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For folks getting up there in age, here are some tips for healthier living-- aligning your internal body clock with helpful exercises and practices to adopt at different times of the day.
Average, 10 Qns, Billkozy, Jun 29 24
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Towards the Management of Getting Older
When Paul Simon wrote "Bridge Over Troubled Water" in 1969, he was asked to write a third verse. The line he wrote, the title of this quiz, was about his soon-to-be wife finding a grey hair in her 20s. This quiz is about the management of getting older.
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  Heal through Health   popular trivia quiz  
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In the latter half of the twentieth century the health of a nation started to change focus from healing the sick to staying healthy. This is the domain of public health. This quiz marks public health achievements in the early 21st century.
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Feb 17 22
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"House" is a favorite TV show of mine due to the medical diagnoses of this addicted, genius doctor. Team, your quest is to diagnose the patient's non-life threatening complaint and put into everyday terms. Good luck!
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  Why Am I So Tired?   great trivia quiz  
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Most adults experience unusual fatigue or sleepiness at some point in their life; this quiz is about some of the major causes and treatments.
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Do you know the myths, or the facts about going barefoot? Take the quiz and find out!
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  Organ and Tissue Donation   best quiz  
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When people die some people can donate some or all of their organs tissues depending on the circumstances in which they die. These are the ultimate gifts. When someone is going to die yet they can make a magnificent gesture and help others.
Average, 10 Qns, 1nn1, Dec 13 18
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Dec 13 18
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What is acrophobia the fear of?

From Quiz "General Psychiatry Quiz"

Health Issues Trivia Questions

1. In 2004 it is illegal to drive barefoot in how many states in the US?

From Quiz
Barefoot Facts

Answer: 0

It is not against the law to drive barefoot anywhere in the United States.

2. Around the time of death, what is the main procedural difference between organ and tissue donation?

From Quiz Organ and Tissue Donation

Answer: Organ donation occurs immediately after death, tissue donation can occur up to 24 hrs post-death.

Organs have a blood supply, so as soon as a person dies, organs start to die at that point. Therefore organ recovery must occur straight away by a medical operation where the organs are retrieved or recovered by a surgeon and then transplanted within 6-12 hours into the receiving patient. Tissues do not have a critical blood supply and can be retrieved or recovered within 24 hours (the actual time depends on the tissue and the regulation within each country). Tissues can be recovered by specially trained scientists. Tissues can be preserved by freezing and do not need to be transplanted straight away.

3. Which sleep disorder is divided into two categories: sleep onset, where the person takes more than 30 minutes to fall asleep and sleep maintenance, where the person falls asleep but wakens throughout the night or for prolonged periods of time?

From Quiz Why Am I So Tired?

Answer: Insomnia

Insomnia occurs in 30-50% of the population, with 10% suffering chronic insomnia. Because there is no set amount of sleep a person should get, there is no fixed number of hours of sleep that defines insomnia.

4. "Doc, I feel like it is snowing even in July. I am itching to know what is wrong with me." "You have pityriasis simplex capillitii and not every woman needs a little black dress." Your patient has what?

From Quiz Nothing Too Serious

Answer: Dandruff

Pityriasis simplex capillittii is dandruff, the itchy flaking of the scalp. It is caused by the skin drying out, and over-shampooing and heat drying can make it worse. Back cleavage is slang for the fleshy part of the back that is squeezed together to form a crease when wearing tight clothing. Overactive sweat glands or hyperhidrosis is when the body has excessive sweating. Thunder thighs is a slang term for big or fat thighs that make a clap-like noise when walking.

5. Which sleep disorder is characterized by an interruption in breathing during sleep?

From Quiz Why Am I So Tired?

Answer: Sleep apnea

Sleep apnea has two main causes. In Central Sleep Apnea (CSA), either the brain fails to send a signal to breathe or the respiratory muscles don't make the effort. In Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), the airways are obstructed, usually by the soft tissues of the mouth and throat.

6. There has been a global decrease in deaths attributable to smoking due to a concerted health promotion push. What requirement did Australia introduce in 2012 that was adopted by a further 20 countries by 2020?

