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French Royals Trivia Quizzes

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42 French Royals quizzes and 588 French Royals trivia questions.
Marie Antoinette Marie Antoinette (8 quizzes)
  King of France: Life & Reign of Henry IV    
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
Remembered by history as "Henry the Great" and "Good King Henry," Henry IV of France is a fascinating character. How much do you know about him?
Average, 20 Qns, LuH77, Oct 30 24
Oct 30 24
86 plays
  Napoleon at Home: Family    
Collection Quiz
 12 Qns
Family was important to Napoleon. Although his father had passed away in 1785, he honored his mother, brothers, and sisters, with titles as he became more powerful. He also is known to have fathered at least three sons.
Tough, 12 Qns, ponycargirl, Sep 28 23
ponycargirl editor
Sep 28 23
186 plays
  Not Tonight, Josephine...   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz revolves around the touching story of Joséphine Bonaparte, Empress of France and Napoleon I, Emperor of France.
Average, 10 Qns, heatherlois, Jan 30 23
heatherlois gold member
Jan 30 23
147 plays
  Queens Marie of France   great trivia quiz  
Ordering Quiz
 10 Qns
Over the centuries there have been many French queens (or Empresses) whose first name was Marie (or Maria). In this quiz you just have to put them in the order in which they became the consort of the French monarch, from earliest to most recent.
Average, 10 Qns, Fifiona81, May 17 23
Fifiona81 editor
May 17 23
79 plays
  The Kings of France   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
However Presidential its present history is, France for centuries has been one of the most glamorous Kingdoms in Europe.What do you know about those who once were the leaders of probably the most prestigious royal court in the West?
Tough, 20 Qns, flem-ish, May 07 23
May 07 23
2872 plays
  Louis XV: After Me the Deluge   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Louis XV was maybe France's worst king whose disastrous reign laid the foundations for the French revolution. Let's take a look at his life and find out what you know about him.
Average, 10 Qns, AlonsoKing, Sep 19 12
444 plays
  Eleanor of Aquitaine   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
A brief quiz on the life and times of Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine.
Average, 10 Qns, Jaffas85, May 07 23
May 07 23
2164 plays
  Louis XIV   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Louis XIV has the longest reign of any European monarch. Between 1638-1715, Louis was king of France. His time on the throne was dominated by war, resulting in a mix of victories and defeats. This quiz is about him!
Average, 10 Qns, hannafran, May 07 23
May 07 23
1081 plays
  Vive la Reine    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Meet Queens of France from the Capetian Dynasty until the Bourbon Dynasty.
Tough, 10 Qns, Petronilla3, Feb 06 21
Feb 06 21
143 plays
  Kings of France    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz will refresh your knowledge of the different dynasties in France from the time France was part of a group of people known as the Franks until the last days of the French monarchy.
Average, 10 Qns, Babilonia, Oct 30 14
Babilonia gold member
747 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What was the name given to the infamous killing of Protestant Leaders on 24th August 1572, under the reign of Charles IX?

From Quiz "The Kings of France"

