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Transport Trivia Quizzes

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This category is all about machines that go fast! ...or slow, we're not picky.
896 Transport quizzes and 12,544 Transport trivia questions.
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Roll on Down the Road
  Roll on Down the Road   great trivia quiz  
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 10 Qns
This is a quiz about the many different types of wheeled vehicles that have been used around the world for centuries. Hop aboard and roll on down the busy road of FunTrivia.
Easier, 10 Qns, dcpddc478, Jul 10 23
Jul 10 23
2832 plays
They Dont Make These Cars Anymore
  They Don't Make These Cars Anymore   great trivia quiz  
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
Here is a quiz on some of the more unusual, beautiful or unique vehicles that are no longer made. I must give author 'paulmallon' credit for suggesting this title in the Player Author Challenge page and providing me inspiration.
Average, 10 Qns, dcpddc478, Dec 18 15
1032 plays
  By Air or By Sea   top quiz  
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 10 Qns
Unique Travel Routes
Getting around doesn't need to be complicated, but it can certainly be interesting. In this quiz, hop aboard for five odd flight plans and five odd water routes. Stamp your passport, take a ride, and good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Jun 09 23
kyleisalive editor
Jun 09 23
345 plays
If You Cant Go Over It
  If You Can't Go Over It   great trivia quiz  
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
Ahh the tunnel. It's mankind's way of getting from Point A to Point B while burrowing about. Here are ten famous routes you can only take by going under other things. Good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Jan 17 15
kyleisalive editor
819 plays
Wheelchair Wheelies
  Wheelchair Wheelies   great trivia quiz  
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 10 Qns
Dedicated to my brother who uses a wheelchair due to suffering with multiple sclerosis, and many others like him whose spirit will never be broken because of their disability.
Average, 10 Qns, Plodd, Mar 07 16
538 plays
  That's a Handsome Hansom   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Hop onboard and take a ride on this handsome hansom. We'll travel through ten cities around the globe which have employed this or similar modes of transportation in their past. All you need to do is tell me the destinations. Away we go!
Easier, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Aug 11 21
kyleisalive editor
Aug 11 21
331 plays
  Transportation around the World   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Pick the correct mode of transportation.
Average, 10 Qns, nyirene330, Jan 03 13
2558 plays
  In The Red: Goes Further   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Welcome to Part 10 of Team Red's 100 question quiz on all things red. In this section we explore the diversity of transportation that is red in color.
Average, 10 Qns, 1nn1, May 13 19
1nn1 gold member
May 13 19
475 plays
  Silver Transport    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
The colour silver has often featured in the name or description of all types of transportation, possibly because it gives the impression of opulence, wealth and speed. Match the descriptions on the left with the "silver" appellations on the right.
Average, 10 Qns, spanishliz, May 10 19
spanishliz editor
May 10 19
259 plays
  Hitch a Ride    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Some places around the world have unique modes of public transport. Can you pair them up correctly?
Average, 10 Qns, zorba_scank, Oct 30 17
zorba_scank gold member
380 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What is the name of the two wheeled horse-drawn carriage, popular with tourists around the Central Park area of New York City?

From Quiz "Transportation around the World"