From Quiz Heal through Health

Answer: Plain packaging for cigarettes

In the late 20th century, death due to cigarette smoking was the leading cause of preventable death. Since that time there has been a global decrease in deaths attributable to smoking due mainly to implemented public health measures in the health promotion area. Plain packaging for cigarettes was first mentioned in New Zealand in 1989 but it was Australia, with the enactment of the Tobacco Plain Packaging Act in 2011, that became the first country in the world to require tobacco products to be sold in plain packaging (drab brown packaging, graphic photo effects of smoking and only a small space for a generic brand name). Australia faced sustained legal challenges from tobacco companies but the Australian government won every case. By 2020, twenty other countries had implemented their own plain paper packaging laws including the UK, Canada and New Zealand. The Australian government initiated a review of packaging change impact and reported that smoking rates fell an additional 0.55 percentage points between December 2012 and September 2015 - attributed to the packaging changes only (and not the other anti-tobacco policies in place during this time period). "This equates to more than 108,000 people quitting, not relapsing or not starting to smoke during that period," reported WHO in 2017. Australia also has several other aggressive anti-smoking health promotion strategies including blanket bans on tobacco advertising and promotion, campaigns and programs to reduce smoking and, importantly, to dissuade potential smokers, especially young people from starting to smoke, support for smokers to quit, including subsidising nicotine replacement therapy subsidies and policies to reduce the affordability of tobacco products. In 2000 the excise duty on a cigarette was 21 cents. By 2017 that had risen to 78 cents/cigarette. On a pack of fifty that's $39/pack. In 2017 Australia (16%) had a lower proportion of smokers than the US (25%), UK (21%), Canada (17%) but not New Zealand (14%). Some countries, like Nigeria, Ghana and Ethiopia had 2021 rates under than 5%. (World Population Review 2021 figures). Australia's death rate from smoking related causes dropped from 150/100 00 in 1990 to 50.8/1000 000 in 2017. New Zealand had a similar drop. These were among the biggest drops in the developed world. ( figures).

7. Traditionally, a person must be 'brain dead' before they can donate organs. What would be one certain way to determine brain death?

From Quiz Organ and Tissue Donation

Answer: Blood is not circulating in the brain

In some cases a patient's heart may have stopped beating but life support systems can keep blood circulating but with brain death no blood reaches the brain. This is irreversible. The patient can never be brought back to life. This can be very difficult for the family of the patient because they look alive only they are not. These patients have had a stroke or a head injury or an accident or disease that stops blood reaching the brain. It is these patients that became organ donors. Since the early 2000's some patients who die by their heart stopping beating can be organ donors but there are very special criteria for this to occur.

8. In which sleep disorder do patients have difficulty falling asleep due to an inability to get into a comfortable position and an urge to move?

From Quiz Why Am I So Tired?

Answer: Restless Leg Syndrome

Restless Leg Syndrome has been described as tingling, pins and needles, pulling etc., but not usually as cramping. RLS is most common in the first hour of attempted sleep. Periodic Leg Movement occurs during sleep and can disturb sleep when the amount of movement causes increased brain activity. People can suffer from both RLS and PLM, but they are different disorders.

9. "Doc, every morning when brushing my teeth, I see spots before my eyes. What do I have?" "You have ephelides, get screened for it and wear a big hat." What does your patient have?

From Quiz Nothing Too Serious

Answer: Freckles

Ephelides are freckles, the tiny brown spots on skin caused by sunshine. Acne is the clogging or inflammation of the sebaceous glands. Chicken pox is a viral childhood disease causing small red bumps that itch and if scratched can leave a pox like scar. A cold sore is a blister on or near the lips that will scab over; it is from a herpes virus.

10. Type II diabetes mellitus and hypertension are two very different chronic diseases yet they share one ominous factor. What is this factor?

