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The outer bits of your body are covered here. The skin, hair and nails all form the integumentary system, so nail yourselves on for a bit of hairy skinny dipping.
8 Integumentary System quizzes and 85 Integumentary System trivia questions.
  The Integumentary System   popular trivia quiz  
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 15 Qns
How much do you know about the integumentary system?
Tough, 15 Qns, Morrigan716, Aug 17 22
Morrigan716 gold member
Aug 17 22
8166 plays
  What Condition is Your Skin In?    
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 10 Qns
There are a host of diseases and conditions that afflict the skin. This quiz is about ten of them.
Easier, 10 Qns, ramonesrule, Nov 14 21
Nov 14 21
396 plays
  Skinny Dipping   popular trivia quiz  
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Dip into the wonderful world of skin... How much do you know about human skin?
Average, 10 Qns, jamesf, Mar 15 14
3626 plays
  Carbuncles, Boils and Erysipelas   great trivia quiz  
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Regular FunTrivia forum readers will know why this quiz is dedicated to Coolupway, the self-proclaimed "Prince of Pus".
Average, 10 Qns, MotherGoose, Sep 20 24
MotherGoose editor
Sep 20 24
2812 plays
  Your Epidermis is Showing    
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 10 Qns
We all have it, mostly covered under our clothes. It's our skin! Let's have a run through our coverings and learn about our wonderful skin.
Easier, 10 Qns, Abby_91, Mar 12 17
1110 plays
  The Skin    
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This is part three of my human body systems series. This one is about the outside covering of your body, your skin.
Very Easy, 10 Qns, foil7, Mar 08 16
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  Skin in the Game   great trivia quiz  
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This quiz is about skin, things that can happen to it, things that can grow on or in it, and things that are good for it. Are you game?
Average, 10 Qns, austinnene, May 12 15
474 plays
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This quiz will test your knowledge of fingernails. Enjoy!
Average, 10 Qns, zebra101, Sep 26 18
Sep 26 18
654 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What is your body lacking if your fingernails turn blue?

From Quiz "Fingernails"

Integumentary System Trivia Questions

1. This skin condition is called atopic dermatitis and makes your skin red and itchy. What is it also known as?

From Quiz
What Condition is Your Skin In?

Answer: Eczema

There are a number of symptoms associated with eczema, including red, itchy skin, dry skin, raised bumps and scaly skin. It often occurs in children but can appear at any age. It is also long-lasting, with flare-ups happening from time to time. It can be accompanied by hay fever. There is no cure for it but mild soaps and moisturizers can alleviate the symptoms. It's a genetic condition whereby the skin cannot protect itself from irritants or bacteria.

2. The epidermis, or outer layer of the skin, has different thicknesses at different places in the body. Where is it thickest?

From Quiz Skin in the Game

Answer: palms and soles

The epidermis is thickest (and also hairless) on the palms of one's hands and soles of one's feet. It is thought that this is an evolutionary development. Feet obviously need to be tough because they walk the earth with all its hard, sharp, and irregular surfaces and, since hands come into contact with many varied things every day, they also need to be safeguarded with a thick epidermal layer. Incidentally, the epidermis is thinnest on the eyelids.

3. What protein are fingernails made of?

From Quiz Fingernails

Answer: keratin

Keratin is a structural protein. Hair is also made of keratin. It also makes up the horns and hooves of animals.

4. The cells in the outer layer of the skin are reinforced with a tough, impermeable protein. What is the name of this protein?

From Quiz Skinny Dipping

Answer: keratin

New cells are continuously being produced in the epidermis. These cells die and become keratinised. Eventually, they are worn away at the skin surface. Most household dust is composed of dead skin cells that have been shed in this way.

5. This skin condition attacks the face - specifically the cheeks, nose, chin and forehead causing swelling and redness. What is it called?

From Quiz What Condition is Your Skin In?

Answer: Rosacea

Rosacea is another chronic condition that impacts the skin. It can affect people from all walks of life but mostly is seen in fair skinned individuals or people who blush easily. It is a treatable condition but, if left untreated, the redness that is seen over the cheeks and nose can spread, pimples can develop and the nose can become swollen and bulbous. It usually occurs in individuals over thirty years of age and has a negative impact on people's self-confidence and self-esteem due to the very visible nature of the issue. It can be treated through medication, laser therapy and lifestyle changes as there are certain things that trigger a flare-up depending on the individual, such as caffeine consumption or exposure to sunlight.

6. What is the name for the area of fibrous skin tissue that often forms after an injury to the skin?

From Quiz The Skin

Answer: Scar

After an injury, the skin may not be able to regrow as it was originally. There may be replacement tissues known as scar tissue. These tissues are made of fiber. The scar tissue is different from normal skin, however, as hair follicles and pores sometimes do not come back after an injury. The scars are also less resistant to ultraviolet rays from the sun, which can hurt the skin. Scars are a natural healing process in life.

