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Number of Answers Trivia Quizzes

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Quizzes here have answers which all have a specified number of answers. Two-answer questions could be along the lines of naming the first two sons of Adam and Eve, as stated in Genesis. A four-answer question could ask you to identify the first four books of the New Testament.
10 quizzes and 100 trivia questions.
  Each Question Has Three Answers -- #2    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
After doing a series of Bible quizzes in which each question has two answers, I thought it would be fitting to compile some quizzes in which each question has three answers. The NKJV was used for this quiz.
Easier, 10 Qns, Cowrofl, Aug 29 22
Aug 29 22
225 plays
  Each Question Has Two Answers -- #5    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is my fifth installment in a Bible quiz in which each question has two answers. Inspiration came after playing a general knowledge quiz by Funtrivia member Yasmare. Keep smiling and may God bless. David in Canada.
Easier, 10 Qns, Cowrofl, Feb 01 22
Feb 01 22
318 plays
  Each Question Has Five Answers    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
After compiling a series of Bible quizzes in which each question had two answers and then three answers followed by four answers, I thought I would do at least one in which each question has five answers. (The NKJV was used for this quiz.)
Easier, 10 Qns, Cowrofl, Feb 01 22
Feb 01 22
341 plays
  Each Question has Two Answers -- #4    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is my fourth installment in a Bible quiz in which each question has two answers. Inspiration came after playing a general knowledge quiz by Funtrivia member Yasmare. Keep smiling and may God bless. David in Canada.
Average, 10 Qns, Cowrofl, Feb 01 22
Feb 01 22
182 plays
  Each Question has Two Answers -- #1    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I recently played a general knowledge quiz by Yasmare as Quiz of the Hour and voila, an idea was born for my latest submission. Similar to Yasmare's quiz, each question has two answers.
Average, 10 Qns, Cowrofl, Feb 01 22
Feb 01 22
236 plays
  Each Question has Three Answers -- #1    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
After doing a series of Bible quizzes in which each question has two answers, I thought it would be fitting to compile a quiz in which each question has three answers. The NKJV was used for this quiz.
Easier, 10 Qns, Cowrofl, Feb 01 22
Feb 01 22
293 plays
  Each Question Has Two Answers -- #3    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is my third installment in a Bible quiz in which each question has two answers. Inspiration came after playing a general knowledge quiz by Funtrivia member Yasmare. Keep smiling and may God bless. David in Canada.
Average, 10 Qns, Cowrofl, Feb 01 22
Feb 01 22
211 plays
  Each Question Has Four Answers -- #2    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is my second installment in a Bible quiz in which all the questions have four answers. I hope you have as much fun playing it as I had creating it. (The NKJV was used for this quiz.)
Average, 10 Qns, Cowrofl, Feb 01 22
Feb 01 22
180 plays
  Each Question Has Four Answers -- #1    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
After doing a series of quizzes in which each question had two answers and then a series that had three answers, I thought it only stands to reason I would do one in which each question has four answers.
Easier, 10 Qns, Cowrofl, Feb 01 22
Feb 01 22
270 plays
  Each Question Has Two Answers -- #2   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is my second installment in a Bible quiz in which each question has two answers. Inspiration came after playing a general knowledge quiz by Funtrivia member Yasmare. Keep smiling and may God bless. David in Canada.
Average, 10 Qns, Cowrofl, Mar 29 24
Mar 29 24
200 plays
trivia question Quick Question
Out of the names below, which three were the main matriarchs of the Israelite nation?

From Quiz "Each Question Has Three Answers -- #2"

Number of Answers Trivia Questions

1. What are the books of the Pentateuch, or the first five books of the Old Testament?

From Quiz
Each Question Has Five Answers

Answer: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy

The first five books of the Pentateuch and the Old Testament are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. Tradition holds the books were written by Moses but some modern day scholars dispute this belief. The first five books cover a large number of topics, ranging from the creation of the world to mass destruction caused by a mammoth flood; from the exodus of the Israelites out of Egypt to God announcing the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai.

2. Out of the lists of names of women below, which one contains four characters who are mentioned in only Genesis and NOWHERE ELSE in the Old and New Testaments using the KJV, NKJV and the NIV?

