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Aaron Allston Trivia Quizzes

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Aaron Allston wrote multiple novels for different series in the "Star Wars" universe, as well as being heavily involved in development of a number of role-playing games.
17 Aaron Allston quizzes and 220 Aaron Allston trivia questions.
  "Star Wars: X-wing" - The Wraiths [2]    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Aaron Allston created some of the most memorable and sympathetic characters in the "Star Wars" Expanded Universe. Do you know the pilots of the (in)famous Wraith Squadron? All trivia is from the novel "X-wing: Wraith Squadron".
Average, 10 Qns, qrayx, Oct 09 20
Oct 09 20
168 plays
  X-Wing Book 9: Starfighters of Adumar    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is about the ninth book in the 'X-Wing' series, Starfighters of Adumar. It is a stand-alone book written by Aaron Allston, and tells the story of Wedge and his friends as they play the role of ambassadors to the neutral world of Adumar.
Average, 10 Qns, qrayx, Oct 09 20
Oct 09 20
338 plays
  "Star Wars: X-wing" - The Wraiths [1]   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Wraith Squadron, and most of its members, was created by Aaron Allston in his "X-wing" novels. Do you know what roles each member played? Trivia in this quiz is taken from "X-wing: Wraith Squadron".
Average, 10 Qns, qrayx, Oct 09 20
Oct 09 20
190 plays
  X-Wing Book 6: Iron Fist    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a quiz about book six in the "X-Wing" series, written by Aaron Allston. Wraith Squadron continues their fight against the Imperial Warlord Zsinj while dealing with hidden enemies in their own ranks.
Average, 10 Qns, qrayx, Oct 09 20
Oct 09 20
397 plays
  X-Wing Book 7: Solo Command    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is about the seventh book in the "X-wing" series, "Solo Command". "X-wing: Solo Command" was written by Aaron Allston. This is the last book in the Wraith Squadron story arc. There are many spoilers in this quiz.
Average, 10 Qns, qrayx, Oct 09 20
Oct 09 20
383 plays
  X-Wing Book 5: Wraith Squadron    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a quiz about the fifth "X-Wing" book. This is the first book in a new arc in the "X-Wing" series, and was written by Aaron Allston. In this book Wedge starts a new squadron that will become the Swiss Army knife of the New Republic.
Average, 10 Qns, qrayx, Oct 09 20
Oct 09 20
511 plays
  "Star Wars: X-wing" - The Wraiths [3]    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The first two quizzes dealt with the original members in "Wraith Squadron" (1998). This quiz focuses on the developments in the two sequels, "Iron Fist" (1998), and "Solo Command" (1999). All books by Aaron Allston. Hope you have fun!
Average, 10 Qns, qrayx, Oct 09 20
Oct 09 20
147 plays
  "Star Wars: Outcast" by Aaron Allston    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a quiz on the book "Star Wars: Outcast" by Aaron Allston. This is the first book in the "Fate of the Jedi" series of books.
Average, 10 Qns, bw5550, Oct 09 20
Oct 09 20
180 plays
  Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand    
Multiple Choice
 25 Qns
This is my quiz on 'Rebel Stand' by Aaron Allston, the second book of the 'Enemy Lines' duology.
Tough, 25 Qns, kraytkiller, Oct 09 20
Oct 09 20
233 plays
  X-Wing: Starfighters of Adumar    
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
This is a quiz on 'Starfighters of Adumar' by Aaron Allston, the ninth and last book in the 'X-Wing' series.
Tough, 20 Qns, kraytkiller, Oct 09 20
Oct 09 20
191 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What species was Vibro-Axe Prime?

