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14 Muscular System quizzes and 150 Muscular System trivia questions.
  Muscles Are Our Movers And Shakers   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Muscles are nice and soft when we press them. When we need them to move a limb or push an object, they become strong and hard.
Average, 10 Qns, soozy_woozy, Feb 01 22
Feb 01 22
4953 plays
  Help! My Lateral Epicondyle is Inflamed   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
You may call it a lateral epicondyle but it hurts like the fires of doom and I'm about to kick up a racquet about it.
Easier, 10 Qns, pollucci19, May 23 16
pollucci19 gold member
787 plays
  Lower Limb Anatomy   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Anatomy questions from hip to toes. Enjoy!
Average, 10 Qns, donnyshona, Dec 05 18
Dec 05 18
5155 plays
  The Muscular System   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is part two of my body systems project. It is all about your muscular system and is a follow-up to my previous quiz, "The Skeletal System".
Average, 10 Qns, foil7, Jun 20 21
Jun 20 21
726 plays
  Eat Up! - Muscles of Mastication   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Take a bite of this quiz which is all to do with the muscles you use to chew your food, also known as the process of mastication. It is quite in depth, the material may not have been covered in high school - this is part of my third year Anatomy degree.
Tough, 10 Qns, reeshy, Oct 18 10
reeshy gold member
1024 plays
  Mystery Muscles    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I will give you the name of a muscle, and you tell me in which part of the human body it is located.
Average, 10 Qns, dumbo-rbj, Jul 23 19
Jul 23 19
7989 plays
  Upper Limb Anatomy   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Anatomy questions from shoulder to fingers. Good luck!
Tough, 10 Qns, donnyshona, May 02 18
4048 plays
  I Want Muscles    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
You'll get 'em on this quiz, just not the way Diana Ross wanted them in the 1980s - we're not that kind of website. I'll give you the scientific muscle name, you pick where to find it on the human body.
Average, 10 Qns, Spaudrey, Sep 12 17
373 plays
  Mind Over Muscle    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Think you know the musculature of the human body? Let's find out. Have fun.
Average, 10 Qns, crux88, Mar 27 24
Mar 27 24
5308 plays
  What Makes You Twitch?   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Take this quiz and test your knowledge of how skeletal muscle contracts.
Difficult, 10 Qns, doublemm, Apr 04 12
doublemm gold member
605 plays
trivia question Quick Question
These are the three main types of muscle.

From Quiz "Mind Over Muscle"

  Muscles in the Human Body    
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
I give you the insertions of a muscle in the human body, and you tell me which one it is. All positions relate to the 'anatomical position' which is standing with your arms by your sides and palms facing forwards. Good luck!
Very Difficult, 20 Qns, chickenkev, Feb 08 23
Very Difficult
Feb 08 23
4038 plays
  Muscle Tussle   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
How about a little anatomy test? Can you identify some significant muscles in the human body?
Average, 10 Qns, coachpauly, Mar 20 15
382 plays
  More Muscles    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Muscles allow you to run, jump, breathe, drink, blink, and many other activities and other life functions. How much do you know about the tissues that allow you to live life?
Average, 10 Qns, SampsonDracula, Feb 12 15
961 plays
  Advanced Muscle Mania   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Whether you are a doctor, a med student, a massage therapist or just someone who wants to know a lot about the human body, this muscle test is definately not for the faint hearted. It is specific and deadly! Have fun!
Difficult, 10 Qns, o2bamaiden, Jan 07 15
2883 plays

Muscular System Trivia Questions

1. Where on the human body can you find a deltoid muscle?

From Quiz
I Want Muscles

Answer: In your shoulder

The deltoid creates the curved, circular shape of your shoulder; there are two, one for each shoulder. The name deltoid was developed from the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet, Delta, which is triangle shaped. When viewing the full deltoid muscle, it does resemble a triangle. Deltoid muscles, as you would expect, are the primary muscle for shoulder movement.

2. What types of muscle do you not control?

From Quiz The Muscular System

Answer: Involuntary Muscles

Involuntary muscles are muscles that work on their own, such as your heart and the muscles in your organs. Their actions are controlled by the brain sending nerve messages. Involuntary muscles carry out a lot of the bodily functions.

3. An inflamed lateral epicondylitis, or more commonly tennis elbow, is not restricted to tennis players. Of the four choices below, which one is most likely to also suffer from this malady?

From Quiz Help! My Lateral Epicondyle is Inflamed

Answer: Guitar player

Tennis elbow is a fairly common condition. It becomes noticeable as a pain on the outside of the elbow and generally comes about through repetitive use or overuse of that part of the body or from adopting poor techniques with the action being worked. As we noted in the question, despite its common title this injury is not restricted to tennis players or, for that matter, those involved in some form of racquet sport. It is also prevalent in swimmers, musicians (and the worst here are our guitar players with their strumming motion) and manual workers. You may also hear the condition being referred to as archer's elbow or shooter's elbow. Thanks to tazman6619 for this question.