  Batten Down the Hatches   popular trivia quiz  
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
"Batten down the hatches" is a nautical term that has come to mean "prepare for trouble". Can you identify these ships, boats or yachts that each has its own special place in nautical history?
Average, 10 Qns, zambesi, Mar 10 17
397 plays
  Planes, Trains, Automobiles    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Thanks to kyleisalive and his Commission XIX, "Three Things", I have come up with this transportation-based quiz that is hopefully not too taxing on the grey matter!
Average, 10 Qns, lones78, Dec 13 11
lones78 gold member
1328 plays
  The Cars in "Gone in 60 Seconds"   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
There have been many unusual automobile designs throughout history. This quiz features 10 questions on some of the biggest vehicle flops of the 20th century. Most of them ended up being "Gone in 60 Seconds".
Average, 10 Qns, dcpddc478, Jan 13 23
Jan 13 23
874 plays
  I Could Have Had a R8   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
There are many types of fast cars including the Audi R8, but I decided instead to look at other types of transport which are slower paced and more unique. Come and take a look with me.
Average, 10 Qns, Plodd, Mar 12 13
699 plays
  Motorcycles With Names   popular trivia quiz  
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
The alphanumeric world of motorcycle names can often be opaque to even seasoned riders, so here's a quiz on some bikes with actual names. They can be a single model or a range of engine sizes under one name.
Average, 10 Qns, valkyrietbird, Oct 13 17
297 plays
  Into Outer Space    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Aerospace groups around the world are in the process of designing new spacecraft that they hope will bring humanity into a new era of space exploration and tourism. Are you ready for a trip into outer space?
Average, 10 Qns, RedHook13, May 16 18
RedHook13 gold member
325 plays
  Planes, Trains and Automobiles    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
A quiz to hopefully fuel your transport knowledge.
Average, 10 Qns, princecaspian, Jun 03 15
2928 plays
  Go by Road, Rail, Sea and Air    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
A selection of random questions within the world of transportation.
Tough, 10 Qns, Eagle9a, Feb 22 10
907 plays
  London's Transport    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is all about London's great transport system...when it works! Enjoy!
Average, 10 Qns, halzer, Feb 06 13
1939 plays
  Right or Left    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Don't let the title worry you, this is not a political quiz. Instead it is probably everything you ever wanted to know about driving on the right, ... er, correct side of the road, and likely a bit more.
Tough, 10 Qns, namrewsna, Mar 05 17
344 plays
  Air Brakes    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
Most people know about hydraulic brakes on light trucks and passenger cars, but what about the air brakes on heavy trucks and some busses? How much do you know?
Tough, 15 Qns, DelGriffith, Jan 25 12
1194 plays
  Ride Alaska's Ferry System!    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Hop Aboard! One way to explore the Last Frontier is to ride the state-run ferry system. So get off the roads and planes and instead take a ride on the wild side!
Tough, 10 Qns, alladra, Nov 16 07
440 plays
  New York City Subways    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
My Grandfather was quite the storyteller, rake and architect. He designed a few of the stations on New York City's old Independent Subway System. As such, we rode free! In his spirit, here are a few questions about the largest subway system in the world.
Tough, 10 Qns, Mfandre, Mar 29 19
Mfandre gold member
Mar 29 19
160 plays
  Unique Airline Callsigns of the World    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Callsigns are used by airlines in radio communication. Let's test you on some unique callsigns of the world.
Tough, 10 Qns, Wallarobba, Apr 29 14
389 plays
  National Express Coach Stations (UK)    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Just like the other one, I name a coach station in the UK and you pick the city.
Very Difficult, 10 Qns, planedude757, Feb 09 18
Very Difficult
1100 plays
  Means of Transportation    
Multiple Choice
 5 Qns
This simple quiz basically comprises of road, sea and air travel questions.
Difficult, 5 Qns, murali_86, Dec 01 06
2759 plays
  Transportation in the USA    
Multiple Choice
 5 Qns
See how much you know about the great transportation system the USA has.
Very Difficult, 5 Qns, hftony, Feb 04 23
Very Difficult
Feb 04 23
1912 plays
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Transport Trivia Questions

1. The first hansom cabs were created by Joseph Hansom and they were tested in which county of England in the 19th century?

From Quiz
That's a Handsome Hansom

Answer: Leicestershire

Developed in the town of Hinckley in the county of Leicestershire, the hansom cabriolet was created as a safe alternative to existing horse-drawn vehicles. Joseph Hansom, who developed the vehicle, subsequently had his inventions replicated and used the world over (albeit some with minor modifications) and by the time mechanized fare boxes were created, they were amongst the first formal, modern taxicabs. The hansom cab is not the only interesting item to hail from Leicestershire. In the same area and at the same time you could have enjoyed stilton cheese, perhaps on a ride in front of St Mary's Church, Hinckley's oldest building.

2. Easily recognizable with its red color and double deck, what is the proper name of the London bus which began its official service in 1956?

