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6 Phantasmagoria quizzes and 85 Phantasmagoria trivia questions.
  "Phantasmagoria 2" Part 3    
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More questions about the controversial FMV computer game from 1996.
Tough, 15 Qns, cbingham, Jun 21 17
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This quiz is all about the Sierra On-line game that was created for DOS and Windows 95.
Tough, 10 Qns, Ravenloft, Jun 21 17
Ravenloft gold member
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  Phantasmagoria 2    
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 15 Qns
These questions are about the controversial FMV computer game from 1996.
Difficult, 15 Qns, cbingham, Jun 21 17
69 plays
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These questions are about the controversial FMV computer game from 1995.
Tough, 15 Qns, cbingham, Jun 21 17
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  "Phantasmagoria" Part 2    
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More questions about the controversial FMV computer game from 1995.
Tough, 15 Qns, cbingham, Jun 21 17
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  "Phantasmagoria 2" Part 2    
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More questions about the controversial FMV computer game from 1996.
Difficult, 15 Qns, cbingham, Jun 21 17
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What does Malcolm tell Adrienne about Carno when she first visits him?

From Quiz "Phantasmagoria"

Phantasmagoria Trivia Questions

1. Who sends Curtis a letter in chapter 4?

From Quiz
"Phantasmagoria 2" Part 3

Answer: Therese

Therese, who had sent letters to Curtis in chapter 1 and chapter 2, sends him another letter in chapter 4 that says "Meet me at the borderline tonight. This time we'll go full circle." Curtis and Therese do meet at the borderline for one last dominatrix sex scene before she gets murdered.

2. Curtis' mother threw what kind of object at him?

From Quiz "Phantasmagoria 2" Part 2

Answer: Snow globe

When Curtis notices the snow globe in his therapist's office, it reminds him of the time his mother threw a snow globe at him. Curtis says that he thinks all the tiny pieces in the snow globe must have represented what his mother's mind looked like.

3. Where does the introduction take place?

From Quiz Phantasmagoria 2

Answer: Asylum

The game begins with a bunch of doctors wheeling one of their patients, who is revealed to be our protagonist Curtis Craig, into a room with electro-shock tools. Dr. Marek says "Curtis, you are having a psychotic episode. We will help you." They "help" him by giving him some sort of electric shock.

4. Who is buried in Carno's tomb?

From Quiz "Phantasmagoria" Part 2

Answer: Gaston

Gaston was the man whom Marie cheated on his husband with. When Carno awoke from the come that Gaston and Marie put him in, He was heavily mutilated. He got revenge on Gaston by mutilating him to the point where Gaston would eventually die. But before Gaston died, he finished off Carno. Gaston and Marie both lay dead together on the floor in the theater. Carno went to the secret passage trying to get to his secret chamber, but he collapsed and died before he made it. When people found the bodies of Gaston and Marie, Gaston was so mutilated that everybody thought he was Carno. Only Malcolm knew the truth, but he didn't tell anyone. He just let the people think what they wanted to think. So they put Gaston in a tomb next to Marie's tomb, and they wrote "Zoltan Carnovasch" on the tomb. After Carno died, Malcolm dragged his body to the secret chamber. That's where he lies. Adrienne sees his body at the end of the game.

5. What is Adrienne's last name?

From Quiz Phantasmagoria

Answer: Delaney

Our protagonist is Adrienne Delaney. Her husband is Donald Gordon. Why they have different last names is never explained. That, combined with the subpar acting, makes you wonder if Adrienne and Don ever really loved each other.

6. "Phantasmagoria" tells the story of Adrienne Delaney and her husband, Donald "Don" Gordon. They have just moved into the mansion of Zoltan Carnovasch, who was a famous magician and escape artist. What are Adrienne and Don's occupations?

From Quiz "Phantasmagoria"

Answer: Adrienne is an author and Don is a professional photographer.

While exploring the enormous mansion, Don discovers a room that he thinks would make a perfect darkroom. This darkroom will become very important near the end of the game.

7. Who comes to Curtis's house in chapter 4?

From Quiz "Phantasmagoria 2" Part 3

Answer: Jocilyn

Jocilyn feels really sad after the murder of her good boss (who wouldn't?), so she goes to Curtis's house hoping that sex with her boyfriend will help her feel better. Unfortunately, when Curtis takes off his shirt, Jocilyn sees the whip marks on his chest. She knows what that means, and of course it only makes her feels even worse. To make matters even worse, when she storms out of Curtis's house, she leaves her hairpin behind. Curtis makes good use of it.