From Quiz "X-Wing: Iron Fist"

  X-Wing: Wraith Squadron    
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
This is a quiz on Aaron Allston's first contribution to the "X-Wing" series.
Tough, 20 Qns, kraytkiller, Oct 09 20
Oct 09 20
212 plays
  "X-wing: Mercy Kill" Quiz    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
As the first "Fate of the Jedi" novel, "X-wing: Mercy Kill" by Aaron Allston, has come out, I decided to create a quiz around it. Enjoy!
Average, 10 Qns, EUMAN10, Oct 09 20
Oct 09 20
102 plays
  X-Wing: Solo Command    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
This is a quiz on 'X-Wing: Solo Command' by Aaron Allston, the seventh book in the series.
Tough, 15 Qns, kraytkiller, Oct 09 20
Oct 09 20
172 plays
  Whose line was that?! - "Starfighters of Adumar"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
For those who loved the final book in the "X-Wing" series by Aaron Allston. See if you can remember some of the quotes from the book: Who said them, who it was said to, and the setting that it was said in.
Average, 10 Qns, dreaming_queen, Oct 09 20
Oct 09 20
225 plays
  Enemy Lines I: Rebel Dream    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
This is my quiz on 'Rebel Dream' by Aaron Allston, the first book in the 'Enemy Lines' duology.
Difficult, 15 Qns, kraytkiller, Oct 09 20
Oct 09 20
189 plays
  Star Wars X-Wing "Wraith Squadron"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a quiz on my favourite "X-Wing" series book that was written by Aaron Allston.
Tough, 10 Qns, telecontar_12, Oct 09 20
Oct 09 20
243 plays
  X-Wing: Iron Fist    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
This is a quiz on 'X-Wing: Iron Fist', the sixth book in the 'X-Wing' series and the second to be written by Aaron Allston.
Average, 15 Qns, kraytkiller, Oct 09 20
Oct 09 20
156 plays
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Aaron Allston Trivia Questions

1. In "Iron Fist", the second novel in the "Wraith Squadron" trilogy, who was brought in as the new slicer (hacker / computer systems expert) for the squadron?

From Quiz
"Star Wars: X-wing" - The Wraiths [3]

Answer: Castin Donn

Castin Donn was a very talanted slicer, and often took initiative (sometimes against orders). He was made Wraith Two so he could be Wedge's wing man. Castin was proud that he got to fly beside the famous Wedge Antilles, not realising that Wedge liked to make the more troublesome members his wing men so he could keep a closer eye on them.

2. In which year does the novel start out?

From Quiz "X-wing: Mercy Kill" Quiz

Answer: 13 ABY

The novel starts off directly in the year 13 ABY, about four years after Timothy Zahn's "Thrawn Trilogy". There is one chapter each dedicated to 19 ABY and 29 ABY as well. The rest of the novel, and its main plot, takes place in 44 ABY.

3. The books begins two years after the Second Galactic Civil War. Who is the current leader of the Imperial Remnant at this time?

From Quiz "Star Wars: Outcast" by Aaron Allston

Answer: Jagged Fel

The Imperial Remnant was on the side that lost in the war, so they were forced into a treaty that forged a partnership between the Imperial Remnant and the Galactic Alliance. Instead of being handed over to be tried for war crimes, the Imperials were also forced to allow Jagged Fel, someone the Jedi trusted, to become the leader of the Imperial Remnant.

4. What is Donos's R2 unit called?

From Quiz Star Wars X-Wing "Wraith Squadron"

Answer: Shiner

Whistler is Corran Horn's R2 unit, Gate is Wedge's R5 unit and Vape is Face's R2 unit.

5. Who did Face pretend to be when encountered by a Yuuzhan Vong group?

From Quiz Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand

Answer: Faka Rann

Face and the rest of the team that went to Coruscant wore either Yuuzhan Vong gear or gear that appeared to be that of Yuuzhan Vong warriors, so they could pass for members of the species while on Coruscant.

6. What was the name of Charat Kraal's wingmate while Borleias was still occupied by Yuuzhan Vong?

From Quiz Enemy Lines I: Rebel Dream

Answer: Penzak Kraal

Charat and Penzak discussed who was braver - the gods or the Yuuzhan Vong. Charat took the view that the Yuuzhan Vong were braver as the gods could not die so could have no fear of death.

7. What was the name of Captain Salaban's former post of command before Allegiance?

From Quiz X-Wing: Starfighters of Adumar

Answer: Battle Dog

Battle Dog was a Quasar Fire-class Bulk Cruiser that was involved in the hunt for Zsinj.