4. A neurone is separated from the skeletal muscle by the neuromuscular junction. This is a chemical synapse and so information is transferred via neurotransmitters. What name is given to areas of neurotransmitter release?

From Quiz What Makes You Twitch?

Answer: Active zones

The type of neurotransmitter released can vary, some acting as excitatory signals and some acting as inhibitory signals. Acetylcholine is a ubiquitous neurotransmitter at the neuromuscular junction. With skeletal muscle, acetylcholine has an excitatory effect.

5. The word muscle is from Latin musculus, diminutive of mus, which means

From Quiz More Muscles

Answer: mouse

One explaination is that when you flex a muscle, it looks like a mouse moving under the skin.

6. The muscles of mastication are derived from the first branchial arch in the embryo; which cranial nerve supplies them?

From Quiz Eat Up! - Muscles of Mastication

Answer: V (trigeminal)

While most of the other facial muscles are supplied by the facial nerve (VII), the four muscles of mastication are supplied by the trigeminal nerve (V), in particular by the mandibular branch of the trigeminal (V3). This branch is the final branch of the trigeminal, and is the largest branch. As well as the muscles of mastication, this branch supplies other structures in the lower face, including the teeth and the inside wall of the cheek.

7. Which hormone is associated with the increase in muscle size during weight training?

From Quiz Muscles Are Our Movers And Shakers

Answer: Testosterone

Testosterone affects both males and females. It encourages the body to make more protein and to grow.It comes from the testes in men and the adrenal glands in women.

8. Which bone in the body has the following features and characteristics: linea aspera, intercondylar notch and an anterior bow to its shaft?

From Quiz Lower Limb Anatomy

Answer: Femur

The femur, or thigh bone, forms part of both the hip and knees joints. The head of the femur forms the ball of the ball and socket joint of the hip and the distal condyles of the femur articulate with the tibia to form the knee joint.

9. What is the name of the triangular plate of bone which is located to the side and back of the chest wall?

From Quiz Upper Limb Anatomy

Answer: scapula

The scapula is more commonly known as the shoulder blade and has many important bony features from which muscles arise.

10. Where is the teres minor located?

From Quiz Mind Over Muscle

Answer: Upper back

The teres minor rotates the arm and brings the arm towards the body.

11. Arises in two slips from the anterior femur inferior to vastus intermedius and inserts in the apex of the suprapatellar bursa.

From Quiz Muscles in the Human Body

Answer: Articularis Genu

Articularis genu is a small muscle that retracts the suprapatellar bursa as the knee extends, it is supplied by the posterior division of the femoral nerve.

12. Which muscle has an origin of the spinous process of the second through fifth thoracic vertebrae and inserts at the medial border of the scapula from the spine to the inferior angle?

From Quiz Advanced Muscle Mania

Answer: Rhomboid Major

Action of this muscle is to retract and elevate the scapula.

13. Where on the human body can the vastus lateralis muscle be found?

From Quiz I Want Muscles

Answer: In the thigh

The vastus lateralis is one of the four muscles that make up the quadriceps muscles. They represent the outside of the thigh muscles. So if you have your arms at your sides standing up, your hands are along your vastus lateralii.

14. What type of structure is injured causing the pain of tennis elbow?

From Quiz Help! My Lateral Epicondyle is Inflamed

Answer: Tendon

The pain of tennis elbow occurs at the common extensor tendon that starts at the lateral epicondyle. In this situation, a person has overused the lateral extension of the elbow and will feel acute pain when the arm is fully extended. The lateral epicondyle is a small, tuberculated eminence, which is a curved piece of bone that allows for the attachment of this tendon and a ligament of the elbow joint. A tendon connects muscle to bone while a ligament connects bone to bone. Thanks to TAKROM for this question.

15. Muscles are connected to bones by:

From Quiz Muscles Are Our Movers And Shakers

Answer: Tendons

Tendons are made up of a lot of fibers. They are very stretchy and look like cords. The fibers run in the same direction, which makes them very strong.

16. What is the name given to the group of muscles found on the anterior aspect of the thigh?

From Quiz Lower Limb Anatomy

Answer: Quadriceps

The quadriceps consist of four muscles located on the front of the thigh. They are vastus lateralis, vastus medialus, vastus intermedius and rectus femoris. The primary function of the quadriceps is to extend the leg.

17. This muscle arises from the third, fourth and fifth ribs and is inserted into the coracoid process of the scapula.

From Quiz Upper Limb Anatomy

Answer: Pectoralis minor

When the pectoralis minor contracts, it draws the coracoid process of the scapula downwards and therefore depresses the shoulder. It can also aid in the process of respiration by raising the rib cage.