From Quiz Each Question Has Four Answers -- #2

Answer: Adah, Zillah, Judith, Asenath

Using the KJV, NKJV and the NIV, the names Adah, Zillah, Judith and Asenath appear in only Genesis, the first book of the Old Testament. For the record, Adaha and Zillah were both married to Lamech, as per Genesis 4:19 and Judith was married to Esau, as per Genesis 26:34. Meanwhile, Asenath was the wife of Joseph, as per Genesis 41:45. While the names Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel and Leah all appear in Genesis, it must be pointed out the names can be found in other books in both the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Bible. Meanwhile, the names Bathsheba, Abigail, Ahinoam, Michal, Miriam, Hannah, Peninnah, Cozbi do not appear in Genesis, but in other books.

3. In the order of appearance, what are the first four books of the Hebrew Bible and the Old Testament?

From Quiz Each Question Has Four Answers -- #1

Answer: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers

In order of appearance, the first four books in the Hebrew Bible as well as the Old Testament of the Christian Bible, are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers. The four books are part of the Pentateuch which also contains Deuteronomy. Tradition holds the books of Pentateuch were written by Moses, but some modern day scholars dispute this belief.

4. Out of the names below, which three were the main patriarchs of the Israelite nation?

From Quiz Each Question Has Three Answers -- #2

Answer: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob

The three patriarchs of the Israelite nation were Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Abraham was the father of Isaac and the grandfather of Jacob, who was also known as Israel. Genesis 15 tells of God making a covenant with Abraham, who was known as Abram at the time. As part of the covenant, God promised Abraham his descendants would be as many as the stars in the sky and the land in and around Canaan would be allocated to his descendants.

5. Out of the titles of Old Testament books below, which two are part of the Pentateuch?

From Quiz Each Question Has Two Answers -- #5

Answer: Genesis and Exodus

Genesis and Exodus are both part of the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Hebrew Bible as well as the Old Testament of the Christian Bible. According to Meriam-Webster, Pentateuch means simply "five books". The first five books, or the Pentateuch are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Tradition holds the books were written by Moses but some modern day scholars strongly dispute this belief.

6. Out of the names below, which three were the sons of Adam and Eve?

From Quiz Each Question has Three Answers -- #1

Answer: Cain, Abel, Seth

Adam and Eve, the first man and first woman, were the parents of three sons who are named -- Cain, Abel and Seth. Scripture states they were also the parents of other sons and daughters but no names are given. The account of Adam and Eve appears in Genesis 2 through 5.

7. What two brothers did God use to unleash ten plagues on Egypt?

From Quiz Each Question has Two Answers -- #4

Answer: Moses and Aaron

Moses and Aaron were used by God to unleash ten punishing plagues on Egypt to convince the Pharaoh to grant permission for the Israelites to leave the country and move to Canaan. The plagues ranged from the Nile River being turned into blood to the death of the firstborn. After the tenth plague, the Israelites were finally able to stage a mass exodus out of Egypt. Details about the ten plagues can be found in Exodus 7 through 12.

8. Out of the names below, which two were once barren women in Genesis who were miraculously able to conceive?

From Quiz Each Question Has Two Answers -- #3

Answer: Sarah and Rachel

Sarah and Rachel were both barren at one time, but miraculously gave birth. In fact, according to Genesis 17:17, Sarah was ninety years old when she gave birth to Isaac. Meanwhile, Rachel gave birth to Joseph and Benjamin, but no age is given for her. Similar to Sarah, she had been unable to conceive for the longest time. Genesis 35:18 states Rachel died giving birth to Benjamin. Sarah was married to Abraham while Rachel was married to Jacob.

9. Out of the names below, which two were the sons of Jacob and Zilpah? (Genesis 35:26)

From Quiz Each Question Has Two Answers -- #2

Answer: Gad and Asher

Gad and Asher were the sons of Jacob and Zilpah, Leah's handmaiden. While married to two sisters, Leah and Rachel, Jacob fathered thirteen children with his two wives and their two handmaidens. Scripture states he was the father of twelve sons and one daughter, with Zilpah being the mother of two of his sons.