7. A common skin disorder involves redness and lesions most often found on the nose, cheeks and forehead. What chronic condition, which afflicted W.C. Fields, is this?

From Quiz Skin in the Game

Answer: rosacea

There are four types of rosacea, only one of which causes the thickening of the skin of the nose that was so evident on the face of W.C. Fields. Many sufferers of rosacea have only what appears to be pimply outbreaks and reddened area of skin on their faces. The condition is quite treatable through a combination of diet and medication, and the earlier treatment begins, usually the better the outcome. If left untreated it can progress and become more physically uncomfortable and cosmetically unattractive.

8. What is the name of the pale crescent-shaped area located at the base of the fingernail?

From Quiz Fingernails

Answer: lunula

The lunula is the visible part of the matrix, the tissue the nail protects. It is most visible on the thumbs. It is also known as "the moon".

9. Erysipelas is a contagious disease characterised by deep red inflammation of the skin. What is another name for erysipelas?

From Quiz Carbuncles, Boils and Erysipelas

Answer: Saint Anthony's Fire

This disease is known as Saint Anthony's Fire because it was believed that Saint Anthony was the source of many miraculous cures during a outbreak of erysipelas in the 11th century. Erysipelas is caused by the Streptococcus pyogenes bacterium. "Pyogenes" means "pus producing".

10. What are the two types of sweat glands?

From Quiz The Integumentary System

Answer: Eccrine and Apocrine

Eccrine glands are found all over the body and have ducts that open directly onto the surface of the skin. The watery fluid they secrete eliminates waste products from the body and help maintain body temperature. Apocrine glands are found in the axilla and in the pigmented skin surrounding the genitals. They become active during puberty and secrete a milky sweat that is broken down by bacteria.

11. Often called the "pregnancy mask" this skin condition is characterized by brown or blue-gray freckle-like spots. What is it called?

From Quiz What Condition is Your Skin In?

Answer: Melasma

Melasma is actually a very common skin condition that affects women much more than men and pregnant women the most. The brown freckle like spots appear most commonly on the face but can also appear on the arms, neck and back. Melasma is worse during summer months and mostly appears on parts of the body that are exposed to the sun. It is also more prevalent in darker skinned people or people who tan easily. It's not cancerous or harmful and it doesn't hurt or cause irritation. For some people it is simply there while they are pregnant and for others it is a long-lasting chronic condition. It is caused by hormones and either ultraviolet light or infrared radiation, which is why it is worse in summer months. There are other possible causes that include genetics, soaps, makeup, medication, LED screens and because of all these varied possible causes it is quite difficult to treat.

12. The second layer of the skin is known as the dermis. What is its function?

From Quiz Your Epidermis is Showing

Answer: To provide flexibility and strength

The dermis consists of a layer of collagen, elastin and fibrillin. These give the skin the required flexibility and strength. Located within the dermis layer are our nerve endings, sweat and oil glands, blood vessels and hair follicles.

13. What is the outer layer of your skin called?

From Quiz The Skin

Answer: Epidermis

The epidermis is the part of the skin which you can see. The epidermis you see is usually dead. After a while, the skin sheds and a new layer replaces it.

14. There are individual differences between people's skin colour, mainly due to different amounts of the pigment melanin. What is the function of melanin?

From Quiz Skinny Dipping

Answer: to absorb harmful UV radiation

Cells at the base of the epidermis produce melanin, which absorbs ultra-violet radiation that would otherwise damage the delicate tissues underneath. A suntan consists of extra melanin - produced in response to exposure to these UV rays.

15. A boil is a bacterial skin infection characterised by a painful, hard pus-filled lesion. What type of bacteria causes boils?

From Quiz Carbuncles, Boils and Erysipelas

Answer: Staphylococcus

A boil is a skin infection which usually involves a hair follicle and is caused by Staphylococcus (usually S. aureus, commonly known as "golden staph"). Another name for a boil is a furuncle.

16. What are the muscles that cause the hair to raise when stimulated?

From Quiz The Integumentary System

Answer: Arrector pili

It is attached above and to the side of the hair follicle and causes goose bumps by pulling straight up on the hair follicle and down on the skin when a person is frightened or cold.

17. This skin disease is characterized by the loss of skin color in patches. What is is called?

From Quiz What Condition is Your Skin In?

Answer: Vitiligo

The loss of color in the skin can affect small patches, larger patches, one side of the body, just the face and hands or anywhere in between. It usually appears before the age of thirty and affects all skin colors although it is more visible on people with darker skin. It's not contagious or life-threatening but it can lead to problems with eyesight, hearing and psychological issues. The cause of it might be related to family history, an event that triggers it such as stress or an autoimmune issue. Some of the treatments include medication, light therapy, and skin grafting. If the condition has impacted a large portion of the skin, depigmentation of the remaining color might also be an option.

