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Subject: immortal badge

Posted by: susandarn
Date: Jun 13 14

Hi there.... I am just an average player but trying for this badge..any tips?

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brm50diboll star

player avatar
A couple of points for today:

First, got my favorite Difficult Daily Challenge again today. The target was 13,078 cumulative GC points. Actual total was 14,372 points, so an easy pass today.

Second, while I was doing all that above, I graduated into Division 10 today. So I have entered the homestretch. The final countdown to the end of this run is already well underway.

Reply #9901. Feb 11 23, 5:37 PM
play consistently and try to not miss any rounds. I find that playing to your strengths will get you further ahead than playing just the topics that are highlighted for the day by an asterisk. Good luck.

Reply #9902. Feb 14 23, 5:17 PM
lachicadecafe star

player avatar
It has taken sheer perseverance to get to level 10! Whew! It's so much fun, yet it gets a bit taxing at times. Probably going to sit the next one out, but that's no biggie as I'm not much competition! Congrats to all, especially to those who are Immortal for the first time! I still get a thrill when I see it on my profile!
Time to go have a nice, hot cup of my namesake.

Reply #9903. Feb 20 23, 12:29 PM
brm50diboll star

player avatar
Have now reached 1.0% progress through Division 10. Only a few days left.

Reply #9904. Feb 21 23, 10:40 AM
Aph1976 star
I reached level 10 too and i'm now an Immortal also.

Reply #9905. Feb 23 23, 8:46 AM
lachicadecafe star

player avatar
Nice job, Aph976! Congrats!

Reply #9906. Feb 26 23, 5:22 AM
brm50diboll star

player avatar
Terry has announced in the Discussion Forums that this current set (afternoon set of 27 February) will be the last set of the current Global Challenge run and the run will be closed at the end of the FT Day. If you are going to play, the time is now. I have reached 1.6% progress through Division 10. Best of luck to everyone with their goals for this Global Challenge run.

Reply #9907. Feb 27 23, 3:16 PM
brm50diboll star

player avatar
Final results from Global Challenge #43 are now available on the Global Challenge page. Badges and upgrades from that run have been awarded. Congratulations to everyone who got a badge or upgrade.

The GC page now states the next Global Challenge run is set to begin on Monday, April 3 around noon FT time.

Terry has posted a very interesting message in the Discussion Forums which I think anyone interested in the GC should take a look at.


Reply #9908. Mar 21 23, 7:12 PM
lachicadecafe star

player avatar
Thanks for sharing that thread with us. Although I was going to sit out the next GC, there has been enough of a "vacation" between the two that I think I'm ready to start again.
BTW, I am probably mistaken about this, but don't players level up when they make immortality?
I appreciate everyone's patience, especial the mods! Y'all rock!

Reply #9909. Mar 22 23, 3:17 PM
Play every day. Play topics you know you're good at it because that's how you'll get closer to finishing the GC.

If you don't get it this time, keep trying. Trust me, I've been playing GC for a long time trying to get to level 10 and this last time I finally made it.

Don't give up!

Reply #9910. Mar 22 23, 3:59 PM
brm50diboll star

player avatar
To post #9909:

You level up when you win a full badge (at Tier 1, for Upgradable badges). So if you make Immortal for the *first time*, you win the Immortal badge and move up a level. If you make Immortal in Hardcore mode for the *first time*, you win the Hardcore Immortal badge and move up a level.

It is not becoming Immortal that moves you up a level, it is winning a full badge. Moving up to higher Tiers does not increase a level. So if you just make Immortal without earning a full badge, you do not move up a level. Also, badges are awarded sometime after a run is completed, not immediately on becoming Immortal. So if you make Immortal for the first time, you will *not* immediately move up a level. It may, in fact, be several weeks between the time you made Immortal for the first time and the time you get awarded the badge for it which moves you up a level.

Reply #9911. Mar 22 23, 7:36 PM
brm50diboll star

player avatar
To post #9910:

There are multiple factors involved in successful GC run play, which your post mentions.

I would just add this. In my opinion, as a veteran GC player, the *most* important factor is something not measured in the "Games played" stat: successfully completing the Brain Twist each day.