From Quiz Sail On, Silver Girl

Answer: Both can develop without symptoms

Type 2 diabetes is recognized as a serious public health concern with its rapid increase in incidence due to economic development and urbanisation of the world. Diabetes affects the functional capacity and quality of life of sufferers, which in turn, becomes significant morbidity and early mortality. In the 21st century more than one-third of diabetes-related deaths occur in people under the age of 60). This global burden is due mainly to increased consumption of unhealthy diets and sedentary lifestyles, resulting in increased Body Mass Index (BMI) and fasting serum glucose. The aging of the human population is another significant contributor, as diabetes tends to affect older people. Symptoms include excess urination, excessive thirst, tiredness, weight loss without reason, poor wound healing, poor eyesight and increased hunger. According to Diabetes UK, "6 out of 10 people have no symptoms when they're diagnosed with type 2 diabetes". Diabetes, if left undiagnosed or if poorly controlled, can cause blindness, kidney failure, heart attacks, stroke and amputation of the lower limbs. A simple plasma glucose level is a suitable screening test for diabetes when there are no symptoms. Hypertension, or higher than normal, blood pressure, is a condition in which the blood vessels have persistently raised pressure making it harder for the heart to pump. Initially, it can be symptomless and be present for many years before it is diagnosed. Symptoms can include headaches, nosebleeds with no apparent reason, irregular heartbeat, changes to vision, and buzzing sounds in the ears. Untreated hypertension can cause angina (chest pain), heart attacks, heart failure, and irregular heartbeat, all of which can cause sudden death. It can also cause strokes and kidney damage, leading to kidney failure. High blood pressure also damages the heart by hardening arteries and decreasing the amount of blood and oxygen that can be pumped by the heart. It can be diagnosed quickly by a blood pressure test in a doctor's surgery or at home with a suitable instrument. Treatment is simple once diagnosed. Lifestyle factors can be adjusted and simple medication taken to lower blood pressure levels.

11. The social determinants of health (SDH) are the non-medical factors that influence health outcomes. The SDH have an important influence on health inequities. In the developing world, what is the single biggest SDH in the mortality of neonates?

From Quiz Heal through Health

Answer: Education level of the baby's mother

Social determinants of health (SDH) are the conditions in which people are born, grow, work, live, and become older. They also include, according to WHO criteria, "the wider set of forces and systems shaping the conditions of daily life". These include economic policies/systems, public development and infrastructure programs, as well as social norms, policies and political systems. Health inequities arise when there are unfavourable and avoidable differences in health status seen within and between countries especially when comparing the developing world outcomes with the developed world outcomes. Health and illness follow a social gradient: the lower the socioeconomic factors, the worse the health and health outcome. WHO lists the SDH as: - "Income and social protection - Education - Unemployment and job insecurity - Working life conditions - Food insecurity - Housing, basic amenities and the environment - Early childhood development - Social inclusion and non-discrimination - Structural conflict - Access to affordable health services of decent quality." Countries with a high level of Human Development will have a life expectancy 19 years higher than those in a less developed country. A key measurement of United Nations Millennium Development Goal 4, is child mortality which is defined as deaths in children aged less than five years. This factor serves as a major indicator of a nation's health and development. In the second decade of the 21st century, an estimated 8.1 million children died each year before reaching five, which represented a decrease of approximately 2 million over the first decade. A high percentage of all childhood deaths occur in developing countries, with "49% occurring in sub-Saharan Africa and 33% in southern Asia" according to WHO. Meanwhile, in the developed world, where infant mortality is very low, efforts were made in specific programs such as those to reduce neural tube defects (eg spina bifida) in new-born babies. In Canada and Australia and other countries, these neural tube defects were not rectified post birth but by public health measures such as fortification of bread and cereals with folate vitamins (where low maternal folate levels are associated with increased incidence of NTD in babies). The programs reduced NTD by one third as described in the published literature.

12. Which sleep disorder is a disease of the central nervous system that causes excessive daytime sleep?

From Quiz Why Am I So Tired?

Answer: Narcolepsy

Narcolepsy can include symptoms such as hallucinations, the inability to talk or walk and cataplexy, the loss of muscle tone. Sufferers may also carry out certain actions without being aware of it, while appearing to be awake.

13. "Doc, I have had this fear of being seen in sandals. What is wrong with me?" "You have onychocryptosis, were you hit on the head or something?" Your patient has what?