8. How did Curtis's mother die?

From Quiz "Phantasmagoria 2" Part 2

Answer: She committed suicide

As a boy, Curtis saw his mother hang herself from her ceiling fan. Curtis keeps having hallucinations that tell him that he drove his mother to insanity and then to suicide.

9. According to Harriet's tarot reading, Adrienne is what?

From Quiz "Phantasmagoria" Part 2

Answer: The Fool

"The Fool" aptly describes Adrienne. No matter how many warning signs she gets about the house and about her husband, she just can't figure out what's going on and how serious this is. Harriet's tarot reading is just another warning Adrienne doesn't take seriously.

10. What is the name of the estate that Adrienne and Don just moved into?

From Quiz Phantasmagoria

Answer: Carnovasch

Don was lured in by the massive size and beauty of the mansion. The fact that it was cheap sealed the deal. Unfortunately, it never occurred to Don that it might be a good idea to find out why such a huge mansion was so cheap, or why it was even available.

11. Near the very beginning of "Phantasmagoria", Adrienne is going through a box and pulls out a Christmas tree ornament. What is the ornament in the shape of?

From Quiz "Phantasmagoria"

Answer: A snowman

Don gave it to her on the Christmas Eve he proposed to her, although he jokes she proposed to him. Like all of the objects Adrienne collects throughout the game, that snowman will become very important to her in the final chapter.

12. Chapter four is the first part of the game where Curtis can do what?

From Quiz "Phantasmagoria 2" Part 3

Answer: Die

Chapter four is the first part of the game where Curtis can enter the basement of Wyntech, the source of all the evil in this game. He gets there with the help of Trevor, who breaks into the Wyntech network at home and discovers the password for raising the security clearance, and Jocilyn, who accidently leaves her hairpain at Curtis's house, giving Curtis a lock pick to break into Paul Warner's office. In Paul Warner's office, Curtis finds some documents with passwords. He also finds an e-mail from Trevor to him with the password for raising the clearance. He then raises his clearance enough to go into the basement. However, for some reason he doesn't give himself top clearance. So if he attempts to use his ID card to go into the top secret room in the basement, an alarm will go off and Curtis will be surrounded by a bunch of people, including Dr. Marek. Dr. Marek will say "Come along Curtis, we kept your room exactly as you left it." After that, exactly what happens is left up to your interpretation. Either he commits suicide rather than go back to the asylum (which is what he told the therapist he'd do) or his body and mind get taken over by the Hecatomb while he's in the asylum. This surprised me at first because in "Phantasmagoria 1", you can't die until the final chapter. It was a surprise to be able to die before the final chapter in "Phantasmagoria 2".

13. When Curtis asks his rat what's going on, what does he hear?

From Quiz "Phantasmagoria 2" Part 2

Answer: "Isn't it obvious? You're a psycho killer!"

This is one of many hallucinations Curtis has throughout the game. The source of the hallucinations is revealed later in the game.

14. Why is Curtis late for work on day 1?

From Quiz Phantasmagoria 2

Answer: He misplaced his wallet

Curtis's wallet got under his couch, so he got his rat out of its cage and he made it fetch his wallet. He used a granola bar to lure the rat out from under the couch. The rat then returned with Curtis's wallet. Why Curtis couldn't just move the couch, no one knows. This is considered one of the worst puzzles in all of adventure games. At work, Curtis tells people that the reason he was late is because his rat stole his wallet. Unsurprisingly, no one believed him.

15. When the hintkeeper says "Someone has seen everything on this island," who is he talking about?

From Quiz "Phantasmagoria" Part 2

Answer: Cyrus

Cyrus is a hunter, so he explores everything he can. The trail is washed out, leaving a big gap between the mansion and the greenhouse. Cyrus jumps over the gap, but Adrienne is not strong enough to do so. Cyrus fixes the trail by pushing over a nearby tree. Cyrus tells Adrienne that his mother always tells him that he has more muscles than brains. Adrienne says "Your mother was right," although she isn't all that bright herself.

16. What does Don do for a living?

From Quiz Phantasmagoria

Answer: Photographer

Don takes pictures for magazines. He turned the bathroom on the middle floor into a photo lab. But, thing went askew in that photo lab because of Adrienne.

17. Unknown to Adrienne or Don, Zoltan Carnovasch dabbled in the dark arts and summoned a demon that possessed him and caused him to kill his wives and his daughter. What was the name of his final wife?