  Secrets of the Gotha IV    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The House of Orleans in France was founded by the younger brother of Louis XIV, and only one of its descendants made it to the throne. This quiz is on the Dukes of Orleans and its one King.
Tough, 10 Qns, jessica83, May 07 23
May 07 23
403 plays
  Blanche of Castile, Queen and regent of France   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
A quiz about one of France's most able queens, who ruled France during the minority of Saint Louis.
Average, 10 Qns, Isabella_Este, May 07 23
May 07 23
317 plays
  The Answer Is Always Louis (II)    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
All of the choices are still Louis. Match the monarch with the brief description.
Average, 10 Qns, bernie73, May 07 23
bernie73 gold member
May 07 23
141 plays
  Kings and Queens of Navarre (1234-1610)    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Navarre used to be an independent kingdom between Spain and France. These questions are about its colorful monarchs. It starts with Theobald I of Champagne and ends with Henry of Bourbon, who would become King Henry IV of France.
Average, 10 Qns, Isabella_Este, May 07 23
May 07 23
256 plays
  Louis XV    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Today Louis XV is probably best known as a style of furniture. This is a shame, as he is one of the most interesting Kings of France. Try my quiz and see if you agree. Have fun.
Tough, 10 Qns, griffinj, Mar 19 06
910 plays
  King Philip II of France    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Philip II strengthened the monarchy in France and achieved much in his reign. The Catholic Encyclopedia at contains a wealth of information about Philip and his time.
Average, 10 Qns, beckyel, May 07 23
May 07 23
810 plays
  The Answer Is Always Charles    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Match the King Charles of West Francia/France with the description. Note that for the purposes of this quiz, Charles the Fat is not included.
Average, 10 Qns, bernie73, May 07 23
bernie73 gold member
May 07 23
130 plays
  The Answer Is Always Louis (I)    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
It helps that all of the choices are also Louis. Match the correct King Louis of France/the Franks with the brief description.
Average, 10 Qns, bernie73, Dec 27 20
bernie73 gold member
Dec 27 20
132 plays
  Philip IV of France    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Philip IV of France has a somewhat sinister reputation, but he is also known to have been a competent ruler. Meet the man who was neither man nor beast, but a statue.
Average, 10 Qns, Petronilla3, Feb 15 21
Feb 15 21
134 plays
  Louis Louis    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
A quiz on the lives and wives of the many French kings named Louis.
Average, 10 Qns, askpau, Nov 20 04
744 plays
  Napoleon II   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Many people do know about Emperor Napoleon I, but about Napoleon II there is little to know.
Average, 10 Qns, Aslan111, May 07 23
May 07 23
382 plays
  Queens Consort of France, Part 5    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a quiz about the women who became Queens Consort of France! It's about the Queens Consort of the House of Valois-Angouleme, the House of Orleans and the Bonaparte Dynasty.
Average, 10 Qns, Princessina, Feb 28 15
208 plays
  Josephine Bonaparte    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Josephine Bonaparte was a very interesting woman so I made a quiz about her. Please, enjoy.
Average, 10 Qns, pennie1478, Mar 22 04
pennie1478 gold member
858 plays
  Queens Consort of France, Part 4   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a quiz about the women who became Queens Consort of France! It's about the Queens Consort of the House of Valois and the House of Valois-Orleans. Enjoy!
Tough, 10 Qns, Princessina, Jan 29 15
167 plays
  Queens Consort of France, Part 2    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a quiz about the women who became queens consort of France! It's about the queens of the Capetian Dynasty. Enjoy!
Tough, 10 Qns, Princessina, May 07 23
May 07 23
166 plays
  Queens Consort of France, Part 3    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a quiz about the women who became queens consort of France! It's about the remaining queens of the Capetian Dynasty. Enjoy!
Tough, 10 Qns, Princessina, May 07 23
May 07 23
138 plays
  Queens Consort of France, Part 6    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a quiz about the women who became Queens Consort of France! It's about the Queens Consort of the House of Bourbon. Enjoy!
Tough, 10 Qns, Princessina, May 07 23
May 07 23
195 plays
  Desiree Clary    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The fascinating life of Desiree Clary, a contemporary of Napoleon who became a Queen.
Average, 10 Qns, bridget3, Jan 19 08
656 plays
  Madame de Pompadour: Mistress of Louis XV    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Madame de Pompadour was a woman who knew how to entertain an otherwise bored king. She wielded considerable power during her long friendship with Louis XV.
Tough, 10 Qns, butterfly88, May 07 23
May 07 23
619 plays
  Empress Josephine: The Early Years    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is on Josephine, Empress of France (and wife of Napoleon Bonaparte from 1796-1809). All information comes from
Average, 10 Qns, lizzie2108, May 07 23
May 07 23
594 plays
  Queens Consort of France, Part 1    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a quiz about the women who became queens consort of France! It's about the queens of the Carolingian dynasty. Enjoy!
Tough, 10 Qns, Princessina, Jan 29 14
326 plays
  Secrets of the Gotha II    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Those upstart Bonapartes managed to form an empire that spread across the European continent and several generations. Discover the many unknown secrets of this dynasty.
Tough, 10 Qns, jessica83, May 07 23
May 07 23
346 plays
  Who are these French Monarchs?    
Multiple Choice
 5 Qns
From the given description see if you know which French Monarch is being described.
Average, 5 Qns, Jaffas85, May 07 23
May 07 23
2389 plays
  Weddings of Royalty 3    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This part concerns the marriages and weddings of The Kings of France from Henri II to Louis XIX.
Tough, 10 Qns, valjoedg, Jan 21 20
valjoedg gold member
Jan 21 20
163 plays
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French Royals Trivia Questions

1. Joséphine Bonaparte was not born "Joséphine" and, in fact, prior to meeting Napoleon, had never been called Joséphine by anyone. What name(s) did her family and friends know her by up until 1795?

From Quiz
Not Tonight, Josephine...