From Quiz Nothing Too Serious

Answer: An ingrown nail

Onychocryptosis is a ingrown nail, and it happens when the nail cuts into the nail bed. It can be very painful. Hammer toe is a deformity in which a toe is permanently hammer-like in shape. Club foot or talipes equinovarus is a birth defect that causes a baby's feet to turn in and downward. Pigeon toe, also known as metatarsus varus is a condition where the toes point in toward each other.

14. Sleepwalking generally occurs in children and adolescents. Although not a serious disorder, what is the most serious threat to sleepwalkers?

From Quiz Why Am I So Tired?

Answer: Injury by objects or falling

Injuries from running into objects or falling are the main threat to sleepwalkers. It is not dangerous to wake a sleepwalker, but they may be severely confused for a few moments after waking. "Sleepwalking" includes any complex activity while sleeping; there have been some (rare) reports of sleepwalkers driving.

15. "Doc, I feel as I grow older, I am feeling the cold more, especially when I don't wear a hat." "You have androgenic alopecia, why don't you buy a a headscarf?" What's the affliction?

From Quiz Nothing Too Serious

Answer: Male pattern baldness

Androgenic alopecia is male pattern baldness, and it is the most common form of hair loss in men. It is not a medical disorder and is believed to be genetic. Male menopause, called andropause, is the gradual decline of hormone production in men. ED (male erectile dysfunction) is the loss of the ability to achieve or to sustain an erection for intercourse.

16. As well as consent and a medical history what else is required before donation can occur?

From Quiz Organ and Tissue Donation

Answer: Every one of these checks are necessary

The organs and tissues that are to be transplanted must not cause disease in the recipient patients. Therefore extensive checks are necessary. For example blood tests can determine if the patient is HIV positive or has hepatitis, a history taken with the family member(s) can detremine if the patient has had any risky behaviour prior to death, a body exam can identify issues that might not have appeared on his/her medical history (e.g. track marks indicating IV drug use). The medical staff must ensure that the organs and tissues are safe to transplant.

17. Almost everyone has nightmares and about 5% of the population complain of regular, disruptive nightmares. Which disorder, common among survivors of violent crime and combat, has recurring nightmares as one of its 17 symptoms?

From Quiz Why Am I So Tired?

Answer: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Various studies show that 50-95% of those with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) suffer frequent disturbing nightmares. One treatment for nightmares is Imagery Rehearsal Therapy (IRT), where the person, while awake, repeatedly imagines a different, non-upsetting ending to their typical nightmares.

18. "Doc, all my life I have missed the complete joy of grilled meat, coffee, bread or cinnamon rolls. What causes this suffering that I endure?" "You have congenital anosmia, so just add two cents to the complaint box." What's the problem?

From Quiz Nothing Too Serious

Answer: A lack of the sense of smell

Congenital anosmia, means that someone was born without the sense of smell. Overweight is having more body weight than necessary or considered normal. Food allergies are when the immune system identifies a food as harmful and reacts to it. Being born without taste is congenital ageusia.

19. Mental illness has long been neglected as a chronic disease. Which is the most common presentation of mental illness?

From Quiz Sail On, Silver Girl

Answer: Depression

Even in the 21st century, there is a stigma attached to mental illness. In the 1950s, medication allowed affected patients to escape from shut-away institutions and live productive lives in the community. Unfortunately, clinical depression is rising in incidence, particularly among those in their later years. Depression can happen to anyone. People who have endured abuse, severe loss or other life-changing stressful events are more likely to suffer from depression. Women are more likely to have depression than men. Depression happens frequently in later life when people lose their sense of purpose in life from leaving work or their children have grown up and left home. Effective treatments for depression are readily available but more than 75% of people with low- to middle incomes never receive treatment. Effective care prevention includes a lack of proportion in the health budget for mental health care, a lack of trained healthcare providers and the ever-present social stigma associated with mental disorders. Depression causes problems in all aspects of life, including home, work, school and community. Depression is closely related to physical health. Many of the factors that influence depression, such as a sedentary lifestyle or excessive use of alcohol, are the same risk factors for chronic diseases including cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes. Subsequently, people with these types of diseases may develop depression due to problems managing their physical well-being. Self-care becomes important, particularly for those reluctant to seek professional intervention. These include small things that together can help people manage their depression: Doing enjoyable activities, regular exercise, even if that only means short walks, staying connected to friends and families and establishing regular eating and sleeping patterns can help. Avoiding illicit drugs and excessive alcohol and talking to people who you can trust all help. Perhaps the biggest item of self-care is the hardest - recognising that one needs medical help to help you get through this insidious illness.