10. Out of the names below, which two women were wives of Jacob?

From Quiz Each Question has Two Answers -- #1

Answer: Leah and Rachel

Leah and Rachel were sisters and both were married to Jacob. The two women were daughters of Laban. Leah was the oldest while Rachel was the apple of Jacob's eye. According to Scripture, Jacob was tricked by Laban into marrying Leah. He had agreed to work for Laban for seven years for the right to win Leah's hand. However, Jacob ended up being married to Leah as Laban told him it was not the custom for a younger daughter to be married before the older one. As a result, Jacob agreed to work for another seven years for Laban to be able to marry Rachel.

11. Out of the lists of names below, which one contains five names from the Old Testament that are also featured in the New Testament?

From Quiz Each Question Has Five Answers

Answer: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, Elijah

The names Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David and Elijah can be found both in the Old and New Testaments using the NKJV. However, none of the fifteen other names listed in the three incorrect answers can be found in the New Testament, using the NKJV. For the record, using the NKJV, Abraham appears seventy-three times in the New Testament, Isaac eighteen times, Jacob twenty-five times, David fifty-six times and Elijah thirty times.

12. Out of the lists of names of women below, which one contains four characters who were once unable to conceive and then miraculously gave birth to bouncing baby boys?

From Quiz Each Question Has Four Answers -- #2

Answer: Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, Hannah

Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel and Hannah were once unable to conceive but things changed dramatically thanks to divine intervention. All four instances are from the Old Testament. In a nutshell, Sarah gave birth to Isaac; Rebekah gave birth to Jacob and Esau; Rachel gave birth to Joseph and Benjamin whiled Hannah gave birth to Samuel. In the case of Sarah, Scripture states she was ninety-years-old and her husband Abraham was one hundred when they became parents of Isaac. Meanwhile, 1 Samuel 2:21 states Hannah, after being unable to conceive for the longest period, gave birth to three sons and two daughters. Apart from Samuel, no names are given for the other children.

13. Out of the names below, which four were matriarchs of the Israelite nation?

From Quiz Each Question Has Four Answers -- #1

Answer: Sarah, Rebekah, Leah, Rachel

Sarah, Rebekah, Leah and Rachel were the four matriarchs of the Israelite nation. Sarah and her husband Abraham were the parents of Isaac, while Rebekah and her husband Isaac were the parents of Jacob and Esau. Leah and Rachel were sisters who were both married to Jacob. Leah was the mother of six sons and one daughter -- Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun and Dinah. Meanwhile, Rachel was the mother of two sons, Joseph and Benjamin.

14. Out of the names below, which three were the main matriarchs of the Israelite nation?

From Quiz Each Question Has Three Answers -- #2

Answer: Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel

Out of the options given, the correct answer is Sarah, Rebekah and Rachel. However, Rachel's sister Leah, is also regarded as a matriarch of the Israelites. Sarah was married to Abraham while Rebekah was married to Isaac and Rachel and Leah were both married to Jacob. Sarah was the mother of Isaac while Rebekah was the mother of Jacob and Esau. Rachel was the mother of Joseph and Benjamin while Leah was the mother of six sons and one daughter -- Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun and Dinah.

15. Out of the titles of Old Testament books below, which two are NOT part of the Minor Prophet section?

From Quiz Each Question Has Two Answers -- #5

Answer: 1 Kings and 2 Kings

1 Kings and 2 Kings are not part of the Minor Prophet section of the Old Testament. All the other titles given -- Zechariah and Zephaniah, Haggai and Malachi, Micah and Nahum -- are part of the Minor Prophet section. The twelve books of the Minor Prophet section are found at the end of the Old Testament. In the Hebrew Bible, the Minor Prophet section is known as the Twelve Prophets.

16. Out of the names below, which three were sons of Jacob and Leah?

From Quiz Each Question has Three Answers -- #1

Answer: Reuben, Simeon, Levi

Out of the different options, Reben, Simeon and Levi were sons of Jacob and Leah. Genesis 35:23 tells of them having three other sons and one daughter. The three other sons were Judah, Issachar, and Zebulun. The name of their daughter was Dinah.

