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16 Mad Men quizzes and 160 Mad Men trivia questions.
  TV's "Mad Men" - The First Season   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
"Mad Men" earned sixteen Emmy nominations in its first season on the air. In case you haven't yet seen the show, here's an introduction. If you have seen it, you know how good it is. Hope you enjoy the quiz. May contain spoilers.
Easier, 10 Qns, robbieh, Dec 22 09
1038 plays
  The Women of "Mad Men"   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
How can you not love to watch a group of ladies who smoke and drink while they're pregnant, have liaisons on the office couch and have lit up their first cigarette by the 4th grade? These are the women of the Emmy-winning "Mad Men."
Average, 10 Qns, brewster76, Jul 06 13
864 plays
  "Mad Men" - Episode 1   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Step back 50 years into the dog-eat-dog world of a 1960s Madison Avenue. Coined by advertising executives in the 1950s, "Mad Men" is an Emmy-winning AMC drama series. Beware! Political correctness and sex discrimination were unknown at the time.
Average, 10 Qns, rblayer, Oct 13 14
710 plays
  "Mad Men" - Episode 3   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
In the episode "Marriage of Figaro" more is revealed about Don Draper's mysterious past and complex psyche.
Average, 10 Qns, rblayer, May 12 15
587 plays
  "Mad Men" - Episode 7   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
In the episode "Red in the Face" both Don and Betty Draper reveal a mean side to their characters.
Average, 10 Qns, rblayer, Mar 31 20
Mar 31 20
451 plays
  "Mad Men" - Episode 4   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The episode "New Amsterdam" reveals more about the private life of the conniving Pete Campbell.
Average, 10 Qns, rblayer, Dec 22 09
488 plays
  "Mad Men" - Episode 12    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
In "Nixon vs. Kennedy", American voters flock to the polls to decide their next president, while Don Draper has flashbacks to his military service during the Korean War.
Average, 10 Qns, rblayer, Apr 03 20
Apr 03 20
353 plays
  "Mad Men" - Episode 2   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
In the episode "Ladies Room", Don Draper is reluctant to discuss his mysterious past, while his wife Betty struggles with a strange new illness.
Average, 10 Qns, rblayer, Dec 22 09
492 plays
  "Mad Men" - Episode 5    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
In "5G", the sudden appearance of a man from Don Draper's mysterious past adds turmoil to his already hectic life.
Average, 10 Qns, rblayer, Dec 22 09
405 plays
  "Mad Men" - Episode 8    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
In "The Hobo Code" Don Draper has a revealing flashback to his boyhood on a farm.
Average, 10 Qns, rblayer, Dec 22 09
381 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What threat does a Draper neighbor make toward them?

From Quiz ""Mad Men" - Episode 9"

  "Mad Men" - Episode 13    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Season 1 of "Mad Men" ends with the episode "The Wheel" and a big surprise for Peggy and a brilliant ad idea by Don.
Average, 10 Qns, rblayer, Jun 21 10
373 plays
  "Mad Men" - Episode 11    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
In "Indian Summer", Peggy's creative skills are challenged by a strange new product, while Betty Draper encounters a handsome young man.
Average, 10 Qns, rblayer, May 13 10
328 plays
  "Mad Men" - Episode 9    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
In the episode "Shoot", much is learned about Betty Draper's past career and her present mothering abilities.
Average, 10 Qns, rblayer, Apr 30 10
343 plays
  "Mad Men" Episode 1 - "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes"   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This Emmy and Golden Globe show has burst onto the scene. Not bad for a "tiny little cable show," as they put it.
Average, 10 Qns, netterski, Dec 22 09
556 plays
  "Mad Men" - Episode 6    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
In "Babylon", an inner-office affair is revealed while Don Draper finds himself attracted to a beautiful female client.
Average, 10 Qns, rblayer, Dec 22 09
397 plays
  "Mad Men" - Episode 10    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
In "The Long Weekend", Don Draper reveals much about his mysterious past while the Sterling Cooper agency faces a potential crisis.
Tough, 10 Qns, rblayer, May 03 10
424 plays

Mad Men Trivia Questions

1. The episode begins with Pete Campbell sitting with his father-in-law, Tom. What does Tom suggest that Pete make his primary focus?

From Quiz
"Mad Men" - Episode 13

Answer: Having a child

Tom realizes that Pete did not get the promotion that he so badly wanted, and suggests to his son-in-law that he take his focus off of work. "The only family and business you should be mixing is the production of a child," Tom advises Pete.

2. The episode begins with Don Draper introducing the Mad Men to Herman Phillips, a candidate for the position as Head of Account Services. What is Phillips' nickname?

From Quiz "Mad Men" - Episode 12

Answer: Duck

After Don becomes a partner in the Sterling Cooper agency, there is a vacancy for Head of Account Services. "Duck" Phillips has been working for a large London advertising agency and desires to return to New York.

3. The episode begins with Don Draper's half-brother filling a shoe box with papers. What does Adam do after making arrangements to mail the package to Don?

