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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Trivia Quizzes

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10 quizzes and 110 trivia questions.
  Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
This should be a fairly easy quiz over the beginning of "Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team" for the Nintendo DS. Hope you do well and enjoy!
Average, 20 Qns, SandK, Apr 23 07
2027 plays
  Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2 and 3   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Do you know much about "Pokemon Mystery Dungeon"? Can you fly? Can you pass this quiz? By the way, the video games this quiz is about are: "Pokemon Mystery Dungeons: Explorers of Time", "Explorers of Darkness", and "Explorers of Sky".
Average, 10 Qns, farage5, Jan 28 10
309 plays
  Mystery Dungeon Explorers   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
If you are or have beaten "Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky" (DS), this quiz is for you!
Average, 10 Qns, Lifewing431, Dec 31 09
403 plays
  Pokemon Mystery Dungeon   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
In a departing style from the other games in the series, you actually play as a Pokemon. This quiz will determine your knowledge of "Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red and Blue Rescue Team" versions for Nintendo DS and GBA.
Tough, 10 Qns, jrrymaury, Aug 22 07
1885 plays
  Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a quiz about the plot in "Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness" (or "Time") on the Nintendo DS.
Average, 10 Qns, Qtlink_Hawk, Oct 24 11
237 plays
  Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue Team   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is about "Pokemon Mystery Dungeon; Blue Rescue Team". This quiz goes past game completion. If you haven't beaten the Sky Tower Dungeon, I suggest you don't try this quiz. This game is on the Nintendo DS and was made in 2006.
Average, 10 Qns, laptops999, May 27 12
186 plays
  Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky [1]   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Released December 2009, "Explorers of Sky" is an exciting Pokemon game for the Nintendo DS. I am making several parts to this quiz - this first part will be from the start to the Drowzee battle. Enjoy!
Average, 10 Qns, DemonicBacon, Sep 27 10
269 plays
  About Both "Pokemon Mystery Dungeon" Plots    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is about both "Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky" and "Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red/Blue Rescue Team" These games are for DS, except for "Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team", which is for GBA.
Average, 10 Qns, 1cityofember, Dec 08 09
309 plays
  Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is about "Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity" on the 3DS game system. WARNING! Includes spoilers.
Average, 10 Qns, iwishyes44, Dec 17 13
144 plays
  Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Questions on "Explorers Of Sky" for the Nintendo DS.
Average, 10 Qns, ShafieeK, Dec 29 11
198 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What is Dialga called in the future?

From Quiz "Mystery Dungeon Explorers"

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Trivia Questions

1. The five starter Pokemon you can choose from are Pikachu, Tepig, Oshawott, Snivy, and who?

From Quiz
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity

Answer: Axew

(Spoiler Alert!) You have to fight Gurdurr, and he eventually helps you build Paradise. Victini comes in later in the game with the "V-Wave".

2. What is the wing that Spinda originally gives you, that you have to take to Xatu to check it out?

From Quiz Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue Team

Answer: Clear Wing

When you give this wing to Xatu, he grants you access to Fiery Field. When you get to the 30th, and final floor here, you fight Entei. If you win, then Entei will turn your clear wing into the red wing, and grants you access to Thunder Meadow. When you get to the 30th and final floor in this dungeon, you will fight Raikou. If you win, Raikou turns your red wing into the sunset wing, and grants you access to North Wind Field. When you reach the 30th and final floor, you battle Suicune. If you win, Suicune turns your sunset wing into a rainbow wing, and grants you access to Mt. Faraway. When you reach the 40th and final floor of this dungeon you fight Ho-Oh. After defeating Ho-Oh, you are automatically transported back to your team base.

3. What is the third "Special Episode" that is unlocked in the game?

From Quiz Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky

Answer: Today's Oh My Gosh!

"Igglybuff The Prodigy" is the second special episode. "Here Comes Team Charm" is the fourth, and "Sunflora's Oh My Gosh" is just made up.

4. In "Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red/Blue Rescue Team", what is the reason for your battle against Rayquaza?

From Quiz About Both "Pokemon Mystery Dungeon" Plots

Answer: You want Rayquaza to destroy the meteor.

You have to trek up 25 hard floors of strong Pokemon. At the top you meet Rayquaza. It doesn't listen to reason (no boss ever does) so you have to battle him. Once you defeat him, Rayquaza happily destroy the meteor. That is, after you have to battle him about 20 times! He's very strong.