From Quiz In The Red: Goes Further

Answer: AEC Routemaster

The almost always red AEC Routemaster was "London's workhorse" for almost fifty years.The Routemaster was specifically designed for London Transport, and over 2800 were manufactured between the 1954 prototype and 1968. They gave sterling service with the last one removed from full-time service as late as 2005. In 2012 the traditional design was replaced by the New Routemaster, a hybrid diesel-electric model. The New Routemasters met with some criticism as the iconic traditionally designed buses were phased out. The Heritage Routemasters still operate on Route 15, from Tower Hill to Trafalgar Square. Question authored by sally0malley, Team Red member and proud owner of a London bus fridge magnet

3. The Asian tuk-tuk is a form of transport used as a taxi service to take as many as three passengers to their destination. How many wheels does it have?

From Quiz I Could Have Had a R8

Answer: 3

Seen in Thai cities including Bangkok, these three-wheel vehicles are mainly used as an open air taxi service. Originally developed in Japan, the first tuk-tuk was seen on the streets of Thailand during the early 1960s, but called a Samlor by the local people: "sam" meaning three, and "lor" meaning wheel. Nowadays, the tuk-tuk uses modern fuels such as LPG to transport tourists to their destination, police through the narrow cobbled alleys, and also goods to various places in the city.

4. What was the unusual feature of the 1961 Amphicar?

From Quiz The Cars in "Gone in 60 Seconds"

Answer: It was a car and a boat

This German car was manufactured by the Quandt Group, and only 4,000 were produced. They were designed to be a combination car and boat, thus its amphibious sounding name. The biggest problem with this car was that it was not 100% waterproof! It leaked profusely and the buoyancy of the car relied on a built-in bilge pump that did not always function properly, leading many of these cars to end their days underwater. Only a few of these cars survived which led to their status as a coveted novelty automobile by those who collect unusual and rare autos.

5. The Japanese Shinkansen is also known as what type of train?

From Quiz Planes, Trains, Automobiles

Answer: Bullet train

'Shinkansen' refers to the high-speed railway network in Japan, although outside Japan the term is used to refer to the actual trains. 'Shinkansen' means 'new trunk line' and started in 1964. The maximum speeds used on the Shinkansen are around 300km/h (186 mph).

6. Most people know that the RMS Titanic hit an iceberg and sank on the 14th April 1912; but how many know what the initials RMS stand for?

From Quiz Go by Road, Rail, Sea and Air

Answer: Royal Mail Steamer (Ship)

RMS is the ship prefix used for seagoing vessels that carry mail under contract by Royal Mail. They have the right to fly the flag of the Royal Mail when at sea. 1,500 perished in the Titanic disaster, surprisingly 700 managed to survive.

7. Which famous airline has the callsign 'Speedbird'?

From Quiz Unique Airline Callsigns of the World

Answer: British Airways

British Airways' 'Speedbird' callsign is very famous around the world, and often used in different media when the Heathrow-based airline is seen.

8. For the pedestrian, what is the name of the sneaker brand which means Victory?

From Quiz Transportation around the World

Answer: Nike

In Greek culture, Nike was the goddess who represented triumph.

9. What is the southernmost point on Alaska's ferry system, also known as the Alaska Marine Highway System?

From Quiz Ride Alaska's Ferry System!

Answer: Bellingham, Washington

Bellingham, Washington is about an hour and a half north of Seattle. Bellingham was added to Alaska Marine Highway System in 1967 as a direct link to the "Lower 48."

10. This plane only ever flew once but was the largest plane in existence of its time.

From Quiz Planes, Trains and Automobiles

Answer: The Spruce Goose

The Spruce Goose built by Howard Hughes was the largest plane ever constructed . It flew only the one time on November 2, 1947. The press insisted on calling the Hughes Flying Boat the "Spruce Goose," a name that its billionaire builder Howard Hughes despised but by which it will always be known.

11. What area is the last stop for Bus Route number 25 that is travelling from west to east?

From Quiz London's Transport

Answer: Ilford

This is a very long bus route which begins in Central London, on Oxford Street.

12. What is used to generate the air used to operate an air brake system?

From Quiz Air Brakes

Answer: Under-hood compressor

An under-hood compressor is used to generate the compressed air that is needed to operate an air brake system.