From Quiz "Mad Men" - Episode 11

Answer: Hangs himself

While growing up, Adam idolized his older half brother Dick, and years later was elated to discover that he wasn't killed in the Korean War, but had assumed the identity of a dead soldier named Lt. Don Draper. Unfortunately for Adam, there was no place for him in Don's new life, and even $5000 cash could not heal the pain of his rejection.

4. As the episode opens, the head of a competing advertising agency approaches Don Draper and offers him a lucrative position. Where does this encounter take place?

From Quiz "Mad Men" - Episode 9

Answer: Theater

Jim Hobart flatters Don's past ad campaigns and inquires as to his interest in making an upward move in the professional world. Jim entices Don by saying, "If you were with me at McCann, you'd have over 500 people at your disposal. We can get a lot of things done."

5. The episode begins with two Sterling Cooper employees having office sex early one morning. Who is the romantic couple?

From Quiz "Mad Men" - Episode 8

Answer: Peggy and Pete

Pete and Peggy had unexpectedly found themselves alone at the agency one morning. They passionately make love on the sofa in Pete's office as a janitor notices the amorous silhouettes through the office window.

6. As the episode begins, Don Draper is speaking to his wife's psychiatrist on the telephone. How does the doctor characterize Betty's condition?

From Quiz "Mad Men" - Episode 7

Answer: Emotions of a child

Don remains curious about the progress of his wife's treatment and the subject matter of her discussions. Dr. Wayne advises him, "She seems consumed by petty jealousies and overwhelmed with every day activities."

7. The episode begins with Betty's widowed father arriving at the Draper home accompanied by his doting his new girlfriend, Gloria. With what animal does Betty compare Gloria?

From Quiz "Mad Men" - Episode 10

Answer: Vulture

Betty is still mourning the death of her mother, and asks her husband Don, "Was she waiting at the funeral unbuttoning her top button?"

8. As the episode begins, Don Draper is involved in what type of household accident?

From Quiz "Mad Men" - Episode 6

Answer: Fall on stairs

While carrying a breakfast tray with flowers, Don trips on a child's toy and falls down a half flight of stairs. Betty appreciates the Mother's Day gesture and is relieved that he is uninjured.

9. The episode begins with an intoxicated Don and Betty Draper returning home after celebrating Don's winning of an award. What is the name of the trophy?

From Quiz "Mad Men" - Episode 5

Answer: Newkie

After rollicking with Betty, Don awakens with a horrible hangover causing him to show up late for work. His secretary, Peggy, advises him that Pete Campbell had waited to congratulate him, but left claiming the award had gone to Don's head.

10. As the episode begins, what comedian is a group of junior executives listening to on a phonograph?

From Quiz "Mad Men" - Episode 4

Answer: Bob Newhart

The boys' raucous laughter is interrupted by the unexpected arrival of Pete Campbell's wife, Trudy, who has found what she believes to be the perfect apartment for the newlyweds.

11. As Don Draper flips through a copy of "Life Magazine", he notices a full page Volkswagen ad. What one word is printed under a black and white picture of the automobile?

From Quiz "Mad Men" - Episode 3

Answer: Lemon

Later, at the Sterling Cooper agency, executives discuss the German automobile manufacturer's reasoning for the strange car advertisement. As his co-workers debate the issue, Don interjects, "Love it or hate it, the fact is, we've been talking about it for the last 15 minutes."

12. The episode "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" opens with the main character Don Draper scribbling notes. Where is he?

From Quiz "Mad Men" - Episode 1

Answer: Bar

Don Draper, portrayed by actor Jon Hamm, is the Creative Director at the Sterling Cooper Advertising Agency. Amid the smoke and merriment of a classy New York bar, he sits alone, struggling to come up with a new idea for a cigarette company client.

13. The final scene presents a tableau of Don Draper, the family man. The song that plays over the credits is from which Broadway musical?

From Quiz "Mad Men" Episode 1 - "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes"

Answer: "My Fair Lady"

Series regular Robert Morse won a Tony Award for portraying J. Pierpont Finch in "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying."

14. Donald Draper is the leading "mad" man, handsome, mysterious and intriguing. The show begins in 1960, in Don's New York office, where he is a star. What is Don Draper's profession?

From Quiz TV's "Mad Men" - The First Season

Answer: Advertising executive

Draper is the Creative Director at Sterling Cooper--a top ad agency located on Manhattan's Madison Avenue. Hence the show's title--the ad men of that era referred to themselves as "mad" men. One immediately notices how different things were in the workplace in 1960. Everyone in the office smokes constantly, Don has a fully stocked bar in his office and he partakes freely (they all drink a shot of whiskey whenever they feel like it), and the women employees are treated with absolute disrespect. Jon Hamm plays Donald Draper, wonderfully.

15. What evidence does Betty Draper's friend Francine have to make her believe that her husband is having an affair?

From Quiz "Mad Men" - Episode 13

Answer: Phone bill

Francine's husband Carlton also sleeps two nights a week in the city at the Waldorf. When Francine calls a strange Manhattan telephone number that repeatedly appears on her phone bill, a woman answers, and her suspicions about her unfaithful husband are confirmed.

