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Doctor Who  Series 1 Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
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Doctor Who - Series 1 Trivia

Doctor Who - Series 1 Trivia Quizzes

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9 quizzes and 95 trivia questions.
  "Doctor Who": Season 1, 2005.   top quiz  
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 10 Qns
This quiz contains questions based on season 1, 2005 of "Doctor Who". How well will you do? Enjoy!
Easier, 10 Qns, kipster0402, Oct 05 14
2514 plays
  "Doctor Who" Match-Up - Series 1 (2005)   popular trivia quiz  
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
"Doctor Who" kicked off its modern era in 2005 with Christopher Eccleston as the Ninth Doctor. Can you match these brief plot descriptions with the correct episode titles?
Average, 10 Qns, eburge, Mar 04 17
eburge gold member
938 plays
  "Doctor Who" - Series 1   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
In 2005, "Doctor Who" returned to BBC. With Christopher Eccleston as the Ninth Doctor and Billie Piper as his companion, Rose Tyler, new adventures awaited! Good luck!
Easier, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, May 25 22
kyleisalive editor
May 25 22
393 plays
  'Rose'   great trivia quiz  
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 10 Qns
Here is a quiz based on the first episode, 'Rose', of the 2005 series of 'Doctor Who'. How well do you remember our introduction to the ninth Doctor and his companion?
Easier, 10 Qns, junepearl, Oct 04 14
2114 plays
  Rose/The End of the World/The Unquiet Dead    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
"Rose", "The End of the World" and "The Unquiet Dead" are the first three episodes of the first series of "Doctor Who", which was revived in 2005 after a 9 year hiatus. This quiz focuses on these three episodes. Good luck!
Average, 15 Qns, eburge, Oct 04 14
eburge gold member
430 plays
  "Parting of the Ways"   popular trivia quiz  
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 10 Qns
A quiz on the 2005 finale of "Doctor Who".
Average, 10 Qns, catfriend539, Oct 04 14
1726 plays
  'Rose' (Part 1)    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
You may have watched the episode but did you really watch? This quiz is on the first 20 minutes of the episode.
Tough, 10 Qns, hrrypttrcrzy, Apr 03 20
Apr 03 20
2215 plays
  Season One: "Rose"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
A little quiz for you about the first episode of "Doctor Who" (season one), starring Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper.
Average, 10 Qns, waytodawn13, Oct 05 14
1168 plays
  The End of the World    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
In the year 5 billion, the Doctor and Rose are onboard an observation deck with the richest aliens in the universe, watching the Earth die. However, a saboteur is at work and the party starts to heat up...
Average, 10 Qns, angryllama, Jan 06 18
524 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What is the first thing that the Doctor says to Rose?

From Quiz "Season One: "Rose""

Doctor Who - Series 1 Trivia Questions

1. "Rose" - The Doctor meets Rose Tyler. This, of course, is which incarnation of The Doctor?

From Quiz
"Doctor Who" - Series 1

Answer: Ninth

Although this is never explicitly stated in the episode, this incarnation was preceded by eight other versions of The Doctor. This time, he meets Rose Tyler when he saves her from the Autons (also not named in the episode), controlled by the Nestene Consciousness underneath the streets below the London Eye. Of course, intrigued by the possible adventures through space and time, Rose decides to leave her life behind and hops into the TARDIS. The Autons, in this episode, took the form of plastic mannequins which came to life upon awakening. Certainly a bit unnerving and uncanny.

2. What is the name of the store that Rose works at?

From Quiz Season One: "Rose"

Answer: Henrik's

The shop name is seen in the beginning sequence of this episode, though it is never mentioned.

3. Who played the Doctor in all episodes of season 1, 2005?

From Quiz "Doctor Who": Season 1, 2005.

Answer: Christopher Eccleston

Christopher Eccleston is an English actor who has appeared in films and on television. He has featured in these successful films: "Gone in 60 Seconds", "28 Days Later", "G.I. Joe" and "G.I. Joe 2". He starred as the Doctor in 2005 and has since appeared in the television series "Heroes" as Claude.

4. The first five questions are about "Rose". What are the initials of Wilson, the head electrician of the Henrik's department store?

From Quiz Rose/The End of the World/The Unquiet Dead

Answer: H. P.

As Rose goes to leave the store for the day, the security guard hands her a bag of money, Wilson's lottery winning, for her to deliver to Wilson. When she exits the lift below the store, she goes to Wilson's door and tries to open it. His name, H. P. Wilson, can be seen on the door.

5. What time does Rose's alarm go off?

From Quiz 'Rose' (Part 1)

Answer: 7.30

The alarm clock face is the first thing we see in the flat. Rose was wearing a stripy top in bed and has red bed covers.

6. Rose and the Doctor materialize in the TARDIS onboard an observation deck, Platform One, during the year 5 billion. A steward and alien staff greet them and are easily fooled by the psychic paper. What is the colour of their skin?