Answer: Rose or Marie Rose

Joséphine was born with the name Marie Josèphe Rose Tascher de La Pagerie. Although she is said to have been born in Martinique in 1763, there is some question about this, since there is evidence suggesting she was born in St. Lucia on 23rd June of that year and was then christened in Martinique. (St Lucia changed hands from being British to French 14 times over 150 years, and records were lost, but there is a newspaper article suggesting the family lived on St. Lucia after the "peace of 1763".) Either way, she definitely did live on Martinique with her family. She was the eldest daughter of Joseph Gaspard Tascher (1735-1790), an impoverished aristocrat who had a commission in the navy, and Rose-Claire Tascher (formerly des Vergers de Sannois). Joséphine's parents owned a sugarcane plantation on Martinique, which later became a museum. When Napoleon met Rose/Marie Rose, he made no secret of the fact that he didn't like the name Rose or Marie Rose. Instead he called her "Joséphine", a play on her middle name. She ended up adopting this name and calling herself it for the rest of her life.

2. Philip's family gained a lot of prestige from his grandfather Louis IX of France. What was Louis admired for?

From Quiz Philip IV of France

Answer: He was canonized.

Louis IX was canonized in 1297, not long after his death in 1270. His family was known for their piety. His sister Isabelle of France was also worshipped as a Saint. In the centuries after his death, Louis was seen as the ideal Christian king. Having a saint in the family added greatly to the prestige of the French Royal family. Louis IX did go on Crusade twice, but wasn't very successful. The Battle of Bouvines was a great French victory, but was won by Louis IX's grandfather Philip II in 1214.

3. Adelaide of Aquitaine married the founder of the Capetian dynasty Hugh Capet (r. 987-996) and was thus the first Capetian Queen. What was notable about her grandfather Rollo?

From Quiz Vive la Reine

Answer: He was a Viking.

Rollo was a Viking warlord, who became the ruler of Normandy. William I of England, famous as Willian the Conqueror, was a direct descendant of his. Adelaide of Aquitaine was influential at the court of her husband and played a diplomatic role as well. All the following kings of France were her descendants. He died more than a century before the First Crusade, so wasn't involved in any way.

4. Who helped to arrange for Catherine de Medici to Henry II?

From Quiz Weddings of Royalty 3

Answer: Pope Clement VII

Pope Clement VII, her uncle, was thrilled when King Francis I proposed marriage between his second son Henri and Catherine de Medici. Clement called betrothal of Catherine and Henri as "the greatest match in the world".

5. What was the relationship of Louis XV to his predecessor, Louis XIV?

From Quiz Louis XV: After Me the Deluge

Answer: Great-grandson

Louis XV became king of France in 1715 when he was only five years old. Between 1711 and 1712 his grandfather, both parents and elder brother all died unexpectedly. He grew up an orphan, lonely and all too aware of the huge responsibility that awaited him. Philippe of Orléans (Louis XIV's nephew) acted as regent until Louis XV reached maturity at the age of 13.

6. Theobald I, the Posthumous, became the first king of the house of Champagne in 1234. What special talent did he have?

From Quiz Kings and Queens of Navarre (1234-1610)

Answer: He composed music that is still played today

Theobald was first known as 'the Posthumous' because he was born after his father died. He would later get the nickname the 'Troubadour', because of his talent in music. He was also a renowned poet and dedicated a poem to Blanche, the Queen-regent of France, which created a lot of gossip. He was also a lawmaker and wrote a book about Navarrese traditions.

7. Blanche's maternal grandparents were very famous, even notorious. Who were they?

From Quiz Blanche of Castile, Queen and regent of France

Answer: Henry II of England and Eleanor of Aquitaine

Henry was notorious for the slaying of Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, which happened after four knights heard him wish for his death. He did public penance afterwards. Eleanor was notorious for reportedly having affairs during her first marriage and for her rebellion against Henry, who was her second husband. John and Richard were their sons and both gained notoriety after they rebelled against their father. John also showed a great lack of respect for the church and was rumored to have murdered a nephew with his own hands. Isabella of Angoulême would later become an enemy of Blanche and incited her second husband Hugh de Lusignan to fight her. She would also be suspected of trying to poison Blanche's son Louis. Philip and Agnes lived together as husband and wife, but the Pope ordered Philip to go back to his first wife. When he did not listen, the pope placed France under an interdict.

8. Emperor Napoleon II (1811-1832) was the only legitimate son of Emperor Napoleon I. Who was the mother of Emperor Napoleon II?

