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The Scrambled Eggheads
Group Number: 24514, Team Leader: Creedy

  There are 0 members.

  Some of us are scrambled, a few of us are eggheads, and some of us are both. We just roll along, cracking up laughing now and then, having fun playing quizzes or chatting comfortably with others in our carton. Team Leader: Creedy. 2IC: DizWiz. Past 2IC: caparica. Team Leaders Emeriti: Plodd, Jennings and DizWiz

   Seen over the last 24 Hours:

This group is currently CLOSED to new membership.

All Leagues : League C : Current Standings

For May we are using 6 games for the 33 team sapphire league.
Team Heroes   World Game    Who's the Expert?   Mind Melt   Who Am I?   Who's Smartest?

READ ME: Info & FAQ - Last Month

TeamActive Hero MeltWhoWrldSmrtExp Score
1. New Zealanders 233 /33 12 /33 1 /33 6 /33 6 /33 3 /33 31
2. The Homo Sapiens 271 /33 4 /33 3 /33 19 /33 5 /33 1 /33 33
3. Midwest USA Players 345 /33 2 /33 11 /33 30 /33 1 /33 2 /33 51
4. The Beeronians 1015 /33 5 /33 17 /33 3 /33 3 /33 8 /33 51
5. Wise & Winsome Night Owls 2813 /33 1 /33 18 /33 5 /33 7 /33 10 /33 54
6. Friends of Jesus 276 /33 6 /33 5 /33 16 /33 8 /33 14 /33 55
7. XYPers 923 /33 7 /33 10 /33 2 /33 10 /33 4 /33 56
8. English Group 104 /33 15 /33 2 /33 18 /33 4 /33 23 /33 66
9. Sports Lovers 229 /33 20 /33 6 /33 1 /33 16 /33 15 /33 67
10. Heaven's Angels 710 /33 17 /33 13 /33 4 /33 13 /33 12 /33 69
11. Aussies 812 /33 9 /33 8 /33 23 /33 9 /33 13 /33 74
12. Ultimate Opportunists 198 /33 27 /33 4 /33 10 /33 14 /33 18 /33 81
13. Dream Weavers 1217 /33 14 /33 24 /33 24 /33 2 /33 5 /33 86
14. The CBBers 326 /33 10 /33 19 /33 8 /33 12 /33 11 /33 86
15. Team Wales 147 /33 16 /33 9 /33 14 /33 26 /33 26 /33 98
16. Hakuna Matata 819 /33 13 /33 20 /33 28 /33 11 /33 7 /33 98
17. Atheist Quizzers 252 /33 19 /33 7 /33 31 /33 18 /33 22 /33 99
18. British Brains 1211 /33 3 /33 21 /33 15 /33 27 /33 29 /33 106
19. Triviamanic 1421 /33 8 /33 16 /33 7 /33 23 /33 31 /33 106
20. Washingtonians 332 /33 11 /33 14 /33 11 /33 19 /33 21 /33 108
21. Just Regular People 916 /33 24 /33 22 /33 21 /33 17 /33 9 /33 109
22. Yorkshire and Proud 1127 /33 18 /33 15 /33 20 /33 24 /33 20 /33 124
23. Raised in the Sixties 830 /33 30 /33 27 /33 9 /33 22 /33 6 /33 124
24. League of Nations 722 /33 26 /33 12 /33 29 /33 15 /33 25 /33 129
25. The Meek Shall Inherit 1920 /33 28 /33 25 /33 12 /33 30 /33 17 /33 132
TeamActive Hero Melt Who Wrld Smrt Exp Score
26. The New England Alliance 1418 /33 22 /33 26 /33 13 /33 29 /33 28 /33 136
27. The Dog People 2314 /33 23 /33 32 /33 32 /33 20 /33 16 /33 137
28. Almost Angels 325 /33 21 /33 23 /33 25 /33 25 /33 24 /33 143
29. Yasgur's Farm 1224 /33 25 /33 30 /33 27 /33 21 /33 19 /33 146
30. Dog Park 629 /33 32 /33 28 /33 22 /33 28 /33 27 /33 166
31. The Palmetto Players 731 /33 29 /33 29 /33 17 /33 31 /33 32 /33 169
32. THE Baker's Dozen 828 /33 31 /33 31 /33 26 /33 32 /33 30 /33 178

: Top teams move up to league B at end of month.     Bottom teams move down to League D at end of month.
Newest members: Ga_mer (Oct 03 22) GS1942sxEagle (Jul 05 22) BlueMNguy (Jun 08 22)

The Scrambled Eggheads are in League C. Here's how they rank league-wide across all games:

GamePts Yest.Rank Yest.Monthly PtsMonthly Rank
Team Heroes --- --- --- ---
The Daily Game --- --- --- ---
Mind Melt --- --- --- ---
New Question Daily --- --- --- ---
Who Am I? (hard) --- --- --- ---
World Daily Quiz --- --- --- ---
Pot of Gold --- --- --- ---
Who's the Smartest Hourly --- --- --- ---
Easy Hourly --- --- --- ---
Mixed Hourly --- --- --- ---
Fifty-Fifty (Int/Dif) --- --- --- ---
Who's the Expert --- --- --- ---
Word Wizard --- --- --- ---
Fill Me In --- --- --- ---
Obscurity --- --- --- ---
Gold Madness --- --- --- ---
Top 10 Scoring Members:

User NameFromTotal PointsBadgesPrestige

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