I cannot emphasize this point enough: The Brain Twist is the single most important factor in advancement of *any* game in the GC, more than *games, and more than **games. At Division 9, for example, a score in the mid 1400s in a ** game typically adds 0.3% advancement, but successfully completing the Brain Twist adds 0.4% advancement in Division 9. There is only one Brain Twist per day, unlike other GC games which come in two 12 hour sets. And the Brain Twist is *not timed*, which means you can take hours if needed to complete it. It is *all-or-nothing*. You only need 5 of 10 correct to pass it, and getting more than 5 correct does *not* increase your advancement. You can go to the game, read it, write the questions down if you want, exit the game (providing you don't hit submit accidentally) and come back to it later as often as you want during the FT Day until you are confident enough to finally hit submit. With all that time and only needing 5 correct, the Brain Twist should only rarely be failed.

In my opinion, the one factor that leads to failure in GC goals more than anything is not taking the Brain Twist seriously enough. Because it doesn't show up in the stats, some players do not recognize its importance. They are confused when they see another player who has played fewer games than they have and has a lower average score than they do with a higher advancement than they have and wonder how that could be. It is the Brain Twist.

If at all possible, make every effort to pass the Brain Twist each day.

Reply #9912. Mar 22 23, 7:52 PM
Buddy1 star
I think it should be restated that as long as you get 50% on the Brain Twist, you will get the maximum amount of percentage points. It does not increase based on how many questions you answer correctly.

Reply #9913. Mar 22 23, 9:12 PM
brm50diboll star

player avatar
Although for purposes of the "Brain Twisted" badge and its upgrades, it is nice to get all ten of them correct.

Reply #9914. Mar 22 23, 9:16 PM
andymuenz star

player avatar
The other things related to having a lower average score or playing fewer games is playing a lot of * and ** games. They provide extra advancement which can add up over time, especially if you are playing 10 of them a day.

Reply #9915. Mar 23 23, 9:55 AM
lachicadecafe star

player avatar
Thanks for the info, brm50diboll!
I'm really not worried about leveling up. Usually when that happens, it's a surprise because I don't pay a lot of attention to it.
I have to echo the sentiments about the Brain Twist. During one GC I totally didn't do it at all and got stuck at level 9. So I try to play it every day. That is my least favorite game, especially when it's Word Wise or the logic puzzles, on which I just try to achieve the minimum of 50% for the sake of GC. Of course, I'm always pleased when it's something easy like drop a letter.
A great deal of making it to level 10 has to do with perseverance. You have to make the time to play both sets every day as well as complete the Brain Twist.
I'm looking forward to the next GC. Oddly enough, it gives me some structure in the morning when I'm having my cup of coffee.
Hope all are well today! Greetings from Hoosierland!

Reply #9916. Mar 23 23, 11:05 AM

player avatar
Besides always playing the Twist, and doing mostly * and ** categories, you should also play the Impossible. Yes, it's difficult, and you may get an abysmal score, but *any* score is better than no score. It adds up.


~ Twist
~ * and **
~ Impossible

Twice a day (once for Twist), each day, for about 4 months.

Reply #9917. Mar 23 23, 11:10 AM
brm50diboll star

player avatar
For anyone interested in learning the "why's" behind the advice given in this thread, I would suggest to them going back to the beginning of this thread and reading through at least the first few pages of it. There you will see a quite vigorous discussion and debate about the relative importance of some of these recommendations.

Reply #9918. Mar 23 23, 11:21 AM
MiraJane star

player avatar
I'm adding play Impossible twice a day. Even if you get the minimum advancement of .1% per game, that can add up to over 20% advancement over a typical GC run.

Reply #9919. Mar 23 23, 5:37 PM
lachicadecafe star

player avatar
Ah,yes, Impossible! That's my routine with GC in the a.m.: start with Impossible. Then I take a gander at the Brain Twist to see what kind of pain awaits there for later. Then I do my categories. Same in the evening, except by then I have usually completed BT during the day sometime.

Reply #9920. Mar 24 23, 5:00 AM

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