13. Which nation has the busiest road network in the world?

From Quiz Means of Transportation

Answer: Indonesia

The busiest road network is measured by the thousands of km travelled per year along a km of road. Hong Kong follows up Indonesia, while Israel has the 5th busiest road network in the world. Thailand, which has the busiest road network after Israel, also has the longest traffic jams in the world.

14. Where is Greyfriars bus station located?

From Quiz National Express Coach Stations (UK)

Answer: Northampton

Northampton is located in the East Midlands. Of course Northampton and Northamptonshire is an area recently reclassified from West to East Midlands for some strange unknown reason that only the government knows.

15. In which year was the Corvette introduced?

From Quiz Transportation in the USA

Answer: 1953

Still the best selling American sportscar.

16. Historically, there has been a consistently-operated Royal Air Force charter flight between Oxford, England and RAF Mount Pleasant in the Falklands. Where would passengers expect a layover on this odd route?

From Quiz By Air or By Sea

Answer: Ascension Island

You want remote? This small charter, generally of ten or less people, takes more than eighteen hours to get you to where you need to be. Operated solely through the Falkland Islands government facilities in London, it's generally been used by researchers or military personnel as it departs specifically from the RAF Brize Norton airfield in Oxford and heads to a similar airfield in South America all said and done. It's one of the only flights in the world that head to Mount Pleasant; the other goes to nearby Punta Arenas, Chile, one of the southernmost cities in the world. Ascension Island is an interesting layover spot though, especially if you don't want to see anyone or do anything. A thousand miles from any continent it, too, was used as an airbase during WWII and the Falkland War. It is minimally populated and it's not the first place that comes to mind for 'destination travel'.

17. Ferrari is one car that is iconically paired with the colour red. TV private eye, Magnum, drove one of the most celebrated red cars as he cruised around Hawaii in a Ferrari between 1980 and 1988. Which model of Ferrari did he drive?

From Quiz In The Red: Goes Further

Answer: 308

Tom Selleck played the title character in the "Magnum P.I.", a show which combined the triple beauties of Hawaii, Ferrari and Selleck's moustache. The Ferrari 308 was manufactured between 1975 and 1985 and "Magnum P.I." used three different models over its eight year run, a 308GTS, a 308GTSi and for the final two seasons a 308GTSi Quattrovalvole, capable of 160 mph (255 kmh). Nuovo Rosso (Ferrari red) was used by Ferrari, especially in Formula 1 racing, because it is the national racing colour of Italy. The colour has been modified over the years to suit the 'balance' seen by television audiences. This racing association is one of the reasons many new owners order red Ferraris, though this percentage is dropping - By 2016 new car orders that were red were less than 50% of total orders. Question was delivered post-haste by Team Red member 480154st.

18. The "A Train" is one of New York's best known subway lines, running all he way from 207th Street in northern Manhattan to Far Rockaway in Queens. What famous musician paid tribute to the A Train in the iconic recording "Take The A Train"?

From Quiz New York City Subways

Answer: Duke Ellington

Sadly, the Duke died from Lung Cancer in 1974 at the aforementioned Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center. Over 12,000 people attended his funeral at The Cathedral of St. John The Divine.

19. Spaceport America is a fully licensed commercial launching facility in the United States. In which state is it located?

From Quiz Into Outer Space

Answer: New Mexico

Spaceport America is an FAA-licensed commercial launching facility located near the city of Truth or Consequences, New Mexico. Launch pads, a passenger terminal and hangar for Virgin Galactic have already been constructed as well as a runway and emergency response facilities. SpaceX and other tenants are expected to use the facility as the space tourism industry continues to grow.

20. What acronyms or shorthand terms are commonly used in English speaking areas to describe driving on the left or right side of the road?

From Quiz Right or Left

Answer: LHT/RHT

These stand for Left Hand Traffic or Right Hand Traffic respectively. This concept is so important to maintaining order on the streets that it is sometimes simply called "the rule of the road." If you are entering into a heavy discussion on this subject it will also be helpful to know the acronyms LHD and RHD for Left/Right Hand Drive. This refers to the position of the driver's seat inside the vehicle. As suggested by Henry Ford originally, for automobiles, positioning the driver away from the curb (to be more centered in the road for better vision, and to minimize the need for passengers to go into the street to enter the vehicle), LHD in RHT areas and RHD in LHT areas are the preferred positions for drivers. The exceptions are some delivery vehicles, street sweeper cars and other specialized utility vehicles for which it is particularly advantageous for the driver to be positioned on the curbside.