From Quiz "Phantasmagoria"

Answer: Marie

His first wife's name was Hortencia and his daughter was named Sofia. Marie was having an affair with Carnovasch's assistant, Gaston. Throughout the game, Adrienne is haunted by graphic visions of the murders as they take place. If you're the squeamish type, you can block out the videos of the murders.

18. Detective Powell thinks who is committing the murders?

From Quiz "Phantasmagoria 2" Part 3

Answer: Curtis

The reasons Detective Powell has Curtis as her main suspect: 1. Bob was murdered in Curtis's office 2. Curtis admitted that he didn't like Bob 3. Therese's murder happened in the bathroom at the borderline, less than an hour after she and Curtis had sex (multiple witnesses said that to Detective Powell) 4. Curtis has hallucinations at the wrong time. Officer Powell berates Curtis because based on these things, she is really sure that Curtis is doing the murders. She doesn't arrest him only because she has no evidence. Curtis tells her that he believes Paul Warner is committing the murders. Although she has reason to believe him (she knows that Paul Warner destroyed evidence), she doesn't. At least she never arrests the wrong man, but then she never arrests the right man either. The cop in the therapist's office also thinks Curtis is the murderer. At least that's understandable because when the cop walks in the office, he sees Curtis next to the therapist's dead body, and Curtis has another badly-timed hallucination and the cop hears him say "Get him! Get that thing!" but the cops sees nothing there. So the cop, terrified for his life, holds a gun to Curtis's chest. It's up to the player to do the right thing and escape or get shot.

19. Who does Curtis have sex with at the end of chapter two?

From Quiz "Phantasmagoria 2" Part 2

Answer: Therese

In chapter 2, you quickly learn that Therese is the toughest person in the office. She was less affected by Bob's murder than Trevor, Tom, or Jocilyn. Therese praised Curtis for handling the murder well, and invites him to a club. Curtis had a girlfriend, but on this day, Therese was nicer to Curtis than Jocilyn was, so Curtis felt like hanging out with Therese. When he gets to the club, he learns that it's an S & M club and Therese is a dominatrix. Curtis isn't sure how he feels about it since he's never been to the place before, but he does everything Therese tells him. He drinks an alcoholic beverage of some sort, gets his navel pierced, and has sex with Therese in the bathroom. Cheating on people is a thing in "Phantasmagoria" games. In these games, however, cheating is as justifiable as it will ever be, since Marie's husband was a murderer and Curtis's and Jocilyn's relationship was an open one.

20. What does Adrienne learn when she is on the greenhouse side of the chasm?

From Quiz "Phantasmagoria" Part 2

Answer: There's another room near the tower room

There is a clearly fake wall near the tower bedroom. Adrienne does not know it's fake. In order for her to realize it's fake, she has to cross a washed-out trail and get far from her house and find a telescope that for some reason is pointed at her house. The telescope reveals another window by the tower room. That is what tips her off about the fake wall, even though it'd be obvious to most people. Even more amazingly, this is the only reason you have to cross the chasm. Witnessing the dead body and the murder in the greenhouse is optional.

21. What was the name of Adrienne's most recent book at the time of the events of this game?

From Quiz Phantasmagoria

Answer: Blue Moon Rising

The realtor, Bob Thompkins, has never read this book. Lou Ann is a huge fan of the book and even asks for Adrienne's autograph. "Bad Moon Rising" is a song by Creedance Clearwater Revival Coping With Loss is the name of the book she wrote after the events of this game conclude. We learn about it in "Phantasmagoria 2".

22. While exploring the house, Adrienne discovers a hidden altar Carnovasch had built to practice his black magic and unknowingly releases the demon that possessed him. The demon ignores her and goes after Don. Where is Don when he is attacked?

From Quiz "Phantasmagoria"

Answer: Trying to fix a clogged drain.

Chapter one ends shortly after the attack. The next morning, Don is very cross and rude with Adrienne. It becomes apparant that the demon has now possessed Don!

23. In chapter 3, Curtis gets a letter regarding who?

From Quiz "Phantasmagoria 2" Part 2

Answer: Adrienne

Curtis gets a letter from a book publisher talking about Adrienne Delaney's newest book "Coping With Loss." Curtis simply responds by saying "She's pretty." This is the only reference to "Phantasmagoria 1" in this game aside from Harriet's actress returning. Coping with loss is certainly something Adrienne had to do after the events of that game.