8. What was the name of the person who tried to assassinate Ackbar?

From Quiz X-Wing: Solo Command

Answer: Jart Eyan

Eyan was a Twi'lek lieutenant that attempted to kill Admiral Ackbar and badly hurt Voort saBinring.

9. To which training frigate was Atton Repness assigned?

From Quiz X-Wing: Iron Fist

Answer: Tedevium

Repness was a crooked Colonel who used poor pilots in schemes to steal starfighters.

10. On what planet was Wes Janson born?

From Quiz X-Wing: Wraith Squadron

Answer: Taanab

Wes Janson was made Antilles's second in command when Wraith Squadron was formed.

11. "The people of Adumar have no respect for career politicians. A sensible attitude, in my opinion-though if you tell anyone I said that, I'll merely have to deny it." Who said this?

From Quiz Whose line was that?! - "Starfighters of Adumar"

Answer: Airen Cracken

This was in the beginning of the book, when Cracken was talking Wedge into going on the mission, by explaining the Adumari love of pilots. Except, Wedge still tried to get out of it, a lot.

12. Which group did Wedge lead in "Starfighters of Adumar"?

From Quiz X-Wing Book 9: Starfighters of Adumar

Answer: Red Flight

Years after being promoted to General, Wedge was no longer in command of a single squadron, and spent most of his time behind a desk. A starfighter squadron was considered twelve fighters, with a flight being only four fighters. Wedge was allowed to bring three other pilots with him, and chose the temporary name Red Flight, a reference to the squadrons that he flew with during both Death Star battles.

13. What was the name of Lara Notsil's astromech droid?

From Quiz X-Wing Book 7: Solo Command

Answer: Tonin

Astromechs flew in special slots in some starfighters (including X-wings) and helped their pilots in flight. Each pilot was assigned a personal astromech droid. Pilots gave their astromechs unique names, and often bonded with the droids. The droids also tended to grow personalities of their own. Tonin was Lara Notsil's astromech droid. Gate belonged to Wedge Antilles, Vape to Face, and Thirteen to Kell Tainer. When Lara Notsil deserted the New Republic and joined Zsinj, her only true friend was Tonin. Tonin helped Lara immensely in sabotaging Zsinj's flagship, Iron Fist. While Lara was on duty, Tonin would lure in mouse droids and reprogram them, eventually making a fleet of corrupt, obedient mouse droids. When Lara fled Zsinj's employ, Tonin helped fly the shuttle used to evacuate the rescued test subjects.

14. Who was not a new pilot for Wraith Squadron introduced in "X-wing: Iron Fist"?

From Quiz X-Wing Book 6: Iron Fist

Answer: Voort saBinring

The Wraiths lost three pilots during the events in "X-wing: Wraith Squadron": Jesmin Ackbar, Grinder, and Falynn Sandskimmer. When the Wraith's Nightcaller ruse was over, they were finally able to bring their squadron back up to strength. Dia Passik, a Twi'lek, became the squadron's vehicle and criminal organization expert. Castin Donn was a human who became the squadron's new expert hacker. Shalla Nelprin was a human that became the squadron's hand-to-hand combat expert. Shalla's sister was Kel Tainer's hand-to-hand combat instructor. Voort "Piggy" saBinring was a Gamorrean who was one of the founding members of Wraith Squadron.

15. Wedge did not have a name for his new squadron, so he held a competition for a new name. Who thought of the name "Wraith" for the new squadron?

From Quiz X-Wing Book 5: Wraith Squadron

Answer: Tyria Sarkin

Wedge held a competition for a new name, with the prize being a three-day leave. Tyria described wraiths as, "Dark things that come in the night for you" (p. 95), which she and the rest of the squadron felt as an appropriate description. "Silly", "Rogue", and "Dinner" were also proposed as new names by Garik Loran. Kell and Runt called in as Dinner and Silly after they humiliated Admiral Apwar Trigit.

16. The Imperial officer Gara Petothel was responsible for a lot of damage to the New Republic, and managed to escape the final confrontation in "Wraith Squadron". In "Iron Fist", she changed her identity and joined the Wraiths under which new name?