20. Gun control, as an improved public health measure, features strongly in several countries' annual public health reports in the first two decades of the 21st century. From the following countries, which is the exception?

From Quiz Heal through Health

Answer: USA

Gun violence is a significant public health concern as many countries have tried hard to reduce the impact of such sudden, preventable, premature death. The UK, Australia and New Zealand have all enacted much tighter gun availability and ownership legislation after mass shootings in each country. After a massacre in Hungerford, UK in 1988, the UK banned semi-automatic weapons and after Dunblane, when 16 five and six year old children were killed, most handguns were banned in 1997 and then all handguns when a new government came to power. In 1996 a gunman killed 36 people in Port Arthur in Tasmania. The Australian prime minister acted swiftly enacting legislation banning semi-automatic guns and restricting handguns. Australia now has a permanent amnesty on semi-automatic weapons. New Zealand introduced similar legislation after a 2019 mosque shooting in Christchurch which claimed 51 lives. Japan has an almost zero-tolerance for guns, making the process of buying one so onerous that few people even try. The respective 2020 gun deaths per 100,000 people are Japan 0.06, UK 0.25, Australia 1.04 and New Zealand 1.07, all in the bottom 10% of countries worldwide. The USA by comparison, has a gun death rate of 12.2/100,000 making it one of the worst ten countries in the world for deaths caused by guns. This equates to an average 35 people per day who will die from gun shots in the US. Mass shootings are not uncommon in the US, but the right to bear arms is protected by the Second Amendment to the Constitution meaning legislation to control gun ownership is unlikely to be passed into law.

21. What benefits do the family receive for donating organs and tissues?

From Quiz Organ and Tissue Donation

Answer: Some solace that while their loved on has died, there is comfort that they have helped other who are sick

Organ and tissue donation is a truly altruistic gift: It is actually illegal to receive any sort of financial benefit from donating. Each country prohibits this and there are declarations from such organisations as the World Health Organisation ratifying this. In most countries donor families do not know who received the donated organ and transplanted though some receive anonymous thank you notes from grateful recipients which are handled though the hospital system.

22. Most developed counties have screening programs for breast, colon and cervical cancer. Which one of the the three has had a massive reduction in incidence due to a vaccination program?

From Quiz Heal through Health

Answer: Cervical cancer

Screening tests for these three cancers have been known for many years. The Pap test for cervical cancer was developed in the 1920s, the mammogram for breast cancer can be traced back to Berlin in 1913 and the faecal occult blood test was developed for colon cancer in the 1970s and later a more sensitive test, the faecal histochemical test, was introduced. However, it took somewhat longer for these collective tests to be incorporated into mass screening programs. Pap smears became available in the 1940s with professional societies mandating their efficacy in the 1960s. Traditionally, these have been initiated in the general practitioner domain with the smears (on slides) sent to specialised laboratories for analysis and early detection of cervical cancer. Breast screening programs started to emerge, as mass public health prevention programs, in the 1960s and by the 1980s they were well established in many countries. Most developed countries have government funded surveillance programs with reminders sent out, and registers kept to provide incidence reports. Colon cancer (including colo-rectal cancer) is the third most diagnosed cancer in the world but screening programs are not as prevalent as those for breast cancer. Most programs were initiated in the early 2000s. In 2015 there were 24 countries in Europe with such programs, three in the Americas (Canada, Chile, USA) and five in Asia/Oceania (Japan, Thailand, South Korea, Taiwan and Australia). Incidence reduction has been variable across the various participating counties but reductions between 4% and 31% have been reported since screening programs began. . In 1991 Ian Frazer and Jian Zhou succeeded in making virus-like particles that trigger an immune response against Human Papilloma Virus, the agent that causes cervical cancer. The vaccine was developed for distribution and, in 2007 each Australian 12-13 year old girl was offered the vaccine with a catch-up program for 14-26 year olds offered in 2007-2009. The vaccine uptake has been reported by the Australian government at 83%. By 2021, similar vaccine programs had been offered in 107 WHO member nations but with concern about lack of available programs in low and middle income countries. Cervical cancer incidence had dropped markedly by 2020 in those countries that had vaccination programs. For example, US CDC data reports a reduction of 13% annually between 1999 and 2017. Cancer Research UK reports that between 1990 and 2018, "cervical cancer incidence rates have decreased by a quarter (25%) in females in the UK". However, globally, in 2020, only about 15% of women are fully protected. In 2015, WHO stated the world-wide aim of a 90% reduction in cervical cancer incidence by 2030.

