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Bible Body Parts Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
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Bible Body Parts Trivia Quizzes

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Ever wondered what the Bible has to say about, say, knees? The quizzes in this category will sate your curiosity about the Bible and parts of the human body.
11 quizzes and 110 trivia questions.
  A Quick Look at Eyes in the Bible   popular trivia quiz  
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
This quiz takes a look at eyes in the Old Testament and the New Testament. Your challenge is to correctly link the ten statements about eyes with the Bible characters. (The NKJV and the NIV were used for this quiz.)
Easier, 10 Qns, Cowrofl, Mar 19 17
443 plays
  A Quick Look at Feet in the Bible   top quiz  
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Inspiration for this quiz came after reading Emily Filipio's book '3,285 Bible Questions & Answers' Your challenge is to match the ten statements about feet with the correct people from the Old Testament and New Testament.
Easier, 10 Qns, Cowrofl, Jun 03 17
462 plays
  A Quick Look at Hands in the Bible   great trivia quiz  
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
This quiz takes a quick look at hands in the Old Testament and the New Testament. Your challenge is to correctly match the ten statements about hands with the Bible characters. (The NKJV and the NIV were used for this quiz.)
Easier, 10 Qns, Cowrofl, Mar 20 17
322 plays
  A Look at Hair-Raising People in the Bible -- #2   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is the second installment of a Bible quiz that takes a look at hairy people or the word 'hair' in Scripture. Hope this quiz makes the cut. Keep smiling and may God richly bless. David in Canada. (The NKJV was used for this quiz.)
Average, 10 Qns, Cowrofl, Nov 07 12
463 plays
  Eyes, Ears, Mouth and Nose in the Bible   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
My previous Biblical quiz was based on the words from the children's song 'Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes,' so I thought we would proceed to the next installment: 'Eyes, Ears, Mouth and Nose.' (The NIV was used for this quiz.)
Average, 10 Qns, Cowrofl, Oct 05 11
701 plays
  A Look at Hair-Raising People in the Bible   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
My barber had a scheduling problem and I had to wait an extra 45 minutes before it was my turn. No sense in wasting time, so while waiting, I started compiling a Biblical quiz in my head about hair. And 'hair' it is. Keep smiling, my friend.
Average, 10 Qns, Cowrofl, Oct 04 12
554 plays
  Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes in the Bible   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
My daughter was babysitting a child and entertaining him by singing the song "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" and voila, an idea for a Bible quiz was born. All questions feature one of the four words in the song title. (The NIV was used for this quiz.)
Average, 10 Qns, Cowrofl, Oct 05 11
790 plays
  The Straight Skinny on Bones in the Bible    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz takes a look at bones as mentioned in the Old and New Testaments. Inspiration for this quiz came from J. Stephen Lang's book 'The Complete Book of Bible Trivia.'
Average, 10 Qns, Cowrofl, May 22 17
266 plays
  God Lends a Hand    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
God's "hand" is sometimes mentioned. While God is Spirit and therefore does not have a hand, the term is used to help humans understand better. The New International Version of the Holy Bible will be used.
Average, 10 Qns, Ilona_Ritter, Apr 26 22
Ilona_Ritter gold member
Apr 26 22
216 plays
  The Eyes, Biblically    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The Bible makes reference to many of our body parts more times than we imagine. This quiz focuses on what the Bible says about the eyes. (King James version used.)
Average, 10 Qns, Verne47, Aug 01 22
Aug 01 22
258 plays
trivia question Quick Question
According to 1 Samuel 31:11-13, whose bones were buried beneath a tree at Jabesh?

From Quiz "The Straight Skinny on Bones in the Bible"

  Biblical ENT    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
In medicine ENT means ear, nose, and throat. It means the same in this quiz. How much do you know relative to what the Bible says about the ear, the nose, and the throat? Use the King James Version Bible for reference. Good luck.
Tough, 10 Qns, SmogLover, Oct 05 11
344 plays
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Bible Body Parts Trivia Questions

1. God tells Moses at the burning bush in Exodus 3:20 of the NIV, "So I will stretch out My hand and strike the Egyptians with all the wonders that I will perform among them. After that, he will let you go." Who is this he that God is referring to?

From Quiz
God Lends a Hand

Answer: Pharaoh

The Egyptians enslaved the Hebrews for four hundred years. God told Moses at the burning bush that He would use Moses to lead His people out of Egypt and to the Promised Land.