18. Arises on the outer surface of the ilium between the posterior and anterior gluteal lines and inserts on the posterolateral surface of the greater trochanter of the femur.

From Quiz Muscles in the Human Body

Answer: Gluteus Medius

It abducts and medially rotates the hip, used to tilt the pelvis during walking. Supplied by the superior gluteal nerve.

19. Which muscle has an origin of the superior two thirds of the dorsal surface of the axillary border of the scapula and inserts at the inferior aspect of the greater tuberacle of the humerus?

From Quiz Advanced Muscle Mania

Answer: Teres Minor

Action of this muscle is to laterally rotate the humerus at the shoulder and to stabilize the head of the humerus.

20. Where in the human body would you find the sternohyoid muscles?

From Quiz I Want Muscles

Answer: In the neck

The sternohyoid muscles are what connect the sternum (breastbone) to your hyoid bone (sometimes called the tongue-bone). The muscle anchors the hyoid in place as the bone is not connected directly to any other bone.

21. What is a strong connective tissue that attaches muscle to bone called?

From Quiz The Muscular System

Answer: Tendon

Tendon, also known as sinew, is stringy tissue that connects a bone to a muscle. Bones and tendons work together to help movement. The thickest tendon in your body is your Achilles' tendon which is located above your heel.

22. Once the neurotransmitters reach the sarcolemma (the membrane of the skeletal muscle), they bind to proteins which open as a response, allowing sodium ions to rush into the muscle fibre. What name is given to these proteins?

From Quiz What Makes You Twitch?

Answer: Ion channels

More specifically, these structures are ligand-gated ion channels, since their opening is dependent upon the attachment of two or more neurotransmitter molecules. For more information about plasma membrane proteins, please take my quiz, "How a Cell Communicates".

23. Arises from the anterior tubercles of the transverse processes of C3-6 and inserts into the anterior basilar occipital bone.

From Quiz Muscles in the Human Body

Answer: Longus Capitis

Longus capitis flexes the cervical spine and the atlanto-occipital joint. It is supplied by the anterior primary rami of C1 to C3.

24. Which muscle has an origin at the lower one half of the anterior surface of the humerus and inserts on the tuberosity and coronoid process of the ulna?

From Quiz Advanced Muscle Mania

Answer: Brachialis

Action of this muscle is to flex the forearm at the elbow.

25. Where in the human body would there be an extensor digitorum brevis muscle?

From Quiz I Want Muscles

Answer: In the foot

The extensor digitorum brevis muscles run along the top of your feet. They are directly in association with the tendons in your feet. This muscle works primarily with the middle three toes in each of your feet.

26. Approximately how many muscles are in the human body?

From Quiz The Muscular System

Answer: 600

There are approximately 640 muscles in your body. Most of the muscles in your body work in pairs. There are about 300 pairs of muscles in your body.

27. Some people have the capacity to wiggle their ears. Which muscles help a person perform this party trick?

From Quiz Muscle Tussle

Answer: Auriculares

Th auriculares muscles include the auricularis anterior, which can pull the ear up and forwards, the auricularis superior that raises the ears, and the auricularis posterior which has the capacity to pull the ear backwards. Ear wiggling is a vestigial trait which means it once played an important purpose but, through evolution, has become functionless in humans. Research suggests that somewhere between 10% and 20% of the population can wiggle their ears.

28. The entry of sodium ions (Na+) into the cell causes a small depolarization, which causes more sodium ions to enter, eventually leading to a full action potential at the sarcolemma. What is this an example of?

From Quiz What Makes You Twitch?

Answer: Positive feedback

The entry of Na+ ions via ligand-gated ion channels causes a small depolarization, which activates (and opens) voltage-gated ion channels. These channels are much more widespread and so lead to a large influx of sodium ions and, therefore, an action potential. Positive feedback is also seen in blood clotting - effects brought about by platelet aggregation initially act to encourage further aggregation.

29. What is the largest muscle in the human body?

From Quiz More Muscles

Answer: gluteus maximus

The gluteus maximus is located in your buttocks.

30. The lateral and medial pterygoid muscles arise from the lateral and medial pterygoid plates respectively. Which unpaired skull bone are these plates part of?

From Quiz Eat Up! - Muscles of Mastication

Answer: Sphenoid

The sphenoid bone sits at the base of the skull, and is shaped rather like a butterfly (it has greater and lesser wings). There is a pterygoid process on each side, each containing a lateral and medial pterygoid plate (four plates in total). This is where the pterygoid muscles arise. As well as being the origin of these muscles, the sphenoid bone also forms part of the orbit (eye socket).

This is category 5777
Last Updated Mar 29 2025 5:46 AM
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