5. When you click 'new game', how does it tell you what Pokemon you are?

From Quiz Mystery Dungeon Explorers

Answer: You take a quiz

Remember, When you are going to pick your partner, it cannot be the same type as your partner! The questions that they ask are supposed to be answered truthfully!

6. What is your partner Pokemon doing at the beginning of the game?

From Quiz Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness

Answer: Watching the sunset

While you are lying unconscious a few feet away on the same beach, your future partner is watching a beautiful sunset. He admires the bubbles floating around the screen that are coming from the Krabby on the beach. Soon he will walk over and notice you, signaling the start of the game.

7. How many kinds of Pokemon can you battle in the game's first dungeon?

From Quiz Pokemon Mystery Dungeon

Answer: Four

Pidgey, Wurmple, and Sunkern appear on all three floors of Tiny Woods. Exeggcute appears only on the third floor.

8. "Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team," always starts with a questionnaire to find out what Pokemon you are. What is the last question you are asked before your Pokemon is determined?

From Quiz Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team

Answer: Are you a boy or a girl?

All of these questions except "What Pokemon would you like to be," are asked. There are also bizarre questions like, "If a hand reached out of a toilet, what would you do?" These questions are asked to determine your type (i.e. hardy, docile, etc.) and that determines what Pokemon you'll be.

9. What Pokemon helps you build Music Paradise?

From Quiz Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity

Answer: Meloetta

She mysteriously appears late in the game, in a random place in Paradise. You need many supplies to make it.

10. What Pokemon gave Bidoof a map showing the location of "Star Cave" in the special episode "Bidoof's Wish"?

From Quiz Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky

Answer: Snover

He gave it to Bidoof assuming that Gligar and Bagon are chasing him for the map. But it turned out that Snover plotted a trap along with Gligar and Bagon.

11. When you wash up on the beach near Treasure Town, another Pokemon comes to the beach and discovers you unconscious. As they are talking to you, two Pokemon sneak up behind them and take their prized treasure. What was this treasure?

From Quiz Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky [1]

Answer: Relic Fragment

The Defend Globe is the personal treasure of Wigglytuff, the master of Wigglytuff's guild; the Water Float belongs to Azurill, who you meet in Treasure Town; and the Star Map belongs to Team Rogue, who you meet in the special episode Bidoof's Wish.

12. What was your partner's special item called?

From Quiz Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2 and 3

Answer: The Relic Fragment

It says it when you and your partners meet. It's also the rock thing that Zubat and Koffing stole. It is very important to your partner. Spoiler (Read only if you have finished the game or at least half of it): The Relic Fragment is used to call Lapras later in the game. The Lapras will take you to a dungeon.

13. What is your partner's most treasured possession?

From Quiz Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness

Answer: An ancient relic fragment

After your partner and yourself get acquainted, some shady Pokemon (Koffing and Zubat) steal your partner's most prized possession: the Relic Fragment. Soon after you catch the thieves, they hand it back over and you take it back with you. Later the Relic Fragment holds a key part in the storyline.

14. There is one major plot twist in the game- the good guy was the bad guy and vice versa! Who was the real good guy, and who was the fake?

From Quiz Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity

Answer: Hydregion - real, Munna - fake

Munna takes over Hydregion's voice, but Munna ends up being both good and bad, as she saves your life in Great Glacier. Hydregion is meant to be the Voice of Life.

15. How many available dungeons are there without the use of a Wi-Fi event?

From Quiz Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue Team

Answer: Thirty-nine

Four of this dungeons are available only with the use of a Wi-Fi event. These dungeons are Oddity Cave, Remains Island, Marvelous Sea, and Fantasy Strait.

16. What move did the Sableyes use in the future to kill Grovyle, you, and your partner when all of you were tied to the pillars?

From Quiz Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky

Answer: Fury Swipes

Sableyes don't learn Razor Leaf. But Grovyle, you, and your partner managed to escape right after they cut off the rope.

17. What is the name of the new special missions in "Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky"?

From Quiz Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2 and 3

Answer: Episodes

There are five Episodes in the game. The first one starts after you complete chapter 3 in the game. The last one is the only one you get to play after the game is over.

18. This question is about "Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red/Blue Rescue Team". In order, what are the three bird Pokemon you fight?