2. According to Scripture, who was made from a single bone? (Genesis 2:21-22 and 3:20)

From Quiz The Straight Skinny on Bones in the Bible

Answer: Eve

Eve, the first woman, is the correct answer. Genesis 2:21-22 tells of God causing Adam to fall into a deep sleep and then taking one of his ribs and making the bone into a woman. According to Genesis 3:20, Adam called the woman Eve because she was the mother of all living. Adam and Eve were the parents of Cain, Abel and Seth and an unknown number of other sons and daughters, as per Genesis 5:4.

3. Which Biblical king declared that he would set no wicked thing before his eyes? (This must have been after he set another man's wife before his eyes and got into trouble.)

From Quiz The Eyes, Biblically

Answer: David

According to Psalms 101:3 King David spoke these words: "I will set no evil thing before mine eyes, I hate the works of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me." Evidently, David was a transformed man after the episode in his life when he set his eyes on Bathsheba, Uriah's wife, and decided to have her for himself. He instigated Uriah's death and Nathan, the prophet was sent to him to make him aware of God's displeasure (II Samuel 11 & 12). His prayer for the remission of his sins can be found in Psalms 51. In Psalms 101 David makes his vow and profession of godliness.

4. Genesis 27 tells of Isaac being old and apparently frail and being deceived by his son who had made his arms hairy like those of his older brother. Who was the man who made himself hairy so he could deceive Isaac?

From Quiz A Look at Hair-Raising People in the Bible -- #2

Answer: Jacob

The correct answer is Jacob. It's a bit of a long story, but according to Scripture, Jacob made himself hairy so he could trick his father Isaac into giving him the blessing that had been intended for Esau. Genesis 27 tells of Rebekah, the wife of Isaac, being behind the ruse. According to Scripture, she highly favored Jacob while Isaac favored Esau. Scripture states Rebekah prepared savory food for Jacob to give to Isaac and also took "the choice clothes of her elder son Esau" and put them of Jacob. Then to top things off, Rebekah "put the skins of the kids of the goats on his hands and on the smooth part of his neck." Genesis 27:23 states Isaac did not recognize Jacob "because his hands were hairy like his brother Esau's hands; so he blessed him."

5. The first reference to hair in the New King James Version Bible is Genesis 25:25, a verse telling of a baby being born red "like a hairy garment all over." What was the hairy infant's name?

From Quiz A Look at Hair-Raising People in the Bible

Answer: Esau

Esau, according to Scripture, was hairy while his twin brother was "smooth skinned." Genesis 25:24-26, in the NKJV, tells of Rebekah giving birth to the two boys: "So when her days were fulfilled for her to give birth, indeed there were twins in her womb. And the first came out red. He was like a hairy garment all over; so they called his name Esau. Afterward his brother came out, and his hand took hold of Esau's heel; so his name was called Jacob." In Genesis 27:11, Jacob describes his brother as "a hairy man" and himself as "a smooth-skinned man."

6. In Proverbs 23:2 of the King James Version of the Bible, man is told to put a knife to his throat if he is given to what?

From Quiz Biblical ENT

Answer: Appetite

Proverbs 23:2 King James Version: "And put a knife to thy throat, if thou be a man given to appetite." This verse is not just about restraining ourselves while at another's dinner table. It could be his work, his family, or his lifestyle. It's about learning to restrain ourselves in all situations, to be moderate in all things lest we fall into the hands of the enemy. And we often are our own worst enemy.

7. In Deuteronomy 5:15 of the NIV, Moses reminds the people, "[T]he LORD your God brought you out of there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm." What does he then tell them the Lord commanded them to observe?

From Quiz God Lends a Hand

Answer: Sabbath day

Moses then tells them the rest of the Ten Commandments (also found in Exodus 20). The Sabbath is the only Commandment not repeated by Jesus in the New Testament.

8. What leader had his bones carried out of Egypt during the exodus and buried at Shechem? (Joshua 24:32)

From Quiz The Straight Skinny on Bones in the Bible

Answer: Joseph

Joseph's bones were carried out of Egypt and buried at Shechem, according to Joshua 24:32. The verse states the burial took place at a plot of ground which Jacob had bought from the sons of Hamor, the father of Shechem, for one hundred pieces of silver. Joseph's bones would have been extremely old at this point in time. According to Exodus 12:40, the Israelites had lived in Egypt for four hundred and thirty years before they left for Canaan, known as the Promised Land.

9. "The light of the body is the eye: if therefore the eye be ____ thy whole body shall be full of light." Which word completes the quote in the KJV?