21. The Wuppertal Schwebebahn is a suspended monorail that can be found in which country?

From Quiz I Could Have Had a R8

Answer: Germany

Wuppertal in western Germany is a small city situated along the Wupper valley near to Dusseldorf. The Wuppertal Suspension Railway, or Wuppertal Schwebebahn, was first opened in 1901 to link together a group of industrial townships along the valley. Suspended from a fixed track, the monorail is 12 metres above the river and made from approximately 19,200 tonnes of steel, including the railway stations and supporting frames. It carries 82,000 passengers each day between its 20 stations along just over 13km of track.

22. Which train service is named for two of the oceans bordering Australia, and made its first crossing of the country (from Sydney to Perth) in 1970?

From Quiz Planes, Trains, Automobiles

Answer: Indian Pacific

The Indian Pacific was the first train service crossing Australia in one trip, in late February 1970. It had previously been impossible due to Australia not having a standard rail gauge from east to west, this was finally rectified a few months before the Indian Pacific left Sydney.

23. Airplanes had been around for some time before this chap came along and revolutionized flying. Credited with the invention of the jet engine and now regarded as the father of jet propulsion, who was he?

From Quiz Go by Road, Rail, Sea and Air

Answer: Frank Whittle

Air Commodore Sir Frank Whittle (1907 - 1996) was a British Royal Air Force officer. Despite having to overcome huge financial setbacks and an initial lack of interest from the British Government, Whittle persevered and eventually produced the forerunner of the jet engine which we now take for granted.

24. Which major U.S. carrier uses the callsign 'Cactus'?

From Quiz Unique Airline Callsigns of the World

Answer: US Airways

US Airways originally started with the callsign 'USAir'. When they merged with America West Airlines in 2005, they used the callsign of America West for all US Airways flights.

25. Which country is the originator of the high speed "Bullet Train"?

From Quiz Transportation around the World

Answer: Japan

The Bullet Train is a network of high speed railway lines which began service in Japan in 1964 and currently runs at speeds of 186 mph (300 km/h).

26. So now the big journey on Alaska's ferry system is underway. Our next port is Ketchikan. The city boasts itself as having the world's largest collection of what?

From Quiz Ride Alaska's Ferry System!

Answer: totem poles

Ketchikan is the southernmost major city in Alaska. Ketchikan is a rainy city-- averaging 15 feet of rain per year. The city thrives on its fishing industry as well as its Alaska Native culture. Ketchikan is 595 nautical miles from Bellingham, WA and it takes around 37 hours to sail the route.

27. In what year did the "Great Train Robbery" take place ?

From Quiz Planes, Trains and Automobiles

Answer: 1963

"The Great Train Robbery" took place on August 8th 1963 at Bridego Railway Bridge near Mentmore in the U.K. The 15-member gang got away with £2.6 million. The events of the theft were turned into a film, "Buster", starring Phil Collins, centering around Train Robber Buster Edwards

28. On a London Underground map, which colour is used to highlight the Central Line?

From Quiz London's Transport

Answer: Red

The Central Line runs right through the middle of the Underground system, and stops at all the major shopping areas, such as Oxford Street and Bond Street.

29. What pressure range do most air brake systems operate at?

From Quiz Air Brakes

Answer: 105-125 PSI

Although some systems operate at 85-105 PSI, the most common range is 105-125 PSI?

30. Which nation has the longest road network in the world?

From Quiz Means of Transportation

Answer: USA

USA's road network is 6348 thousand km, while India has the 2nd longest road network in the world, about 3320 thousand km. Brazil and China has the 3rd and 4th longest road networks in the world, with 1980 and 1210 thousand km respectively. Japan is in the 5th place, with 1152 thousand km.

This is category 496
Last Updated Mar 22 2025 5:44 AM
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