From Quiz Napoleon II

Answer: Marie Louise

Emperor Napoleon I was married to Josephine de Beauharnis. They had no children. Napoleon became disgusted with her, divorced her and married Marie Louise of Austria. Marie Louise was the daughter of Emperor Francis II of Austria. She was a very intelligent person, who had to rule France as a regent for some time. After Napoleon's exile, she moved to Austria and married again.

9. What was Josephine's actual name?

From Quiz Empress Josephine: The Early Years

Answer: Marie-Rose de Tascher de la Pagerie

Josephine was born as Marie-Rose de Tascher de la Pagerie in Trois-Ilets, Martinique on June 23, 1763.

10. Louis XIV ascended to the throne after an elongated period of regency. His mother Anne of Austria and his first minister took power upon Louis XIII's death. What was the name of this minister?

From Quiz Louis XIV

Answer: Mazarin

Mazarin died in 1661. France had been considerably weakened because, during due to this period of regency, the country's own gentry had invaded Paris. The noblesse d'epee objected to the throne being dominated by a Spaniard and Italian, this resulted in the Frondes. They did not rebel against the young king, however one of Louis's motives throughout his reign was to tame his nobility.

11. Who was the second wife of Philippe I?

From Quiz Secrets of the Gotha IV

Answer: Elizabeth Charlotte Wittelsbach of Bavaria

Princess Elizabeth was born on 27th May 1652 in Heidelberg, Germany, the daughter of Elector Charles Louis Wittelsbach of the Palatine and Princess Charlotte von Hesse of Cassel. Duke Philippe of Orleans, brother to Louis XIV, had been a widower for nearly three years when he married his second wife, after the death of Princess Henrietta Anne Stuart of Great Britain. Philippe and Elizabeth were married on 15th January 1673 in Chalons, France and had three children; Duke Alexander of Valois, Duke Philippe II of Orleans and Princess Elizabeth, the duchess of Lorraine. Elizabeth outlived her husband by over a decade, dying on 8th December 1712 in Paris, France. "She possessed not only the face and figure of a German foot soldier, but the language and character also ... but she not the kind of woman to be astonished for long or to moan in rain over the disadvantages of a union more symbolic than real. She had wit and in her famous letters took her revenge for the unkind remarks her appearance and manners had provoked in Versailles".

12. Which royal house was distantly related to Josephine de la Pagerie?

From Quiz Secrets of the Gotha II

Answer: The House of Osman in Turkey

"A young cousin of his wife, Aimee Dubucq de Rivery, had been carried off by Barbary pirates during a sea crossing, sold as a slave in Constantinople and had then become Sultana Valide, mother of the future Sultan Mahmad II. This exotic relationship had not satisfied the emperor's vanity however, for he dreamed of more illustrious alliances for himself and his relatives".

13. When did Madame de Pompadour become the official mistress of Louis XV?

From Quiz Madame de Pompadour: Mistress of Louis XV

Answer: 1745

She met Louis XV in 1744 but before he would announce her as his mistress he groomed her for the court.

14. Where was Josephine born?

From Quiz Josephine Bonaparte

Answer: West Indies

Josephine was born on the Caribbean island of Martinique in the West Indies where she grew up on a slave plantation called Trois-Ilets. Josephine was one of three girls and often referred to herself as the bejeweled slave.

15. To which dynasty did the first five French kings named Louis (i.e. Louis I to Louis V) belong?

From Quiz Louis Louis

Answer: Carolingian

The Carolingian dynasty (A.D. 800-987) was named after Charlemagne. Louis I, the son of Charlemagne, reigned from 814 to 840. The last Carolingian king was Louis V, who died in 987. He was succeeded by Hugh Capet, Count of Paris, the founder of the Capetian dynasty.

16. Many French kings had a nickname added to their name. What was the nickname of Philip II?

From Quiz King Philip II of France

Answer: Augustus

Philip IV (1285-1314) was called the Fair, Philip V (1316-1322) was the Tall and Philip VI (1328-1350) was the Fortunate. The title 'Augustus' comes from the Latin augere, which means to increase, given because Philip greatly increased the lands of the French King. Philip was also known as Dieu-donne, or God-given, as he was born when Louis VII was 45 years old and still did not have a male heir, despite having had two wives.

17. Who was Louis XV's father?

From Quiz Louis XV

Answer: The Duc de Bourgogne

The Duc de Bourgogne (or Burgundy in English) died, along with his wife and elder son, from a plague of measles, when the future Louis XV was only three years old. Louis XIV was the great-grandfather of Louis XV. The Grand Dauphin, the French equivalent of the Prince of Wales, was his grandfather. The Duc d'Orleans was a nephew of Louis XIV and the Regent during Louis XV's minority.