From Quiz The Eyes, Biblically

Answer: single

The Sermon on the Mount is recorded from Matthew 5-7. According to chapter 6:22-23, Jesus explained to the multitude that it is from the eye that the body gets its light, so if the eye is single the whole body will be full of light. On the other hand, he pointed out that if the whole eye is evil (defective) the whole body would be full of darkness. He further declared that, if the light that they had was actually darkness, then that darkness would be very great.

10. According to Judges 16, a man never had a haircut until he became entangled with a Philistine woman who betrayed him. What was the hairy man's name?

From Quiz A Look at Hair-Raising People in the Bible

Answer: Samson

The story of Samson being betrayed by Delilah is one of the best known stories in the Hebrew Bible, or the Old Testament of the English Bible. According to Scripture, his long hair was the secret to his strength and when his locks were cut by Delilah, he lost his power. Samson was born to the wife of Manoah after she was unable to conceive, according to Judges 13. No name is given for the woman. Judges 13:3-5 tells of an Angel of the LORD informing the woman she would give birth to a baby boy and that his hair should never be cut: "And the Angel of the LORD appeared to the woman and said to her, 'Indeed now, you are barren and have borne no children, but you shall conceive and bear a son. Now therefore, please be careful not to drink wine or similar drink, and not to eat anything unclean. For behold, you shall conceive and bear a son. And no razor shall come upon his head, for the child shall be a Nazirite to God from the womb; and he shall begin to deliver Israel out of the hand of the Philistines.'" Greed was the simple reason Delilah betrayed Samson. Judges 16:5, in the NKJV, states: "And the lords of the Philistines came up to her and said to her, 'Entice him, and find out where his great strength lies, and by what means we may overpower him, that we may bind him to afflict him; and every one of us will give you eleven hundred pieces of silver.'" Make no mistake about it. Delilah was bribed with a massive amount of money to betray Samson. It's as if no price was too high for the lords of the Philistines to bring him down. It's worth noting the offer of eleven hundred shekels of silver each was multiplied by five. In other words, she was offered 5,500 pieces of silver from the five rulers. Samson, however, would have his final hurrah after his hair was cut. With his hair partially grown back, the 16th chapter of Judges states he used his remaining strength to get revenge against the Philistines who had taken him captive. While the Philistine rulers were offering "a great sacrifice" to Dagon their god, it was decided to bring out Samson for "entertainment" purposes. A crucial mistake was made when Samson was placed by the pillars that supported the temple. Judges 16:30 states: "Samson said, 'Let me die with the Philistines!' Then he pushed with all his might, and down came the temple on the rulers and all the people in it. Thus he killed many more when he died than while he lived." According to Wikipedia, Delilah means "One who weakened or uprooted or impoverished."

11. Complete the missing word in this NIV passage from Psalm 121: 1-2: "I lift up my eyes to the ___________, where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth."

From Quiz Eyes, Ears, Mouth and Nose in the Bible

Answer: hills

The correct answer is hills. Here's how the rest of the Psalm goes: "He will not let your foot slip -- he who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The LORD watches over you -- the LORD is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. The LORD will keep you from all harm -- he will watch over your life; the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore."

12. In the NIV, which word describes the LORD's hand in Joshua 4:24?

From Quiz God Lends a Hand

Answer: Powerful

Joshua tells them why the Lord split the Red Sea many years earlier. He said, "He did this so that all the peoples of the earth might know that the hand of the LORD is powerful and so that you might always fear the LORD your God." After they set up the remembrance stones, they wanted to know what they were supposed to say when people asked about them. These were twelve stones taken from Jordan, set up at Gilgal.

13. According to 1 Samuel 31:11-13, whose bones were buried beneath a tree at Jabesh?

From Quiz The Straight Skinny on Bones in the Bible

Answer: Saul and his sons

The bones of Saul and his three sons were buried beneath a tamarisk tree at Jabesh, per 1 Samuel 31:11-13. The sons were Jonathan, Abinadab and Malchishua. Scripture states Saul's son were killed in battle against the Philistines and he was mortally wounded. 1 Samuel 31:4-6 tells of Saul requesting his unnamed armor bearer to kill him with his sword, but the armor bearer refused to take such action. As a result, Saul took a sword and fell on it, ending his life. When the armor bearer saw what Saul had done, he too ended his life. After the burial of Saul and his three sons, Scripture states the people fasted for seven days.

14. Which prophet prayed, "Lord open his eyes that he may see", and when the young man in question opened his eyes he was able to see horses and chariots of fire around the prophet?