From Quiz The End of the World

Answer: Blue

The steward reaches a horrible end after being incinerated when the sun filter descends. The staff survive and assist the guests who are still alive.

7. What does the Dalek Emperor call himself?

From Quiz "Parting of the Ways"

Answer: God of All Daleks

He managed to reconstruct his race, so he decides he's a god. Luckily, Rose proves him wrong.

8. Who is Rose looking for in the basement of the shop?

From Quiz Season One: "Rose"

Answer: Wilson

Wilson is the chief electrician of Henrick's, who is killed by the Autons.

9. What is the title of the first episode in season 1, 2005?

From Quiz "Doctor Who": Season 1, 2005.

Answer: "Rose"

"Rose" is the first episode. It is all about Rose, the character, how she meets the Doctor and how their relationship grows. Rose is taking some money to the chief electrician in the basement when she gets caught in a room full of window dummies which come alive! The Doctor rescues Rose and her curiosity towards him makes her want to find out exactly who he is. The pair of them end up saving the world from the 'living plastic' by tracking down the source of their power. The Doctor asks if Rose would like to travel with him and after a little persuasion she accepts his offer and the journey begins...

10. What colour is Mickey's car?

From Quiz Rose/The End of the World/The Unquiet Dead

Answer: Yellow

Rose goes to visit Clive, a man who knows things about the Doctor, after seeing his website, and Mickey takes her along in his yellow car. Mickey thinks he's a murderer, who preys on people over the internet. Rose points out that he can't be a murderer because he has a family. Mickey begrudgingly keeps an eye out.

11. Who is the chief electrician?

From Quiz 'Rose' (Part 1)

Answer: H.P. Wilson

He works in the basement and we never see him. He has a C.E.O. after his name.

12. What body part is ripped off one of the attacking mannequins when the Doctor and Rose get trapped in the lift?

From Quiz 'Rose'

Answer: arm

This arm is the cause of the forthcoming trouble for Rose. Bringing it home with her, she doesn't realize that it could still come alive. Having her boyfriend throw it out doesn't do much, as it sneaks its way back into her apartment. The result is not all bad, however, as it brings the Doctor back to her, and started the rest of the stories.

13. What does a Delta Wave do?

From Quiz "Parting of the Ways"

Answer: It fries your brain

The Doctor constructs a Delta Wave to kill the Daleks but never uses it, which is fortunate considering it would have killed everything on Earth as well.

14. "The Unquiet Dead" - The Doctor and Rose go back in time to 1869, inevitably meeting with what literary great?

From Quiz "Doctor Who" - Series 1

Answer: Charles Dickens & Dickens

Having headed far into the future, The Doctor decides to bring Rose back into the past, specifically Naples on Christmas Eve in 1860. He undershoots and they end up in Cardiff in 1869 where Charles Dickens has somehow made an appearance at the same time as what appears to be ghosts. The Doctor investigates and discovers that the ghosts are actually an alien race, The Gelth, seeking new bodies to rebuild their kind. When they use a local girl with psychic powers, Gwyneth, as a conduit, they inadvertently let loose an evil force and she's forced to blow them up, killing herself but saving the others. Dickens, of course, goes on and continues to be a literary figure as Rose and The Doctor depart in the TARDIS.

15. What is the first thing that the Doctor says to Rose?

From Quiz Season One: "Rose"

Answer: "Run!"

The Doctor later uses this bit of information to prove to Rose that he is still the Doctor after he regenerates in the "Doctor Who" Special, "Children in Need."

16. What is the Doctor's time machine called?

From Quiz "Doctor Who": Season 1, 2005.

Answer: The TARDIS

TARDIS stands for Time And Relative Dimension In Space. It is a time machine disguised as a police public call box. The Doctor can travel through time and space with this trusty machine, which is strangely bigger inside than outside. Rose first enters the TARDIS when running from the plastic Mickey. She's so shocked at the fact it's bigger on the inside she runs straight back out of it again!

17. What is hanging from the roof of Clive's shed, when he and Rose are inside?

From Quiz Rose/The End of the World/The Unquiet Dead

Answer: Bicycle

Rose searches the internet for information about the Doctor. When she types in 'Doctor Blue Box', she finds a page created by someone who wants to find out about the Doctor too. Clive is this person, and Rose goes to his house to meet with him. In his shed where he keeps his things, he shows Rose various pictures of the Doctor through the ages. A bicycle can be seen hanging from the ceiling.

18. What side of the corridor was the noise in the room on?

From Quiz 'Rose' (Part 1)

Answer: Right

Rose thought that it might be Wilson making the noise so she investigated.

19. The final entrant is Lady Cassandra O'Brien Dot Delta Seventeen, simply a flat piece of skin stretched over a metal frame and a brain jar. She has constant need for moisturization and is guarded by two surgeons. What does she claim to be?

