick to make the Rogues think that she had been killed when her shuttle exploded, but in fact she had never been on it. Years later, the clone showed up on Cuitric and started helping Admiral Krennel, an enemy of the New Republic. The Rogues began a campaign against Krennel, but began having trouble. The real Isard wanted to remain hidden, and was irritated by her clone's actions. She saved the Rogues from an ambush and took them back to her base. Isard offered to help the Rogues kill her clone in exchange for amnesty. The New Republic thought that Rogue Squadron had been destroyed, but the Rogues were actually secretly training on TIE Defenders, some of the best Imperial starfighters ever made. Isard convinced the Rogues to make a joint attack with her on Krennel and the clone, but true to herself, she betrayed them. Luckily the Rogues foresaw this and had managed to coordinate their own reinforcements. Isard used the battle as a distraction while she went to take control of her old Super Star Destroyer, Lusankya. Unfortunately for her, Iella and Mirax had figured out her plot and stopped her.

17. In which book did the Rogues and Wraiths work together?

From Quiz Star Wars "X-Wing" Series

Answer: #7 Solo Command

They worked together with the "Millenium Falsehood" for a mission in Solo Command. This was the first time in the series that the two squadrons were featured in a book together.

18. How many crewmen are on a standard Imperial Super Class Star Destroyer?

From Quiz Star Wars: X-Wing Series Trivia

Answer: 280000

The first Super Star Destroyer ever built was presented to Darth Vader as a command ship with which to seek out the rebels. The next Super Star Destroyer, built under the same name (Executor) was later buried beneath the buildings of Coruscant. This ship was commanded as a prison facility named Lusankya and later left Coruscant under the command of Director Ysanne Isard.

19. In which "X-wing" novel were there two Wraith Squadrons operating at once?

From Quiz Which "X-wing" Novel Was It?

Answer: Mercy Kill

The tenth novel in the "X-wing" series, "Mercy Kill", was written by Aaron Allston. A majority of "Mercy Kill" took place in 44 ABY, after the Yuuzhan Vong invasion and the second galactic civil war. Wraith Squadron had been disbanded after the second galactic civil war, and most of its members were either scattered or dead. Face, although not working explicitly for Galactic Alliance Intelligence, organized an operation against Stavin Thaal. Thaal had been opportunistic and complicit in the conspiracy from the "Fate of the Jedi" series, and GAI wanted him taken in. Face organized two teams of reassembled Wraiths, with old members and new, and sent them off to track down different objectives. Neither knew about the other until their paths crossed on Vandor-3. They were unable to contact Face or anyone in the Galactic Alliance command structure, so they merged their units and began working together against Thaal.

20. In which book was Tycho Celchu accused of being an Imperial Spy for Ysanne Isard?

From Quiz Star Wars "X-Wing" Series

Answer: #3 Kryto's Trap

Tycho Celchu was accused of being an Imperial Spy after he was captured by Isard. It was later determined, after he was said to have killed Corran Horn, that it was not he, but Erisi that was the traitor in the unit, who had tried to kill Corran.

21. When a team from Rogue Squadron is sent on a diplomatic envoy to Adumar, which members are sent?

From Quiz Star Wars: X-Wing Series Trivia

Answer: Wedge Antilles, Tycho Celchu, Wes Janson and Derek Hobbie Klivian

Wedge Antilles, Tycho Celchu, Wes Janson and Derek "Hobbie" Klivian were sent to Adumar to attempt to bring the planet under the banner of the New Republic. This was prompted because of the planets enormous capacity for producing Proton Torpedoes, an expensive form of missile, utilised by New Republic Snub-Fighters.

22. In which "X-wing" novel did Wedge Antilles act as an ambassador for the New Republic?

From Quiz Which "X-wing" Novel Was It?

Answer: Starfighters of Adumar

The ninth novel in the "X-wing" series, "Starfighters of Adumar", was written by Aaron Allston. Adumar was a forgotten world populated by humans that was rediscovered in 13 ABY. They were looking to join the galactic community and were weighing the Empire against the New Republic. The Adumari respected pilots as celebrities above all else, and so Wedge was "asked" to play the role of ambassador. He was allowed to take any other pilots with him, and so he formed Red Flight for the mission, which included Tycho Celchu, Wes Janson, and Hobbie. There were quite a few issues to deal with on Adumar, such as their obsession with duels, and their lack of appreciation for human life. That and there was no unified world government that any galactic body could deal with. The largest, most powerful nation tried to assert its dominance over the other nations to create a world government, but this did not go as smoothly as planned. Eventually Wedge was able to resolve the short war, bring Adumar into the New Republic in some capacity while letting the individual nations retain their freedom and identity, and expose some duplicitous New Republic Intelligence agents.