From Quiz About Both "Pokemon Mystery Dungeon" Plots

Answer: Zapdos, Moltres, Articuno

You meet Zapdos before you are run out of town, when you are saving Shiftry. Then you meet Moltres and Articuno when you are running.

19. Who is the Guildmaster at the Guild when you join it?

From Quiz Mystery Dungeon Explorers

Answer: Wigglytuff

Team Skull wrongly thinks this awesome Pokemon is a wimp, as we see later when they are found lying on the ground. They are found by Crawdaunt.

20. Who is your first client?

From Quiz Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness

Answer: Spoink

Your first job comes from Spoink. You must find it's pearl deep in Drenched Bluff. You save Azurill next, and Manaphy is Post Ending.

21. Who do you meet at the peak of Mt. Blaze?

From Quiz Pokemon Mystery Dungeon

Answer: Moltres

You meet and battle Moltres while fleeing for your lives from other rescue teams who believe that you have been causing natural disasters. Charizard is a member of Alakazam's rescue team, and Entei and Ho-oh are found later on.

22. Shortly after a conversation, a Pokemon comes along and asks for your help, because their baby fell into a dungeon from a fissure. What is the name of the Pokemon that asks for your help?

From Quiz Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team

Answer: Butterfree

You will also eventually help Jumpluff and Dugtrio in your adventures. Butterfree's baby is obviously a Caterpie but when Buttefree tried to help it wild Pokemon attacked it. Therefore, it's up to you and your partner to go down and rescue the scared Caterpie.

23. The Paradise ranks go Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, what?

From Quiz Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity

Answer: Diamond

It takes over 3,000 Paradise Points to get above Diamond. After that, you get to go to Super.

24. What is the only way you can obtain the Pokemon Jirachi?

From Quiz Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue Team

Answer: Defeat Wish Cave, then ask for it to join your team after having friend area Moon Gaze Mountain.

Wish cave is a dungeon that has 99 floors, and temporarily reduces your level to level 1. Other dungeons that have this effect are Purity Forest, and Joyous Tower.

25. After signing into Wigglytuff's guild, you are given your first assignment, which is to rescue a lost pearl for someone in a mystery dungeon called Drenched Bluff. Who are you rescuing this pearl for?

From Quiz Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky [1]

Answer: Spoink

Spoink was exploring Drenched Bluff one day when his pearl fell from atop his head. In his poster he says that he feels very uncomfortable about it not being on top of his head and that he wants someone to rescue it right away.

26. Which two Pokemon replaced the Luxio and Luxray group in "Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky?"

From Quiz Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2 and 3

Answer: Electrike and Manectric

As Bulapedia said: "This is possibly due to one of the starter and partner choices in this game being Shinx." Electrike and Manectric might either be a random selection, or GameFreak feels that they don't get much appreciation.

27. Where do you and your partner (only) go on your first real exploration?

From Quiz Mystery Dungeon Explorers

Answer: Waterfall Cave

This is the part when your partner is scared of jumping into the waterfall, but then agrees after she/he sees you. You find at the end of the cave a jewel that, when pushed, makes a stream of water carry you to the Hot Springs.

28. What must you bring back from Apple Woods for Wigglytuff?

From Quiz Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness

Answer: A Perfect Apple

Wigglytuff seems to be out of his favorite food: Perfect Apples. So now you must go deep in Apple Woods to recover one. You get tricked out of the apple by Skuntank, Koffing, and Zubat.

29. Rayquaza is the last Pokemon you fight in the game's main portion. What is the Pokemon you fight directly before Rayquaza?

From Quiz Pokemon Mystery Dungeon

Answer: depends on your movements

Rayquaza is on floor 34 of Sky Tower. Metagross and Slamence are found on floors 26-33, along with a slew of others. Depending on how you move and what the game randomly puts on the floors, you are likely going to face one of six kinds of Pokemon that can appear on the floors before Rayquaza. Groudon is the boss before Rayquaza, appearing in Magma Cavern.

30. On your first rescue mission, before actually becoming an official rescue team, you and your partner have to go to what dungeon?

From Quiz Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team

Answer: Tiny Woods

Tiny Woods, like its name implies, is a very small dungeon. You will fight through Pokemon such as Wurmples and Pidgeys on your quest to rescue the lost Caterpie. Other dungeons you'll encounter are Thunderwave Cave and Mt. Steel to name a few.

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