From Quiz "Star Wars: X-wing" - The Wraiths [3]

Answer: Lara Notsil

Gara Petothel originally just wanted to go into hiding, but Face and Ton Phanan wanted her help bringing down a corrupt officer in the New Republic. After that success, she was offered a spot in Wedge Antilles' new squadron. Realising how much damage she could do to the New Republic military from the inside, she readily accepted.

17. Being able to pull off a convincing ruse became a staple of Wraith Squadron. In order to do so, though, they had to be able to impersonate Imperial units, pirate gangs, and ignorant tourists. Which Wraith had a penchant for acting and languages?

From Quiz "Star Wars: X-wing" - The Wraiths [2]

Answer: Garik "Face" Loran

Garik Loran started life as a child actor for Imperial propaganda productions. They were very successful, and he became known as "The Face". When he grew older, he saw the barbarism of the Imperials. He ended up in the middle of a conflict between Rebels and the Empire, and both sides thought he had perished. He slipped away, and led a quiet life until deciding to join the New Republic military. He first got in by buying his own starfighters, but after crashing two, decided it would be more cost effective if he wasn't the one paying for them. Face's acting ability and knowledge of Imperial personalities later enabled him to accurately portray the captain of the Night Caller during the Wraith's ruse.

18. While all the members had to be capable pilots, Wraith Squadron was built as a commando unit first, and each member brought a set of special skills to the team. Who was the squadron's designated sniper?

From Quiz "Star Wars: X-wing" - The Wraiths [1]

Answer: Myn Donos

Apart from the leaders of the new squadron, Myn Donos was the first candidate added to the list of potential pilots. Myn was a sniper for a counterinsurgency unit in the Corellian Armed Forces, before he transferred to the Rebel Alliance as a fighter pilot. He became the leader of Talon Squadron, a new unit trained by Wes Janson and Hobbie. It was ambushed, and Myn was the only survivor. Despite being cleared of any wrongdoing, Wedge guessed that no one else in the New Republic would want him, and had him put on his list of potential recruits. After losing his squadron, Myn ceased to display any emotion, spoke only when necessary, and performed every action with military precision. It would become a goal of his fellow pilots to get him to open up.

19. What is the planet that the Wraiths perform their first operation on in the novel?

From Quiz "X-wing: Mercy Kill" Quiz

Answer: Ryvester

Wraith Squadron's first mission in the novel takes place on the world of Ryvester, 31 years before the main events of the book. This mission introduces the character of Dr. Mulus Cheems, who would play a vital role near the end of the book. He was also a father figure to one of the Wraiths.

20. The new leader of the Galactic Alliance has a grudge against the Jedi. Who is put on trial for his actions during the war?

From Quiz "Star Wars: Outcast" by Aaron Allston

Answer: Luke Skywalker

Luke is charged with dereliction of his duties. This includes not preventing Jacen's fall to the dark side, and abandoning the Galactic Alliance at the Battle of Kuat. He is eventually found guilty and is exiled from Coruscant for ten years as a result.

21. What ship did the Tierfon Yellow Aces escort to Borleias?

From Quiz Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand

Answer: Reckless Abandon

The Tierfon Yellow Aces were led by the ex-Rogue and Wraith Squadron pilot Wes Janson.

22. What was the name of Twin Suns Eleven?

From Quiz Enemy Lines I: Rebel Dream

Answer: Tilath Keer

Tilath Keer was a female pilot from Commenor and was a member of Twin Suns during the retaking of Borleias from the Yuuzhan Vong.

23. Who was the current leader of Rogue Squadron?

From Quiz X-Wing: Starfighters of Adumar

Answer: Tycho Celchu

Although Wedge was the leader of Red Flight he was at the time a general that commanded the Super Star Destroyer Lusankya while Tycho flew leading Rogue Squadron.

24. Who did Myn Donos believe was Shalla Nelprin's father?

From Quiz X-Wing: Solo Command

Answer: Vyn Narcassan

There was a display on Narcassan in the Imperial Intelligence of the Coruscant museum.

25. What was the name of the temporary station Wraith Squadron inhabited on Coruscant?

From Quiz X-Wing: Iron Fist

Answer: Sivantlie

The Sivantlie base was once a hotel catering to mid-level Imperial bureaucrats.

