12. There is a sleep disorder that involves a pause in breathing during sleep. Sometimes a person will stop breathing for several minutes at a time, and sometimes hundreds of times an hour! What potentially life-threatening disorder might this be?
From Quiz Suddenly Snoozin'
Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea can be very dangerous, because a patient will stop breathing for possibly several minutes at a time. The disorder also causes fatigue and other side effects because the person does not get enough rest at night.
Bruxism is the grinding or gnashing of the teeth. DSPS, or Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome, is a disorder where the person cannot sleep at regular times during the "night", but falls asleep on a regular basis, usually early in the morning, and gets just as much sleep as a normal person. Cataplexy, a rare disease, is when someone loses their muscle tone, and collapse to the floor.