16. What is the stated purpose of a new pink lady's product being handled by the Mad Men?

From Quiz "Mad Men" - Episode 11

Answer: Weight loss

Shaped like a woman's panties with an electrical chord and control box, the Electrosizer is a new invention that is supposed to help women lose weight.

17. Who does the head of a rival ad agency think Betty Draper resembles?

From Quiz "Mad Men" - Episode 9

Answer: Grace Kelly

Although Betty is very Grace Kelly-ish, it soon becomes apparent that Jim Hobart is only using Betty to sway Don to leave Sterling Cooper.

18. One of the participants in a passionate office session sustains what damage to an article of clothing?

From Quiz "Mad Men" - Episode 8

Answer: Torn blouse

Pete and Peggy practically rip each other's clothes off after finding themselves alone one morning at Sterling Cooper. Pete's aggression results in tearing the collar to Peggy's blouse.

19. What is Roger Sterling having with milk when his partner Bertram Cooper drops into his office one morning?

From Quiz "Mad Men" - Episode 7

Answer: Vodka

Cooper reminds Roger that representatives from the Richard Nixon presidential campaign are coming to the office at the end of the week to discuss the agency's handling of their candidate. Roger replies, "The ones with the best products make the worst clients."

20. What Hollywood leading lady is discussed by Don and Betty discuss one evening while in bed?

From Quiz "Mad Men" - Episode 6

Answer: Joan Crawford

Betty is still grieving over the death of her mother, and comments to her husband that she aged better than Joan Crawford. After Don expresses his wish that she not be so melancholy, Betty advises him that her psychiatrist suggests that it is part of the mourning process.

21. Pete Campbell and Paul Kinsey are stunned to discover that a short story written by Ken Cosgrove has been published by what periodical?

From Quiz "Mad Men" - Episode 5

Answer: Atlantic Monthly

Not only has "Tapping a Maple on a Cold Vermont Morning" been published in the acclaimed magazine, but Ken brags that he has also written two novels. His two jealous friends are not at all happy with Ken's literary success.

22. Pete Campbell's new wife Trudy finds a Park Avenue apartment that she likes. What price does she think the sellers will take?

From Quiz "Mad Men" - Episode 4

Answer: $30,000

In the 21st Century, it might be difficult to find a Park Avenue apartment for less than a million dollars. "Mad Men" is set in the early 1960s and advertising hot-shot Pete Campbell earns $75 a week. He laments to Trudy that a year's salary wouldn't even make a down payment on a $30,000 apartment.

23. Who recognizes and speaks to Don Draper as he rides a train into the city?

From Quiz "Mad Men" - Episode 3

Answer: Old Army buddy

A man named Larry Krizinksy taps Don on the shoulder and greets him like a long lost brother. As Don nervously fidgets, Krizinksy rambles on about their army days. Interestingly, the man refers to Don Draper as Dick Whitman.

24. What brand of cigarettes does Don Draper smoke?

From Quiz "Mad Men" - Episode 1

Answer: Lucky Strike

In light of recent government regulations banning health claims in cigarette advertisements, Don is drawing a blank on coming up with an ad campaign for one of his big clients. To make matters worse, he is unable to get an Old Gold-smoking bus boy to consider switching brands to Lucky Strike.

25. According to the opening information, who coined the term "mad men?"

From Quiz "Mad Men" Episode 1 - "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes"

Answer: Advertising Executives

The opening credits continue with the graphic of a business man falling from a height as advertising images pass by. The sequence is an homage to the opening credits of the Hitchcock film "Vertigo."

26. What does Francine mention as a means of dealing with a cheating husband?

From Quiz "Mad Men" - Episode 13

Answer: Poison

Of course, Betty Draper cannot wait to get home and review her and Don's telephone bill.

27. After Don heads home on election day, what do the remaining office employees do?

From Quiz "Mad Men" - Episode 12

Answer: Party

As soon as the elevator doors close behind Don, the remaining group squeals with laughter as drinks are liberally served. A television set is wheeled out and the crowd applauds when a TV anchor reports that Senator Kennedy's odds for victory are 22 to 1.

28. Peggy is nominated to use her creative talents to test and write copy for a new women's product. What happens when she tries out the new invention?

From Quiz "Mad Men" - Episode 11

Answer: She becomes aroused

Peggy takes the Electrosizer home, and studies the product and its paperwork in her bedroom. She decides to try it out and is immediately sexually aroused by its vibrations. She quickly removes the supposed weight loss contraption.

29. With what potentially dangerous toy does Betty allow her children to play?

From Quiz "Mad Men" - Episode 9

Answer: BB gun

Toy safety advocates did not exist in the early 1960s. As Betty cleaned up after her kids, she picks up an air rifle as innocently as she did other playthings.

30. To which Mad Man does Lois, the new switchboard operator, have a romantic attraction?

From Quiz "Mad Men" - Episode 8

Answer: Sal

Lois Sadler becomes attracted to Sal after listening in on his conversations with his mother in Italian. She accidentally-on-purpose wanders into Sal's art department, then asks him for directions back to the switchboard. Lois departs with a casual, "Ciao ciao."

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