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Afrikaans Language Trivia Quizzes

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Afrikaans is considered one of the youngest languages in the world, emerging in the 17th century. Dive into our trivia quizzes to discover more fascinating facts about Afrikaans, from its Dutch roots to its unique idioms.
9 Afrikaans Language quizzes and 90 Afrikaans Language trivia questions.
  Colourfully Bilingual    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Afrikaans is spoken in South Africa. It originated from Dutch and in certain respects has not changed much.Try and match the English colours to the Afrikaans.
Very Easy, 10 Qns, kino76, May 26 16
Recommended for grades: 2,3,4
Very Easy
kino76 gold member
672 plays
  Beginning Afrikaans   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Afrikaans is one of the 11 official languages of South Africa. As of now, there is only one other quiz on it, so I figured it'd like some company. This is Afrikaans for beginners. Enjoy!
Average, 10 Qns, thegogga, Dec 12 07
1418 plays
  Fruits From the Afrikaans Garden   popular trivia quiz  
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Match the English fruit to its Afrikaans equivalent.
Average, 10 Qns, kino76, May 29 17
kino76 gold member
235 plays
  Afrikaans for Beginners    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Hey, this is just a quiz on different words in Afrikaans. I hope you enjoy it and good luck!
Easier, 10 Qns, amy-lynn, Sep 10 23
Sep 10 23
1172 plays
  Learning Afrikaans Together   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
One of the 11 official languages, in South Africa, is Afrikaans. I will give you a phrase or word in Afrikaans and you can guess the English meaning. Have fun.
Average, 10 Qns, lynn-ann, Dec 25 07
806 plays
  Afrikaans 101    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Some random sentences in Afrikaans. Give me the correct English translation.
Average, 10 Qns, romianel, Dec 12 07
1200 plays
  Same Difference    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
There are a number of words used in Afrikaans which are spelled the same as English words, but their pronunciation and meaning are completely different. What do you know about just a few of these?
Average, 10 Qns, kino76, Aug 29 18
kino76 gold member
Aug 29 18
208 plays
  What On Earth Is That? Afrikaans Quiz    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
A second quiz about the South African language Afrikaans. It evolved mostly from Dutch with hints of German. Match the animals to their English names.
Average, 10 Qns, kino76, May 29 16
kino76 gold member
266 plays
  Learn to speak Afrikaans    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz should come in handy if you are planning to visit South Africa. The questions are phrases or words that you will hear, or use, as a tourist.
Average, 10 Qns, Prefdoors, Jul 14 09
707 plays
trivia question Quick Question
I guess now that I am awake, I may as well make breakfast but I realise that I am out of "eiers en brood". What have I run out of?

From Quiz "Learning Afrikaans Together"

Afrikaans Language Trivia Questions

1. 'Hoe laat is dit?'

From Quiz
Afrikaans 101

Answer: What is the time?

Am I late is 'Is ek laat? Do you like my tie is 'Hou jy van my das?' How is the weather? is 'Hoe is die weer?'

2. Oh dear, I've forgotten what "good morning" is in Afrikaans. Can you help me by selecting the correct answer below?

From Quiz Afrikaans for Beginners

Answer: Goeie More

There is actually supposed to be a ^ on top of the o, so it is actually pronounced more - a.

3. It's early in the morning and I wake up with a fright because I can hear "die honde blaf". What is it that I heard?

From Quiz Learning Afrikaans Together

Answer: The dogs barking

"Die" means the, "Honde" means dogs and "Blaf" means bark or barking. So the whole phrase is "the dogs bark".

4. 'Waar is die naaste kroeg?'

From Quiz Afrikaans 101

Answer: Where is the nearest bar?

What is that crying sound? is 'Wat is daardie huilende geluid?' Who is the nastiest criminal? is 'Wie is die aakligste boef?' What is the joke? is 'Wat is die grap?'

5. Hemp is a versatile cannabis derivative used in a wide variety of ways, including fibres, hemp-crete, biofuels and oils. But which article of clothing is a "hemp" in Afrikaans?

From Quiz Same Difference

Answer: Shirt

A 'hemp' is a shirt. Which is quite coincidental I think, seeing as the hemp plant has been spun into fibres for 10,000 years. Of the other options, a tie is a 'das', a shoe is a 'skoen' and a hat is a 'hoed'. "Hemp" comes from the Dutch 'hemd' and from Middle Dutch 'hemde'. You could have a 'lang mou hemp' (long sleeved shirt), 'kort mou hemp' (short sleeved shirt) or even a 'teehemp' (t-shirt). If I had two blue shirts, I would say "ek het twee blou hemde".

6. Oh dear! Someone is blabbering away wildly in Afrikaans, but you have no idea what they're saying! How would you tell this person that you can't speak their language?

From Quiz Beginning Afrikaans

Answer: "Ek kan nie Afrikaans praat nie."

A useful sentence to keep in mind should you ever visit South Africa (you'll probably need it!) However, most Afrikaans people are also pretty fluent in English, so you shouldn't have too much trouble making yourself understood. Just some vocabulary from these answers: "Praat" means talk. "Taal" means language. "Hoor" means hear. "Loop" means walk.

7. 'Hoe lyk 'n jagluiperd?'

From Quiz Afrikaans 101

Answer: What does a cheetah look like?

What does a lion look like? is 'Hoe lyk 'n leeu?' What does a leopard look like? is 'Hoe lyk 'n luiperd?' What does a jaguar eat? is 'Wat eet 'n jaguar?'

8. What is the correct greeting in the afternoon?

From Quiz Learn to speak Afrikaans

Answer: Goeie middag

In some areas mostly Afrikaans is spoken and you must expect to be addressed in Afrikaans. At least 80% of South Africans are proficient in English.