From Quiz The Eyes, Biblically

Answer: Elisha

The king of Syria warred against the king of Israel, but each time the Syrian king plotted against him, Elisha would warn the king of Israel, who would avoid the traps. The king of Syria found out that Elisha was the one warning the king of Israel, so he sent horses and chariots to capture Elisha. Elisha's servant went out and saw the host that compassed the city and went to Elisha to report what he had seen. He was afraid and wanted to know what they would do. Elisha told him not to fear as they that were with them were more than those who were with their enemies. It was at this point that Elisha asked the Lord to allow his servant to see. (II Kings 6:8-23)

15. According to Matthew 18:28 of the King James Version, while being grabbed by the throat, how much was one servant demanding of another servant who owed him money?

From Quiz Biblical ENT

Answer: One Hundred Pence

Matthew 18:28 KJV: "But the same servant went out, and found one of his fellow servants, which owed him an hundred pence: and he laid hands on him, and took him by the throat, saying, pay me that thou owest." Forgiveness is not always an easy thing to do. There can be some extraordinary circumstances for which one might need to be forgiven. The murder of a loved one, sexual assault, or verbal attack. There can also be trite reasons for which we may need to forgive. When someone says "I'm sorry" to you, do you always say, "I forgive you"? The Bible says we are to forgive our brother, "seventy times seven times". Chances are we'll never have to apologize or forgive that often, but what about one time. Someone commits a most heinous act to you or your loved one. Would you be able to forgive them? If he/she does the same thing over and over and over, would you be able to continue to say, I forgive you? This servant (Matthew 18:24 KJV) owed the king ten thousand talents. However, he couldn't pay it. He pleaded with the king; the king had mercy on him and forgave him the debt. The man then went out and found someone who owed him one hundred pence, grabbed him by the throat, and demanded his money. The servant was in the same position as he just was before the king. The man pleaded to allow him time to make the bill right. His pleas fell on deaf ears. The servant had the man thrown in jail. Had he forgotten that he was just forgiven for the same thing? Forgiving someone isn't always an easy thing to do. Author's note: Helpful Scripture; Luke 6:37-38 (KJV); Matthew 7:1-12 (KJV)

16. According to Colossians 1: 18, who is the head of the body, the church?

From Quiz Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes in the Bible

Answer: Jesus Christ

The correct answer is Jesus Christ. To put things in perspective, the two previous verses (Colossians 1: 16-17) state of Jesus: "He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together."

17. In Ruth chapter one of the NIV, Naomi tells Ruth and Orpah, "[T]he LORD's hand has turned against me." Why did she say this?

From Quiz God Lends a Hand

Answer: Her sons and husband died in the famine.

Ruth and Orpah were Naomi's daughters-in-laws. Elimelek and Naomi and their sons Mahol and Kilion moved to Moab during the famine in Bethlehem. While there, the sons married Moabites. But the famine reached Moab as well, and the men all died. Naomi told Ruth and Orpah to return to Moab, and Orpah did, but Ruth refused, saying in Ruth 1:16, "Where you go, I will go, and where you stay, I will stay. Your people will be my people, and your God my God."

18. Who killed one thousand men with the jawbone of a donkey? (Judges 15:15)

From Quiz The Straight Skinny on Bones in the Bible

Answer: Samson

Samson killed one thousand Philistines with the jawbone of a donkey, according to Judges 15:5. Scripture states Samson had been bound with two ropes when "the spirit of the LORD came mightily one him." Scripture states Samson broke free and after finding "a fresh jawbone of a donkey" he took it in his hand and became a lethal killing machine. The site of his killing spree ended up being called Ramath Lehi, which translates as Jawbone Height, according to notes in the NKJV Study Bible.

19. "The hearing ear and the seeing eye God made both of them." In which book of the Bible would you find this text?

From Quiz The Eyes, Biblically

Answer: Proverbs

The book of Proverbs contains wise sayings from Solomon, the son of King David. The last two chapters of Proverbs are attributed to other writers. The quotation can be found in Proverbs 20:12.

20. A central figure in a book in the Hebrew Bible, or the Old Testament of the English Bible, was so infuriated with Israelites marrying foreigners he yanked out the hair of some men. Who was the hair-yanking man?