23. In which book did Wedge Antilles reform Rogue Squadron?

From Quiz Star Wars "X-Wing" Series

Answer: #1 Rogue Squadron

This happened in the very beginning of the series during "Rogue Squadron". He decided that Rogue Squadron needed a different zest, thus deciding to reform the squadron. This was the time in which Corran Horn, Gavin Darklighter, and Lujayne Forge, along with many others were added to the roster.

24. Following the conclusion of the Battle of Thyferra, Corran Horn gets married. What is the name of his new wife?

From Quiz Star Wars: X-Wing Series Trivia

Answer: Mirax Terrik

Corran and Mirax were married aboard the Super Star Destroyer: Lusankya following it's capture and liberation to the New Republic. This ceremony was completed, much to her father's disgust, in secrecy as to prevent Mirax's father (Booster Terrik) from interfering.

25. In which "X-wing" novel did Lara Notsil sabotage Zsinj's flagship with just the help of her R5, Tonin?

From Quiz Which "X-wing" Novel Was It?

Answer: Solo Command

The seventh novel in the "X-wing" series, "Solo Command", was written by Aaron Allston. Lara Notsil began life as Gara Petothel, and was a former Imperial Intelligence officer. She joined the Wraiths with the intention of sabotaging them, but came around to appreciate her new squadron more than her life with the Empire. In "Solo Command", Face found out about Lara's identity, and confronted her about it. Myn Donos, in a fit of rage, tried to kill her, so she fled. She made her way to Zsinj and offered to help him. Zsinj took her in and even let her continue to be a pilot. Secretly, on her own, she actually began sabotaging the Iron Fist so the New Republic could destroy it. During the Battle of Selaggis, Lara escaped from the Iron Fist, freeing a large number of non-human test subjects in the process, and managed to fly with the Wraiths one last time. She faked her death so the New Republic would not come looking for her; she would be tried and executed for treason, regardless of her other actions. Lara, as Kirney Slane, sent a final message to Myn Donos. She began a shuttle company, and the two started a relationship on Corellia.

26. Who came up with the name Wraith Squadron?

From Quiz Star Wars "X-Wing" Series

Answer: Tyria Sarkin

While several other names, including Dinner Squadron, were submitted, Wedge Antilles chose this name which was submitted by Tyria Sarkin.

27. The giant walking machines, known as AT-AT's have caused much destruction in their time. What do the letters AT-AT stand for?

From Quiz Star Wars: X-Wing Series Trivia

Answer: All Terrain Armoured Transport

These Transports were made famous at the battle of Hoth and have extremely well armoured hulls, which make them almost impervious to light arms fire (such as that of a Blaster Rifle or a Snow Speeder). However, the armour is not to the standard of ship's hull armour. As a result of this, these giant walkers can be taken down with a few shots from snub-fighter laser cannons.

28. In which "X-wing" novel did Rogue Squadron help the Rebel Alliance take control of Coruscant?

From Quiz Which "X-wing" Novel Was It?

Answer: Wedge's Gamble

The second novel in the "X-wing" series, "Wedge's Gamble", was written by Michael A. Stackpole. Rogue Squadron was at the forefront of the invasion of Imperial Center, also known as Coruscant. They were covertly inserted with the task of bringing down the planetary shields so a full-scale invasion could be launched. The Rogues ran into their own problems while on the surface, though. While scouting the lower reaches and non-human dominated areas, they were accused of working for the Empire, and attacked by both criminals and Imperial forces. The Rogues had also brought in criminals from Kessel, promising them freedom in return for their aid on this operation. This decision turned out to also have unpleasant repercussions. Ultimately, Rogues Squadron used weather stations and orbital mirrors to overload the shields, and the Rebel Alliance was able to take the capital world, becoming the New Republic.

29. In which book did Wedge, Tycho, Wes, and Hobbie go on a mission together as Red Flight?

From Quiz Star Wars "X-Wing" Series

Answer: #9 Starfighters of Adumar

They were sent to Adumar, who preferred pilots and members of the Navy over politicians and diplomats.

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