24. Who sent Curtis a risqué postcard?

From Quiz Phantasmagoria 2

Answer: Therese

This is one things get interesting. Jocilyn is Curtis's girlfriend. Curtis thinks Jocilyn sent him the postcard. However, if you show the postcard to Jocilyn, she will unhappily say "Curtis, I didn't send you this." Curtis, taken aback, will then say that Trevor sent him this postcard as a joke. Whether or not Curtis really believes this is unknown. When Curtis shows it to Therese, she reveals that she is the one who sent it. Therese then begins hitting on Curtis, knowing but not caring that Curtis has a girlfriend.

25. What does Adrienne do at the end of chapter 1?

From Quiz Phantasmagoria

Answer: Release a demon

Adrienne explores her house. When she finds locked doors, she goes to town and asks the realtor for all the missing keys. The realtor says that he gave her husband everything he had, but if she didn't believe her she can look for herself. Adrienne does so and finds a key. The realtor shrugs it off and says "So sue me!" Adrienne explores what's behind the locked doors. She finds a flyer advertising Carno's "Phantasmagoria" show, she finds a letter opener disguised as a black onyx figurine, and she finds a letter from Carno to a man who has a book that Carno is interested in. Adrienne finds a chapel hidden behind a fireplace. She uses the letter opener to remove the bricks (why she doesn't use the hammer is beyond me). She finds a very large book with Carno's family tree on top of a box. Then she hears a "Clink!" Part. One of the hinges on the box fell on the floor. She opens the box and a demon escapes and goes for her husband. Adrienne hears an "OW!" She rushes to her husband for help. She asks her husband what happened. Don thinks the lamp fell on top of him. Don says he's okay. In the chapter 1 ending video, it seems like that might be true. After that, it becomes clear the Don is NOT okay. Adrienne should know what happened, but she doesn't realize it until much later.

26. While looking through Carnovasch's bedroom, Adrienne has the option to lay down on his bed. What happens to her if she does lie down?

From Quiz "Phantasmagoria"

Answer: Numerous hands materialize from the bed and grab her.

The very first time I played "Phantasmagoria", I made the mistake of playing late at night with all the lights off. This scene still bothers me to this day!

27. Who committed the murders?

From Quiz "Phantasmagoria 2" Part 3

Answer: The Hecatomb

During Curtis's conversation with Paul at gunpoint, a large, ugly creature emerges from dimension X and punches Paul Warner in the face, knocking him out. The creature, known as the Hecatomb, introduces itself as the real Curtis Craig. It It claims that it hates alien Curtis for stealing his life. It places hallucinations in alien Curtis's mind to make him think he is going insane. It also kills people and places hallucinations in Curtis's mind to make him think that he did it, and to make people around him think that he did it. The Hecatomb hopes to get Curtis locked up in an Asylum so it can take its life back. Curtis tries to explain that it wasn't his fault, but the Hecatomb doesn't listen. The Hecatomb takes his mother's head, and lightning bolts come out of the head's eyes. Curtis has to get into Dimension X to save himself, or the Hecatomb takes him over and the game ends. During one of the endings, you learn that the people think Paul Warner was committing the murders. Paul Warner couldn't have gotten in the borderline though. And Curtis saw Trevor's murder with his own eyes, and Paul Warner was not present for that. The only thing that was present was the Hecatomb, which follow Curtis everywhere and has the power to make itself visible or invisible. Paul Warner did CREATE the Hecatomb, so he's still the ultimate bad guy, but he did not directly commit any of the murders.

28. When Curtis gets to work, who is the cop berating?

From Quiz "Phantasmagoria 2" Part 2

Answer: Paul

Curtis walks into work to hear the cop berating his boss for destroying evidence. He hears the conversation when he walks in. He hears more of it from Paul's office door. Curtis walks away from Paul's office door quietly saying "Rip him a new one detective. I hope she locks him up with Hannibal Lecter."

29. Three people are in love with Curtis. Two of them are women. Who is the man?

From Quiz Phantasmagoria 2

Answer: Trevor

Trevor, Curtis's best friend, is openly gay. When Curtis sits down at his cubicle, Trevor comes to his cubicle to tease him about being late to work. Ironically, Curtis won't see Trevor in his (Trevor's) cubicle until after he (Curtis) sits down in his own cubicle, suggesting that Trevor was even later. Trevor says to Curtis that he (Trevor) was on time even though he has a social life. Maybe he was in the bathroom. I have to give some kudos to Trevor's actor, Paul Mitri. His performance was SUPERB! The acting of both "Phantasmagoria" games is often criticized (wrongly most of the time), but most people agree that Paul Mitri's performance was good.

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