From Quiz The End of the World

Answer: The last, pure human

Rose and Cassandra talk for a while about the importance of purity and Rose discovers that the other humans have become hybrids. Rose believes that Cassandra is wrong and purity is unimportant and they adapted, not mingled as Cassandra believes. Rose refers to Cassandra as "Michael Jackson" and "a trampoline".

20. What is the name of Rose's mother?

From Quiz 'Rose'

Answer: Jackie

Jackie seems the typical loving mother: wanting the best for her daughter, but not necessarily to keep her home all the time. She particularly wants the best for her daughter in terms of receiving compensation for being almost blown up!

21. What is written on the pavement which helps Rose to figure out how to save the Doctor's life?

From Quiz "Parting of the Ways"

Answer: bad wolf

The words "Bad Wolf" have been appearing all over the place before in the series. At the end of this episode you find out that Rose herself put them there.

22. "Aliens of London"/"World War Three" - In this two-part story, The Doctor and Rose return to London and battle the Slitheen, a race which invades and takes over which location during their stay?

From Quiz "Doctor Who" - Series 1

Answer: 10 Downing Street

The Doctor and Rose return to London one year after their original departure to find that Rose has been declared missing by her mother. Of course, this goes a bit by the wayside when a UFO crash-lands, flying through Big Ben and landing in the Thames. As it turns out later on, the crash was orchestrated by the Slitheen in an attempt to invade 10 Downing Street, get access codes to nuclear weapons, kill off mankind, and sell the world's resources to the highest bidders. The Doctor manages to determine that they can be killed with vinegar before allowing a missile to crash into the Downing Street Residence. The Slitheen are defeated while the heroes survive in a safe shelter. Of course, they can't stay for long; Rose wishes her mother and boyfriend goodbye before they fly off again.

23. When is the TARDIS first seen in this episode?

From Quiz Season One: "Rose"

Answer: Rose runs past it after the Doctor blows up the shop

After Rose sees the explosion, she runs down the road, where you can see the TARDIS tucked nicely in a gap between the buildings.

24. In "The End of the World" who, apart from Rose, is the last pure human?

From Quiz "Doctor Who": Season 1, 2005.

Answer: Cassandra

Lady Cassandra O'Brien Dot Delta Seventeen is introduced to Rose on satellite 5 amongst other aliens. She is the only remaining 'pure' human being, although she doesn't resemble what Rose would call a human at all! She consists of a flattened flap of skin, some eyes, a mouth and a brain and heart bottled underneath her! Cassandra seems friendly but turns out to be plotting against every alien on board satellite 5, can the Doctor save them?

25. The Nestene Consciousness is beneath which major London landmark?

From Quiz Rose/The End of the World/The Unquiet Dead

Answer: London Eye

The Doctor notes that there must be a huge transmitter right in the middle of London that controls the Autons. He can't figure out what the transmitter could be, but Rose does. She stares at the London Eye, and it takes the Doctor a few moments to realise, uttering his catchphrase, "Fantastic!".

26. Who does Rose think is messing around?

From Quiz 'Rose' (Part 1)

Answer: Derek and students

Rose asks the plastic dummies if it was Derek's idea, then, when she's in the lift, she says it was probably students to get that many people dressed up in costumes.

27. Rose is overwhelmed by the situation and goes to sit in an observation suite. She meets Raffalo, yet another blue skinned alien who is working for Platform One. What is her occupation?

From Quiz The End of the World

Answer: Plumber

Raffalo is from the planet Crespallion and is trying to fix the Face of Boe's suite. She discovers a group of robot spiders in the ventilation ducts and is pulled in and killed.

28. What can be controlled by the Nestene Consciousness?

From Quiz 'Rose'

Answer: plastic

The Nestene Consciousness, when finally located at the end of the episode, appears to be a giant blob of orange goo. The Doctor, with his seemingly characteristic trust, tries to reason with the Consciousness before it has its plastic henchmen attack him. However, with Rose to save the day, it all turns out all right in the end.

29. "Dalek" - In Utah in 2012, The Doctor discovers a museum of odd, alien artifacts. Who accidentally regenerates a Dalek, unleashing it on the people in the facility?

From Quiz "Doctor Who" - Series 1

Answer: Rose Tyler

The Doctor, upon arriving in this facility (run by a collector of alien artifacts, Henry van Statten), is taken captive and forced to come face to face with one of his mortal enemies, a Dalek, the last of its kind. While The Doctor is taken off to be examined (and tortured), Rose is let in to the Dalek and she unknowingly touches it, regenerating its powers and allowing it to escape its chains, going on a rampage through the museum. Fortunately, Rose also imbued the alien soldier with the power to feel, causing it to destroy itself before it could escape the compound. Upon leaving, The Doctor allowed techie Adam Mitchell to join them in the TARDIS. After all, he was kind of out of a job...

30. What is Rose drinking when Mickey arrives?

From Quiz Season One: "Rose"

Answer: Tea

After Mickey sees that Rose is drinking tea, he wants to take her down to the pub for a "proper drink."

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