From Quiz A Look at Hair-Raising People in the Bible

Answer: Nehemiah

Nehemiah is the correct answer. In Nehemiah 13:25-27, in the NKJV, the leader of the Israelites gives an explanation for his conduct: "So I contended with them and cursed them, struck some of them and pulled out their hair, and made them swear by God, saying, 'You shall not give your daughters as wives to their sons, nor take their daughters for your sons or yourselves. Did not Solomon king of Israel sin by these things? Yet among many nations there was no king like him, who was beloved of his God; and God made him king over all Israel. Nevertheless pagan women caused even him to sin. Should we then hear of your doing all this great evil, transgressing against our God by marrying pagan women?'" Not much is known about the personal life of Nehemiah, apart from the fact he had a brother called Hanani and their father was Hacaliah, as per Nehemiah 1:1-2. Facing gigantic odds, Nehemiah successfully rebuilt the wall around Jerusalem. In Biblical times, walls around cities were a common feature as they were used to keep occupants safe from intruders.

21. Leviticus 21:18 KJV, clearly defines laws by which priests were to be governed. The priest could not have what type of nose?

From Quiz Biblical ENT

Answer: Flat

Leviticus 21:18 KJV: "For whatsoever man he be that hath a blemish, he shall not approach: a blind man, or a lame, or he that hath a flat nose, or any thing superfluous," The Lord set a very high bar for priests of the Old Testament. Oftentimes people can't relate to that which seems far removed from them. Even a priest is just a man. The blemish on his face should never detract from the love and devotion of his heart. Sometimes vanity enters the heart of those who feel themselves so set apart from others for any reason. Author's note: The priests were of Aaron's (Moses' brother) family as ordained by God on Mt. Sinai. They were all Levites (after Jacob's son Levi). All priests were Levites, but not all Levites were priests. The high priests were from the family of Aaron directly. Levi's three sons, Gershon, Kohath and Merari organized the services of the Tabernacle. The Tabernacle was in the center of camp; surrounding it were the Levites who camped on the north (Merarites) on the south (Kohathites) on the west (Gershonites) and priests (Aaron, his sons Eleazar and Ithamar, and Moses his brother) on the east. Surrounding them were the twelve tribes of Israel (Naphtali, Judah, Issachar, Zebulon, Reuben, Simeon, Gad, Ephraim, Manasseh, Benjamin, Dan, and Asker). The Levites were chosen as priests because they didn't take part in the worship of the golden calf. Not only did they not worship the idol, they slew about 3000 of those who did.

22. In Matthew 6: 22 and Luke 11: 34, Jesus describes the human eye as what item in relation to the body?

From Quiz Eyes, Ears, Mouth and Nose in the Bible

Answer: lamp

Yes, the correct answer is lamp. Luke 11: 34 puts things this way: "Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eyes are good, your whole body also is full of light. But when they are bad, your body also is full of darkness."

23. According to 1 Samuel 5:6 in the NIV, whose people was the LORD's hand heavy on?

From Quiz God Lends a Hand

Answer: Ashdod

Ashdod is a city in what is now Israel. It is the sixth-largest. It was part of the Philistine pentapolis (five cities) in Bible times. The name of the city means diffusion, inclination, and theft. The issue with Ashdod that God didn't like was that His Ark of the covenant had been stolen by the Philistines and placed in Ashdod, in Dagon's temple. Dagon was a Syrian god.

24. According to 2 Kings 23:16, who desecrated a pagan altar by burning human bones on it?

From Quiz The Straight Skinny on Bones in the Bible

Answer: Josiah

Josiah, king of Judah, is the correct answer, as per 2 Kings 23:16. Scripture states Josaih was infuriated by pagan altars in Israel and during his reign he took swift and decisive action to eradicate the altars. Much of the 23rd chapter of 2 Kings is devoted to his actions to remove the pagan altars and to make the nation aligned with the LORD. Verse 15, for example, tells of Josiah breaking down high places, burning them and "crushing them to powder." To add insult to injury, Verse 16 goes on to tell of Josiah taking bones and burning them on altar and defiling it, "according to the word of the LORD."

25. Mark 8 records Jesus' healing of a blind man by spitting on his eyes. What did the blind man see when he looked up the first time?

From Quiz The Eyes, Biblically

Answer: He saw men as trees walking.

As Jesus entered Bethsaida, a blind man brought to Him for healing. He took him out of the town, spit on his eyes, laid His hands on him and asked him if he was seeing as he should. The blind man then looked up and said that he saw men as trees walking. Jesus then put his hands on his eyes again and made him look up. He was then able to see every one clearly. (Mark 8:22-25)

26. According to Scripture a prophet of God was told by the LORD to cut off his hair and beard and scatter one-third of it in the wind, burn one-third of it and strike the remaining one-third with a sword. Who was the prophet of God?