18. When someone gets hot, their skin (unless darkly pigmented) can often be seen to get pinker. What causes this?

From Quiz Skinny Dipping

Answer: dilation of superficial arterioles

The superficial arterioles dilate, allowing more blood to flow through the capillaries near the skin surface.

19. The motility, elasticity, and texture of the skin is called what?

From Quiz The Integumentary System

Answer: Turgor

Integrity is the soundness or firmness of a structure, keratin is the protein present in hair and nails, and telogen is the resting phase of hair growth.

20. This is a chronic disease that causes red, itchy, scaly patches typically on the knees, elbows and scalp. What is it called?

From Quiz What Condition is Your Skin In?

Answer: Psoriasis

This is another chronic disease characterized by red, itchy scaly patches. These patches are typically on joints like knees and elbows. There is no cure for this uncomfortable condition. It is a condition that flares up, being an issue for weeks or months at a time, then going away or going into remission. It is an autoimmune condition whereby skin cells grow too rapidly, rise to the surface of the skin and then fall off. Alcohol, stress, injury or infection can all cause flare-ups. There are five different types of psoriasis including plaque psoriasis, which is the most common type.

21. Dandruff is an irritating ailment, and I'm scratching myself thinking hard about where it occurs. Which part of the body does dandruff affect?

From Quiz Your Epidermis is Showing

Answer: Head

Dandruff is a form of dry skin as a result of dead skin cells. Dandruff is normal but there are several excess dandruff cases which can be caused by a number of reasons including having dry skin, lack of cleanliness and too much shampooing (figure out the balance) and a fungal infection.

22. Directly under the top layer of your skin is another layer. What is this layer called?

From Quiz The Skin

Answer: Dermis

The dermis is located under the epidermis. The only time you can see your dermis is if you scrape your skin hard enough for it to break. The dermis is located above a layer of fat. This part of your skin contains many nerves and blood vessels. It also includes sweat glands, hairs, and oil glands.

23. Michael Jackson had a skin condition that causes loss of pigmentation, resulting in patches of white or light skin. What is the name of this condition?

From Quiz Skin in the Game

Answer: vitiligo

Vitiligo is not medically dangerous, but can be stressful because it changes one's appearance, sometimes radically. It can occur on the skin anywhere on the body. It is caused when the cells that produce melanin, the pigment responsible for skin coloration, stop functioning or die. There are treatments that sometimes result in improvement of the condition, but it is not curable.

24. What is your body lacking if your fingernails turn blue?

From Quiz Fingernails

Answer: oxygen

Normally, fingernails appear pink. But, a lack of oxygen can make them turn blue or violet. Cold temperatures can also make them turn blue.

25. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote a Sherlock Holmes story called "The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle" (1892). What was the "carbuncle" referred to in this story?

From Quiz Carbuncles, Boils and Erysipelas

Answer: a blue gemstone

The ancient Romans used the term "carbuncle" to describe both a red gemstone and an inflamed boil or tumour. The word is derived from the Latin for "small (live or glowing) coal", a reference to the red colour of both the lesion and the stone, as well as the heat associated with the inflammation. With respect to gemstones, nowadays the term carbuncle is only used to refer to garnets cut in a certain way (without facets or "en cabochon"). There is no such thing as a blue carbuncle. Was Conan Doyle displaying his ignorance of geology or was he taking artistic licence?

26. This condition features little rough bumps that form on the skin, are caused by a virus and are contagious. What are these called?

From Quiz What Condition is Your Skin In?

Answer: Warts

These small growths on the skin are part of the human papillomavirus family. The are noncancerous and often found on hands and feet. Not everyone who comes into contact with the virus gets a wart as it does depend on the person's immune system. People who have eczema, who bite their fingernails or have cuts on their skin are more prone to getting warts. They are extremely contagious though and can even be spread through towel use. They are harmless but can be painful or embarrassing. Not treating them means they could spread or get larger and there are a number of different ways to get rid of a wart including over the counter gels. You can actually get rid of plantar warts on your feet using duct tape, although it is a lengthy process!

27. What are the openings in your skin which allow sweat to leave the body?

From Quiz The Skin

Answer: Pores

Pores are located all over your body. They look like little holes. Pores are located all over your body including the armpits, neck, hands, feet, and many others.

28. What is the name of the skin receptors that are sensitive to gentle touch?

From Quiz Skinny Dipping

Answer: Meissner's corpuscles

Pacinian corpuscles respond only to deeper pressure. The hairs themselves are not sensitive, but the movement of a hair will stimulate a sensory receptor in the skin. Sensory neurones carry nerve impulses from the skin receptors to the central nervous system.

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Last Updated Mar 08 2025 5:46 AM
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