18. When was Eleanor of Aquitaine born?

From Quiz Eleanor of Aquitaine

Answer: 1122

Eleanor of Aquitaine was the eldest child of the Duke of Aquitaine.

19. Where was Desiree born?

From Quiz Desiree Clary

Answer: Marseilles

She was born in Marseilles in 1777, where her father was a silk merchant.

20. Philip was not seen as the future king of France when he was born. Why?

From Quiz Philip IV of France

Answer: He still had an older brother at that point.

Louis, Philip's older brother, was considered the heir to the throne of France when Philip was born in 1268. Philip only became heir apparent at age eight, when Louis died. His mother Isabella of Aragon had already passed away at that point, falling from a horse while being pregnant again.

21. The lady who travelled furthest to become Queen of France came all the way from which city?

From Quiz Vive la Reine

Answer: Kiev

Anne of Kiev was a daughter of the Yaroslav the Wise, Grand Prince of Kiev, and a Swedish princess. By 1051, Henry I of France was in dire need for an heir, as his first wife and son had died. Anne married the much older Henry and they had three sons together. After he died, she acted as regent for their young son Philip.

22. What occurred nearly a week after the future Henri IV's wedding?

From Quiz Weddings of Royalty 3

Answer: St. Batholomew's Day Massacre

Margaret of Valois, daughter of Henri II and Catherine de Medici, a Catholic, married Henri of Navarre, a Protestant. In August of 1572 nearly a week after the wedding the massacre began in Paris with several thousand Protestants who had come to Paris for the wedding were killed. Thousands more throughout the country were killed in the days that followed.

23. He was the first king of France as a nation. He reigned from 1180 til 1223 and went on the Third Crusade with Richard Lionheart and Frederic Barbarosa.

From Quiz Kings of France

Answer: Phillip II

Phillip II, also known as Phillip Augustus, created a group of paid bureaucrats to aid in government institutions. He built the first Louvre.

24. Whom did Louis marry in 1725?

From Quiz Louis XV: After Me the Deluge

Answer: Marie Leszczynska

Marie was the daughter of the deposed king of Poland. She was 21 and Louis was 15 when they were married. Although Louis took many mistresses, the couple had ten children. Infanta Maria Anna Victoria of Spain was his first cousin to whom he had been betrothed before. Caroline of Ansbach was the wife of George II of England. Sophia von Anhalt-Zerbst-Dornburg is better known as Catherine the Great, czarina of Russia.

25. Joan I of Navarre married Philip IV of France in 1284. Their three sons all became kings of France and Navarre. Her only daughter, Isabella, became queen by marrying the king of another country. Which country?

From Quiz Kings and Queens of Navarre (1234-1610)

Answer: England

Her daughter was the famous Isabella, 'She-wolf' of France. She invaded England in 1327 after years of mistreatment by her husband Edward II, deposed him and ruled England for three years with her lover, Roger Mortimer.

26. Did Blanche's parents have a happy marriage?

From Quiz Blanche of Castile, Queen and regent of France

Answer: Yes, they were very happy together

Unlike her own parents, Eleanor of England was very happy in her marriage to Alfonso VIII of Castile. They shared power and supported each other. After Alfonso died, Eleanor became sick with grief and died only a few weeks later.

27. What courtesy title was Napoleon II given by his father at birth?

From Quiz Napoleon II

Answer: The King of Rome

Napoleon II became Emperor of the French following his abdication in 1815. His father, Napoleon I, decreed that the full title of the heir-apparent to the Emperor should be "His Majesty, the King of Rome". Napoleon II became the Duke of Reichstadt in 1818, seven years after his birth. He was awarded the title when he was living in Austria. He was able hold the title until his death in 1832. Napoleon II was never the Holy Roman Emperor.

28. Who was Josephine's father?

From Quiz Empress Josephine: The Early Years

Answer: Joseph-Gaspard de Tascher

Josephine's father was a lieutenant of the Troupes de Marine and his wife was Rose-Claire des Vergers de Sanois, whose maternal grandfather was English.

29. To which royal dynasty did Louis belong?

From Quiz Louis XIV

Answer: Bourbon

The Bourbon dynasty was constantly in competition with the House of Habsburg, which controlled both Spain and the Holy Roman Empire. Later on in his reign, Louis was challenged by William of Orange, who became William III of England. The Hanoverians were the established royal family of England following the War of Spanish Succession.

This is category 4439
Last Updated Mar 01 2025 5:46 AM
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