17. What two women in the Old Testament died during childbirth?

From Quiz Each Question has Two Answers -- #4

Answer: Rachel and Phinehas' wife

Rachel, the wife of Jacob, and Phinehas' unnamed wife both died during childbirth. Details about Rachel dying after giving birth to Benjamin can be found in Genesis 35:16-20. The passage tells of Rachel being buried in Bethlehem and Jacob setting up a pillar on her grave. According to the passage, Rachel called her son Ben-Oni which means 'Son of My Sorrow', but Jacob changed the name to Benjamin. Meanwhile, details about Phinehas' wife dying during childbirth can be found in 1 Samuel 4:19-22. According to the passage she gave birth to a baby boy just after the ark of God had been captured by the Philistines. Just before she died, she called the baby Ichabod, saying, "The glory has departed from Israel!" Phinehas was the son of Eli, a judge and high priest of Israel. 1 Samuel 4 also tells of the deaths of Eli and Phinehas as well as Hophni, another son of Eli.

18. Out of the names below, which two were corrupt sons of Eli?

From Quiz Each Question Has Two Answers -- #3

Answer: Hophni and Phinehas

Eli may have been the high priest and judge of Israel, but his two sons Hophni and Phinehas were liars, cheats and more. In fact, in the NKJV, they're described as "corrupt" and in the NIV as "scoundrels". 1 Samuel 2 tells of Hophni and Phinehas being out of control and disobeying sacred protocol when people came to the tabernacle of meeting to offer a sacrifice. The chapter also states the two men had sexual relations with women "who assembled at the door of the tabernacle of meeting." Scripture goes on to tell of Hophni and Phinehas dying in battle, with their deaths seen as divine retribution.

19. Out of the names below, which two were the daughters-in-law of Naomi?

From Quiz Each Question Has Two Answers -- #2

Answer: Ruth and Orpah

Ruth and Oraph were the daughters-in-law of Naomi, as per Ruth 1:4. Naomi's husband was Elimelech while Ruth was married to her son Mahlon and Orpah was married to Chilion. Scripture tells of the three men dying and leaving the three women as widows. While Orpah opted to return to her home country of Moab, Ruth stayed by Naomi's side.

20. Which two brothers went on a vigilante killing spree after their sister Dinah was defiled? (Genesis 34:25)

From Quiz Each Question has Two Answers -- #1

Answer: Simeon and Levi

Simeon and Levi went on a vigilante killiing spree after their sister Dinah was defiled by Shechem, as per Genesis 34:1-31. Simeon and Levi, as well as Dinah, were the offspring of Jacob and Leah. The killing spree took place in Shechem, the same name as the perpetrator. The passage tells of Simeon and Levi killing "all the males" in Schechem and taking all the women and the children captive. After this instance, there is no further mention of Dinah in Scripture, apart from Genesis 46:15 which states she was the daughter of Jacob and Leah.

21. Out of the lists of characters below, which one contains the names of five judges of Israel?

From Quiz Each Question Has Five Answers

Answer: Othniel, Ehud, Shamgar, Tola, Jair

Othniel, Ehud, Shamgar, Tola and Jair were all judges of Israel. Their exploits are documented in the Book of Judges. Out of the fifteen other names given as possible answers, there is no documentation in Scripture any of them served as a judge of Israel, although all the names are from the Old Testament.

22. Out of the lists of names of women below, which one contains four characters who were married more than once?

From Quiz Each Question Has Four Answers -- #2

Answer: Tamar, Abigail, Bathsheba, Samaritan woman at the well

Tamar, Abigail, Bathsheba and the Samaritan woman at the well were all married more than once. Tamar, the daughter-in-law of Judah, was married to Er and then Onan after Er died. Abigail was married to Nabal and then became the wife of David after Nabal was struck dead in a case of divine retribution. Bathsheba was married to Uriah and after he was killed she married David. Meanwhile, the Samaritan woman at the well had five different husbands, as per John 4:18. There is no documentation in Scripture about the twelve other women in the three other options having more than one husband.

23. Out of the names below, which four were judges of Israel?

From Quiz Each Question Has Four Answers -- #1

Answer: Deborah, Samson, Gideon, Samuel

Deborah, Samson, Gideon and Samuel were all Judges of Israel. Their exploits are documented in the book of Judges. David, Solomon, Hezekiah and Zedekiah were all kings in the Old Testament while Elijah, Elisha, Nathan and Daniel were all prophets of God. Meanwhile, Cain, Abel, Seth and Enoch are characters mentioned in Genesis, the first book of the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Bible.

24. Out of the names below, which three were friends of Job who attempted to comfort him after he was beset by a series of calamities?