9. 'Ek soek my beursie'

From Quiz Afrikaans 101

Answer: I am looking for my purse

Seek and you shall find is 'Soek en jy sal vind' I am seeking forgiveness is 'Ek soek vergifnis' I think it's boring is 'Ek dink dis vervelig'

10. 'Kom oor vir 'n braai'

From Quiz Afrikaans 101

Answer: Join us for a barbeque

Come and stay over is 'Kom bly oor' Come over for a brandy is 'Kom oor vir 'n brandewyn' Come over for tea is 'Kom oor vir tee'

11. Now, I glance at my watch and it says "half-twee" What is the time?

From Quiz Afrikaans for Beginners

Answer: Half past one (1:30)

"Twee" means two, so it can get confusing when you say "half-twee", but it actually means half past one (or halfway to "two").

12. What is the Afrikaans word for aardvark?

From Quiz Learn to speak Afrikaans

Answer: Aardvark

Aardvark is actually an Afrikaans word. It literally means "Earth pig".

13. 'Waar kan ek geld trek?'

From Quiz Afrikaans 101

Answer: Where can I draw money?

Where is the golden tray? is 'Waar is die goue skinkbord?' Where do I get off? is 'Waar klim ek af?' Which train do I take? is 'Watter trein moet ek neem?'

14. Just as I am ready to leave, I trip over a "skaatsplank" that my son left lying around. What did I just trip over?

From Quiz Learning Afrikaans Together

Answer: Skateboard

"Skaats" means skates and "plank" could mean either plank or board but in this case it means board. Many Afrikaans words have more than one meaning. Sometimes you have to listen to the whole sentence to figure out the meaning of certain words.

15. For lunch, you are invited to have a barbecue with your guide. What is the word used for "barbecue"?

From Quiz Learn to speak Afrikaans

Answer: Braai

South African barbecues, or "braais" consist of steak, chops, sausage and green salad. It is a common pastime during the hot summer months.

16. 'Wie is jou oupa?'

From Quiz Afrikaans 101

Answer: Who is your grandfather?

Where is your old dad? is 'Waar is jou ou pa?' Why are you angry? is 'Hoekom is jy kwaad?' Why is that open? is 'Hoekom is dit oop?

17. 'Watter diere is gevaarlik?'

From Quiz Afrikaans 101

Answer: Which animals are dangerous?

Which door is the exit? is 'Watter deur is die uitgang?' Which person is deranged? is 'Watter persoon is gek?' Where does that door lead to? is 'Waarheen lei daardie deur?'

18. The commotion causes my husband and children to wake up and they say, "Ons is honger". What do they say?

From Quiz Learning Afrikaans Together

Answer: We are hungry!

"Ons is Honger" means we are hungry. "Ons" means we or us, "is" means is or are and "honger" means hungry.

19. Cakes, car parks, stadiums and shelves can all be layered or filed in tiers. Where would I find an Afrikaans "tier" though?

From Quiz Same Difference

Answer: Jungle

A 'tier' is a tiger. The origin of the word in Afrikaans is a translation of the pronunciation of the Dutch word 'tijger' which was taken from the Middle Dutch 'tiger'. You could say "'n tier het strepe en woon in die oerwoud" which translates to "a tiger has stripes and lives in the jungle".

20. It is the end of your holiday and you need to find your way back to the airport. How do you ask for directions?

From Quiz Learn to speak Afrikaans

Answer: Hoe kom ek by die lughawe?

By now you know you should use official taxis or buses. Don't forget to tip generously. You won't be needing all the small change in your pockets.

21. 'Hoe kan ek Nelson Mandela ontmoet?'

From Quiz Afrikaans 101

Answer: How can I meet Nelson Mandela?

Who is the aunt of Nelson Mandela? is 'Wie is Nelson Mandela se tannie?' What is the nickname of Nelson Mandela? is 'Wat is Nelson Mandela se bynaam?' Why is Nelson Mandela so quiet? is 'Hoekom is Nelson Mandela so stil?'

22. Mae West said, "When I'm good, I'm very good, but when I'm bad, I'm better. " If she could speak Afrikaans, what would she advise us to take with us to the "bad"?

From Quiz Same Difference

Answer: Loofah

A 'bad' is simply a bath. For which we would obviously use the loofah. A bathroom translates to a 'badkamer'. "Bad" in Afrikaans comes directly from the Dutch word pronounced the same way. This in turn is taken from the Old Dutch 'bath'. It is pronounced the same way as the English 'but'.

23. "Kom gou weer terug!" What did the airline official say after handing you your boarding pass?

From Quiz Learn to speak Afrikaans

Answer: Y'all come back now, you hear!

I hope you have enjoyed your stay in our beautiful country and that you have picked up a few useful phrases. Y'all come back now, you hear?

24. Ek is nou klaar met hierdie vasvra

From Quiz Afrikaans 101

Answer: I am done with this quiz

I am not clear on this question is 'Ek is nie seker oor die vraag nie' I am now calm about this fear is 'Ek is nou kalmer oor die vrees' I am not content with this food is 'Ek is nie tevrede met die kos nie'

25. Finally, time for bed, after such a long day! First I put my daughter to bed and then I hop into bed. What am I going to be doing in my bed?

From Quiz Afrikaans for Beginners

Answer: Slaap

"Slaap" is sleep and after such a busy day, I think I'm going to need to sleep. The other options mean "sing", "eat" and "laugh". Thanks for playing my quiz, I hope you enjoyed it!

This is category 17655
Last Updated Sep 14 2024 5:49 AM
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