4. In "Star Wars", there was no England, so there was no English. What language was everyone speaking?
From Quiz "Star Wars" Names for Ordinary Things
In "Star Wars", most people spoke Galactic Basic Standard, which started as a trade language. While Basic matches English (or whatever Earth-language "Star Wars" was being presented in), the script was not the Latin script. Instead, the fictional Aurebesh alphabet was used, which was just a replacement of Latin characters. If you can memorize which letters are which in Aurebesh, you can read "Star Wars" writing as English.
Latin letters were still used in "Star Wars" (such as in "R2-D2" or "X-wing"), as were Greek letters (such as "Alpha Squadron" or "Lambda class shuttle"). Latin letters were called the "High Galactic" alphabet, and Greek letters were "Tionese".