From Quiz Each Question Has Three Answers -- #2

Answer: Eliphaz, Bildad, Zophar

The three friends who attempted to console Job after he was beset by a series of calamities wee Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophar the Naamathite. (A fourth friend, Elihu would visit Job later.) While Job's friends attempted to comfort him, Scripture indicates they only added to his problems. The Book of Job tells of Job losing his ten children and immense wealth and then ending up with extremely poor health. There is a happy ending to the story, however. Scripture states Job regained his health, became the father of ten more children and ended up with twice as much wealth as he had before.

25. Out of the titles below, which two are books in the Old Testament named after women?

From Quiz Each Question Has Two Answers -- #5

Answer: Ruth and Esther

Ruth and Esther are two books in the Old Testament named after women. Ruth was a Gentile woman who married Mahlon, the son of Elimelek and Naomi. After Mahlon died, Ruth married Boaz and their marriage resulted in the birth of a boy, Obed. Obed would become the grandfather of David. Meanwhile, Esther was a young Jewish woman who ended up becoming queen of Persia. While serving as queen, she worked with her cousin Mordecai, to thwart a plan by Haman to kill all the Jews in the Persian empire that stretched from India in the east to Ethiopia in the west.

26. Out of the names below, which three were sons of Noah?

From Quiz Each Question has Three Answers -- #1

Answer: Shem, Ham, and Japheth

Shem, Ham, and Japheth were the sons of Noah and his unnamed wife, as per Genesis 9:18. Scripture tells of Noah and his wife and their three sons and their wives taking refuge in a gigantic ark when an enormous flood engulfed the world. Also on board the ark were a male and female of every kind of animal and bird. The flood was caused when it rained continuously for forty days and forty nights, Scripture states.

27. Out of the names below, which two were wives of David?

From Quiz Each Question has Two Answers -- #4

Answer: Bathsheba and Abigail

Bathsheba and Abigail had more in common than being wives of King David. They were both previously married before they ended up tying the knot with David. Bathsheba was married to Uriah and Abigail was married to Nabal. Scripture tells of David orchestrating Uriah's murder after he had an adulterous affair with Bathsheba and she became pregnant. Meanwhile, Scripture states Nabal died in a case of divine retribution. For details about David and Bathsheba see 2 Samuel 11. Details about David and Abigail can found in 1 Samuel 25.

28. Out of the names below, which two were corrupt sons of Samuel?

From Quiz Each Question Has Two Answers -- #3

Answer: Joel and Abijah

Samuel was an esteemed judge of Israel but his sons Joel and Abijah were notorious for being corrupt. In his old age, Samuel appointed his two sons as his replacement but the move infuriated the people, as 1 Samuel 8:3 states they participated in dishonest gain, took bribes and perverted justice. As a result, the Israelites demanded the end of being represented by judges and the installation of a monarchy "like all the nations", as per Verse 4. Scripture goes on to tell of Saul becoming the first king of Israel, despite Samuel's misgivings about the matter.

29. Out of the names below, which two were the husbands of Bathsheba?

From Quiz Each Question Has Two Answers -- #2

Answer: Uriah and David

Bathsheba was initially married to Uriah, a soldier, and she ended up marrying David after her husband was killed in battle. Scripture tells of David and Bathsheba having an adulterous affair while Uriah was away in battle and when Bathsheba became pregnant, David schemed and eventually orchestrated the murder of Uriah. David ordered Uriah be placed at the very front on the battle line with instructions to his supporting soldiers to suddenly retreat, resulting in the death of Bathsheba's first husband.

30. Out of the names below, which two men were the sons of Jacob and Rachel?

From Quiz Each Question has Two Answers -- #1

Answer: Joseph and Benjamin

Joseph and Benjamin were both sons of Jacob and Rachel. Jacob was also married to Rachel's sister Leah and he fathered children with Zilpah and Bilhah, handmaidens of his two wives. However, Rachel was his favorite. Jacob fathered twelve sons and Joseph was clearly his favorite. Rachel died giving birth to Benjamin, as per Genesis 35:8. Just prior to her death, she called him Ben-Oni, but Jacob changed the name to Benjamin.

This is category 24635
Last Updated Feb 22 2025 5:57 AM
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