29. The person in the last question also possesses the Healing Touch. How is her Healing Touch different from that of Derek's?
From Quiz Trauma Center: Second Opinion
Every action you perform boosts the patient's vitals
Suture a wound, damage a GUILT, extract a foreign object, everything heals your patient! As long as you're doing something useful, that is. If you take your laser and start burning your patient for no reason, their vitals will still go down.
A lot of players have problems pulling off the Healing Touch in this game. Surprisingly, the majority of them blame it on the same thing: "A Sixth Line". That is to say, when they go to draw a star to activate Healing Touch, they may accidentally draw a small line in the lower-left corner. The game registers this as the first line. So when they finish the star, they have, in effect, drawn a sixth line. And since a star is only supposed to have five lines, the game dismisses it as an error!
All I can say is practice it and remain calm.