23. In some circumstances, patients can donate tissue whilst still living. In these cases which organs and tissues, from the list below, could be donated by living patients?

From Quiz Organ and Tissue Donation

Answer: Kidney, liver, bone tissue and heart valves

There are certain disease conditions where explanted (surgically removed) organs and tissues can be transplanted from one living patient in part to other patients. For example; A person having a hip replacement can donate the removed bone to make other bone products in a tissue bank. A patient receiving a new heart may in special circumstances be able to donate the heart valves in the diseased heart. A truly altruistic patient can donate one of their kidneys (you only need one) or part of their liver (it will grow back). These people are very special and by donating whilst alive they are putting their own health at risk.

24. Which profession, which routinely crosses many time zones and is required to be awake at times both day and night, has a very high incidence of sleep disorders?

From Quiz Why Am I So Tired?

Answer: Airline pilots

Airline pilots often experience changing periods of light and darkness during a day, and have difficulty sleeping in accordance with the natural circadian rhythm. This leads to frequent and often severe fatigue - the main reason there are so many regulations about flight crew rest and working hours.

25. "Doc, it is not funny and why I look so serious. I get rid of it and it comes back. Can you help me?" "You have synophrys, accept it and get that frown off your face." What does your patient have?

From Quiz Nothing Too Serious

Answer: Unibrow

Synophrys, is unibrow, a hair growth across the brow ridge over the nose creating a one long eyebrow look. Acne is caused when the sebaceous glads become clogged or inflamed. Bad breath known as halitosis is mouth odor. Protruding nose hair is when inner nose hairs grow long and downward causing it to protrude from the nasal opening.

26. When a person consents to organ and tissue donation, how many patients may, at most, gain better health and in some cases life from receiving a transplant?

From Quiz Organ and Tissue Donation

Answer: Over a hundred

While obviously only a limited number of organs and some tissues, such as one heart, two kidneys, two corneas, can be donated, bone and skin donations can be made into many other bone and skin grafts so many many people can benefit from a single donor. However it is not important how many organs and tissues are donated. What is important is that a patient and or his family had the courage to make a decision to donate organs and tissue so others can live when life was about to end. There is no greater gift.

27. Which popular diet supplement is a chemical that is released by the brain to induce sleep?

From Quiz Why Am I So Tired?

Answer: Melatonin

Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland. It regulates cycles of wakefulness and sleep, and some sufferers of insomnia take dietary supplements. One should consult with a physician before taking melatonin or any dietary supplement.

28. "Doc, I went to the lake for a picnic, now I have this all over me. Can you get rid of it?" "You have verruca vulgaris and if you play, you have to pay royally." What's the problem?

From Quiz Nothing Too Serious

Answer: Common wart

Verruca vulgaris is a common wart which is a small growth on skin caused by a virus. Poison oak is an itchy, red rash caused from allergic reaction to poison oak, ivy or sumac. Chiggers are tiny mites that attach and bite injecting enzymes that cause itching and small red welts. Jock itch is a bacterial or fungal infection causing a itchy rash in the groin area.

This is category 69
Last Updated Mar 22 2025 5:44 AM
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