From Quiz A Look at Hair-Raising People in the Bible

Answer: Ezekiel

The correct answer is Ezekiel. In addition to scattering one-third of his hair into the wind, Scripture states Ezekiel was also told to burn one-third of the hair he removed from his hair and face and to strike a sword around the remaining one-third. Here's how Ezekiel 5:1-4 reads in the NKJV: "And you, son of man, take a sharp sword, take it as a barber's razor, and pass it over your head and your beard; then take scales to weigh and divide the hair. You shall burn with fire one-third in the midst of the city, when the days of the siege are finished; then you shall take one-third and strike around it with the sword, and one-third you shall scatter in the wind: I will draw out a sword after them. You shall also take a small number of them and bind them in the edge of your garment. Then take some of them again and throw them into the midst of the fire, and burn them in the fire. From there a fire will go out into all the house of Israel." Notes in the NKJV Study Bible have this to say about the highly unusual passage: "Shaving the head was an act showing shame or disgrace in Hebrew culture. ....This message was telling the people that they were about to be humiliated and defiled." The notes go on to state: "Each citizen of Jerusalem would suffer one of the three fates depicted by each of the three mounds of the equally measured shorn hair: 1) Some would be burned along with the city or would die from plague, famine or other siege conditions; 2) some would be murdered by the sword during the attack; 3) and some would be scattered in the wind -- referring to the Exile."

27. In Matthew 8:3, "Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man." What did he heal the man from?

From Quiz God Lends a Hand

Answer: leprosy

Jesus told the man not to tell anyone, but to go tell the priest he was now clean. It was the law that a person with leprosy who was no longer a leper had to have a priest examine them to make sure they were clean. However, since leprosy was not curable back then, it was rare that a person ever went back to the priest. The last time may have been in Numbers 12 when Miriam briefly had leprosy.

28. What bones of a prophet of God had the power to raise a man from the dead? (2 Kings 13:20-21)

From Quiz The Straight Skinny on Bones in the Bible

Answer: Elisha

According to Scripture, a dead man was put in the tomb of Elisha and as soon as the body touched the hallowed bones of the prophet of God, the man was revived and stood on his feet again. The dead man who came back to life when his body touched the bones of Elisha is not identified. Unfortunately, Scripture is short on details all around when it comes to this amazing story that is told in two verses. 2 Kings 13:20-21, in the NKJV Bible, simply states: "Elisha died and was buried. Now Moabite raiders used to enter the country every spring. Once, while some Israelites were burying a man, suddenly they saw a band of raiders; so they threw the man's body into Elisha's tomb. When the body touched Elisha's bones, the man came to life and stood up on his feet." No further details are given.

29. In a book in the Hebrew Bible, or the Old Testament of the English Bible, a woman's hair is likened to "a flock of goats descending from the hills of Gilead." In what book do you find the description as per the NKJV?

From Quiz A Look at Hair-Raising People in the Bible -- #2

Answer: Song of Solomon

The correct answer is the Song of Solomon with the description found in the first verse of the fourth chapter. (In the NIV, the book is called Song of Songs.) According to the NKJV, the fourth chapter of the Song of Solomon is sub-titled 'The Bridegroom Praises the Bride.' To put the verse in contest, here's how the Song of Solomon 4:1-5 reads in the NKJV: "Behold, you are fair, my love! Behold, you are fair! You have dove's eyes behind your veil. Your hair is like a flock of goats, Going down from Mount Gilead. Your teeth are like a flock of shorn sheep Which have come up from the washing, Every one of which bears twins, And none is barren among them. Your lips are like a strand of scarlet, And your mouth is lovely. Your temples behind your veil Are like a piece of pomegranate. Your neck is like the tower of David, Built for an armory, On which hang a thousand bucklers, All shields of mighty men. Your two breasts are like two fawns, Twins of a gazelle, Which feed among the lilies."

30. Psalms 5:9 KJV says of the wicked, their throat is an open sepulchre; they flatter with their what?

From Quiz Biblical ENT

Answer: Tongue

Psalm 5:9 KJV: "For there is no faithfulness in their mouth; their inward part is very wickedness; their throat is an open sepulchre; they flatter with their tongue." Not everyone is wicked. No! But a lot of people are. Some of them kiss your neck, smile in your face, and stab you in the back. David prayed to God for his direction rather than taking it from people he considered wicked. He prayed not only for his leadership, but their downfall. David knew his God spoke truth and could be trusted, and on Him, David leaned.

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