26. On what planet was Ton Phanan born?

From Quiz X-Wing: Wraith Squadron

Answer: Rudrig

Ton Phanan was allergic to bacta and was one fifth mechanical.

27. "Just be his usual, obnoxious self and let her (Iella) shoot him down" What does Wes say to Wedge after he says that to him?

From Quiz Whose line was that?! - "Starfighters of Adumar"

Answer: "I resent the implication that she would. That any woman would."

Wes was being his usual women-chasing self. And in his crazy (but loveable) way, he expressed his disbelief that he could get turned down by a member of the opposite sex.

28. Wedge was made into an ambassador for the New Republic to Adumar, and was allowed to bring three other pilots with him. Who did Wedge bring?

From Quiz X-Wing Book 9: Starfighters of Adumar

Answer: Tycho Celchu, Wes Janson, Derek "Hobbie" Klivian

Being allowed to bring any three pilots with him for his ambassador mission, Wedge chose three veterans who had all joined before the Battle of Hoth. Their abilities to survive over a decade in the Rebel Alliance's and New Republic's Starfighter Command spoke volumes of their skill. This was an excellent choice because the people of Adumar worshiped pilots as celebrities, and Wedge brought the best. Corran Horn, Ooryl Qrygg, and Inyri Forge were all part of three flight in Rogue Squadron. Garik "Face" Loran, Kell Tainer, and Voort "Piggy" saBinring were all members of the relatively new Wraith Squadron. Soontir Fel, Turr Phennir, and Maarek Stele were all members of the 181st Imperial Fighter Wing, which was an elite fighting unit considered Rogue Squadron's counterpart in the Imperial Forces. Soontir Fel joined Rogue Squadron for a time, and was Wedge's brother-in-law. Turr Phenrir was the Imperial ambassador to Adumar during Wedge's stay on the planet. Maarek Stele was the player character for the video game "Star Wars: TIE Fighter", which provided a lot of information and inspiration for the "X-wing" novel series.

29. Han Solo was given the rank of General in the New Republic military, and was charged with bringing down Warlord Zsinj. What was the name of Han Solo's command ship?

From Quiz X-Wing Book 7: Solo Command

Answer: Mon Remonda

All the ships mentioned were Mon Calamari cruisers. Home One was the flagship of the Rebel Alliance during the Battle of Endor (Seen in "Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi"). Mon Remonda was the flagship used by General Solo during his campaign against Warlord Zsinj. The Mon Karren and Mon Delindo were also part of Solo's fleet.

30. The Wraiths, as a group, had a wide range of peculiarities and issues. One in particular led her entire life under a completely different name. Who was Lara Notsil before she joined Wraith Squadron?

From Quiz X-Wing Book 6: Iron Fist

Answer: Gara Petothel

Lieutenant Gara Petothel worked for Admiral Apwar Trigit during the events in "X-wing: Wraith Squadron". She was a former Imperial Intelligence operative, and had a hand in organizing the destruction of Myn Donos' former squadron, Talon Squadron. During the Battle of Ession (At the end of "X-wing: Wraith Squadron"), Trigit ordered the crew of his Star Destroyer to continue fighting while he secretly slipped out in his personal, modified TIE Interceptor. Gara Petothel was furious, and ordered the crew to abandon ship and set the self-destruct. She injected a cocktail of chemicals to change her appearance and voice, and even DNA so she could slip into a new identity: Lara Notsil. With her new disguise, Gara planned to return to Zsinj, but Face asked her for her help in a personal mission. She jumped on the opportunity to join the New Republic military and sabotage it from within. Things did not go as planned, and she became attached to her fellow pilots, and came to understand how her former views were flawed. Slowly Gara Petothel disappeared, and she truly became Lara Notsil. Iella Wessiri was Corran Horn's partner at CorSec, and moved to New Republic Intelligence. She helped Rogue Squadron bring down Ysanne Isard, the former leader of the Imperial Remnant. Apwar Trigit commanded the Implacable in Warlord Zsinj's employ. The Wraith's Night Caller operation brought down Trigit.

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